female teachers who have sex with their students



  • Established
Im not exactly sure either. But i AM sure of one thing. They have DEFINATELY forgotten what its like to be a teenager, relentlessy pursuing pussy:laugh:
If they're trying to say that chasing girls when you young skews your reality about women... then... hahaha... their bad luck for having wasted their youth.

I know what they're trying to say tho, and yes there are guys out there who are dickheads that get so into it that they actually see women as nothing more than sexual objects for their own use and satisfaction, and many never grow out of it. It's a very small minority tho.

Personally, from what I have seen, all the guys I know that dont go around chasing girls... dont do it cause they either dont have the balls to, or wonky religious reasons (dont get me started)...or they're just in a weird way anti-social and dont know how to go about it and close off the deal, and I find that they're quite weird. Imo it's not 'natural'. You gotta explore the world and live a bit. Obviously theres limits and boundries and you gotta play it safe, mutually and respectfully.

I can say for myself that running around at this age... and have been doing it since I nearly turned 17... having been with a fair share of girls... it's taught me new things, opened my eyes; for one I'm not so 'pussy whipped' like the unusually 'nice guys' that have never done it, find a girlfriend then kiss her feet while she takes advantage of their clingyness.

It lets you get to know women on a different level and judge them better when you finally do get over it (and I am)... so when it comes to meeting a nice girl who is worthy of bringing home, you certainly have an extra angle to look at her and judge whether she is good enough (I'm not talking physically/in bed), but personality wise etc you get to know girls in different ways, how they think, and that even the nice cute looking girls can be bitches, while those who may look like asses may actually be very nice and mature when you get to know them.

I could explain in more detail and give examples of guys I went to highschool with who struggled with girls back then to a point where it embarassed them, then they just gave up on trying to pick them up for those reasons and settled with "I'll find 1 nice girl, make her my girlfriend as soon as possible" type mentality... and... some of them... early to mid 20s... still are quite short sighted and have been used over and over by women in different ways. Shortest way to put it is it toughens you up, and doesnt leave you falling in love straight away head over heels like an idiot for every half decent girl you meet (ie the guys I was trying to explain before).

Nothing wrong with a bit of fun here and there when you're young, pending your not on meds or seeing a psych due to social/mental issues. Nearly every adult male I've talked too who has what appears to be a very happy/successful relo with their wife has told me stories of how they went around with mates when they were my age doing the same thing, and even women at that age... say 35+, from their perspective as females who have lived through it (whether they were clean when they were young or they had some fun on the side or whether they were sluts(dont think I really know any that were on a close level but you can pick out kinda who is a girly-girl)), they all understand and think its perfectly normal for males to do it.

OzzY SluGGa

  • Established
Soseg....:You_Rock_Emoticon: Absolutely blows my mind how serious some of the guys on here take this. God damn, im glad I didnt grow up with you boys! BORING.
Id give anything to be 15 again running round with a permenent hard on! Golden years man. I garauntee that kid is a hero amongst his mates :D


  • Established
haha cheers
i guess this thread would NOT be the place to even in a joking way scream, "SLUTS RULE!" in a drunken voice? hahaha

OzzY SluGGa

  • Established
haha cheers
i guess this thread would NOT be the place to even in a joking way scream, "SLUTS RULE!" in a drunken voice? hahaha
im thinking.....not. Though I so agree with that statement. Bless all sluts, they make life so much fun! and if you disagree.......grow a pair already. :D


  • Legend!
  • Established
i almost got turned on reading that first post..... am i ok? haha. Just the thought of some of my teachers s*cking me *ff....gosh i used to fantasize all day about banging my teachers


  • Legend!
  • Established
Maybe some of us had decent childhoods and lived outside of the apparent childhoods you two lived... Could be that some of us have children not too much younger than you two and have witnessed how ****ed up kids can be when an authority figure (teacher, parent,adult) comes into their lives with bad intentions.

I could see how a list of convicted child molesters was misinterpreted as a serious incident and not some light hearted, fun-loving thread. I can see what is apparent and it's Ozzy's and Soseg's complete lack of comprehension and reasoning skills. But hey it must seem cool to say the things you're saying in front of your internet buddies, right? Right? Next thing you know they'll be posting youtube videos of guys lighting their farts and doing keg stands!


