Vivid Dreaming


ya'll ever go on vivid dream kicks? I used to have the most gnarly dreams so I got into a habit of thinking about them and reminding myself to really focus on them when I woke up, it made them more common and more memorable.

the other night my wife and I both had wild dreams and she decided we can't watch American Gods anymore before bed 😅

then last night. completely out of the blue I had the most insanely realistic and vivid dream. It was... 4k. the definition was better than real life. 😅

long story short the pacific northwest no longer exists after an onslaught of atomic bombs. I woke up about the time I was vaporized so I guess you don't really die in real life if you die in your dream 😅
I love vivid dreams.

We have a lot of people use Growth Factor XT and Api-Plex for improved sleep quality and vivid dreams, and there is a lot of feedback on it in both threads:

One of the best feedbacks on this in the Growth Factor XT thread was feeling like one is living two lives, one in the real world and one in the waking world.
I love vivid dreams.

We have a lot of people use Growth Factor XT and Api-Plex for improved sleep quality and vivid dreams, and there is a lot of feedback on it in both threads:

One of the best feedbacks on this in the Growth Factor XT thread was feeling like one is living two lives, one in the real world and one in the waking world.

I said it feels like two worlds.

Sometimes it’s a bit much (for me personally), I wake up and I’m like wait did that happen yesterday or was I in a dream. 🤣
I’m excited to try growth factor XT for this but the best supplement I have ever taken for this was anteus omneiromancer
ya'll ever go on vivid dream kicks? I used to have the most gnarly dreams so I got into a habit of thinking about them and reminding myself to really focus on them when I woke up, it made them more common and more memorable.

the other night my wife and I both had wild dreams and she decided we can't watch American Gods anymore before bed 😅

then last night. completely out of the blue I had the most insanely realistic and vivid dream. It was... 4k. the definition was better than real life. 😅

long story short the pacific northwest no longer exists after an onslaught of atomic bombs. I woke up about the time I was vaporized so I guess you don't really die in real life if you die in your dream 😅
The Misses and I have been watching Shining Vale recently. Seems like a Rosemary’s Baby knock off but it has humor, not all morbid. Then we watched The Nun. Being brainwashed lapsed catholic that scared the **** out of me.
long story short (I know, too late) the other night I had a nightmare that the “Nun” was crouched at my bedside sucking my sole out of me. I woke up covered in sweat and choking/gasping for air. Felt like getting the wind knocked out of me as a kid but my throat was ON FIRE 🔥. That was a vivid dream I could have done w out
I said it feels like two worlds.

Sometimes it’s a bit much (for me personally), I wake up and I’m like wait did that happen yesterday or was I in a dream. 🤣

I remembered that it was you that had said it but I just didn't want to put you on the spot haha.

I am right there with you in the realness of some of the dreams, which for me I love because they're a cool escape from the stress in day to day life; and some of mine are really cool ones.
I have some vivid dreams sometimes with Suppress-C (b-AET) when I first start back on it, but nothing like I have with Api-Plex, which I had been on for a long time and then with Growth Factor XT.

On an off subject sentimental note, talking about this subject makes me sad because I have always loved lucid dreaming and researched it so much, and its a subject that Rocket and I talked about a lot in threads and privately and he had been looking so forward to Growth Factor XT coming back.

That was one of the reasons I didn't say much about the product or much of anything on here at all for a couple days around the time we released it because he was someone that I considered one of my dearest friends, and his passing shortly before the product was finally released made it very bittersweet for me because out of all the products he and I discussed, Growth Factor XT and Focus XT were the two he asked me about the most as to when they would be back available. And he loved Api-Plex, so I had already told him the new Growth Factor would have Apigenin in it and he had looked so forward to it.
ya'll ever go on vivid dream kicks? I used to have the most gnarly dreams so I got into a habit of thinking about them and reminding myself to really focus on them when I woke up, it made them more common and more memorable.

the other night my wife and I both had wild dreams and she decided we can't watch American Gods anymore before bed 😅

then last night. completely out of the blue I had the most insanely realistic and vivid dream. It was... 4k. the definition was better than real life. 😅

long story short the pacific northwest no longer exists after an onslaught of atomic bombs. I woke up about the time I was vaporized so I guess you don't really die in real life if you die in your dream 😅
I have very vivid dreams, most of the time i can completely figure it out and i can control most of the dream until i start waking up. By "control" i can move stuff with my mind or just hold up my hand and whatever i want will fly into my hand. I love dreams like that. I feel like a superhero till i start waking up. Sometimes i can fall back asleep into the same dream but rarely.

Ive got a half ass dream journal from my 20's around here somewhere. Id like tp share a cool dream Depiction i had done around the time my daughter was born that came true! Scary but bad and goog

At 20 i had this dream that a little monster jumped into my cat and was trying to kill everything, i eventually caught my cat in the dream and i had to kill him to kill the monster. I rember crying as i woke up. Then i had a part 2 a few weeks later where the monster jumped into my nephew and was terrorizing everything and from him jumped back into my cat( yes the cat was alive in the other dream) it said to me.... you will never get rid of me till i go to college in maine! Lol.

