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Let's see who remembers...Where are my old M&M peeps?
Would I kid about something like this?Late april fools joke or for real?
I guess you could say that my attention is erect.You've piqued my interests, sir.
Would I kid about something like this?
Seriously, very early on - but I found some really cool things recently that look like they might pan out. This will involve a whole lot of testing, with disciplined, solid data points meticulously logged.
Wow, thought this product would never be resurrected. Too bad my wife would murder me if I even thought about purchasing.
Wow, thought this product would never be resurrected. Too bad my wife would murder me if I even thought about purchasing.
Who says she has to know...
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Let's see who remembers...Where are my old M&M peeps?
I think I can actually have a alpha version of this ready to roll in a few weeks...but it will absolutely be heavily restricted to testers that I mentioned up above - highly disciplined, painstaking record/data keepers.
Injections aren't the only way to cause localized IGF-1 expression in targeted tissues, and IGF-1 is only a small part of it.Wow! I was under the assumption that only IGF-1 injections directly into the member was the only possible way to get an increase in size
I also read here and other boards about people using topical dht, but results were minimal at best, I guess this would be more effective during puberty
I followed alot of the old mind and muscle forums as the topical fat burners always intrigued me and still do, I do recall someone actually posting a version of 'homeade hung'
I followed alot of the old mind and muscle forums as the topical fat burners always intrigued me and still do, I do recall someone actually posting a version of 'homeade hung'
Regardless, I am in. Again, you have a tester at your disposal.
BTW, if you are still interested in the topical fat burners, the Abliderate series and the Eviscerate series are next generation and highly effective options.
You just want to rub lotions on your hungus, heck you do it already
One of the major problems back then was the carrier. Par Deus and I have worked to develop a hybrid carrier that works with all of the actives, while being gentle enough on "sensitive" tissue. We also have two new penetration enhancers that are pretty incredible.
To be clear is the goal of this product to have lasting effects even after you finish using the product?
Seems like a stretch.
What lb. dumbbell should I hang on it