  • Legend!
  • Established
just to butt in..

i see it is a sick act, its molesting, its child abuse, its statutory rape, its somewhat pedo... Id just like to say i wouldnt mind being a 'victim' when i was in high school and was fantasizing about a few teachers :)


  • Legend!
  • Established
The thing about fantasies is sometimes they're better left in the head and just an imagination... What we dream about is usually only a fraction of what actually comes with the act. I think this holds especially true when dealing with sexual fantasies.


  • Established
I fail to see how a male teenager who is sexually active bonking a girl, let alone a woman older than him is harmful. yea sure 14 is a tad young, but guys that age do bonk girls their age... i guess going a mature woman might be pushing it... but it depends on the maturity of the guy and everyone reacts differently to the situation

I had a frikkin awesome childhood, one most would be definitely jealous of. But when the hormones kick in, and you begin to learn about the birds and the bees, some faster than others,... by your mid teenage years... these things set you off. theres nothing wrong with it

next you'll be telling me masturbation is evil


  • Legend!
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Where do I lose you in the difference between sex and sex with an adult who is also an authority figure? Having sex with another 15/16/17 year old and your teacher are two different things.

Next you'll be telling me that sex with your mother is a good thing... Hell it's just sex and there's never a circumstance where it could be wrong.


  • Established
my opinion is that a teenager having sex with a mature woman is nothing bad
sure... morally a teacher should not be seducing her students... its not within workplace ethics... or any other... but that aside, as someone that is left to take care of students... a 15-16 year old and a full grown woman... no issues


  • Legend!
  • Established
I've personally seen the issues of a 'mature' 15 year old and sex with an adult. You and I have different meanings of maturity, I think.


  • Established
I know people who've done it at 15 / 16... they turned out fine. like i said everyone reacts to situations differently, some people are affected negatively while others arent


  • RockStar
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I fail to see how a male teenager who is sexually active bonking a girl, let alone a woman older than him is harmful. yea sure 14 is a tad young, but guys that age do bonk girls their age... i guess going a mature woman might be pushing it... but it depends on the maturity of the guy and everyone reacts differently to the situation

I had a frikkin awesome childhood, one most would be definitely jealous of. But when the hormones kick in, and you begin to learn about the birds and the bees, some faster than others,... by your mid teenage years... these things set you off. theres nothing wrong with it

next you'll be telling me masturbation is evil
my opinion is that a teenager having sex with a mature woman is nothing bad
sure... morally a teacher should not be seducing her students... its not within workplace ethics... or any other... but that aside, as someone that is left to take care of students... a 15-16 year old and a full grown woman... no issues
I know people who've done it at 15 / 16... they turned out fine. like i said everyone reacts to situations differently, some people are affected negatively while others arent
A woman having sex with a CHILD (14,15 is a child) is not a mature woman. She is just older.

Sexuality and ones psychological are a whole lot more than learning about the birds and the bees. Simply because you can physically preform the act of intercourse does not make you emotionally or psychologically mature enough to deal with the immense responsibility that come with it.

"They turned out fine" is very subjective. Just look how "turned out fine" of societies sexuality is today. It ain't so fine.

Again, you too are a child at the age of 20. Get back to us in 20 years or more when you have issues with intimacy, a fulfilling sex relationship, increasingly deviant behaviors, pornography, prostitution, affairs, divorce(s).

These are not just opinions these are statistical facts.


  • Established
haha yeah ok, i feel like im talking to some full conservatives here
statistics? care to reference them?

ude be surprised to see what some of these people i know have turned out like


  • RockStar
  • Legend!
  • Established
haha yeah ok, i feel like im talking to some full conservatives here
statistics? care to reference them?

ude be surprised to see what some of these people i know have turned out like
I'll post up the stats later today. I have a meeting to attend.

In the meantime, enlighten us on how grand these grown 30 to 40 something year olds you know intimately have turned out and the intimate details of their sexual relationships, healthy sexual function, pornography addictions, affairs, divorces?

N = how many?


  • Established
which ones? the ones ive talked to? or the ones my mates or I have been with?
I'll reply back in the morning its bed time


  • RockStar
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  • Established
Here is a very comprehensive research paper that investigates early age sex and mental health.


