female teachers who have sex with their students



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God likes you and wants you to do well in school.


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"I think of all the education that I missed but then my homework was never quite like this."

Van Halen - Hot For Teacher
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKjsQ0lYSeo&feature=related"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]

Sorry...it's just a preconditioned condition of the condition I'm in :D

"I got my pencil...!"


New member
HAHA, these americans just don't get Australians and how we think, no point to even consider arguing.. i shall be flamed by my fellow aussies but these days you see many many 20 to 25 year olds dating 16 year olds and what not. may i make a reference to lucy leiberman?? they can't get enough of the older men, seriously.


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I guess I am lucky to have been in some police training classes that deal with indecent/perverted and sexual predator type behavior. If you do not not understand what our society deems as "normal" sexual behavior, you do not realize how messed up the world really is when it comes to stuff like this. Just look up sexual molestors/offenders in your neighborhood. They are eveywhere. People seem to think that nothing is wrong anymore with having sex with children. And weather you think 14/15 yr old is or not, by law and society norms, it is against the law and wrong.

Speaking of police... i banged a 26 year old female cop on the floor of my neices playroom when i was 19... i was visiting my sister out of state and her latina cop friend came over hahahaha... wow was i drunk

anyways... so yeah all this banging a teacher stuff is awesome and all but you wonder what the **** is going through the head of the teachers... you would actually expect this to happen with male teachers more often and skanky little teen girls... but i guess teen girls can probably turn away a man easier... haha i dont know many guys that would have turned down cxck suckin in high school

anyways i got off topic, but you wonder what goes through their heads... like you just went to college for this for 4 years and you completely threw it away... cause you know they arent getting another teaching job


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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNaZT1RN63Q"]YouTube - PAUL ANKA-DIANA[/ame]


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I may be a little different from the norm (or not) but I think they should have been given a raise :D

I would have totally loved to have taken advantage of some of my teachers .....some were really hot! Any age from 13yrs onward would have been fine for me and I would NOT have felt abused or taken advantage of but rather happy and blessed.


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I'm curious as to why puberty hits in the teen years, but sex is frowned upon. Does puberty mean we are mature enough to engage in sexual activity, or are we as a species broken?


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adolescence – noun
1. the transitional period between puberty and adulthood in human development, extending mainly over the teen years and terminating legally when the age of majority is reached; youth.
2. the process or state of growing to maturity.
3. a period or stage of development, as of a society, preceding maturity.

It means that your body is physically capable of the act of reproduction. That does not necessarily mean you are mature enough for the emotional and social aspects of sexual intercourse. There are grown men in their 30's and 40's and older who still do not possess that capacity.

Yes, we are at the very least a gender broken, if not a species broken. :)


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We live in a sexually overstimulated society that has crossed line after line regarding sexual prudence and behavior. These are simply truths. Doomed, is a relative term, as the fact that it is a lifetime lifestyle and culture and you will be and are surrounded by like minded individuals there is little chance that you will recognize the depravity of your actions. Misery does love company and if everyone else is doing it how can it be wrong and you certainly will not be miserable - as far as you can tell.

Self fulfilling prophecies.

There will be a psychological and moral differentiation yet because it is so rooted in your behaviors it will not be evident to you or your companions because it will not be anything more than the normal popular and accepted social sexual behavior.

Black is the new White. White is the new Black.

I told you before. I'm the odd one. You on the other hand are perfectly normal. Good luck with that.
You are one of the most condescending people have come across on the internet (and that's saying something). If you were mature you would not feel the need to try and push the fact on to people in every post. In fact, I would contend you are so pig-headed with your beliefs that you lack any maturity or wisdom.

I would love to debate any number of claims you have made in this thread, but I imagine it's rather like playing tennis against a brick wall.


New member
I'm curious as to why puberty hits in the teen years, but sex is frowned upon. Does puberty mean we are mature enough to engage in sexual activity, or are we as a species broken?
It means that we live in an era where introspect is a common hobby and that we greatly overrate our importance in nature. We are just another species with a goal to reproduce. I don't buy in to the self-importance some people bestow upon themselves in this thread.

And, no, I don't recommend sex for everyone but some people seem to be suggesting one golden rule for all. I would suggest nuance isn't in the conservative dictionary.


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I heard a song this morning that reflects what my ultimate point is about this topic of sexual purity and innocence and our choices in general.

What you live you learn.
What you learn your practice.
What you practice you become.
What you become has consequences.

Enjoy your weekend!
just gotta say they are one of my favorite bands. and it is sad to hear about all the teachers and students


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Here's my take on your question regarding what goes through the heads of offending female teachers. If you notice, most are fairly cute. I think they are often women who got a lot of male attention in high school and college, and once they are out of that fun phase of life, they miss it. The attention withdrawal makes them feel less desirable. A little flirtation from a hot older woman usually stirs a guy up. The right body language speaks volumes. She feels sexy, sensual, and desired again. Opportunity will present itself at this point.

Ha jk, that actually makes a lot of sense, I never really thought of it that way. Still would think most would have the right mind to not jeopardize their employment and money they spent on college education... then again I've done things to risk my jobs before... so maybe i can understand.... either way thanks for the answer!


