EvoMuse presents...HUNG


My penis increased 7.5 inches NBPEL to around 8 inches NBPEL

For bone pressed, it's 8.25 inches BPEL to ~8.75 inches BPEL.

so I grew 0.5 inches (that is little over 1 cm).

So my exact routine and where exactly I applied the HUNG. Here it is. I modified my routine as I went along but I used this exact routine for about two weeks straight since I learned about some orders of exercises and what worked best for me. I feel this routine helped me get the most out of it and also felt my penis really expand.

I have started the whole HUNG application since early October and have been going through my own learning curve.

Morning when I first wake up, I get a boner (morning wood) so I take advantage of that and edge and balloon for about 15 minutes. Then after my erection subsidizes, I heat my penis using heater gun that I bought from Home Depot.

The purpose for edging and ballooning was to try to get hormones up to my dick as much as possible. They say that you have highest concentration of hormones when you wake up first thing in the morning. I consider edging as my warm up. Also stretches out the tunica to get exercises ready later on.

I heat my penis for about 10 min (addition warm up). Then I do 30 sec hold stretch each direction.

Straight up left: 30 sec hold
Straight up right: 30 sec hold
Straight up top: 30 sec hold

Straight out left: 30 sec hold
Straight out right: 30 sec hold
Straight out middle: 30 sec hold

Straight down left: 30 sec hold
Straight down right: 30 sec hold
Straight down middle: 30 sec hold

Between the cheeks left: 30 sec hold
Between the cheeks right: 30 sec hold
Between the cheeks middle: 30 sec hold

Then I apply traction (chinese knock off penis extender that I modified little bit) for about 1 hr 30 min (90 minutes) before my penis starts to ache and then I take it off. I put the highest setting as my penis allows and then every 15 min, I lower the notch until 90 minutes past. The reasoning for this is from what I read in Bib's application of "riding the fatigue" or "reaching the creep"..... Except I'm using traction device instead of hanger but I believe the science behind it is similar. First stretch my penis as far as possible to get microtears and then as time passes, I lower the notch so the penis can heal in extended state as I "ride the fatigue".

Then I do standard erect wet jelqing (now do this Extremely slow). If you are not conditioned to do this, then jelq at ~70% erection but since I feel best stretch from erect jelqing and I feel my penis expanded, I do them for about 30 minutes. But each stroke, I do very very slow without grabbing too hard. If you go very fast, you might burst a blood vessel so please be careful. I jelq from the root of my penis (from the behind balls to all the way to the top). Each stroke (one stroke takes me about 10 seconds to complete)... both hands 20 seconds... I call that 1 rep. The lotion that I use is concoction of Bengay, Vick's rub, and vaseline. The menthol acts as vasodilator.

After all that (HERE IS THE IMPORTANT PART). I take a shower to scrub out all the grease on my penis and clean myself. Then when I'm dried out, I apply HUNG at the root of my penis (the base where the pubic hair grows). I do NOT apply it on my upper shaft or the head. I apply it at the very bottom of my penis (where the inner penis is) behind the balls and on the pubic hair area. I believe this really helped me absorb HUNG better. I believe the reasoning behind it is when boys go through puberty, the first thing they see is pubic hair before penis growth. After pubic hair forms, the penis growth follows so basically think of it as watering your plant. You want to water the soil at the pot, you don't want to water everything only on the leaves but mostly on the soil where the root of the plant grows. Think of the soil as the area your pubic hair grows and think of the plant as your penis. The penis grows from the root. Now I trim (shaving will give me razor bumps), "close-shave" trim with electric beard trimmer. You want the nutrition from the HUNG to reach through the pores as much as possible and having large bush will interfere that.

With supplements,

I also consume 500 mg of Niacin (If you are on niacin, I recommend not to drink alcohol or coffee as it will really tax on your liver). In fact coffee is vasoconstrictor so I wouldn't even recommend that when doing PE. Also no alcohol as self explanatory.