Here's the deal - I'm not going to sit hear and argue something with you that you do not possess the emotional maturity or capacity to comprehend.

You are a 20 yo kid that lives and breaths by the whims of his penis. You may believe you are average and normal - and your are. Average and normal young males are very fucked up and become very average and normal fucked up adults.

Your sexuality, your abuse and or misuse of sexuality, the role it plays in your psychology and spirit are much greater than you believe or have the ability to recognize at this stage of your life. You are not alone. The world if full of men and women just like you. Look around.

I'm odd - not you.



OzzY SluGGa

  • Established
Maybe some of us had decent childhoods and lived outside of the apparent childhoods you two lived... Could be that some of us have children not too much younger than you two and have witnessed how ****ed up kids can be when an authority figure (teacher, parent,adult) comes into their lives with bad intentions.

I could see how a list of convicted child molesters was misinterpreted as a serious incident and not some light hearted, fun-loving thread. I can see what is apparent and it's Ozzy's and Soseg's complete lack of comprehension and reasoning skills. But hey it must seem cool to say the things you're saying in front of your internet buddies, right? Right? Next thing you know they'll be posting youtube videos of guys lighting their farts and doing keg stands!
It's a shame that in order to press your point you feel the need to make assumptions about me, and insinuating that im trying to be cool etc? excuse me? Maybe you should just calm down. It is light hearted as you say, If it invokes strong feelings inside you then just dont read it man. Just for record I had a fantastic childhood :D And having a joke shouldnt make you public enemy #1 because your view happens to collide with someone else's. Its fair you got kids man, I can appreciate your view is different. As such I will post no longer on this subject, Im not out to upset people. Keyboard arguing doesn't float my boat. I in NO WAY find molestation funny. Only that I look at it differently if it is a male, as they are not the weaker sex and less vulnerable, and remember how it felt to be as such.
Mod or no mod mate, get your point accross without personal attacks bout someone you DONT know, and ridiculous made up sweeping statements bout comprehension, reasoning skills and lighting farts up.


  • RockStar
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I in NO WAY find molestation funny. Only that I look at it differently if it is a male, as they are not the weaker sex and less vulnerable, and remember how it felt to be as such.
verb - molested, molesting, molests

1. To disturb, interfere with, or annoy.
2. To subject to unwanted or improper sexual activity.

1. the act of subjecting someone to unwanted or improper sexual advances or activity (especially women or children)

The way you look at it does not change it.


  • RockStar
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  • Established


It is encouraging that this article, based on research from 1984 to 1998, hit the psychological mainstream with its publication in the Psychiatric Times. It's a comprehensive and well-balanced article. Perhaps it is more suited for counselors and hobbyists in psychology rather than for a broader lay audience. But at least studies like these are finally emerging from the halls of academia and makiing it onto the radar screen of the helping professions. Maybe 50% or more of the guys do feel "lucky". But at least one in five don't. One in four women are victims of childhood sexual abuse. We don't ignore them because of cultural stereotypes and because 74% of the women aren't. Pherhaps we should be offering help to, rather than jokes about, the one in five victims of unwanted ssexual coercion who suffer moderate to severe negative effects.


  • Legend!
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You've made some sweeping statements as well for those who differ from your particular viewpoint. Maybe yours were considered light hearted and you were just making a point but i took offense to it as making fun of having the personal opinion that I have on the matter. I merely took your poke at the situation and turned it back at you. My example wasn't nearly as 'funny' I guess as your attempt to make a serious situation more light hearted. You make an assumption on why we feel the way we do and i made one on why I believe you two felt the way you do. Turn about is fair play, right?

As far as mod or no mod... I never brought any of that up when discussing the thread. That was something you felt the need to bring up.

OzzY SluGGa

  • Established
verb - molested, molesting, molests

1. To disturb, interfere with, or annoy.
2. To subject to unwanted or improper sexual activity.

1. the act of subjecting someone to unwanted or improper sexual advances or activity (especially women or children)

The way you look at it does not change it.
Granted, but I find older men preying on young girls far more revolting. An they are more likely to suffer long term effects, being the more emotionally involved (generally) in a sex act. We were discussing a teenage boy.

