Final xgels help!

Hey guys,

I plan to do some 6 on, 6 off protocol runs throughout my offseason. Some questions, plan to start soon as in this week as I have the bottles.

1. 6 on, 6 off seem like a good approach?
2. Only using on workout days, 4 days per week. 6 or 8 caps pre-workout?
3. How far pre-workout should I do them?
4. I am taking hemavol + glycergrow as well, 30-45 mins pre.
5. Why the baby aspirin, i've heard people mention taking baby aspirin. I already take one prebed, should I do it pre-workout?

I think thats it!
Hey guys,

I plan to do some 6 on, 6 off protocol runs throughout my offseason. Some questions, plan to start soon as in this week as I have the bottles.

1. 6 on, 6 off seem like a good approach?
2. Only using on workout days, 4 days per week. 6 or 8 caps pre-workout?
3. How far pre-workout should I do them?
4. I am taking hemavol + glycergrow as well, 30-45 mins pre.
5. Why the baby aspirin, i've heard people mention taking baby aspirin. I already take one prebed, should I do it pre-workout?

I think thats it!

1. What brought you to a 6 on / 6 off scheme?
2. I like 8
3. 45 mins
4. See #3 and dose it all at once.
5. Increased ArA availability and performance enhancement. I would just take the baby aspirin with the ArA instead of pre-bed.
Well.. my bulk is going to be going on for almost a year.. with a good 18 weeks straight on cycle. Time off / time on is where i got the 6 weeks. I figured 2 bottles will give me 6 weeks each. Im doing 8 pre.. 4x per week.

Should i do a longer break? I dont want to be chronically inflammed from a health standpoint.
According to Coop it doens't matter when you take the baby Aspirin. Honestly, I have never seen a difference between 1.5 and 2, hell, barely notice a difference over 1g...and you arn't over 200 are you?

The apririn is instead of LCTL (save money). 6 on 6 off sound great, although Llewellyn has said that 250mg taken continuously could have health benefits so just constantly running a dose might have upside and will help when you start an X Factor cycle back up. I plan on running 250mg ED between cycles.
Well.. my bulk is going to be going on for almost a year.. with a good 18 weeks straight on cycle. Time off / time on is where i got the 6 weeks. I figured 2 bottles will give me 6 weeks each. Im doing 8 pre.. 4x per week.

Should i do a longer break? I dont want to be chronically inflammed from a health standpoint.
I read it as six days, not six weeks.


Seriously though, everything looks good
According to Coop it doens't matter when you take the baby Aspirin. Honestly, I have never seen a difference between 1.5 and 2, hell, barely notice a difference over 1g...and you arn't over 200 are you?

The apririn is instead of LCTL (save money). 6 on 6 off sound great, although Llewellyn has said that 250mg taken continuously could have health benefits so just constantly running a dose might have upside and will help when you start an X Factor cycle back up. I plan on running 250mg ED between cycles.

Hmm okay ill stick with 6 caps! I am using lclt because of compete but i take a baby aspirin daily anyways, so ill just keep it at night. Id have to read more into staying on 250 daily.
still unsure about dosing with only 2 to 3 workout days per week...
What are you unsure about?

To dose on off days? How much to dose on workout days?
still unsure about dosing with only 2 to 3 workout days per week...

Why are you only working out 2 days a week?

If I was working out 3 days I week I would do 1.5 on workout days and .5 on non workout days.
Why are you only working out 2 days a week?

If I was working out 3 days I week I would do 1.5 on workout days and .5 on non workout days.

i only want to train every body part once a week.doing back and legs one day and chest,shoulders and abs the other day. than i have two other days per week when i do cardio.are the cardio days considered as off days when it comes to ara?8 week cycle would be nice.have 200 caps of x-gels
i only want to train every body part once a week.doing back and legs one day and chest,shoulders and abs the other day. than i have two other days per week when i do cardio.are the cardio days considered as off days when it comes to ara?8 week cycle would be nice.have 200 caps of x-gels

