Erase Reviews and Testimonials (Post them here!)


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Hello everybody

Does somebody know if I can stack Alpha T2 + Erase + SHRED Matrix without any problem?

Thanks a lot in advance
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Hello everybody

Does somebody know if I can stack Alpha T2 + Erase + SHRED Matrix without any problem?

Thanks a lot in advance
Yes, you can stack all three products together - I do it all the time (see my last few logs here); in fact, this is a STAPLE stack for me! :)

Just to note though, that if you have not used each product before, then it's best to use them standalone or stagger your start of them, so you know how each one of them affects you.



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Rosie thanks a lot for your reply.

Today was my first day. I took 2 capsules of SHRED Matrix + 1 capsule of Alpha-T2 before breakfast and 2 more of SHRED Matrix before lunch. To tell you the truth, I felt sick and dizzy during the whole day and actually I still have the effect of the capsules.
Thanks again for your advice, I will decrease the amount and increase it gradually.
Have an excellent week.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie thanks a lot for your reply.

Today was my first day. I took 2 capsules of SHRED Matrix + 1 capsule of Alpha-T2 before breakfast and 2 more of SHRED Matrix before lunch. To tell you the truth, I felt sick and dizzy during the whole day and actually I still have the effect of the capsules.
Thanks again for your advice, I will decrease the amount and increase it gradually.
Have an excellent week.
No worries :)

If you felt sick and dizzy, could be that either a) stacking Alpha-T2 and Shred Matrix does not agree with you, b) you left it too long after dosing before eating (you want to eat ~30 minutes after dosing Shred Matrix), c) you are not drinking enough (you should be having at least 4.5 litres of water a day, IMO), or d) a mix of everything or another factor not listed.

Re Shred Matrix, the recommended dosage for this is 3 capsules twice daily, ideally ~30 minutes pre-meal (since it contains nutrient repartitioning and diuretic properties). However, you could start with just a single dose daily and see how this affects you.

If you have not used either Alpha-T2 or Shred Matrix before, then I recommend starting using Alpha-T2 for a week and then perhaps adding Shred Matrix in during the following week.

Also remember that more is not always better when it comes to stacking supplements, and if you can achieve your goals with less (not less dosage, since there are recommended dosages for a reason and using less than the recommended dosage for anything more than a few days to a week to assess tolerance is not using the product efficiently), then try that.



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Today as just took Alpha-T2 and Eraser and I did not have any side effects. Thank you very much for your help. Have a great night.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Today as just took Alpha-T2 and Eraser and I did not have any side effects. Thank you very much for your help. Have a great night.
It's possible that Shred Matrix does not agree too well with you. You can always give it another go in a few days and see what happens, and if it is indeed that causing those effects, then either stop using it or just soldier through.

No worries :)



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Haha cannot help but to notice that Rosie really loves her Erase.:bigok:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Haha cannot help but to notice that Rosie really loves her Erase.:bigok:
I definitely do! Don't like going even a few days without it, honestly. And I notice not just a difference re "dryness" without it, but my joints start playing up as well (yes, I know, OPPOSITE effect than expected from such a product that it helps makes my joints better when "on").



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Just want to say thank you to PES for creating erase! About 2 1/2 weeks into my first run and i can not stop raving about it hands down one of the best supplements I have used to date. Strength is up, vascularity is up, all day fullness and I've definitely seen a huge increase in my already massive appetite. BIG ups to you guys and keep up the good work you've definitely got me fully on board with support for everyone at PES! Found a new staple company for my stash! Excited to see how everything else in your line treats me. I cant say enough about you guys and absolutely love the fact not one of your products has a single proprietary (eh em, bulls#*t) blend, great company, great products! Customer for life here!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Just want to say thank you to PES for creating erase! About 2 1/2 weeks into my first run and i can not stop raving about it hands down one of the best supplements I have used to date. Strength is up, vascularity is up, all day fullness and I've definitely seen a huge increase in my already massive appetite. BIG ups to you guys and keep up the good work you've definitely got me fully on board with support for everyone at PES! Found a new staple company for my stash! Excited to see how everything else in your line treats me. I cant say enough about you guys and absolutely love the fact not one of your products has a single proprietary (eh em, bulls#*t) blend, great company, great products! Customer for life here!
Thanks for the great feedback! Nice to see someone else love it so much to use it as a "staple". PES is definitely an awesome company with products that speak for themselves :)



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I ordered the erase -daa stack and this will be my first time running it. After reading this thread im really looking forward to it. Does anyone have any advice on dosing schedule? Another thread suggests 2 erase prework out but that's as far as I've planned so far.


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Erase&Surge Combo: Thought/Reviews?!?!
I love Endosurge. This is a great stack.

Just want to say thank you to PES for creating erase! About 2 1/2 weeks into my first run and i can not stop raving about it hands down one of the best supplements I have used to date. Strength is up, vascularity is up, all day fullness and I've definitely seen a huge increase in my already massive appetite. BIG ups to you guys and keep up the good work you've definitely got me fully on board with support for everyone at PES! Found a new staple company for my stash! Excited to see how everything else in your line treats me. I cant say enough about you guys and absolutely love the fact not one of your products has a single proprietary (eh em, bulls#*t) blend, great company, great products! Customer for life here!
I am pleased you enjoy our products so much! Thank you for taking the time to post this. Hopefully you will enjoy our new product being released in a couple of weeks as well.

