First cycle, starting off small....wait!! **** that sh!t



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anyone have any thoughts on usp prime?
Hype. Let some people run it on here before spending your cheddar. They really are being completely vague about whats in it - like it came off a spaceship or something.

That being said, if you buy 6 bottles, you could turn a profit selling the remaining 5 if you decide you don't like em.


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It helps you burn CALORIES... There's really no such thing as a selective fat burner. Essentially it will up your maintenence calories so widen that margin of what you're taking in while cutting. What you eat will decide whether or not your body burns fat or goes catabolic.

It also spikes your BP, I don't think TG recommended using that whilst on your cycle. Just be careful - get your BP checked... You could get some serious headaches or black the f*ck out while you're squatting or something.

And for the suck for size, you're referring to low row and lat pull down? Your pull downs are a little weak for your size, but your low row is really low - I like to push that to at least 180 to 200 at the top.

For the pull downs - what is failing? Is it your forearms or grip? If that is the case, just get some wraps - that will kick your lift up 40 to 50 pounds overnight, if its your lats, then you just need to get nasty on it for awhile - do more pullups perhaps... Also - make sure your legs are locked in tight. I pull the thigh bar a little too tight - then straighten my legs under it, then pull them in fast to really lock my thighs in place... Keep back straight and only a SLIGHT lean back, and dont rock to pull the weight down.

For Low Row, I'd ask you what's failing again? Wraps will help here too, keep a slight bend in your knees...
yeah man, i don't fukkin get it. i try to really concentrate on just using my back and not my bi's while lifting but those two make me feel like a fukkin b!tch. i stay still and don't use momentum. i see guys half my size doing more weight on then me on those two and it drives me fukkin nuts. i'm getting worked up thinking about it. its not my grip either. i don't know, i guess i'll just bust my a$$ and expect results


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yeah man, i don't fukkin get it. i try to really concentrate on just using my back and not my bi's while lifting but those two make me feel like a fukkin b!tch. i stay still and don't use momentum. i see guys half my size doing more weight on then me on those two and it drives me fukkin nuts. i'm getting worked up thinking about it. its not my grip either. i don't know, i guess i'll just bust my a$$ and expect results
So what's failing on you? Grip? Or back? Bicep?

I cant see a dude with your back and shoulders going to failure on either of those that light of weight without there being a grip issue.


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It also spikes your BP, I don't think TG recommended using that whilst on your cycle. Just be careful - get your BP checked... You could get some serious headaches or black the f*ck out while you're squatting or something.
Actually, he'll be alright using it on-cycle provided he checks his blood pressure EVERYDAY!! Please. I got a home monitor for $25 off e-bay. Plus, my wife is a nurse! Man, what a bonus!! :D It's important to monitor it closely while doing ECA. But yeah, Austin, I KNEW you were going to love it. It gives awesome freakin' energy. I'll be buzzing in the morning for my chest and triceps blast!! :aargh:


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Actually, he'll be alright using it on-cycle provided he checks his blood pressure EVERYDAY!! Please. I got a home monitor for $25 off e-bay. Plus, my wife is a nurse! Man, what a bonus!! :D It's important to monitor it closely while doing ECA. But yeah, Austin, I KNEW you were going to love it. It gives awesome freakin' energy. I'll be buzzing in the morning for my chest and triceps blast!! :aargh:
I might request your ECA recipe around my natty time... :)

But yes, please check your BP.

We have a medical team at work for employees, so I went twice a week while on cycle. Highest I went was 110/70.


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i was pretty tired to day so i decided to try the eca stack tg mentioned in another thread. stopped by walgreens and got everything. not going to use it every day but holy shvt. it got me wired, felt like i could run through a wall at the gym. real aggressive like. i was raining sweat.
eca still has me going, which is great b/c i have so much shvt to do around the house. has me sweating a lot though with minimal physical effort. can anyone explain to me in english the way this stuff helps you burn fat?
Thermogenesis. It literally increases your body temperature. That's why all the sweat!! But man the freakin' energy!!! WOW!! It's like rocket fuel. I'm loving it!! :dance:


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Actually, he'll be alright using it on-cycle provided he checks his blood pressure EVERYDAY!! Please. I got a home monitor for $25 off e-bay. Plus, my wife is a nurse! Man, what a bonus!! :D It's important to monitor it closely while doing ECA. But yeah, Austin, I KNEW you were going to love it. It gives awesome freakin' energy. I'll be buzzing in the morning for my chest and triceps blast!! :aargh:
Died of a little but still has me going!!!! I need to take this stuff a little earlier. Just makes you want to do shvt. even though my work out sucked, i didn't want to leave the gym.
T-laker, try it before one of your boxing/mma workouts. you'll be focused as hell.