In addition, I consume L-arginine (2 grams) & L-lysine (1 gram) per day.
Choline (1500 mg)
Evening primrose (1500 mg)
L-Tyrosine (1500 mg)
Tribulus Terrestris (625 mg) twice a day.
5 HTP (500 mg) only at night

some of these pills are overdosed so please please be careful. Always do your own research and follow guidelines from your supplement bottle. These lists are obtained from what people revealed from PE BIBLE. I added Niacin because it is a strong vasodilator and you will feel it right away.

Before I go to sleep, I spend 20 minutes Air pumping my penis at 6~7 HG and each time it decreases, I keep pumping as long as they are around 6~7 HG.

ALL of this I did it everyday.

NOW this may all sound like overtraining and at first I thought too but I read various of posts at thundersplace, MOS forum, Biohacker (used to be pegym), LPSG forum and what I found out was most people seem to agree that if you give too much rest day, the penis will grow stronger. We want penis to lengthen. Now some people can try to debate that and that's okay. I'm always open minded to new ideas and debate but this is what personally worked for me.

Some of you might not have all the time of the day to do all that (because of work) and I understand but try to squeeze as much as you can and use your time wisely.

I think this is it... at least for now. Feel free to ask me any questions.

0.5 inch might not seem a lot from ruler point of view but from my eyes, I'm loving the "feel".
so do you only apply after workouts and not before?
So you think it's more beneficial to focus the hung lotion on the base and rub it in there and just the residual up the shaft?
I still do the whole thing but the growth I've noticed most is from the base.
so do you only apply after workouts and not before?

Yes I apply it after workout.

If I apply it before workout, it's going to interfere with jelqing because I jelq for about 30 minutes and Hung isn't enough lube to help me wet jelq and I'm going to end up using the whole bottle of Hung just for one jelq session so that is not practical.

If I apply it during workout (let's say extender) then that's not practical either because the extender is going to cover up the base (important area for growth) and I'm only going to end up applying it on the shaft which is not what I want. You can apply it on the shaft if you want but the base is more important for growth.

I apply if After workout. My penis is already beaten up from intense workout so it's great opportunity to put HUNG immediately (after I took shower).

What I'm thinking of doing is... to accelerate the growth process.. perhaps I'm thinking of using bathmate for 20 minutes after jelqing session to get the most maximum pump and then clean myself up and apply HUNG to get length and girth simultaneously.
Hey guys, I'm a little new to this sort of thing (directly applying supplements, not PE). Can someone cover some super basic instructions about the application process. Mainly, should I be using gloves to apply this? Should I be worried about this stuff getting on other surfaces? For example, if I apply with my bare hands and then say wipe of the excess from my hands with a towel but then pick up a pump, will there be enough residual compound on the pump to affect other things the pump touches?
Hey guys, I'm a little new to this sort of thing (directly applying supplements, not PE). Can someone cover some super basic instructions about the application process. Mainly, should I be using gloves to apply this? Should I be worried about this stuff getting on other surfaces? For example, if I apply with my bare hands and then say wipe of the excess from my hands with a towel but then pick up a pump, will there be enough residual compound on the pump to affect other things the pump touches?

You don't really need gloves for this. Just don't be touching other stuff.

Wash your hands thoroughly before. Then with your clean hands, use your index and middle finger.... apply them on the base of your penis. Afterwards, go back to the bathroom and wash your hands with soap. Then you can use your clean hands to pull your penis from the head to do basic stretching if you want to use HUNG while PE-ing.

You can do them before or after whichever you want. However I wouldn't stress too much on using your bare hands as long as you are using clean hands. Don't worry about accidentally getting it on other stuff as long as you use basic sanitizer wipe to clean your pump before and afterwards and don't get them on your girlfriend.
I do have to wash my hands a few times with soap I find, really got to scrub under the finger nails otherwise I get sore eyes later on haha.
I do have a question for those who have significant others... while they are giving your oral, have they noticed a different taste of your member?? Since we are rubbing this compound onto the shaft (with new evidence suggesting rubbing onto the base instead) and since it absorbs into the skin; I would think maybe it would change a persons natural "taste." I have only used HUNG a total of 8 times in 3 weeks (yes yes, I know, I know, Last week started my new "workout" plan) but I was just curious if anyone has noticed this??
Any recommendations for a good pump, I purchased one from Dr. Joel Kahplan, and either I'm pumping wrong or the pump isn't working well...

