My penis increased 7.5 inches NBPEL to around 8 inches NBPEL
For bone pressed, it's 8.25 inches BPEL to ~8.75 inches BPEL.
so I grew 0.5 inches (that is little over 1 cm).
So my exact routine and where exactly I applied the HUNG. Here it is. I modified my routine as I went along but I used this exact routine for about two weeks straight since I learned about some orders of exercises and what worked best for me. I feel this routine helped me get the most out of it and also felt my penis really expand.
I have started the whole HUNG application since early October and have been going through my own learning curve.
Morning when I first wake up, I get a boner (morning wood) so I take advantage of that and edge and balloon for about 15 minutes. Then after my erection subsidizes, I heat my penis using heater gun that I bought from Home Depot.
The purpose for edging and ballooning was to try to get hormones up to my dick as much as possible. They say that you have highest concentration of hormones when you wake up first thing in the morning. I consider edging as my warm up. Also stretches out the tunica to get exercises ready later on.
I heat my penis for about 10 min (addition warm up). Then I do 30 sec hold stretch each direction.
Straight up left: 30 sec hold
Straight up right: 30 sec hold
Straight up top: 30 sec hold
Straight out left: 30 sec hold
Straight out right: 30 sec hold
Straight out middle: 30 sec hold
Straight down left: 30 sec hold
Straight down right: 30 sec hold
Straight down middle: 30 sec hold
Between the cheeks left: 30 sec hold
Between the cheeks right: 30 sec hold
Between the cheeks middle: 30 sec hold
Then I apply traction (chinese knock off penis extender that I modified little bit) for about 1 hr 30 min (90 minutes) before my penis starts to ache and then I take it off. I put the highest setting as my penis allows and then every 15 min, I lower the notch until 90 minutes past. The reasoning for this is from what I read in Bib's application of "riding the fatigue" or "reaching the creep"..... Except I'm using traction device instead of hanger but I believe the science behind it is similar. First stretch my penis as far as possible to get microtears and then as time passes, I lower the notch so the penis can heal in extended state as I "ride the fatigue".
Then I do standard erect wet jelqing (now do this Extremely slow). If you are not conditioned to do this, then jelq at ~70% erection but since I feel best stretch from erect jelqing and I feel my penis expanded, I do them for about 30 minutes. But each stroke, I do very very slow without grabbing too hard. If you go very fast, you might burst a blood vessel so please be careful. I jelq from the root of my penis (from the behind balls to all the way to the top). Each stroke (one stroke takes me about 10 seconds to complete)... both hands 20 seconds... I call that 1 rep. The lotion that I use is concoction of Bengay, Vick's rub, and vaseline. The menthol acts as vasodilator.
After all that (HERE IS THE IMPORTANT PART). I take a shower to scrub out all the grease on my penis and clean myself. Then when I'm dried out, I apply HUNG at the root of my penis (the base where the pubic hair grows). I do NOT apply it on my upper shaft or the head. I apply it at the very bottom of my penis (where the inner penis is) behind the balls and on the pubic hair area. I believe this really helped me absorb HUNG better. I believe the reasoning behind it is when boys go through puberty, the first thing they see is pubic hair before penis growth. After pubic hair forms, the penis growth follows so basically think of it as watering your plant. You want to water the soil at the pot, you don't want to water everything only on the leaves but mostly on the soil where the root of the plant grows. Think of the soil as the area your pubic hair grows and think of the plant as your penis. The penis grows from the root. Now I trim (shaving will give me razor bumps), "close-shave" trim with electric beard trimmer. You want the nutrition from the HUNG to reach through the pores as much as possible and having large bush will interfere that.
With supplements,
I also consume 500 mg of Niacin (If you are on niacin, I recommend not to drink alcohol or coffee as it will really tax on your liver). In fact coffee is vasoconstrictor so I wouldn't even recommend that when doing PE. Also no alcohol as self explanatory.
In addition, I consume L-arginine (2 grams) & L-lysine (1 gram) per day.
Choline (1500 mg)
Evening primrose (1500 mg)
L-Tyrosine (1500 mg)
Tribulus Terrestris (625 mg) twice a day.
5 HTP (500 mg) only at night
some of these pills are overdosed so please please be careful. Always do your own research and follow guidelines from your supplement bottle. These lists are obtained from what people revealed from PE BIBLE. I added Niacin because it is a strong vasodilator and you will feel it right away.
Before I go to sleep, I spend 20 minutes Air pumping my penis at 6~7 HG and each time it decreases, I keep pumping as long as they are around 6~7 HG.
ALL of this I did it everyday.
NOW this may all sound like overtraining and at first I thought too but I read various of posts at thundersplace, MOS forum, Biohacker (used to be pegym), LPSG forum and what I found out was most people seem to agree that if you give too much rest day, the penis will grow stronger. We want penis to lengthen. Now some people can try to debate that and that's okay. I'm always open minded to new ideas and debate but this is what personally worked for me.
Some of you might not have all the time of the day to do all that (because of work) and I understand but try to squeeze as much as you can and use your time wisely.
I think this is it... at least for now. Feel free to ask me any questions.
0.5 inch might not seem a lot from ruler point of view but from my eyes, I'm loving the "feel".