As i said if people here have kids i wont be posting bout it anymore,as it is obvious they view it in a way that is upsetting to them. And i dont join a forum to upset people. You guys gotta understand there are other people with different life experience/ perspective to you. Doesnt make us ignorant or "fart lighters" merely because we disagree with you. Its obvious we will never eye to eye on this, so why not just agree to disagree and drop it. The endless to and fro will achieve very little yes?


Board Sponsor
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For some strange reason I always thought my Spanish teacher wanted to **** me. Then it turned out to be true as I recently got a message from her on Facebook about how she wished I was a little older when I was in Hish School, IE: A senior instead of a Freshman. I left that school after my freshman year, but man if I had only stayed there until I graduated!!!

OzzY SluGGa

  • Established
You've made some sweeping statements as well for those who differ from your particular viewpoint. Maybe yours were considered light hearted and you were just making a point but i took offense to it as making fun of having the personal opinion that I have on the matter. I merely took your poke at the situation and turned it back at you. My example wasn't nearly as 'funny' I guess as your attempt to make a serious situation more light hearted. You make an assumption on why we feel the way we do and i made one on why I believe you two felt the way you do. Turn about is fair play, right?

As far as mod or no mod... I never brought any of that up when discussing the thread. That was something you felt the need to bring up.
Exactly, i took a poke at a VIEW point, for a laugh, I am a light hearted joker by nature. I didnt assume personal characteristics about you, such as: having no "sense of reason or comprehension" or being a fart lighter. Of course now it is obvious this hits close to home for you, and for that reason i am happy to let it go mate an just move on. The only reason i bought up the Mod, was because i would have put you above name calling, particuarly after having found your other posts in other threads mature and poignant.
Agree to disagree....?
Im actually a good bloke! haha, hard for you to believe Im sure! :D Im just what is reffered to over here as "a lad" or "one of the boys" We sometimes say **** for a laugh. It gave offence ok, I have dropped it.


  • RockStar
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Exactly, i took a poke at a VIEW point, for a laugh, I am a light hearted joker by nature. I didnt assume personal characteristics about you, such as: having no "sense of reason or comprehension" or being a fart lighter. Of course now it is obvious this hits close to home for you, and for that reason i am happy to let it go mate an just move on. The only reason i bought up the Mod, was because i would have put you above name calling, particuarly after having found your other posts in other threads mature and poignant.
Agree to disagree....?
Im actually a good bloke! haha, hard for you to believe Im sure! :D Im just what is reffered to over here as "a lad" or "one of the boys" We sometimes say **** for a laugh. It gave offence ok, I have dropped it.
I think you may be mistaking Jay for me. May be not...but I was the one that mentioned that soseg, at 20 yo, could not comprehend what I was talking about. Still stand by it.

At 40 I likely cannot comprehend the life experience of a 60 yo and will humbly acknowledge it when he tells me so.

OzzY SluGGa

  • Established
I think you may be mistaking Jay for me. May be not...but I was the one that mentioned that soseg, at 20 yo, could not comprehend what I was talking about. Still stand by it.

At 40 I likely cannot comprehend the life experience of a 60 yo and will humbly acknowledge it when he tells me so.
No, I quoted you in the post to you mate, and quoted jay in the post to him....But its all cool. I'd rather not argue to be honest. Its a waste of all our time! :D Peace


  • RockStar
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  • Established
Oh...I see you are correct. Jay and I happen to agree. ;)

OzzY SluGGa

  • Established
Oh...I see you are correct. Jay and I happen to agree. ;)
You do? I hadn't noticed:laugh:

Water under the bridge I hope. Have a good day/night (whatever time it is there!)


  • RockStar
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  • Established
You're breaking my heart.:whiner:

I live in Arizona. It's not uncommon for it to well into the triple digits around the clock. It does cool to the high 100's around 3 or 4 AM :rant:

OzzY SluGGa

  • Established
You're breaking my heart.:whiner:

I live in Arizona. It's not uncommon for it to well into the triple digits around the clock. It does cool to the high 100's around 3 or 4 AM :rant:
Really!? Wow, i didnt know it got that damn hot. It sux. Our city's morgue is full! We have had too many people die from when this heat streak started last week, they got the makeshift morgues going over here. Gimme winter anyday.:aargh4:

OzzY SluGGa

  • Established
Yeah. I just happened to live here for the states three highest temperatures on record.