Take the doses on your lifting and cardio days if they are 2 and 2. 4 days is enough.
ok than i will do 7 caps on workout days and 5 caps on cardio days, 45 min prior to sport together with 6g GMS, 2g LCLT and one baby aspirin? 24 caps per week makes an 8 week run
i only want to train every body part once a week.doing back and legs one day and chest,shoulders and abs the other day. than i have two other days per week when i do cardio.are the cardio days considered as off days when it comes to ara?8 week cycle would be nice.have 200 caps of x-gels

What led you to choosing that workout plan?
What led you to choosing that workout plan?

my time for sports is very limited due to work and family. what exactly is wrong with my workout plan?im doing better progress than most of the younger guys in our gym that train 5 days a week.i see no reason to train the same muscle group twice a week
i started my run with x-gels 6 days ago and im stacking it with a test booster called Biotivia Bioforge V3.Is anyone interested in regular reports about how this stack treats me? Will do an 8-week run.
i started my run with x-gels 6 days ago and im stacking it with a test booster called Biotivia Bioforge V3.Is anyone interested in regular reports about how this stack treats me? Will do an 8-week run.
Definitely, feel free to post updates or a complete log if you want. I'm sure plenty want to see how it goes.
Always up for reports/final reviews.
Ok, here you are guys. After an one-bottle run of 6-bromo at 150mg/day which leaned me out a bit but didnt to anything in the strength department i hopped on some x-gels stacked with Bioforge V3. I am running 7 caps of x-gels PWO and 5 caps before cardio. On ON-days i stack with 5g glycergrow and 2g lclt. Every morning i take 3 caps of Bioforge.

In the past i ran XFA twice and BF V3 once, both solo. Both were slow kickers strengthwise but definetely did something strengh-wise. The downside of the XFA was i lost ALL strength i gained from the cycles after the runs were over and had a lot of joint issues with this product. The gains from Bioforge were more drastic though and completely keepable after the run. Also have some ph-experience and so have a good comparison.

First week review:

Did gym workouts at day 2 and day 5 of this first week. Hard to believe for me myself but already on the second day of this cycle (when i trained chest, shoulders and abs) i noticed some strength gains in that way that i squeezed out one rep more in almost every working set. The same goes for day 5 where i did back ans legs. One rep more in almost every set. Crazy to see strength gains from a natty product stack already in the first week. Even with PH it takes approx. 10 days for me at least to notice something.

Muscles feel very full and vascularity is up. Pump in the gym was great. Weight didnt change.
Ok, here you are guys. After an one-bottle run of 6-bromo at 150mg/day which leaned me out a bit but didnt to anything in the strength department i hopped on some x-gels stacked with Bioforge V3. I am running 7 caps of x-gels PWO and 5 caps before cardio. On ON-days i stack with 5g glycergrow and 2g lclt. Every morning i take 3 caps of Bioforge.

In the past i ran XFA twice and BF V3 once, both solo. Both were slow kickers strengthwise but definetely did something strengh-wise. The downside of the XFA was i lost ALL strength i gained from the cycles after the runs were over and had a lot of joint issues with this product. The gains from Bioforge were more drastic though and completely keepable after the run. Also have some ph-experience and so have a good comparison.

First week review:

Did gym workouts at day 2 and day 5 of this first week. Hard to believe for me myself but already on the second day of this cycle (when i trained chest, shoulders and abs) i noticed some strength gains in that way that i squeezed out one rep more in almost every working set. The same goes for day 5 where i did back ans legs. One rep more in almost every set. Crazy to see strength gains from a natty product stack already in the first week. Even with PH it takes approx. 10 days for me at least to notice something.

Muscles feel very full and vascularity is up. Pump in the gym was great. Weight didnt change.

