First cycle, starting off small....wait!! **** that sh!t



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how are you splitting your higher doses of H- drol dude?


good thread btw!i am enjoying it!keep it up and gd luck bro!i dont know if id have the balls to go up to 150 mg!


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how are you splitting your higher doses of H- drol dude?
If I recall, he snorts 50mg in the morning, takes 50mg intravenus following a high-fat lunch, and finishes w/ 50mg taken rectally before bed.:thumbsup:


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If I recall, he snorts 50mg in the morning, takes 50mg intravenus following a high-fat lunch, and finishes w/ 50mg taken rectally before bed.:thumbsup:

Yeah - it seems like blowing lines of H-Drol gives a great rush :thumbsup:


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Yeah - it seems like blowing lines of H-Drol gives a great rush :thumbsup:
...if you like that, try taking bumps of mdrol! nasty drip, but the buzz is worth it:thumbsup:.


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Yeah - it seems like blowing lines of H-Drol gives a great rush :thumbsup:
DUDE!! You gotta try a hot-rail!! It's da shizzle fo rizzle!! :thumbsup::lol:


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Yeah - it seems like blowing lines of H-Drol gives a great rush :thumbsup:
Word. I used to have to grind them up myself, but not anymore. THANKS, MAGIC BULLET! :thumbsup:


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Sad thing is there's probably some newbs who read this and tired it this weekend.


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Nice job keeping the thread going while i was on vaca. especially the last parts, really impressive :blink: I was going to start to day but have been slack on hawthorne berry and milk thistle so Monday will be the day. I haven't seen the inside of a gym in a week and a half and won't touch a weight until monday. i feel like a waste of air


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Nice job keeping the thread going while i was on vaca. especially the last parts, really impressive :blink: I was going to start to day but have been slack on hawthorne berry and milk thistle so Monday will be the day. I haven't seen the inside of a gym in a week and a half and won't touch a weight until monday. i feel like a waste of air
whoa, whoa, whoa, buddy...that's no way to start this mofo off. Taking a week break probably wasn't a bad thing, but you can't be slacking once you start taking the hormonals. Make sure your schedule for the coming weeks permits before you start off, beacause it's a commitment.


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whoa, whoa, whoa, buddy...that's no way to start this mofo off. Taking a week break probably wasn't a bad thing, but you can't be slacking once you start taking the hormonals. Make sure your schedule for the coming weeks permits before you start off, beacause it's a commitment.
no worries my friend. i will be completely focused on getting best results possible. vacation was tough, too many people to see, shvt to do, so i missed a couple of doses. That's why its pushed back. plus, i will be attending the miss internet pageant (aka slut heaven):head: in a about 2 or 3 weeks so need to be ready.......even though my girlfriend won't let me 2 feet out of her sight at shvt like that.


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no worries my friend. i will be completely focused on getting best results possible. vacation was tough, too many people to see, shvt to do, so i missed a couple of doses. That's why its pushed back. plus, i will be attending the miss internet pageant (aka slut heaven):head: in a about 2 or 3 weeks so need to be ready.......even though my girlfriend won't let me 2 feet out of her sight at shvt like that.
brutal! awesome, but brutal.


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cycle suppot contains milk thistle which a lot of you guys feel you should not take while on cycle. I have enough hawthorne berry to get through the cycle, so should i cut the cycle support out?


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cycle suppot contains milk thistle which a lot of you guys feel you should not take while on cycle. I have enough hawthorne berry to get through the cycle, so should i cut the cycle support out?
I highly doubt anyone suggested you not use Milk Thistle... You may be thinking Red Yeast Rice... Anyway, CS is not just HB and MT - look at the ingredients.


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I highly doubt anyone suggested you not use Milk Thistle... You may be thinking Red Yeast Rice... Anyway, CS is not just HB and MT - look at the ingredients.
Some people say it diminishes your absorption. I don't always include it on cycle, but for his I definitely would. Hdrol, Mdrol, Pplex...all of these are PRIME candidates for milk thistle, as they are very hard on the liver. The furazadrol and winztrol wouldn't normally scare me, but combined w/ hdrol...yeah, I'd say you want milk thistle, austin.


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Or you could check out Cycle Assist from CEL :thumbsup: It's already encapsulated and includes a few other ingredients and it's $10-15 less for the same amount, a one month supply! [END OF SLEAZY SHAMELESS PLUG]


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I highly doubt anyone suggested you not use Milk Thistle... You may be thinking Red Yeast Rice... Anyway, CS is not just HB and MT - look at the ingredients.
they said pre-load the mt and then save it for after. and run the hawthorne berry throughout. i was only referring to these two out of the whole cs ingredient list b/c they were the two stessed to me by others


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Or you could check out Cycle Assist from CEL :thumbsup: It's already encapsulated and includes a few other ingredients and it's $10-15 less for the same amount, a one month supply! [END OF SLEAZY SHAMELESS PLUG]
i would but already have cs. capsules would be much easier


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Or you could check out Cycle Assist from CEL :thumbsup: It's already encapsulated and includes a few other ingredients and it's $10-15 less for the same amount, a one month supply! [END OF SLEAZY SHAMELESS PLUG]
CS worked just fine, and it tasted so bad it made me remember to take it...