So i had a dream dipiction done, they said the little monster is a baby, thats why it jumped in my young neohew and cat. They said i killed it because i was thinking about abortion and the maine part was because you get rid of your kids when they go to college. No clue why maine was picked. Nothing in my life has any ties to main lol.

Well, 2 days before the first dream me 20 and my girl 18 found out shes pregnant. Fast forward 17 years and tho my daughter is a honor roll student and class president, at home shes a 17yr old hormonal nightmare, she torments everyone when shes in her moods and my female cat hates here.

She gets a lot of college letters but guess where shes really looking at...... U-Maine lol.

What are the fukin odds
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I said it feels like two worlds.

Sometimes it’s a bit much (for me personally), I wake up and I’m like wait did that happen yesterday or was I in a dream. 🤣

One of the best feedbacks on this in the Growth Factor XT thread was feeling like one is living two lives, one in the real world and one in the waking world.

which ingredient do you think causes it? When I first got into vivid dreaming years ago I ordered some Valerian tea which supposedly encourages vivid dreaming but instead it seemed to trigger like panic attack sensations so I got off it lol

I definitely have vivid dreams when I’m running Alpha gel!

coincidentally I am of course on Alpha Gel now. I did not notice it the first few times I used it, although I have had CRAZY dreams on ZMA in the past.

On an off subject sentimental note, talking about this subject makes me sad because I have always loved lucid dreaming and researched it so much, and its a subject that Rocket and I talked about a lot in threads and privately and he had been looking so forward to Growth Factor XT coming back.
I love dreams like that.

I'm the same way, love to read into them too.
Although one of my most memorable ones years ago was when a bunch of buddies and I all got our own space needles to drive up into the mountains.

like legit, real height space needles, with 4x4 wheels on the bottom, steering wheels way up top. we drove them down seattle, and up into the mountains to my old snowboarding area and since it was summer time they had slip and slides out instead of snowboarding, so we did that 😅
which ingredient do you think causes it? When I first got into vivid dreaming years ago I ordered some Valerian tea which supposedly encourages vivid dreaming but instead it seemed to trigger like panic attack sensations so I got off it lol

I love vivid and lucid dreaming. I remember studying that subject long ago before most people even knew what the terminology really meant.

Valerian is just an herb - its the active constituent that causes lucid dreaming in some people; so whether you get that affect would depend on whether it worked that way for you and also if you were using a properly standardized extract. Most people wouldn't see a lucid dreaming effect from the tea, but most people wouldn't get a panic attack from it either, so it seems like you respond differently to Valerian in your case.

As for what ingredient in Growth Factor XT causes vivid dreams or lucid dreaming, the formula itself. The original version, there were a lot of people that bought it just for the effect - so when we updated the formula, it was very important to keep that aspect of it. That's one reason it took us so long to get a new version of it out was bc I really wanted to make sure that it worked as good or better for that than the original.
dreamed I was rolling cream cheese out my nipples like a toothpaste tube the other night. was so real I was shocked when I got to the bathroom in the morning and found out I was normal.

I'm afraid to dig into the deeper meaning on that one.
dreamed I was rolling cream cheese out my nipples like a toothpaste tube the other night. was so real I was shocked when I got to the bathroom in the morning and found out I was normal.

I'm afraid to dig into the deeper meaning on that one.
Damn it now I am hungry... Who has the bagels? Dustin has the cream cheese! LMFAO!!!!

I have some lucid dreams on occasion, and those are always enjoyable. Something happens I don't like, I can literally change the narrative of the dream. I am still somewhat in control which is pretty cool. However, when I have vivid dreams they are often emotionally disturbing. Often having something to do with something going on that I am not dealing with in my waking hours, so my brain decides to process them, or send me some warnings that things have gone awry in my subconscious mind. I have some abandonment issues lingering around from my childhood, and when things aren't going well with a relationship, or I am avoiding dealing with a situation I will have a dream that the person I am having the issue with is severing ties with me, and typically I am also in some sort of situation where I have lost my job as well, just basically like the wheels are falling off of everything. it feels very hopeless, and so very real. I wake up very distressed and emotionally spent as if i had truly gone through everything that happened in my dream. There have been times I was so distraught by the dreams I just have to roll over and wrap my arms around JoAnn to make me feel better and more secure so I can go back to sleep.

When I was a kid like 5-9, I would dream I was flying around, like to the point there was a period that I kind of actually thought I could fly it felt so real to me. My subconscious mind just didn't know the difference. So I just had it in the back of my head I could actually do these things, and didn't even realize it was all part of my dreams. Like I honestly couldn't tell the difference between what was the dream, and what was reality. Then I started thinking maybe I was astral projecting in my dreams once I got older and was exposed to the idea of that being a possibility. The power of the subconscious mind is unreal!