This is my 1st time using a pump so school me if I'm missing something please:
Per their instructions, they say to be at least semi erect or fully erect, put a little lube around the cylinder base to make a tight seal, insert semi or fully erect penis into cylinder then pump between 3-5 (on the gauge) but never more than 7... so I did that the first couple times but right when I was done pumping the pump was gone. Then I was like duh, I need to use the provided cock ring...So the next time, I got erect, put the cock ring on, pumped for 20 min, when time was up I released the pressure and the pump didn't stay, while in the pump my member was definitely pump, the blood was in there very good but once the pressure was released I would say I had a pump of being less than semi erect with the cock ring still on. I would think I would at least have a pump of being erect plus maybe a little extra??

What am I doing wrong??
Also, I'd say a decent amount of my sack is getting sucked into the cylinder, is that normal???
I do have a question for those who have significant others... while they are giving your oral, have they noticed a different taste of your member?? Since we are rubbing this compound onto the shaft (with new evidence suggesting rubbing onto the base instead) and since it absorbs into the skin; I would think maybe it would change a persons natural "taste." I have only used HUNG a total of 8 times in 3 weeks (yes yes, I know, I know, Last week started my new "workout" plan) but I was just curious if anyone has noticed this??
No complaints from my partner, but she is polite so who knows hahhaha
I do have a question for those who have significant others... while they are giving your oral, have they noticed a different taste of your member?? Since we are rubbing this compound onto the shaft (with new evidence suggesting rubbing onto the base instead) and since it absorbs into the skin; I would think maybe it would change a persons natural "taste." I have only used HUNG a total of 8 times in 3 weeks (yes yes, I know, I know, Last week started my new "workout" plan) but I was just curious if anyone has noticed this??

Funny this came up. I started using the stuff last week and received oral yesterday. It was roughly 4 hours after application and i used a wet wash cloth right before to make sure the area was clean. Long story short she told me after she thought I didn’t get it all off and that there was definitely a taste there and it wasn’t pleasant.
Did you use soap and a wash cloth or just a wet cloth?? I might get some action this weekend and I would like to put my best leg forward "wink wink" lol
Did you use soap and a wash cloth or just a wet cloth?? I might get some action this weekend and I would like to put my best leg forward "wink wink" lol
Just a wet wash cloth, I figured it would be fine since it was so many hours later and it all appeared to be absorbed. God bless my wife she powered through it, but I’m altering my routine to be as far away from action windows and using soap from now on to prep.
Just a wet wash cloth, I figured it would be fine since it was so many hours later and it all appeared to be absorbed. God bless my wife she powered through it, but I’m altering my routine to be as far away from action windows and using soap from now on to prep.
Many blessings to your wife, she's doing the Lords work lol thank you for the input...could you do a little update to see if it changing the timing and using soap helps??
Just a wet wash cloth, I figured it would be fine since it was so many hours later and it all appeared to be absorbed. God bless my wife she powered through it, but I’m altering my routine to be as far away from action windows and using soap from now on to prep.
Yeah definitely need to use soap, I notice it still lingers around if I don't soap the **** out especially around the finger nails, so I can only imagine it is the same for the old jap eye haha
I would recommend Hydrogen Peroxide and Isopropyl Alcohol. Don't mix them but use them separately.

And then after that, use baking soda. Let it soak for ten minutes and go hit the shower and use soap and use one of those exfoliating towels that is used to scrub out dead skin. Scrub your penis for about five minutes while using soap.

Haven't had any complaints or comments while getting head. In fact, the partner doesn't know anything about HUNG.
May I have everyone's attention please!

Another update.

My penis increased 8 inches NBPEL to around 8.5 inches NBPEL

For bone pressed, it's 8.75 inches BPEL to ~9.25 inches BPEL.

Erect girth is 6.5 inches Midshaft. 6.75 inches at the bottom base and about ~6.3 inches at the head area.
I wish I have measured by girth size previously before I did HUNG so that I could compare. I should have done that but I do feel my penis definitely grew length wise and girth wise as well.