I ordered the erase -daa stack and this will be my first time running it. After reading this thread im really looking forward to it. Does anyone have any advice on dosing schedule? Another thread suggests 2 erase prework out but that's as far as I've planned so far.
Just stick to the dosing schedule. I spread my doses of Erase evenly and take one with breakfast, lunch and dinner. :)
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I ordered the erase -daa stack and this will be my first time running it. After reading this thread im really looking forward to it. Does anyone have any advice on dosing schedule? Another thread suggests 2 erase prework out but that's as far as I've planned so far.
Not sure why you would take pre-training - unless you train first thing, or it falls into the window of when it is recommended to time your doses. Otherwise, use as DIRECTED: first thing and again 6-8 hours later, and if you want to pre-bed as well. As a male you should start out with two caps a day (first two times given dose) and maybe go to three caps, but go back down if any issues re joints occur.



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There is a thread about erase ore work out that you might find interesting. People are saying that taking it pre work out is giving intense results in the gym.....better pumps, recovery, and strength gains than any pwo supplements. I will run my cycle per your suggestion this time though. since its my first cycle with this. Thank you for the help


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I'm going to make the Jump to 4 a day. I've done so before and joints are doing fine at 3..

My questions is woul u recommend sticking to one cap every 4 hours


Could I double up, say my post workout dose?

So dosing would be 1cap upon rising/Pre workout

Post workout (which would end up being about 4 hours, Maybe more) 2 caps

Before bed- 1 cap
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I'm going to make the Jump to 4 a day. I've done so before and joints are doing fine at 3..

My questions is woul u recommend sticking to one cap every 4 hours


Could I double up, say my post workout dose?

So dosing would be 1cap upon rising/Pre workout

Post workout (which would end up being about 4 hours, Maybe more) 2 caps

Before bed- 1 cap
Try it different ways and see what works best for you - I personally do 2 caps first thing, 2 caps 6-8 hours later (currently has been immediately post-training), and 1 cap pre-bed, but everyone is different.



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Try it different ways and see what works best for you - I personally do 2 caps first thing, 2 caps 6-8 hours later (currently has been immediately post-training), and 1 cap pre-bed, but everyone is different.

Yea I will play around, plus off days would be different obviously! Was more so concerned with taking 2 at once... But was assuming it's no problem bc of erase pro and other products that dose at 75mg all in one shot!

An example of today woul be:
Woke up at 3pm... Yes.. Took 1 cap

Workout 5pm-6:40pm will take 2 caps immediately post in just a few moments (on elliptical ATM) :)

Bed will be anywhere between 1-2am- one cap


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Yea I will play around, plus off days would be different obviously! Was more so concerned with taking 2 at once... But was assuming it's no problem bc of erase pro and other products that dose at 75mg all in one shot!

An example of today woul be:
Woke up at 3pm... Yes.. Took 1 cap

Workout 5pm-6:40pm will take 2 caps immediately post in just a few moments (on elliptical ATM) :)

Bed will be anywhere between 1-2am- one cap
Have you been running 4 caps?


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Have you been running 4 caps?
No I've been on 3 a day since June 15.

I am going for 10 weeks. I am not getting te results I usually do unfortunately. I will try 4 (I've used 4 for 4 weeks in the past with great results).
Then drop back to 3 for weeks 8-9. Then 2 for week 10. then come off
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Yea I will play around, plus off days would be different obviously! Was more so concerned with taking 2 at once... But was assuming it's no problem bc of erase pro and other products that dose at 75mg all in one shot!

An example of today woul be:
Woke up at 3pm... Yes.. Took 1 cap

Workout 5pm-6:40pm will take 2 caps immediately post in just a few moments (on elliptical ATM) :)

Bed will be anywhere between 1-2am- one cap
Off days don't have to be different at all - my dosing/timing doesn't change based on whether or not I train. nothing wrong with using two caps at once at all either - many have done this. If you do get any joint issues, then drop back to three caps daily.



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36 hours into 4 cap dosing- libido is way up.. Wasn't expecting it either so def not placebo effect


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Is there any issue with adding ebol to erase?
Edit: not gonna do it anynore, but still curious ;)


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Not that I am aware of.


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What about erase with bulbine and x gels OR Anabeta

Would the anti estrogenic properties of bulbine be too much to combine with erase?

Does a 2 on/ 1 off dose scheme of erase pro make sense?

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What about erase with bulbine and x gels OR Anabeta

Would the anti estrogenic properties of bulbine be too much to combine with erase?

Does a 2 on/ 1 off dose scheme of erase pro make sense?
Dont buy into the bulbine study...there is a reason that the study is amazing yet in the real world it was a flop.

AnaBeta makes the most sense with the strong research backing it and the proven success of the stack from so many members here


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I was told by an sns rep that anabeta and x gels would have to be dosed away from eachother... True?

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