Other times, I get the sleep paralysis, where my mind is waking up before the sleep paralysis. Often in that situation I find myself in a fight or situatin i need to escape from but my punches move slow, or I am giving it my all and no matter what I am still running in slow motion. My body trying to move but can't yet. Talk about a disconcerting feeling!
Like I honestly couldn't tell the difference between what was the dream, and what was reality. Then I started thinking maybe I was astral projecting in my dreams once I got older and was exposed to the idea of that being a possibility. The power of the subconscious mind is unreal!

ahaha that's awesome! and yes I totally agree. when I had that dream of atomic blasts and being vaporized, I woke up to give my wife her 1am meds. when I went back to sleep the exact same dream happened except this time there was an orange corvette there, she looks at me and says wanna? I said what the hell, so we jumped in and outran the nukes. it was like a choose your own adventure dream 😅

Often in that situation I find myself in a fight or situatin i need to escape from but my punches move slow, or I am giving it my all and no matter what I am still running in slow motion. My body trying to move but can't yet. Talk about a disconcerting feeling!

oh man closest thing I can remember to that was a recurring dream that someone had me on the ground on my back. they had a foot on my balls and were pulling both my arms towards them getting as much leverage as possible on the junk. every time I woke up and found my boxer briefs were all twisted up too tight
I took a GABA 500 mg last night, first time in like a year, the dreams were off the charts crazy...
(My friends were eating and smoking cock-roaches and turning evil and coming after me, etc)...
Really bizarre stuff...
I remember when I was taking some crazy sleep powders I was having weird dreams, one I remember was 3 girls bent over in front of me and they were shooting foamy cream out of their butts at me... this was like 5 years ago, but I still remember the sound and the image hahahahaha.

anyway *unzips*
I remember when I was taking some crazy sleep powders I was having weird dreams, one I remember was 3 girls bent over in front of me and they were shooting foamy cream out of their butts at me... this was like 5 years ago, but I still remember the sound and the image hahahahaha.

anyway *unzips*

dreamed I was rolling cream cheese out my nipples like a toothpaste tube the other night. was so real I was shocked when I got to the bathroom in the morning and found out I was normal.

I'm afraid to dig into the deeper meaning on that one.
Gyno could be a real nightmare Bro! 🤣
Unfortunately, yes, with Ambien and gabapentin.. Believe it or not, all of that doesn't knock me out...
I saw a post from Dante on IG a while back about high dose melatonin (200+) being useful for fat burning!!
Bro where did you hear that it was safe to take that much melatonin…let alone stack it with those other strong drugs?
Bro where did you hear that it was safe to take that much melatonin…let alone stack it with those other strong drugs?
It’s actually around the doses recommended for anti aging because of the strong antioxidant properties of melatonin. I have used doses this high before.
Is this mg or mcg?! 100g of melatonin powder is ~$40, I couldn't imagine regularly taking $80 of anything.

Let alone more than like 2mg
I only looked for a minute or so but I can’t find anything on the internet saying that high of a dose is recommended for any reason.
I only looked for a minute or so but I can’t find anything on the internet saying that high of a dose is recommended for any reason.

I've been a melatonin supporter even when the anti-melatonin bashing phase came about and I have never ever seen anything indicating that that amount is safe to try either.

It's crazy how things come and go trend wise - I remember not 2 years ago some people on here were complaining bc we use 1.5 mg. per capsule in Sleep Assist XT haha.
My new goto for anything head cold related is a hot toddy with extra bourbon, cranberry, a sprig of rosemary, pinch of cayenne, and of course hot water. Does more for me than any OTC meds.

that's actually exactly what my wife and I do. I realize there are non drinkers out there that don't need the temptation in their life but we will have pho for dinner and hot toddies at the slightest inkling of illness. it doesn't work everytime, but I would speculate 80% or more of the time for she and I we recover very fast.

breakfast vit C + elderberry
dinner pho + hot toddy

I can take NyQuil or I can take bourbon... easy choice for me.
that's actually exactly what my wife and I do. I realize there are non drinkers out there that don't need the temptation in their life but we will have pho for dinner and hot toddies at the slightest inkling of illness. it doesn't work everytime, but I would speculate 80% or more of the time for she and I we recover very fast.

breakfast vit C + elderberry
dinner pho + hot toddy

I can take NyQuil or I can take bourbon... easy choice for me.
Are you me? Or is it just a WA thing lol.

I'm a sucker for noods, may last move was based on proximity to noodles and sushi :ROFLMAO: I used to work at a supplement shop over there called super supplements, I had enough elderberry extract to last me 6 years after I left lol.
I'm a sucker for noods,

same 😅

dude WA is so weird now.
we spent saturday doing a food and fish store tour. we started in the bel-red redmond area and i swear to God it's the city of compliance now. every single person drives a tesla, wears the same clothes and stands in line at the same restaurant even if the one next door is empty.

I saw more teslas in 2 hours in redmond than the rest of my life combined. we said we need a slug-bug game for teslas. every other car was a tesla.
Elderberry syrup is literally magic.. And yes, I've been known to drop it in my whiskey or vodka..