THIS really works. I want to thank Dsade (Mr. Pearson) from the bottom of my heart. I have one more lotion left. I feel like this would increase my penis more. My girlfriend is starting to complain how it is hurting her because I keep hitting the cervix and she is telling me to stop but I'm so elated right now, I CAN"T STOP. lol
Well, I haven’t gained even a MM in girth or length.

Three to four pumps a day of hung

Max tension in extender for two to four hours a day (four days in a row w/pumping and two days off)

Pump 30min (four days in a row, two days off) of either bath mate or air pump (5-7hg pressure)

V-jelqs, semi erect bends and base pulls in between sets.

I started Hung on November second.
Well, I haven’t gained even a MM in girth or length.

Three to four pumps a day of hung

Max tension in extender for two to four hours a day (four days in a row w/pumping and two days off)

Pump 30min (four days in a row, two days off) of either bath mate or air pump (5-7hg pressure)

V-jelqs, semi erect bends and base pulls in between sets.

I started Hung on November second.

Your routine sounds solid to me.

Can I ask you about your sex life? How frequently do you masturbate or have sex per week?

When I was on this HUNG and PE routine, I promised myself that I was not going to masturbate or have sex everyday and even though I'm a horny guy, I felt that cumming everyday would be detrimental to my gains.

So what I did was have sex once every 14 days and when I did bust a nut, I made sure to do it on a "rest" day. Even though I initially did not want rest day, I only made sure to make a rest day just to see how my sexual performance improved from HUNG.
If any of you are having problems with noose slippage try the following

1. Wipe it off with alcohol
2. Twist it 1/2 turn then put you junk in and tighten. See photo. This will add some compression to your glans so pay attention to color, temperature, etc but it holds tight and you can really crank the tension up.Invalid Link Removed
Your routine sounds solid to me.

Can I ask you about your sex life? How frequently do you masturbate or have sex per week?

When I was on this HUNG and PE routine, I promised myself that I was not going to masturbate or have sex everyday and even though I'm a horny guy, I felt that cumming everyday would be detrimental to my gains.

So what I did was have sex once every 14 days and when I did bust a nut, I made sure to do it on a "rest" day. Even though I initially did not want rest day, I only made sure to make a rest day just to see how my sexual performance improved from HUNG.

Well, I’m recently divorced and have been on semen retention for a while now.
Wow that twisting noose method is something I never even thought about it.

This is definitely a Game Changer for sure.

I tried this method last night and it really secured my extended penis. I didn't have to use velcro cable ties to secure the rubber noose from slipping off.

The pinching pain was lingering for about an hour or so before it went numb even though I used extra padding. But when I think about more results that I will gain, this is mentally "bearable". You know what they say. NO PAIN! NO GAIN!
Wow that twisting noose method is something I never even thought about it.

This is definitely a Game Changer for sure.

I tried this method last night and it really secured my extended penis. I didn't have to use velcro cable ties to secure the rubber noose from slipping off.

The pinching pain was lingering for about an hour or so before it went numb even though I used extra padding. But when I think about more results that I will gain, this is mentally "bearable". You know what they say. NO PAIN! NO GAIN!
Make sure you follow up with jelqing or pumping to restore the blood flow.
May I have everyone's attention please!

Another update.

My penis increased 8 inches NBPEL to around 8.5 inches NBPEL

For bone pressed, it's 8.75 inches BPEL to ~9.25 inches BPEL.

Erect girth is 6.5 inches Midshaft. 6.75 inches at the bottom base and about ~6.3 inches at the head area.
I wish I have measured by girth size previously before I did HUNG so that I could compare. I should have done that but I do feel my penis definitely grew length wise and girth wise as well.

THIS really works. I want to thank Dsade (Mr. Pearson) from the bottom of my heart. I have one more lotion left. I feel like this would increase my penis more. My girlfriend is starting to complain how it is hurting her because I keep hitting the cervix and she is telling me to stop but I'm so elated right now, I CAN"T STOP. lol

I find this a bit hard to believe unless these gains can mainly be attributed to increases in erection quality. I've been in the PE scene for a while and seeing someone gain an actual inch in length in two months is practically unheard of.
I find this a bit hard to believe unless these gains can mainly be attributed to increases in erection quality. I've been in the PE scene for a while and seeing someone gain an actual inch in length in two months is practically unheard of.