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Died of a little but still has me going!!!! I need to take this stuff a little earlier. Just makes you want to do shvt. even though my work out sucked, i didn't want to leave the gym.
T-laker, try it before one of your boxing/mma workouts. you'll be focused as hell.
Where you from?


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so got to legs today. i couldn't help it though...........hit up the eca stack again. did it about two hours before work out. shvt is fukkin sick. anyhow, tried to hit em pretty good. thing that sucks is i'm a supervisor building two spec houses that are four stories. so its up and down the stairs all day long in south florida and no a/c. i love it though.
Honestly i haven't down barbell squats since i messed up my shoulders in high school. i couldn't rotate my arms back to hold the barbell so i just didn't do them. its been about nine years. i was kind of freakin myself out about them.

w. up: just the bar. got ten no problem. **** that bar. i got this.

135 first squat, sounded like something was stretching, second time down, the inseam on the right side of my boxer briefs rips up to my crotch. made it to 10.

next two sets 8; 9 at 225.
Wanted to push it and do more but figured that was enough for today.

Leg Press
10 @ 360
10 @ 450
10 @ 530
Will crush these next week

Standing leg curls
10 @ 60,70,70 each leg
then right to laying leg curl and 8@ 105, dropped to 70 for 6

Leg extension:
10 @ 120, 10@130, 10@ 130

Seated leg curl:
10 @ 100, 10@120, 10@ 120

then did calves and hit the treadmill, incline @ 8, speed 3.8 for 20. road bike home


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It's a form of Tribulus that's supposed to be 10,000x better than regular. Like anything I'd wait and see non-sponsored logs 1st.
Like anything, I'll just buy some CEL stuff and mess around with my hormones.



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Dude, you have some strong legs. I'm impressed with the volume at 225, and the press numbers are pretty badass too. Great foundation to work from.


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Just two quick things.

1. Kudos on ripping the nads out of your boxers - then continuting your set.

2. If your shoulders are sore, I usually rest the bar on my traps - then extend my arms straight out and around the bar at my elbow... like you're carrying two buckets of water. Its a different hold, but I feel like it gives me more balance and concentration - and also ensures an even placement on the bar.
Australian made

Australian made

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It's a form of Tribulus that's supposed to be 10,000x better than regular. Like anything I'd wait and see non-sponsored logs 1st.
i have a feelnig its gonig to be completely over rated and forgotten about very quickly. I hope i'm wrong i doubt it. The right up looks ridiculous, straight out of a mustletech add with very very little info on the ingredients.


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i have a feelnig its gonig to be completely over rated and forgotten about very quickly. I hope i'm wrong i doubt it. The right up looks ridiculous, straight out of a mustletech add with very very little info on the ingredients.
My thoughts pretty much on the money...


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stairs are KILLING me today, i can barely go up or down shoulders tonight though baby right after i meet with my lawyer:twisted:


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i have a feelnig its gonig to be completely over rated and forgotten about very quickly. I hope i'm wrong i doubt it. The right up looks ridiculous, straight out of a mustletech add with very very little info on the ingredients.

It amazes me how write-ups continuously get worse and more absurd. I actually though there were some type of laws that limited beneficial claims.


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Shoulders Today. The two things I haven't really done since my surgeries on my shoulders are squats and seated bar-bell military press. Since squats went ok, decided the latter would be fine.
Seated bar-bell Military
warm up bar
10 @ 135
8 @ 155
4 @ 185
7 @ 155
The only problem with these was when i had to re-rack it behind my head. that's the only pain i felt

up right row:
10@ 60;70;80
will start higher next week

Seated bent over rear delt:
10@ 3 sets of 15

Front Raises

Side Raises
10, 9, 8 with 20 lbs

Shrug machine
10 @ 45
10 @ 90
2 X 8 @ 115

Behind back shrug
10 @ 115
2 X 10 @ 135

25 minutes on 8 incline for 25 home


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i have a feelnig its gonig to be completely over rated and forgotten about very quickly. I hope i'm wrong i doubt it. The right up looks ridiculous, straight out of a mustletech add with very very little info on the ingredients.
I totally agree mate!! For any Trib to be effective, you'll have to spike it with Anadrol or something!! I just don't think any extract of that sh*t works well. I'm not flushing any more of my hard-earned $$ down the --:dump: just because supp companies wanna lie their ass off in their ads!! :rant: O.k. I'm done now!! :D
Australian made

Australian made

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I totally agree mate!! For any Trib to be effective, you'll have to spike it with Anadrol or something!! I just don't think any extract of that sh*t works well. I'm not flushing any more of my hard-earned $$ down the --:dump: just because supp companies wanna lie their ass off in their ads!! :rant: O.k. I'm done now!! :D
Whats annoying is how people get called idiots for buying supps without researching the product properly, then you have guys going and buying 6-10 without any research! doesnt make a lot of sense does it. I love anabolic pump but in this instance USP have been unethical about this Prime.