You should notice some pretty big differences between XFA and SNS X Gels.
Hi there,

just finished my second week on the X-Gels/Bioforge V3 stack. Here some thoughts:

Strength is climbing further
Muscles feel very dense and hard
Vascularity is increasing noticeably
Some fat loss is observed around the mid-section
Weight is up 1lbs

No headaches
No joint pains
A little bit more zits than usual

Have i already told you that im stacking the X-gels with 1g TTA per day?
Finished week 3. Nothing new to report; strength is still increasing in most exercises. No change in body weight compared to last week. Still no joint issues. So far im very contented with this product. Will try XF original also sometimes soon and then compare the two. I think this comparison is more fair than that with XFA which i didnt like very much.
The directions state o take X Gels with meals. I don't eat until after my morning workout. Any issues taking it pre workout without a meal?
The directions state o take X Gels with meals. I don't eat until after my morning workout. Any issues taking it pre workout without a meal?

No issues.
Hi there,

just finished my second week on the X-Gels/Bioforge V3 stack. Here some thoughts:

Strength is climbing further
Muscles feel very dense and hard
Vascularity is increasing noticeably
Some fat loss is observed around the mid-section
Weight is up 1lbs

No headaches
No joint pains
A little bit more zits than usual

Have i already told you that im stacking the X-gels with 1g TTA per day?

Finished week 3. Nothing new to report; strength is still increasing in most exercises. No change in body weight compared to last week. Still no joint issues. So far im very contented with this product. Will try XF original also sometimes soon and then compare the two. I think this comparison is more fair than that with XFA which i didnt like very much.
Great, thanks for posting up your thoughts on the cycle.

What dose are you using X-Gels at again?

I wouldn't expect to notice any difference between XF and X-Gels, other than price.
im dosing 7 caps pre-workout together with 2g lclt and 5-6g glycergrow
im also dosing 5 caps pre-cardio as i only have 2 gym days per week at the moment and 2 cardio days per week
unfortunately i missed the cardio last week.
What choices do you all prefer when going with LCLT?
Ready with week 4. Weight is up 3lbs from the start. At the same time BF decreased what is clearly visible when i look at my abs. No skin problems anymore but the last days i woke up several times at night to urinate. Had a similar experience when i was on EC stack. Seems as if X-gels are doing something with the prostate. No other sides. Not taking additional fish oil from the start of this run and still no joint problems. Thats a good one
Ready with week 4. Weight is up 3lbs from the start. At the same time BF decreased what is clearly visible when i look at my abs. No skin problems anymore but the last days i woke up several times at night to urinate. Had a similar experience when i was on EC stack. Seems as if X-gels are doing something with the prostate. No other sides. Not taking additional fish oil from the start of this run and still no joint problems. Thats a good one

Thanks for the update man. I just finished up week two's workouts and am loving it so far. Weight up 3lbs and visible fat loss? Chyeea!! Sounds pretty good to me :)
Ready with week 4. Weight is up 3lbs from the start. At the same time BF decreased what is clearly visible when i look at my abs. No skin problems anymore but the last days i woke up several times at night to urinate. Had a similar experience when i was on EC stack. Seems as if X-gels are doing something with the prostate. No other sides. Not taking additional fish oil from the start of this run and still no joint problems. Thats a good one
Solid progress and thanks for the update again.
Awesome progress and glad to hear they are treating you well!
Hey guys,

I plan to do some 6 on, 6 off protocol runs throughout my offseason. Some questions, plan to start soon as in this week as I have the bottles.

1. 6 on, 6 off seem like a good approach?
2. Only using on workout days, 4 days per week. 6 or 8 caps pre-workout?
3. How far pre-workout should I do them?
4. I am taking hemavol + glycergrow as well, 30-45 mins pre.
5. Why the baby aspirin, i've heard people mention taking baby aspirin. I already take one prebed, should I do it pre-workout?

I think thats it!

What kind of gains have you seen so far?
I've been playing with the doses lately and found 1.5g to be my sweet spot, taken about an hour pre wo. Earlier this week I tried a split dose with 1g about 3 hours before then another 1g an hour before, total of 2g. I had incredible pumps in the working muscles but then the cramps started coming and were pretty brutal. My calves cramped up the most, which is funny because I was only training upper body. I haven't tried the aspirin or LCLT idea yet but interested to see how it would affect it.
I've been playing with the doses lately and found 1.5g to be my sweet spot, taken about an hour pre wo. Earlier this week I tried a split dose with 1g about 3 hours before then another 1g an hour before, total of 2g. I had incredible pumps in the working muscles but then the craps started coming and were pretty brutal. My calves cramped up the most, which is funny because I was only training upper body. I haven't tried the aspirin or LCLT idea yet but interested to see how it would affect it.