I’m a huge Evomuse fan and with that said… my “routine” is relatively extensive and I haven’t gained anything outside of EQ.

Starting the third bottle today (which makes it month three)
I’m a huge Evomuse fan and with that said… my “routine” is relatively extensive and I haven’t gained anything outside of EQ.

Starting the third bottle today (which makes it month three)

Yeah that sounds a bit more realistic, especially if you've been at it for a while and have gotten past your "newbie gains".

Just to be clear, I'm not saying anything negative about the product, as I'm a huge Evomuse fan myself, I just don't want people to start using Hung and then think it's garbage or that they're doing something wrong because they didn't grow an inch in a month.

It's akin to taking a fat burner and expecting it to get you shredded in a month.
I'm on a strictly pump routine ATM. Can I apply it after I've completed the routine and have taken a shower or is that to much time.

My penis increased 8.5 inches NBPEL to around 8.7 inches NBPEL. For bone pressed, it's 9.25 inches BPEL to ~9.4 inches BPEL.

Erect girth is same at 6.5 inches Midshaft and with 6.75 inches being at the bottom base.

For any doubters like @Avengeme your doubts are perfectly understandable.

You have to understand I poured everything for this. Abstained from eating junk food and ate healthy, did a lot of sprinting to boost HGH levels, slept early, swam, ate healthy food and abstained from sex and masturbation whenever I could.

I used up all the HUNG formula right now and my girlfriend cannot take my penis anymore. I used to love it whenever I hit her with doggystyle and her pelvis pounded against me and my balls slapped on her clitoris as I fucked her but I can't even get it all the way anymore.

I get toothy blowjobs as well. So far I'm totally satisfied. For anyone having frustrations on this, please don't give up. Try penis extending for at least 8 hours a day. Quit your job if you have to. Do whatever you can to make those gains. Use penis pump (preferably Bathmate) for 30 minutes (twice a day) -- morning and before you go to sleep. Then clamp for additional 20~30 minutes at the night time. Some people may think this is too much but your penis heals extremely quickly and will come out much bigger. Penis growth is stubborn and you literally have to pull your penis in all direction. I even learned how to hang better and have been applying Bib Hanger (using 20 lbs) for 3 hours per day in addition to using my penis extender. For the amount of time I use on PE per day (it's almost over 12 hours -- NO kidding). Literally. The only time I take off the devices (extender, hanger, pump, clamps) is when I need to piss. Sometimes I even sleep with the devices like extender to get extra time. When I wake up, I do angio jelqing to get the bloodflow back to my penis (thanks to Janus Bifrons). That man saved my sex life earlier and I cannot thank him enough too. I do multiple angio jelqing per day.

I also do angio jelqing 75 minutes after sprinting (that is the time when your blood has the most nutrients... look at it up pubmed, Dr. Lin and do research). When I pump nutritious blood back into my penis, it heals 10 times faster. This is what enables me to do long hours of hanging, penis extending, pumping and clamping. The key is ANGIO JELQING. Dr. Lin from actionlove (BALLONING) is also another man that saved my sex life. Learn his ballooning technique.

Some people might be wondering how I'm able to do all this in one day. Well I can. I quit my job just to make more time out of my life. Thankfully my girlfriend have been extremely supportive. For anyone not being able to grow from PE, please do your research and tweak your routine. Eating the right healthy nutrition is just as important as everything else. If you aren't growing from PE, you either have wrong routine or not being patient enough.

Sometimes having all that devices on your penis will hurt and pinch your nerves. YOU HAVE TO EMBRACE THIS! It's all about the right mindset and tell yourself. YOU CAN DO IT! YOU CAN DO IT!... BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! I'm able to endure all this. I picture myself Mandingo, Shane Diesel, Shorty Mac, Dredd, Julio Gomez all gangbanging my girlfriend and that itself is enough encouragement to keep going. I can't let that happen. Even though as a fellow brotha, I want the best for them.... this always motivates me to keep going despite the pain. The pain is a sign that my penis is growing.