Keep in mind that is just Phoenix. Areas around Laughlin, Lake Havasu and Bull Head City and other desolate areas get even hotter.
Well, Pheonix is officially OFF my "to visit" list....jesus, those temps are ridiculous. Still, the chicks must be getting around in little skirts so It cant all be bad :D Hope you got a good air-con mate!


  • Established
Here's the deal - I'm not going to sit hear and argue something with you that you do not possess the emotional maturity or capacity to comprehend.

You are a 20 yo kid that lives and breaths by the whims of his penis. You may believe you are average and normal - and your are. Average and normal young males are very fucked up and become very average and normal fucked up adults.

Your sexuality, your abuse and or misuse of sexuality, the role it plays in your psychology and spirit are much greater than you believe or have the ability to recognize at this stage of your life. You are not alone. The world if full of men and women just like you. Look around.

I'm odd - not you.
My abuse and or misuse of sexuality? I live and breath by the whims of my penis? haha yeah ok man, you can judge, you know me and all, I guess any bloke who through his teenage years and early 20s who is single and likes to root around a bit... will grow into a ****ed up adult with issues when he's in his 40s... I guess I'm doomed, and so is society at large, minus the ones with the blue balls.

I know where you're coming from, and if I was you I really wouldn't judge someone based on their age. Sure, I've got less life experience than you being half your age but it doesnt mean **** in terms of what I can and cannot comprehend, evaluate and understand.

My only issue with what you and the other guys are saying or implying is... that every male in his mid-late teens etc... who roots around a bit will have a 'skewed' perception of reality or the opposite sex, sexuality and the treatment of women at large... I dont know about you, but that sure sounds like a big crock of propaganda **** to me.

I guess anybody then who has had sex before marriage, or with someone other than a long term girlfriend etc... and is prone to turn into a ****ed up adult with psychological issues and altering immoral views for life?


  • Established
There's nothing wrong with female teachers who have sex with their students, it's real Sex Ed.


  • Established
I feel "bad" for her "victims" :rolleyes: .............

.......and by bad, I mean jealous! :haha:


  • Established
yeah same they must be really traumatised
what a fat ugly bush pig


  • RockStar
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  • Established
My abuse and or misuse of sexuality? I live and breath by the whims of my penis? haha yeah ok man, you can judge, you know me and all, I guess any bloke who through his teenage years and early 20s who is single and likes to root around a bit... will grow into a ****ed up adult with issues when he's in his 40s... I guess I'm doomed, and so is society at large, minus the ones with the blue balls.
We live in a sexually overstimulated society that has crossed line after line regarding sexual prudence and behavior. These are simply truths. Doomed, is a relative term, as the fact that it is a lifetime lifestyle and culture and you will be and are surrounded by like minded individuals there is little chance that you will recognize the depravity of your actions. Misery does love company and if everyone else is doing it how can it be wrong and you certainly will not be miserable - as far as you can tell.

I know where you're coming from, and if I was you I really wouldn't judge someone based on their age. Sure, I've got less life experience than you being half your age but it doesnt mean **** in terms of what I can and cannot comprehend, evaluate and understand.

My only issue with what you and the other guys are saying or implying is... that every male in his mid-late teens etc... who roots around a bit will have a 'skewed' perception of reality or the opposite sex, sexuality and the treatment of women at large... I dont know about you, but that sure sounds like a big crock of propaganda **** to me.

I guess anybody then who has had sex before marriage, or with someone other than a long term girlfriend etc... and is prone to turn into a ****ed up adult with psychological issues and altering immoral views for life?
Self fulfilling prophecies.

There will be a psychological and moral differentiation yet because it is so rooted in your behaviors it will not be evident to you or your companions because it will not be anything more than the normal popular and accepted social sexual behavior.

Black is the new White. White is the new Black.

I told you before. I'm the odd one. You on the other hand are perfectly normal. Good luck with that.