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Bi's n Tri's

barbell curls:
w. up bar
8,8,6 @ 95

Hammer strength ez curl
10,8,9 @ 70, 80, 90

Rev. grip curls
10,9,8 @ 60, 75, 75 (dropped to 40 for 4)

D. Bell concentration
3 * 10 @ 20lbs each arm

Skull Crushers
w. up 10 @ 65
10,10,10 @ 75,85,95 (after 95's close grip press for 5)

D. bell over head ext.
3 * 10 @ 65, 75, 75

Rev. grip cable press down
3 * 10 @ 80, 100, 110

3 * 10 @ 15lbs each

Treadmill 8 incline at 3.8 mph for 20 road bike home.

Do I really need to take two days off? I want to take advantage of everyday on this ****


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Bi's n Tri's

barbell curls:
w. up bar
8,8,6 @ 95

Hammer strength ez curl
10,8,9 @ 70, 80, 90

Rev. grip curls
10,9,8 @ 60, 75, 75 (dropped to 40 for 4)

D. Bell concentration
3 * 10 @ 20lbs each arm

Skull Crushers
w. up 10 @ 65
10,10,10 @ 75,85,95 (after 95's close grip press for 5)

D. bell over head ext.
3 * 10 @ 65, 75, 75

Rev. grip cable press down
3 * 10 @ 80, 100, 110

3 * 10 @ 15lbs each

Treadmill 8 incline at 3.8 mph for 20 road bike home.

Do I really need to take two days off? I want to take advantage of everyday on this ****
Just listen to your body. I know those who doubled their WO's while ON and those who took off a week while ON cycle and both had outstanding results :thumbsup:


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Changing it up a little tomorrow. Going to start ckd/anabolic diet tomorrow. yeah, i know....bad idea while on cycle. not worried about it. been researching it for about 3 weeks now but any helpful tips are appreciated. my abs have gone missing so hopefully this will help me find them.


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Flat bench:
w up 10 @ 135
superset with flyes
10 @ 185; 10 @ 35
8 @ 225; 10 @ 40
6 @ 245; 10 @ 40

Incline Bench
10 @ 155
8 @ 185
7 @ 185

Incline Flyes
10 @ 40, 45, 45 (third set dropped to 22.5 for 10)

8 @ 85; bench 5 times at end
8 @ 85, bench 5 " " "
8 @ 85; bench 4 ........

V- bar pushdowns:
10 @ 90
10 @ 110
10 @ 120. immediately to rope pull down for 5 @ 85; 5 @ 45; 5 @ 35

1 arm cable tri ext.
10 @ 25, 30, 30

20 minutes 8 incline, 3.8 mph road bike home


New member
I havent had a chance to find any one that I can trust to get a good cycle yet.


My daily work out at the beach



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Here is my workout from yesterday:
T-Bar wide grip:
Warm up: 90lbs
8X135; 9X135; 7X145 (drop to 90 for 5; then 45 for 10)
Pull Down wide grip:
8,8,6 @ 180 (last set drop to 135 for 6; 105 for 5)
Low cable pull:
10X130; 8X145; 6X145 (drop to 115 for 5; 85 for 5)
back flye:

barbell curls:
Free weight ez curl:
Incline curls:

no cardio.