Have the right mindset. I'm happy to answer any questions.

I do NOT get paid to write testimonials for Dsade. I'm simply writing for him because his product is SUPERB and I ALWAYS vouche for anyone who produces wonderful product.

My penis increased 8.5 inches NBPEL to around 8.7 inches NBPEL. For bone pressed, it's 9.25 inches BPEL to ~9.4 inches BPEL.

Erect girth is same at 6.5 inches Midshaft and with 6.75 inches being at the bottom base.

For any doubters like @Avengeme your doubts are perfectly understandable.

You have to understand I poured everything for this. Abstained from eating junk food and ate healthy, did a lot of sprinting to boost HGH levels, slept early, swam, ate healthy food and abstained from sex and masturbation whenever I could.

I used up all the HUNG formula right now and my girlfriend cannot take my penis anymore. I used to love it whenever I hit her with doggystyle and her pelvis pounded against me and my balls slapped on her clitoris as I fucked her but I can't even get it all the way anymore.

I get toothy blowjobs as well. So far I'm totally satisfied. For anyone having frustrations on this, please don't give up. Try penis extending for at least 8 hours a day. Quit your job if you have to. Do whatever you can to make those gains. Use penis pump (preferably Bathmate) for 30 minutes (twice a day) -- morning and before you go to sleep. Then clamp for additional 20~30 minutes at the night time. Some people may think this is too much but your penis heals extremely quickly and will come out much bigger. Penis growth is stubborn and you literally have to pull your penis in all direction. I even learned how to hang better and have been applying Bib Hanger (using 20 lbs) for 3 hours per day in addition to using my penis extender. For the amount of time I use on PE per day (it's almost over 12 hours -- NO kidding). Literally. The only time I take off the devices (extender, hanger, pump, clamps) is when I need to piss. Sometimes I even sleep with the devices like extender to get extra time. When I wake up, I do angio jelqing to get the bloodflow back to my penis (thanks to Janus Bifrons). That man saved my sex life earlier and I cannot thank him enough too. I do multiple angio jelqing per day.

I also do angio jelqing 75 minutes after sprinting (that is the time when your blood has the most nutrients... look at it up pubmed, Dr. Lin and do research). When I pump nutritious blood back into my penis, it heals 10 times faster. This is what enables me to do long hours of hanging, penis extending, pumping and clamping. The key is ANGIO JELQING. Dr. Lin from actionlove (BALLONING) is also another man that saved my sex life. Learn his ballooning technique.

Some people might be wondering how I'm able to do all this in one day. Well I can. I quit my job just to make more time out of my life. Thankfully my girlfriend have been extremely supportive. For anyone not being able to grow from PE, please do your research and tweak your routine. Eating the right healthy nutrition is just as important as everything else. If you aren't growing from PE, you either have wrong routine or not being patient enough.

Sometimes having all that devices on your penis will hurt and pinch your nerves. YOU HAVE TO EMBRACE THIS! It's all about the right mindset and tell yourself. YOU CAN DO IT! YOU CAN DO IT!... BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! I'm able to endure all this. I picture myself Mandingo, Shane Diesel, Shorty Mac, Dredd, Julio Gomez all gangbanging my girlfriend and that itself is enough encouragement to keep going. I can't let that happen. Even though as a fellow brotha, I want the best for them.... this always motivates me to keep going despite the pain. The pain is a sign that my penis is growing.

Have the right mindset. I'm happy to answer any questions.

I do NOT get paid to write testimonials for Dsade. I'm simply writing for him because his product is SUPERB and I ALWAYS vouche for anyone who produces wonderful product.
Please ignore 99% of this post people and read up at thunders forum. Pinching your nerves is not something to embrace!
I agree 100% with the above.^^^^
How can you get-it-up for sex after torturing your little buddy like that SMH. My EQ would be non-existing. To each his own I suppose. If it works it works.
Received my order yesterday and immediately put it to use lol. I will say for sure that it gave me a stronger aching sensation which tells me it's stretching those ligaments. This morning I applied it behind my balls and about 2.5" up the shaft from the base. I changed my routine and re-added hanging for 15-20 minutes then a vacuum pump for 20-30 minutes. Behind the balls aching sensation lasted for over 6hrs. That's never happened before.
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My penis increased 8.5 inches NBPEL to around 8.7 inches NBPEL. For bone pressed, it's 9.25 inches BPEL to ~9.4 inches BPEL.