Enologist/Brewmaster/Damn good guy
  • Established
I guess I am lucky to have been in some police training classes that deal with indecent/perverted and sexual predator type behavior. If you do not not understand what our society deems as "normal" sexual behavior, you do not realize how messed up the world really is when it comes to stuff like this. Just look up sexual molestors/offenders in your neighborhood. They are eveywhere. People seem to think that nothing is wrong anymore with having sex with children. And weather you think 14/15 yr old is or not, by law and society norms, it is against the law and wrong.


  • RockStar
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I heard a song this morning that reflects what my ultimate point is about this topic of sexual purity and innocence and our choices in general.

This song was inspired by the spreading cancer of moral failure in the fathers of this generation. As believers, we must guard our hearts and understand the no one crashes and burns. They just slowly fade away one little compromise at a time.

Slow Fade

Be careful little eyes what you see
It’s the second glance that ties your hands as darkness pulls the strings
Be careful little feet where you go
For it’s the little feet behind you that are sure to follow

It’s a slow fade when you give yourself away
It’s a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day
It’s a slow fade, it’s a slow fade

Be careful little ears what you hear
When flattery leads to compromise, the end is always near
Be careful little lips what you say
For empty words and promises lead broken hearts astray

It’s a slow fade when you give yourself away
It’s a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day

The journey from your mind to your hands
Is shorter than you’re thinking
Be careful if you think you stand
You just might be sinking

It’s a slow fade when you give yourself away
It’s a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day
Daddies never crumble in a day
Families never crumble in a day

Oh be careful little eyes what see
Oh be careful little eyes what you see
For the Father up above is looking down in love
Oh be careful little eyes what you see
What you live you learn.
What you learn your practice.
What you practice you become.
What you become has consequences.

Enjoy your weekend!


Registered User
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My abuse and or misuse of sexuality? I live and breath by the whims of my penis? haha yeah ok man, you can judge, you know me and all, I guess any bloke who through his teenage years and early 20s who is single and likes to root around a bit... will grow into a ****ed up adult with issues when he's in his 40s... I guess I'm doomed, and so is society at large, minus the ones with the blue balls.

I know where you're coming from, and if I was you I really wouldn't judge someone based on their age. Sure, I've got less life experience than you being half your age but it doesnt mean **** in terms of what I can and cannot comprehend, evaluate and understand.

My only issue with what you and the other guys are saying or implying is... that every male in his mid-late teens etc... who roots around a bit will have a 'skewed' perception of reality or the opposite sex, sexuality and the treatment of women at large... I dont know about you, but that sure sounds like a big crock of propaganda **** to me.

I guess anybody then who has had sex before marriage, or with someone other than a long term girlfriend etc... and is prone to turn into a ****ed up adult with psychological issues and altering immoral views for life?
You seem to think you're being told "sex is bad". Makes me question your grip on the conversation. You say you know where people are coming from, but then put words in their mouths they did not say at all.

This is not about sex. This is about power, the abuse thereof, and what that can do. You do NOT have this figured out - and that makes you vulnerable. Hope you don't get too screwed up, hope you don't screw up too many others doing it.

I'll leave you w/ my GF's take on this: there's something wrong with a grown woman who "dates" teen-agers - and why would you want to dip your wick in that kind of crazy?


  • Established
haha man i'll leave it at that cause I have a pretty good idea of the type of people some of you would be in person... and i wont write it here
with people like B5150 telling me that my actions are not normal... haha yeah ok
I know his type (the the same way he knows my type so I'll judge here), at all ranges of age whether it be at mine or 30s/30s/50s... and if I was to chose being the way I am now or being some "normal" guy like him... I would without hesitation chose what I am now...

Like I said a few lines earlier, I know your type of people in person as "normal" as those over religious christians that tend live and preach their "normal" life style and morals

so to that I say, good day, and stay out of my way in real life because you never know what someone who has had sex or two with some random girls in their past may do to you :)


  • Legend!
  • Established
What? Is that a threat? Should I be worried i'm going to be thrown in a threesome without my consent???


  • RockStar
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  • Established
You have no concept of sexual purity and innocence. Most males don't, so it is not uncommon for you to think and feel the way you do.

BTW, I'm not claiming to have been any better than you at your age.

Unfortunately, until that day arrives for you, and the rest of males your age and or older, you will never have a clue of what the sexual purity and innocence I am referring to is.