Brutal craps? That's the first I've heard of that ;)
yesterday i finished day 50 of my x-gels run. i still have enough caps left to run 1.5 or 2 weeks. i had steady strength gains during these 50 days which surprisingly started on day 2 or 3. though my diet wasnt perfect (bulking mode, approx. 500 cals over maintenance) i lost body fat and gained some nice lbm. yesterdays the scales showed an 4 lbs increase compared to day 1. i had zero sides during my run btw. the joint support i bought in advance turned out to not be needed. i will save it for my epi run then which will come next. if i should compare x-gels to other natty supps and to ph's i would say its by far the strongest natty supp thats available on the market today (from the supps i have tried and there are some). i would even go further and say its effects on strength and body composition are comparable to mild prohormones. x-gels are definitive stronger than 150mg of 6-bromo/day or a comparable dose of formestane. i had better gains than on osta rx and even than on 11-kt spray. if anyone has questions concerning my run pls feel free to ask me
yesterday i finished day 50 of my x-gels run. i still have enough caps left to run 1.5 or 2 weeks. i had steady strength gains during these 50 days which surprisingly started on day 2 or 3. though my diet wasnt perfect (bulking mode, approx. 500 cals over maintenance) i lost body fat and gained some nice lbm. yesterdays the scales showed an 4 lbs increase compared to day 1. i had zero sides during my run btw. the joint support i bought in advance turned out to not be needed. i will save it for my epi run then which will come next. if i should compare x-gels to other natty supps and to ph's i would say its by far the strongest natty supp thats available on the market today (from the supps i have tried and there are some). i would even go further and say its effects on strength and body composition are comparable to mild prohormones. x-gels are definitive stronger than 150mg of 6-bromo/day or a comparable dose of formestane. i had better gains than on osta rx and even than on 11-kt spray. if anyone has questions concerning my run pls feel free to ask me

Strong recommendation brother. One that I back one hundred percent. Glad you enjoyed the run my dude!
yesterday i finished day 50 of my x-gels run. i still have enough caps left to run 1.5 or 2 weeks. i had steady strength gains during these 50 days which surprisingly started on day 2 or 3. though my diet wasnt perfect (bulking mode, approx. 500 cals over maintenance) i lost body fat and gained some nice lbm. yesterdays the scales showed an 4 lbs increase compared to day 1. i had zero sides during my run btw. the joint support i bought in advance turned out to not be needed. i will save it for my epi run then which will come next. if i should compare x-gels to other natty supps and to ph's i would say its by far the strongest natty supp thats available on the market today (from the supps i have tried and there are some). i would even go further and say its effects on strength and body composition are comparable to mild prohormones. x-gels are definitive stronger than 150mg of 6-bromo/day or a comparable dose of formestane. i had better gains than on osta rx and even than on 11-kt spray. if anyone has questions concerning my run pls feel free to ask me

Great final report, thanks for posting.

I've heard a similar comparison for being the strongest natty supp out there. Save the rest of the bottle for PCT?
If I ran x-gels on a lean bulk what other supps could I add to it. IDK much about ArA so this thread as helped a lot. Thanks
A test booster is always a good combo. But you will want some GMS and a baby apirin to stack it with.
Thats what i stacked with x-gels:

-a test booster called Bioforge V3
-TTA at 1 g/day
-every x-gels dose with 2g lclt and 6g glycergrow
-no aspirin cause i dont know for what reason
If I ran x-gels on a lean bulk what other supps could I add to it. IDK much about ArA so this thread as helped a lot. Thanks

Depends on what your goals are; some stack options:

-X-Gels + Daa + Erase or

-X-Gels + Daa + Anabeta or

-X Gels + Anabeta Elite

-X-Gels + Anabeta Elite + DAA + Erase

I'm currently running X-Gels + Anabeta + Forskolin 95 + Glycophase and loving it.