I still have a full container left... That being said - next time around will definitely be pills.


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going to try and post some pics. let me know what you think and what exercises will help


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Austin is a pretty big dude!

Is that a surgery scar on the left shoulder? Or just a wound of some sort?

Definitely like the idea of a cut cycle now that I get a look at you. You have nice mass already - just some mud around the midsection. You'd look like a monster around 210 if you kept most of your mass - plus the cycle you're planning should add some nice LBM on top of that.

Again though, I still think you should eat a ton of food on cycle, and work on trimming down in the natty time you'll have following PCT. You can only run so many cycles. :)


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Also, we'll see what other guys think... but you should have a focus on chest - its a little undersized compared to your arms and traps / lats..

I'd suggest dips (w/ weight if you can) decline bench, flies, incline DBs... Its the same part that I've been working on for 6 to 8 months - getting great results...

And 10 bucks says G-Money tells you to shave your chest.


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Also, we'll see what other guys think... but you should have a focus on chest - its a little undersized compared to your arms and traps / lats..

I'd suggest dips (w/ weight if you can) decline bench, flies, incline DBs... Its the same part that I've been working on for 6 to 8 months - getting great results...

And 10 bucks says G-Money tells you to shave your chest.
:lol: yeah, my mid-section is what really needs work, i don't really know of anything besides diet that will help that. and yeah, i had surgery on both shoulders. i was doing dips right up until two weeks ago but i think that's why i had to take two weeks shoulders were killing. i think i'm going to stay away from them. any other ways to chest up to speed? and midsection too? weighing in at 233 and about to pop some pills for the first time :food: i guess we'll start with chest today and go from there:head:


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i don't know if i could shave my chest. i had enough trouble taking and posting these pics. plus, i'd go through about 3 razors


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i don't know if i could shave my chest. i had enough trouble taking and posting these pics. plus, i'd go through about 3 razors
Hair trimmers or beard trimmers without the "guard" on will bring that sh*t down pretty close. Then a quick swipe with a good Gillette Mach 3 razor will make you smooth as a baby's bottom!! It's how I do it. WHEN I do it!!! LMAO!! You can tell from my hairy-backed avi, that it's been a while!! :lol:


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Hair trimmers or beard trimmers without the "guard" on will bring that sh*t down pretty close. Then a quick swipe with a good Gillette Mach 3 razor will make you smooth as a baby's bottom!! It's how I do it. WHEN I do it!!! LMAO!! You can tell from my hairy-backed avi, that it's been a while!! :lol:
:lol: we'll see. going to see how this run works for me first. any ideas on how to get the chest and mid section in better shape like t-laker says.


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:lol: we'll see. going to see how this run works for me first. any ideas on how to get the chest and mid section in better shape like t-laker says.
Well you obviously know the midsection is a bodyfat issue. You probably have a decent core - just can't see it right now. Best way to burn fat would be to hit the treadmill at about 3.5 MPH at a 10% grade at the end of your workouts. Start with 15 minutes and work up from there - max of 30.

Chest I would certainly do a lot of flies to develop the muscle between your shoudlers and pecs, and the declines are to shape and expand the muscle down - more of a shaping. Other than that, just go big and heavy - with work sets between 6 and 9 reps. Squeeze the crap out of your chest at the top of your rep whether you're on a hammer or DB or flies and pause...

You don't have a bad chest at all - quite the opposite. Its just obvious from your pictures that you work on your traps / shoulders / arms quite proficiently, and they've overgrown your pecs.


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Well you obviously know the midsection is a bodyfat issue. You probably have a decent core - just can't see it right now. Best way to burn fat would be to hit the treadmill at about 3.5 MPH at a 10% grade at the end of your workouts. Start with 15 minutes and work up from there - max of 30.

Chest I would certainly do a lot of flies to develop the muscle between your shoudlers and pecs, and the declines are to shape and expand the muscle down - more of a shaping. Other than that, just go big and heavy - with work sets between 6 and 9 reps. Squeeze the crap out of your chest at the top of your rep whether you're on a hammer or DB or flies and pause...

You don't have a bad chest at all - quite the opposite. Its just obvious from your pictures that you work on your traps / shoulders / arms quite proficiently, and they've overgrown your pecs.
thanks for the advice, keep it coming. i keep trying to rep you but i gotta spread the love first. guess i'll just start rep-ing people i don't know to get back to you guys:thumbsup:


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When I had to catch my chest up a while back, I did a heavy chest WO on Monday and a lighter, higher rep chest WO on Friday.