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Between male and female, double standards are always there and are always in the favor of females. that's just how it is (so I really don't know what feminists cry about).

Anyway, Keeper made really good points. i don't know anything about the psychology of hot female teachers who screw their underaged students, but still...


idk i think its sexy..not like teens thats gross but i mean who doesnt love a milf?


since older women started to care about what they look like..kinda how 30 became the new 20, etc.


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I think the MILF thing also started happening when the divorce rate started skyrocketing and there were more MILFs out there spending there alimony(spelling) and child support on hair-dos(spelling) and tanning salons. Cougars and MILF tend to be one in the same.


all i know is when a milf wants to lure me into doing terrible nasty things then...lure away


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... just a bunch of tan nasty, bored old ladies with blonde highlights luring those young'uns into terrible things. Good theory. Very deep.
Are you a mom? Even if you don't want to be with a younger guy you might still be classified as a MILF. You don't actually have to be a Cougar to be a MILF. Cougars are actively seeking younger guys while a MILF is just a hot mom.


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I find it interesting that my first reaction, and apparently the reaction of a LOT of male members on this board is that we would have sex with these hot teachers too if we were underage and the opportunity was there.

"If I was a 14-16 yr old boy, I'd love to bang that chick". We mean that, don't we? We "know" what we're doing, even if we're that young. I sure had those fantasies when I was a teenager looking at porno mags of girls older than me.

The interesting part is when we flip the sexes. Imagine hearing your 14 yr old daughter tell you that she enjoys having sex with the 36 yr old teacher and that she's lucky to have it and she knows exactly what she's doing.

Do you think she "knows" what she's doing? Why is it that most people will consider the boy "lucky" but the girl a "victim"?

If the 14 yr old boy and the 14 yr old girl say the exact same thing, yet we only take the boy seriously and as being truthful, while we think the girl is essentially "too stupid" to make those same conclusions, aren't we already showing a mindset of how we think girls are intellectually/emotionally inferior to males? Is it because males mature faster than girls and know themselves better? Is it because males are smarter than girls? (note my gigantic slippery slope here). Or is it that males are terrified that females can be just as sexual as males and we are threatened by that?

I mean, it's fine if "I" sleep around, and since my "son" is an extension of myself, it bolds well for me that he gets plenty of action too - but heaven-forbid my daughter actually even knows what those flowery parts inbetween her legs can do let alone actually enjoy those sensations. (BTW - I have no kids).

I also have a very different reaction to thinking if it was a female teacher with a female student, and then a male teacher with a male student. I also find that pre-programming interesting.

True equality of the sexes will never happen in my lifetime. Actually, until I see males winning 50% of child custody cases in all divorces, I don't think either sex wants true equality to honest anyway.


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I'm a mom but not a cougar. I think it's gross when older women intentionally use their um... stuff on much younger guys. To me, that behavior indicates a lack of personal integrity and a bit of desperation. I know, that sounds judgmental, but it's just my opinion, and I respect everyone's rights to their own.
I don't know, I think you might be selling the cougars short. It is true that it is probably way easier to get laid by a younger guy since we are probably more aggressive and will be more likely to screw anything. But if an older lady is just looking for a good time then you can't knock them for getting what they like ya know. I mean you kind of got to give them props for being able to pull it off. That would be really cool if when I am 40-50 I could bang a 18-25 year old. Damn that would be sweet.


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Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it could be just as sweet to know the opportunities are there if you would just step to it, but instead.... nahhh.... I'll maintain. There's power in that.
I suppose on some civilized higer road type of mentality. But if you just get right down to primal raw human instinct I think it would be way more gratifying to just go ahead and do it.

To each their own.


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I have always had the perception that guys mature earlier in regard to sexuality. I'm from the era when guys were the aggressors and girls who were sexually active were considered to be of lesser moral character. It was easier then, because it seemed that everyone knew their rolls. They chase, we resist, than the catch is much more interesting for both.

I suppose my opinion regarding male teachers doing female students VS the opposite as I do due to the fact that I have a son. I can't exactly relate to how it might feel if it were a daughter. I do know that I'd be ready to fight if a female teacher dropped her pants for my son because she is in a position of authority and trust. Not some random woman, but one entrusted to behave appropriately with him. No, I'm not an overly protective prude, in fact he's had a... let me use the term "relationship" loosely, with a woman he works with who is 6 years older than himself. I've never given him grief. I'm not the all-knowing Manager of Romance in his life. I don't pick. (I only know about that relationship b/c I heard him and his g/f arguing about it. :oops:)
What if it wasn't a teacher? Just a guy or girl interested in the other with a big age difference? They are both adults, right?


Enologist/Brewmaster/Damn good guy
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21 years difference is alot. Thats a whole generation about. You would think they would have totally different things in common. That would be like us dating someone right out of college. Sex is one thing, I can see that working for awhile, but not anything long term. I dunno?
The biggest difference I ever dated was 11 years younger. It was fun, but you could really tell a difference.


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yeah, I definetely would not want to have a relationship with an 18-25 year old when I am 45. No way in hell. I really just meant for a temporary fun time.


Over here at MSU we got quite a few of those teachers who flirt non stop.. all teases but we hope they'll come around.. 1 frat party with us and straight A's for the semester =D

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