Dreamweaver's Dream Contest ... Win a Jug of G8



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who's ready for another weird dream. this one was kinda fun lol

end up in evanston, which is like a mile or 2 away, and at a factory or storage unit and ran into an old friend from highschool(black dude) and we were runnin from the cops. we run into another one of our other friends(white guy) and we all end up runnin. cops are gettin closer so we split up. white friend takes off in one direction, black in the other and i went with the black guy. few minutes later we see the guy arrested lol and we just watchin from a roof laughin. so a helicopter see's us and we're jumpin from buildin to buildin, slide down this huge pole to the ground. we're runnin through windows, pullin off jackie chan moves, sliding through barred windows then we split, i get caught and now at a new place.

the next chapter took place at this huge ass water park. i hate these kinda dreams btw. just chillin with friends and waitin in line for a waterslide. my turn comes and of course like all my other dreams, i go down and halfway through the slide narrows and im stuck with the water flooding it. so im kickin and yellin and goin crazy and managed to climb through back to the top. so i kinda have a fear of water slides, havent been in one in years unless its got the top half opened.

then we move back to evanston at the highschool and people keep stealin my wallet, phone or whatever and get into constant fights. even hit a few females but hey, they hit hard in my dreams. then people just kept jackin me and ended up naked. so i apparently i got super strength and tore the building down outa anger and woke up. all in all, not a bad night. i liked when we were runnin from cops, pretty fun :)
That's the crazy patterns that are hard to remember unless you really try hard to commit it to memory when you first wake up.. they make no sense .. the transitions... good one :)


  • RockStar
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Hey DW, is to log or not? I didn't see if that was specified anywhere.
I would be grateful for a Review but a log is not necessary.


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lol dude, i could write a book with all these strange dreams. G8 with my helladrol would be a nice log next month :) just sayin. it seems everything i watch on tv or experience the day before will always have somethin to do with my dream. for instance, was watchin cops and bait car last night


Active member
Bahaha.. oh man.. just last night I had one where everyone had dog heads/faces. Just like those things that you see in pictures and stuff, it was exactly like that. Human bodies... dog heads. It was the freakiest thing. They were all like bloodhound and/or beagle heads too with huge ears. Everyone lived on farms. To top it all off.... they'd eat each other....


  • RockStar
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Bahaha.. oh man.. just last night I had one where everyone had dog heads/faces. Just like those things that you see in pictures and stuff, it was exactly like that. Human bodies... dog heads. It was the freakiest thing. They were all like bloodhound and/or beagle heads too with huge ears. Everyone lived on farms. To top it all off.... they'd eat each other....
There's never any shortage of strange twists ....


  • RockStar
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Had one last night where I was running from cops for some reason. As I ran, my strides kept getting bigger. Then I started to jump/run kinda like the videos of the astronauts on the moon. Next thing I know, I'm just outright flying and the cops decided to stop chasing me. The cops were in their car and I outran them before I started to fly. I tend to have a lot of dreams where I can fly. I used to have this whole series of dreams going where one dream would pick up where the one feom the night before left off. They were very vivid and seemed real. So real that sometimes during the day, I would actually think I could fly! My logic would kick in pretty quick and shoot that down though! Real funny thing is I would argue with it and say "no I can fly, I did it yesterday!" to myself. That whole series was a definite messing up of the mind!


  • RockStar
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Ok I should announce the winner, Phatmike and Lukeyard had some good ones but have to go with Easy for the identity dream in post number 20... all you have to do is answer a few questions :)

So Easy email Al your address...


Never enough
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Sweet! last night bring St Patrick's, the line between reality and dreams was blurred by alcohol ;)


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Sweet! last night bring St Patrick's, the line between reality and dreams was blurred by alcohol ;)
congrats man, sleep well hehehe

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