Felt absolutely drained all day today. Felt like shvt. Third day of anabolic diet and taking carbs out of the equation so maybe that's it. B/t it being the 3rd day of this fukkin diet and the cycle i am on, i might kill someone. This guy got a honey bun off the roach coach today, and it flashed through my head to take him out with my plastic fork for the honey bun. i had taken a step towards him before i even knew it. i'm losing my mind. 2 more days and i can eat. oh, so pretty crappy workout, didn't sleep will either last night.

w. up
Leg press:
Superset leg. ext with curls
ext. 10X80,10X70,10X70
curl: 9X120;10X105;5X105 (drop to 90 for 5; 75 for 4)
Calf raises: whatever

Shoulders: this is where shvt sucked the most
seated barbell press:
8X155,8X155,7X155 each set superset with upright rows which were: 10 with 70lbs
Did each set of Front raises, followed by side raises, shrug machine, shrugs with 45lb plates, then 25lb plates.
Front Raises looked like this:
3 sets at 10 with 20's
side raises: 10 with 20's, 8 with 20's, 10 with 15's
shrug machine:
3 sets 10 with 180lbs

20 minutes of cardio 3.8 with 8.5 incline, rode bike home. i'm thinking next week will be better mid-week as i will hopefully be adapted to this mutha fukkin shvt fukk whoooore of a diet Any suggestions???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


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Just because its not methylated doesn't mean its not hepatoxic... just sayin.

He might react differently than you do...

Not sayin you don't know what you're doing... You're just a maniac... Give it to him sloooowly.


thank goodness someone else said it.... I was scrolling down catching th thread and like WTF? not metylated = no stress on liver????? BUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLL

Dude if your as big and as in tune with bbing as this guy says you are then you DONT need that much.

The rule of thumb is lowest effective dose possible and just casue you plan to bump from say 100mg HDrol to 150mg HDrol at a given time in a cycle doesnt mean you have to. If your making great gains then why add extra stress on your system and waste more product all in the name of increasing sides?!?!?

You heard of the point of diminishing returns? thats where your getting with these doses man, just adding too much more bad for very little good at that point.

For a virgin cycle run recommended doses brother, not every "mild" compound you can find at double doses....

what kinda person whos really doing this well naturally would need that high of doses???


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Oh my god!! :eek: I'm splitting my gut right now!! :toofunny: I've been dying to say something ever since I read that post!! :rant: FUKK!! :D


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doubled the doses :head:
I wasn't going to rat you out, but it is kinda nice to have it all out in the open, isn't it?

Ok then, let's get a rundown and some general impressions, homeslice.


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lol.... aint no party pooper. just a realist when I say thats a pure waste of compound. you can make the same gains with half that and all your doing is reaching the point of diminishing returns by adding more sides....

Im sure you aint runnin 60 and I KOW ziq didnt tell ya too.... shoulda seen how long it took me to convince him to just run his first epi cycle, pms forever, :D


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Haha... OK.. You got me.

I did ramp HDrol up to 150 in week 3. I thought it was an awesome cycle and had no sides to speak of - aside from some lethargy. I'm not concerned with the money aspect - just felt like I needed a little more compound to be effective. I think its important to listen to your body - I don't think what I did was irresponsible. I guess everyone is different.


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Haha... OK.. You got me.

I did ramp HDrol up to 150 in week 3. I thought it was an awesome cycle and had no sides to speak of - aside from some lethargy. I'm not concerned with the money aspect - just felt like I needed a little more compound to be effective. I think its important to listen to your body - I don't think what I did was irresponsible. I guess everyone is different.
i hear ya, i'm not even up at 150 yet. not saying i might not get there. just not there now. my only goal of this cylce has become to get a higher low cable row than this kid posted above me. i'll eat a bottle of tren or something :thumbsup:


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i hear ya, i'm not even up at 150 yet. not saying i might not get there. just not there now. my only goal of this cylce has become to get a higher low cable row than this kid posted above me. i'll eat a bottle of tren or something :thumbsup:
Good luck... I'm still growin. Haha.


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lol.... aint no party pooper. just a realist when I say thats a pure waste of compound. you can make the same gains with half that and all your doing is reaching the point of diminishing returns by adding more sides....
I agree that after a certain amount, anything over is just a waste of compound and an opportunity for bad sides to appear. What I prefer to do is combine another compound instead. And I know this is NOT popular. Oh well. Let's say I'm deciding on running Epi, I know that 30 mg. of it is mild. Especially for me at my size and past experience. So instead of upping the dose to 60 mg. or more, I would rather opt to run something else along side the 30 mg. of Epi. Say for example Trenadrol. I would run maybe 2 caps of Tren (when 3 or 4 are usually recommended as a standalone) WITH the 30 mg. of Epi. They are very compatible in my experience. I know combining compounds is usually frowned upon, but I would rather do that instead of running one compound way up high. Now this advice is NOT for newbs or people with only a little PH/PS/AAS experience. It's for the experienced people only. Newbs and novices should stick to running one compound at a time at the lowest possible effective dose.


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Also what these crazy supplements companies don't mention in their write-ups is every AAS will aromatize, question is at what dose :thumbsup:

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