Erect girth is same at 6.5 inches Midshaft and with 6.75 inches being at the bottom base.

For any doubters like @Avengeme your doubts are perfectly understandable.

You have to understand I poured everything for this. Abstained from eating junk food and ate healthy, did a lot of sprinting to boost HGH levels, slept early, swam, ate healthy food and abstained from sex and masturbation whenever I could.

I used up all the HUNG formula right now and my girlfriend cannot take my penis anymore. I used to love it whenever I hit her with doggystyle and her pelvis pounded against me and my balls slapped on her clitoris as I fucked her but I can't even get it all the way anymore.

I get toothy blowjobs as well. So far I'm totally satisfied. For anyone having frustrations on this, please don't give up. Try penis extending for at least 8 hours a day. Quit your job if you have to. Do whatever you can to make those gains. Use penis pump (preferably Bathmate) for 30 minutes (twice a day) -- morning and before you go to sleep. Then clamp for additional 20~30 minutes at the night time. Some people may think this is too much but your penis heals extremely quickly and will come out much bigger. Penis growth is stubborn and you literally have to pull your penis in all direction. I even learned how to hang better and have been applying Bib Hanger (using 20 lbs) for 3 hours per day in addition to using my penis extender. For the amount of time I use on PE per day (it's almost over 12 hours -- NO kidding). Literally. The only time I take off the devices (extender, hanger, pump, clamps) is when I need to piss. Sometimes I even sleep with the devices like extender to get extra time. When I wake up, I do angio jelqing to get the bloodflow back to my penis (thanks to Janus Bifrons). That man saved my sex life earlier and I cannot thank him enough too. I do multiple angio jelqing per day.

I also do angio jelqing 75 minutes after sprinting (that is the time when your blood has the most nutrients... look at it up pubmed, Dr. Lin and do research). When I pump nutritious blood back into my penis, it heals 10 times faster. This is what enables me to do long hours of hanging, penis extending, pumping and clamping. The key is ANGIO JELQING. Dr. Lin from actionlove (BALLONING) is also another man that saved my sex life. Learn his ballooning technique.

Some people might be wondering how I'm able to do all this in one day. Well I can. I quit my job just to make more time out of my life. Thankfully my girlfriend have been extremely supportive. For anyone not being able to grow from PE, please do your research and tweak your routine. Eating the right healthy nutrition is just as important as everything else. If you aren't growing from PE, you either have wrong routine or not being patient enough.

Sometimes having all that devices on your penis will hurt and pinch your nerves. YOU HAVE TO EMBRACE THIS! It's all about the right mindset and tell yourself. YOU CAN DO IT! YOU CAN DO IT!... BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! I'm able to endure all this. I picture myself Mandingo, Shane Diesel, Shorty Mac, Dredd, Julio Gomez all gangbanging my girlfriend and that itself is enough encouragement to keep going. I can't let that happen. Even though as a fellow brotha, I want the best for them.... this always motivates me to keep going despite the pain. The pain is a sign that my penis is growing.

Have the right mindset. I'm happy to answer any questions.

I do NOT get paid to write testimonials for Dsade. I'm simply writing for him because his product is SUPERB and I ALWAYS vouche for anyone who produces wonderful product.

Whatever you say man.
Has the Hung formula radically changed? I just received a new order and this is much darker than the others and is very liquid, whereas previously it was much thicker in texture.
A few updates after about 2 months of every other day of using hung, tension, and pumping...

1st- I haven't measured but I have noticed a little more than an 1/8th of an inch of pink coloring of my shaft right under the glands (I'm thinking new growth)
2nd- When I take days off (no HUNG, tension, pumping), 2 consecutive days or more, I notice itching in areas that have had HUNG applied to it...Does anyone else experience this?? It's not any kind of STI since I haven't been sexually active in about 4 months.
3rd- During this past 2 months I had to take about 2 weeks off because of skin tearing after a pump session (luckily not severe). I believe this is a good sign, or at least I will interpret as so since there is more volume entering the shaft in an excelerated rate that the skin has trouble keeping up aka real growth??

