My penis increased 8.5 inches NBPEL to around 8.7 inches NBPEL. For bone pressed, it's 9.25 inches BPEL to ~9.4 inches BPEL.
Erect girth is same at 6.5 inches Midshaft and with 6.75 inches being at the bottom base.
For any doubters like
@Avengeme your doubts are perfectly understandable.
You have to understand I poured everything for this. Abstained from eating junk food and ate healthy, did a lot of sprinting to boost HGH levels, slept early, swam, ate healthy food and abstained from sex and masturbation whenever I could.
I used up all the HUNG formula right now and my girlfriend cannot take my penis anymore. I used to love it whenever I hit her with doggystyle and her pelvis pounded against me and my balls slapped on her clitoris as I fucked her but I can't even get it all the way anymore.
I get toothy blowjobs as well. So far I'm totally satisfied. For anyone having frustrations on this, please don't give up. Try penis extending for at least 8 hours a day. Quit your job if you have to. Do whatever you can to make those gains. Use penis pump (preferably Bathmate) for 30 minutes (twice a day) -- morning and before you go to sleep. Then clamp for additional 20~30 minutes at the night time. Some people may think this is too much but your penis heals extremely quickly and will come out much bigger. Penis growth is stubborn and you literally have to pull your penis in all direction. I even learned how to hang better and have been applying Bib Hanger (using 20 lbs) for 3 hours per day in addition to using my penis extender. For the amount of time I use on PE per day (it's almost over 12 hours -- NO kidding). Literally. The only time I take off the devices (extender, hanger, pump, clamps) is when I need to piss. Sometimes I even sleep with the devices like extender to get extra time. When I wake up, I do angio jelqing to get the bloodflow back to my penis (thanks to Janus Bifrons). That man saved my sex life earlier and I cannot thank him enough too. I do multiple angio jelqing per day.
I also do angio jelqing 75 minutes after sprinting (that is the time when your blood has the most nutrients... look at it up pubmed, Dr. Lin and do research). When I pump nutritious blood back into my penis, it heals 10 times faster. This is what enables me to do long hours of hanging, penis extending, pumping and clamping. The key is ANGIO JELQING. Dr. Lin from actionlove (BALLONING) is also another man that saved my sex life. Learn his ballooning technique.
Some people might be wondering how I'm able to do all this in one day. Well I can. I quit my job just to make more time out of my life. Thankfully my girlfriend have been extremely supportive. For anyone not being able to grow from PE, please do your research and tweak your routine. Eating the right healthy nutrition is just as important as everything else. If you aren't growing from PE, you either have wrong routine or not being patient enough.
Sometimes having all that devices on your penis will hurt and pinch your nerves. YOU HAVE TO EMBRACE THIS! It's all about the right mindset and tell yourself. YOU CAN DO IT! YOU CAN DO IT!... BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! I'm able to endure all this. I picture myself Mandingo, Shane Diesel, Shorty Mac, Dredd, Julio Gomez all gangbanging my girlfriend and that itself is enough encouragement to keep going. I can't let that happen. Even though as a fellow brotha, I want the best for them.... this always motivates me to keep going despite the pain. The pain is a sign that my penis is growing.
Have the right mindset. I'm happy to answer any questions.
I do NOT get paid to write testimonials for Dsade. I'm simply writing for him because his product is SUPERB and I ALWAYS vouche for anyone who produces wonderful product.