Also if you don't do this already - when doing presses and you're at the bottom of a barbell press, squeeze your shoulder blades together tightly keeping em that way and press up. This will help take the delts out of your presses. You won't be able to lift as much but it helps isolate the chest more on presses :thumbsup:

A while back someone stated for every couple pounds of fat you lose - you appear to gain 5 pounds of muscle.


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My first day "on." Haven't worked out in two weeks but felt pretty good. Shoulders were hurting which lead to the two weeks being taken off. I will get into the intensity stuff next week:
D. Bell Flat:
W. up 15 @ 45
10 @ 70
10 @ 80
8 @ 90

D. Bell Incline
10 @ 65
10 @ 75
9 @ 80

Was really concentrating on squeezing my chest and on the last one at 80 thought i was fukkin stuck with my arms in the air.

Flat fly;
10 @ 30
10, 10, @ 40

Incline cable flys:
10 @ 50
10, 10, @ 60

Fly Machine
did these real slow
drop set, 10 @ 105, 7@70, 4@40

Didn't want to push the shoulders too hard. flys kind of mess with them some times.


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Well you obviously know the midsection is a bodyfat issue. You probably have a decent core - just can't see it right now. Best way to burn fat would be to hit the treadmill at about 3.5 MPH at a 10% grade at the end of your workouts. Start with 15 minutes and work up from there - max of 30.

Chest I would certainly do a lot of flies to develop the muscle between your shoudlers and pecs, and the declines are to shape and expand the muscle down - more of a shaping. Other than that, just go big and heavy - with work sets between 6 and 9 reps. Squeeze the crap out of your chest at the top of your rep whether you're on a hammer or DB or flies and pause...

You don't have a bad chest at all - quite the opposite. Its just obvious from your pictures that you work on your traps / shoulders / arms quite proficiently, and they've overgrown your pecs.
I actually prefer HIIT style cardio. 30 minutes in the morning 3 times weekly will do ya. In either case - protein shake before you get on the machine! If you follow tlake's advice, weights, protein, THEN on the machine. If you follow mine, for bodybuilding you obviously don't want to go into cardio while your body's still starved of calories. Give it a little bit of protein, then hit it up. I even only do a half scoop (60-something cals and 12g protein).


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I actually prefer HIIT style cardio. 30 minutes in the morning 3 times weekly will do ya. In either case - protein shake before you get on the machine! If you follow tlake's advice, weights, protein, THEN on the machine. If you follow mine, for bodybuilding you obviously don't want to go into cardio while your body's still starved of calories. Give it a little bit of protein, then hit it up. I even only do a half scoop (60-something cals and 12g protein).
I agree with TG2 on this one. You need those amino acids in your body before hitting up the cardio. I do the same thing. But I use 1 whole scoop which is 23 grams of my whey protein. I usually toss in a tablespoon of honey for some energy as well. :thumbsup:


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i was pretty tired to day so i decided to try the eca stack tg mentioned in another thread. stopped by walgreens and got everything. not going to use it every day but holy shvt. it got me wired, felt like i could run through a wall at the gym. real aggressive like. to bad my back work out doesn't show it. felt good but the weights were giving me trouble:

T bar wide grip:
w up 10 @ 45
10 @ 90
10 @ 115
10 @ 135

lat pull down, wide grip:
10 @ 160
9 @ 160
9 @160, dropped to 140 for 6

low pully row:
10 @ 100
8 @ 100
8 @ 100

don't know why but these last two exercises i've always sucked at for my size.......any suggestions on getting these up to speed?

rev. fly machine:
10 @ 80
10 @ 95
10 @110

seated row:
back didn't feel trashed so i did these (45 on each side) until i was raining sweat.

25 minutes level 8 incline at 3.8

eca still has me going, which is great b/c i have so much shvt to do around the house. has me sweating a lot though with minimal physical effort. can anyone explain to me in english the way this stuff helps you burn fat?


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It helps you burn CALORIES... There's really no such thing as a selective fat burner. Essentially it will up your maintenence calories so widen that margin of what you're taking in while cutting. What you eat will decide whether or not your body burns fat or goes catabolic.

It also spikes your BP, I don't think TG recommended using that whilst on your cycle. Just be careful - get your BP checked... You could get some serious headaches or black the f*ck out while you're squatting or something.

And for the suck for size, you're referring to low row and lat pull down? Your pull downs are a little weak for your size, but your low row is really low - I like to push that to at least 180 to 200 at the top.

For the pull downs - what is failing? Is it your forearms or grip? If that is the case, just get some wraps - that will kick your lift up 40 to 50 pounds overnight, if its your lats, then you just need to get nasty on it for awhile - do more pullups perhaps... Also - make sure your legs are locked in tight. I pull the thigh bar a little too tight - then straighten my legs under it, then pull them in fast to really lock my thighs in place... Keep back straight and only a SLIGHT lean back, and dont rock to pull the weight down.

For Low Row, I'd ask you what's failing again? Wraps will help here too, keep a slight bend in your knees...

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