Get back to us in 20-25 years. Or maybe not...some males never get it.
Here is a very comprehensive research paper that investigates early age sex and mental health.


Here's the deal - I'm not going to sit hear and argue something with you that you do not possess the emotional maturity or capacity to comprehend.

You are a 20 yo kid that lives and breaths by the whims of his penis. You may believe you are average and normal - and your are. Average and normal young males are very fucked up and become very average and normal fucked up adults.

Your sexuality, your abuse and or misuse of sexuality, the role it plays in your psychology and spirit are much greater than you believe or have the ability to recognize at this stage of your life. You are not alone. The world if full of men and women just like you. Look around.

I'm odd - not you.


We live in a sexually overstimulated society that has crossed line after line regarding sexual prudence and behavior. These are simply truths. Doomed, is a relative term, as the fact that it is a lifetime lifestyle and culture and you will be and are surrounded by like minded individuals there is little chance that you will recognize the depravity of your actions. Misery does love company and if everyone else is doing it how can it be wrong and you certainly will not be miserable - as far as you can tell.

Self fulfilling prophecies.

There will be a psychological and moral differentiation yet because it is so rooted in your behaviors it will not be evident to you or your companions because it will not be anything more than the normal popular and accepted social sexual behavior.

Black is the new White. White is the new Black.

I told you before. I'm the odd one. You on the other hand are perfectly normal. Good luck with that.
haha man i'll leave it at that cause I have a pretty good idea of the type of people some of you would be in person... and i wont write it here
with people like B5150 telling me that my actions are not normal... haha yeah ok
I know his type (the the same way he knows my type so I'll judge here), at all ranges of age whether it be at mine or 30s/30s/50s... and if I was to chose being the way I am now or being some "normal" guy like him... I would without hesitation chose what I am now...

Like I said a few lines earlier, I know your type of people in person as "normal" as those over religious christians that tend live and preach their "normal" life style and morals

so to that I say, good day, and stay out of my way in real life because you never know what someone who has had sex or two with some random girls in their past may do to you :)
You're half a moron.


  • RockStar
  • Legend!
  • Established
What? Is that a threat? Should I be worried i'm going to be thrown in a threesome without my consent???
If you are you can expect a tap out before the end of the first round. What's yours is ours and what's mine is ours :)


  • RockStar
  • Legend!
  • Established
haha man i'll leave it at that cause I have a pretty good idea of the type of people some of you would be in person... and i wont write it here
with people like B5150 telling me that my actions are not normal... haha yeah ok
I know his type (the the same way he knows my type so I'll judge here), at all ranges of age whether it be at mine or 30s/30s/50s... and if I was to chose being the way I am now or being some "normal" guy like him... I would without hesitation chose what I am now...

Like I said a few lines earlier, I know your type of people in person as "normal" as those over religious christians that tend live and preach their "normal" life style and morals

so to that I say, good day, and stay out of my way in real life because you never know what someone who has had sex or two with some random girls in their past may do to you :)
I must restate one thing. The calling you half a moron was inappropriate and more so inaccurate. You have some shortcomings in your perception, because as you can see I have, in multiple instances, stated that you were indeed normal. Additionally I never, or intended to, pass judgment on you, but rather judged behaviors. As well I never claimed to be without my own shortcomings and mistakes.

The issue of early age sex, disproportionate aged, molestation or concentually perpetuates as lascivious, promiscuous and often deviant sexuality and or predisposition for such.

Once one is exposed to or engages in this sort of activity their inhibitions are further diminished further enhancing the activities and lifestyle. These sometimes can amount to nothing or can result in a lifetime of dysfunction and struggles with drug alcohol abuse, sexual deviancy and perpetration, pornography and prostitution. Normal people all around you are suffering, struggling and losing to these silent demons.

There are tons of psychological studies and psychologists whose practices deal with this very issues. For many they get stuck in this stage of psychological and emotional development and never progress to a healthy emotional and psychological state of sexuality and or maturity in general and their life revolves around this root issue of their stalled development and dysfunction.

Now you should ask yourself two questions.

Why do you take such offense to what I have tried to communicate to you?

Why do I know so much about this topic and the ramifications?

My Christianity has zero to do with either of these questions or their answers.

I'm done. Good luck.

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