Donald Trump running for president



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As soon as dsade gets on here about myosynergy I won’t be on here I will be over there im just bored this is the only place where people reply. Can’t wait to talk about that and how good it is.
matt and i go way back-good guy.


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Even though some would call me a liberal I can tell me and you have a common sense approach and can appreciate sarcasm.
I dont care how liberal you are, you can be to the left of AOC and Bernie, or even a pure Communist, your still welcome here anytime you wish and be yourself.


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There are many good companies on here with great products SNS, BLR,EVOMUSE,APEX alchemy, IML, KETOGENICS, and a bunch of others. Like I said earlier I have been given the great opportunity from @dsade to try the new myosynergy truly game changing.


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Thanks for not answering any questions ask of you but I see how you got your post count up. Also you’re doing the noob thing of just trolling.

By the way what’s a good supplement?
i've seen probably a thousand guys come and go...many come on here and light things up for a week a month even a year or more, but very few last years. the way i have got my post count up is thru my commitment and dedication to this forum--in other words by paying my dues. if it were easy to get a lot of posts don't you think there would be more with as many or probably many more posts than i have. this forum and many of it's members are like family to me.

it's taken over 12 years of continuous posting for my post count to get to where it is.


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@thebigt I just got my order of Somatomax....excited to try it tonight


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i've seen probably a thousand guys come and go...many come on here and light things up for a week a month even a year or more, but very few last years. the way i have got my post count up is thru my commitment and dedication to this forum--in other words by paying my dues. if it were easy to get a lot of posts don't you think there would be more with as many or probably many more posts than i have. this forum and many of it's members are like family to me.

it's taken over 12 years of continuous posting for my post count to get to where it is.
Not impressed until you hit 60,000, then Ill consider your value :)


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@thebigt I just got my order of Somatomax....excited to try it tonight
good should be lights out...try not to use more than 2 nights a week-tolerance will build quickly and phenibut can cause dependency if used too frequently.....other than that top 5 of best sleep aids i've ever tried.


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Not impressed until you hit 60,000, then Ill consider your value :)
i guess i should just warm up the old bot app and add some more then-eh? :D
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i remember when he was involved with nutraplanet back when sam owned it, and i was a rep for bps when matt was their formulator. he has come a long way and well deserved.
I still have a open bottle of Nutraplanet Geranium in my stash. Now that is old school.

I really wished I kept more of my bottles from the past, especially wish I kept a bottle of "Hot Stuff" for my shelf, the one that used to have 72 supplements all in 1 protein drink, LOL Wish I kept a bottle of Xenadrine RFA-1, the best damn weight loss supplement I ever used by far, superior to ephedrine.


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George Floyd was detained by numerous officers. At the point he was detained, he was no longer a threat. The officers had full control, and it was continual pressure on his neck which resulted in his death.

Ashli Babbitt was an active threat. She was not detained nor was she trying to flee.

The two situations are not similar other than a person being dead. If you cannot see that, then that is on you.
Ashli was an imminent threat, we will never know what she may have done or not done if she made it beyond that door. Attempts to restrain could have been employed before there was an attempt on her life. The police made multiple attempts to restrain Floyd, yet he just kept resisting until officer Chauvin gained the upper hand. We know of Floyd’s criminal history, as well as the criminal acts he committed just before his death.

Both Floyd and Babbitt were engaging in behavior that was jeopardizing their lives, albeit to a greater level than either one of them likely recognized. Both of them should have known better if they weren’t willing to sacrifice their lives. In an idyllic world, both situations would have been resolved differently, but when all is said and done, I support law enforcement in both cases. I just have a very hard time with the media portraying one as a heroic victim, and the other as a terrorist.


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I still have a open bottle of Nutraplanet Geranium in my stash. Now that is old school.

I really wished I kept more of my bottles from the past, especially wish I kept a bottle of "Hot Stuff" for my shelf, the one that used to have 72 supplements all in 1 protein drink, LOL Wish I kept a bottle of Xenadrine RFA-1, the best damn weight loss supplement I ever used by far, superior to ephedrine.
hot stuff was great, can't even begin to count how many tubs of that 'stuff' i went thru-pun intended...i remember when PA 1st came out with AMP the original geranium. you remember stim x? sam always sent me tons of the sample packets, the 2 pill sample packets were way stronger than the bottles-imagine that, lol.