After I have completed month 3 I will post actual measurements.
Question, how long after you've applied HUNG is it safe to wash and apply your favorite lotion without it affecting HUNG'S ingredients?
are there any concerns with this affecting fertility given the androgens if trying to get the wife pregnant?
I stopped using HUNG because of some blotching/bruising looking light spots appearing on my junk. Also started having a burning sensation in those areas. TBH I really like how much fuller it kept my junk after a workout and was looking forward towards how well it might have worked long term.
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I stopped using HUNG because of some blotching/bruising looking light spots appearing on my junk. Also started having a burning sensation in those areas. TBH I really like how much fuller it kept my junk after a workout and was looking forward towards how well it might have worked long term.
Generally the blotchy/bruising spots are a good sign, as long as you are not experiencing any other negative symptoms like poor erections... for me atleast it showed I was working hard enough, now if it is painful and severely bruised you probably went too hard haha
Have been extending/pumping since Nov 2nd of 2022. Apply 2-4 squirts of Hung a day (generally before and or after hanging/extending)

Unfortunately outside of better EQ I haven’t gained anything besides flaccid hang.
I just found that hung is out of stock.
I want to get more before my last bottle runs out, how long will it take for restock?
Very interested in this. I have been rubbing epiandro gel on my pecker in and off for a bit. I had the best results when I put some old d-plex into a carrier and applied it liberally back in the day

what carrier did you use for the topical d-plex?
anyone still using hung or training? I started again about 5 weeks ago after a few month lay off... trying to do atleast 1 hour extending in the morning then throughout the day some manual stretches after going to the toilet, then at night aiming for 4 hours extending and 20 minutes pumping. Applying hung once at end of night. I kept the gains from my previous run other than my flaccid which surprisingly went back to normal, but the erect length remained... normally it is the other way around :S

So far flaccid has shown massive improvement in girth and length again and length is about the same, little bit above but that I am associating with residual pump/extender work
new update!!!!!!! since last Jan.

May I have everyone's attention please!!!!

Today is Septemeber 6th and I measure whopping 11 inches BPEL. I lost weight as well and so my NBPEL is 10.5 inches.

11 inches of monster cock.


You have to put your faith in it. You have to be OBSESSED with PE.

If you only do half arse work you will get half arse results or nothing.


Send me private message and I will show you my exact routine (changed routine).
new update!!!!!!! since last Jan.

May I have everyone's attention please!!!!

Today is Septemeber 6th and I measure whopping 11 inches BPEL. I lost weight as well and so my NBPEL is 10.5 inches.

11 inches of monster cock.


You have to put your faith in it. You have to be OBSESSED with PE.

If you only do half arse work you will get half arse results or nothing.


Send me private message and I will show you my exact routine (changed routine).

Wow that's awesome man!
new update!!!!!!! since last Jan.

May I have everyone's attention please!!!!

Today is Septemeber 6th and I measure whopping 11 inches BPEL. I lost weight as well and so my NBPEL is 10.5 inches.

11 inches of monster cock.


You have to put your faith in it. You have to be OBSESSED with PE.

If you only do half arse work you will get half arse results or nothing.


Send me private message and I will show you my exact routine (changed routine).

what did you start at?
There was a study done recent with men getting nitric oxide boosters, prp injections into their dick once a month then pumping 20 mins in the morning at night for 6 months and that results in .8inch increase in penile length and 0.5 in girth. I wonder if there was some kind of alternative for prp injections that can be done along side hung... maybe I will get a prp machine (centrifuge) and do it myself (after a lot of research of course)
Any news for restocks? My last bottle is running out.
My gf notices my gains in overall volume i'm very happy with it. (i'm stacking cialis and 3-AD daily)
Wonder if bmp is beneficial when stacking with HUNG? I ordered new bmp last week and i can't wait to try it
Any updates? dsade gone mia it seems :( I have started doing PE again, hanging for the first time and seeing results very quickly