Final xgels help!

Depends on what your goals are; some stack options:

-X-Gels + Daa + Erase or

-X-Gels + Daa + Anabeta or

-X Gels + Anabeta Elite

-X-Gels + Anabeta Elite + DAA + Erase

I'm currently running X-Gels + Anabeta + Forskolin 95 + Glycophase and loving it.

Ok I'm looking to lean bulk and was thinking about X-Gels, Anabeta, 95 and glyco. My question is and I know it's a totally different stack but would the X-Gels stack or let's say one of the Bulk-Up type PH's be more bang for my buck. 8 weeks with the DHEA stuff and maybe longer with the X-Gels stack. Do you understand what I'm asking.
Ok I'm looking to lean bulk and was thinking about X-Gels, Anabeta, 95 and glyco. My question is and I know it's a totally different stack but would the X-Gels stack or let's say one of the Bulk-Up type PH's be more bang for my buck. 8 weeks with the DHEA stuff and maybe longer with the X-Gels stack. Do you understand what I'm asking.

Whether to run an X-Gels stack or a prohormone?

Some users have compared X-Gels in strength to some of the weaker PHs if that shows you anything. Not to mention no negative effect on libido, lipids, etc with X-Gels, and no PCT.
Thats what i stacked with x-gels:

-a test booster called Bioforge V3
-TTA at 1 g/day
-every x-gels dose with 2g lclt and 6g glycergrow
-no aspirin cause i dont know for what reason

Baby aspirin is in place of LCLT.
I am running X-Gels for the first time ever,Im in my second day of Pct,and have been killing the gym and still gaining strength.I am stacking mine with DAA,and will be adding in Anabeta Elite as soon as it shows up at home!I have only ran it at 1g thus far and have been satisfied with my performance already,so I myself am eager to see what it brings after some time!
Ok I'm looking to lean bulk and was thinking about X-Gels, Anabeta, 95 and glyco. My question is and I know it's a totally different stack but would the X-Gels stack or let's say one of the Bulk-Up type PH's be more bang for my buck. 8 weeks with the DHEA stuff and maybe longer with the X-Gels stack. Do you understand what I'm asking.

I would compare strength gains to a mild PH, maybe like a 1-DHEA or something of that sort except without the sides or PCT. I think that natty stack you outlined is a great option and you don't have to worry about losing any gains or running a PCT. Perfect lean bulk stack.

I am running X-Gels for the first time ever,Im in my second day of Pct,and have been killing the gym and still gaining strength.I am stacking mine with DAA,and will be adding in Anabeta Elite as soon as it shows up at home!I have only ran it at 1g thus far and have been satisfied with my performance already,so I myself am eager to see what it brings after some time!

Wham, the X-Gels do it again!
I would compare strength gains to a mild PH, maybe like a 1-DHEA or something of that sort except without the sides or PCT. I think that natty stack you outlined is a great option and you don't have to worry about losing any gains or running a PCT. Perfect lean bulk stack.


This is great!!!! I was bouncing back and forth on X-Gels or Bulk-up, something like that. Thanks for the info.
This is great!!!! I was bouncing back and forth on X-Gels or Bulk-up, something like that. Thanks for the info.

I was considering a mild ph cycle for the first time, but over the last couple months i decided im gonna run xgels instead.
This is great!!!! I was bouncing back and forth on X-Gels or Bulk-up, something like that. Thanks for the info.

I was considering a mild ph cycle for the first time, but over the last couple months i decided im gonna run xgels instead.

Definitely keep us updated on your progress, guys. Also, if you decide to log it drop us links!!!
This is great!!!! I was bouncing back and forth on X-Gels or Bulk-up, something like that. Thanks for the info.

I was considering a mild ph cycle for the first time, but over the last couple months i decided im gonna run xgels instead.

Awesome! I know you will love it. Definitely keep us updated!
I've always loved everytime I've used ArA and was impressed with it from the very first time years ago when I tried iForce's old Max-Out. I'm enjoying my current run of X-Gels just as much. I've been playing around with it a bit and found 1.5g to be my sweet spot and trying different combo's like the baby aspirin, ALCAR, agmatine, ect. So many combinations.
This is great!!!! I was bouncing back and forth on X-Gels or Bulk-up, something like that. Thanks for the info.

X-gels will provide a better value for your money IMO.
I love X-Gels!
Me to!
Whats the final verdict?
On workout days only or every day at lower dose (or the same dose)
I've been playing with the doses lately and found 1.5g to be my sweet spot, taken about an hour pre wo. Earlier this week I tried a split dose with 1g about 3 hours before then another 1g an hour before, total of 2g. I had incredible pumps in the working muscles but then the cramps started coming and were pretty brutal. My calves cramped up the most, which is funny because I was only training upper body. I haven't tried the aspirin or LCLT idea yet but interested to see how it would affect it.
What is LCLT?
What is LCLT?

L-Carnitine L-Tartrate.

When X-Gels first came out, there were a lot of people that stacked it with L-Carnitine L-Tartrate.

That was so long ago though, that there are now many better things to stack it with.

Good examples would be Anabolic XT, Anabolic Effect, Prime XT, and Alpha One.

The pumps and muscle fullness from X-Gels + Alpha One would be crazy.
L-Carnitine L-Tartrate.

When X-Gels first came out, there were a lot of people that stacked it with L-Carnitine L-Tartrate.

That was so long ago though, that there are now many better things to stack it with.

Good examples would be Anabolic XT, Anabolic Effect, Prime XT, and Alpha One.

The pumps and muscle fullness from X-Gels + Alpha One would be crazy.
Iam on trt my friend, I just wanted something for better absorbtion stacked it with x gels
Iam on trt my friend, I just wanted something for better absorbtion stacked it with x gels

You don't need to add anything to increase the absorption of X-Gels.

None of the products I mentioned specifically work via increased testosterone and there is a lot of feedback on them from people that are on TRT. Alpha One especially; you can check the feedback thread on that and find a lot of feedback on it and how it would go well with X-Gels.