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I still have a open bottle of Nutraplanet Geranium in my stash. Now that is old school.

I really wished I kept more of my bottles from the past, especially wish I kept a bottle of "Hot Stuff" for my shelf, the one that used to have 72 supplements all in 1 protein drink, LOL Wish I kept a bottle of Xenadrine RFA-1, the best damn weight loss supplement I ever used by far, superior to ephedrine.
i miss those killer sales nutraplanet used to run...the new years and black friday sales make todays sales look stupid!!!


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i miss those killer sales nutraplanet used to run...the new years and black friday sales make todays sales look stupid!!!
Id def put in a 3-7 hundred order every black friday time. Buy bulk and save. They didnt just put up garbage either. That must be 5-9 hundred in todays money, lol


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Put in the search bar video of police moving out of the way of protestors.
I got results for a police officer politely holding the door for protesters leaving the building as well as a few officers opening barricades to let them move in closer to begin with.

This certainly is an interesting side story. I’m sure it will be used against law enforcement by the dems before too long to support their defunding agenda.


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yea is that the one you seen above?
I just saw the whole thing for the first time.

That officer did his job, he was supposed to shoot in that situation. I 100% fully support that officers actions based on that situation and he successfully helped end the security breach at that point.


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If you guys watch the video the second time instead focus down the hallway you notice they were setting up for a bloodbath, and rightfully so.


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yea is that the one you seen above?
I just saw the whole thing for the first time.

That officer did his job, he was supposed to shoot in that situation. I 100% fully support that officers actions based on that situation and he successfully helped end the security breach at that point.
Yes, but I have to say it is rather interesting that the officers on the side of the door with Ashli and the other protestors moved aside, almost provoking her to proceed in her efforts to make her way through the window to be shot by officers on the other side.

I’m not really sure what to make of that as I am half asleep and am on my way out 😴


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I think everyone one else heard he’s got a gun and she was on that adrenaline might be flash back to war days for her where she seen crazier ****.
I think it’s safe to say adrenaline factors in to many instances of resisting arrest, and pushing the boundaries of breaking the law.


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Yes, but I have to say it is rather interesting that the officers on the side of the door with Ashli and the other protestors moved aside, almost provoking her to proceed in her efforts to make her way through the window to be shot by officers on the other side.

I’m not really sure what to make of that as I am half asleep and am on my way out
Those police had to move, they were gonna get hurt. The protestors had one more chance to back down and when you break into a Federal building I mean wtf people expect?


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Those police had to move, they were gonna get hurt. The protestors had one more chance to back down and when you break into a Federal building I mean wtf people expect?
sixty-one days of antifa attacks have destroyed the entire front of the mark o. hatfield united states courthouse in portland oregan-police responded with tear gas.


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Those police had to move, they were gonna get hurt. The protestors had one more chance to back down and when you break into a Federal building I mean wtf people expect?
Yes, very good point indeed. I will have to watch it again when my brain can process things better. I have to wake up in 4.5 hrs to go in and have COVID-1984 pt’s cough in my face for 12.5 hours. 😣
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sixty-one days of antifa attacks have destroyed the entire front of the mark o. hatfield united states courthouse in portland oregan-police responded with tear gas.
Of course, but that doesn’t exempt that agent from doing his job at that moment. Nothing over the summer was his fault.

The crowd going ape shyt was all created by the government and media, they have been nothing but big government divisive retards and they clearly stole the election and people lost it.

All I can say is if I hired security I’d want nothing less than what that officer did.


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How are y'all watching that video? I can't get past the"sign up for Washington post!" trash. Do y'all really pay for Washington post?


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This one?

His official cause of death is listed as "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restrain, and neck compression",
You left out the amount of fentanyl. Please understand something. I do not think that the officer putting his knee across Floyd’s neck was justified in anyway. It wasn’t. But I’m telling you the amount of fentanyl in his body is what killed him. He was complaining about not being able to breathe before he was ever placed on the ground.


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You left out the amount of fentanyl. Please understand something. I do not think that the officer putting his knee across Floyd’s neck was justified in anyway. It wasn’t. But I’m telling you the amount of fentanyl in his body is what killed him. He was complaining about not being able to breathe before he was ever placed on the ground.
Exactly. Everyone seems to forget that little tidbit.


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Opioids slow respiratory rate, they dont obstruct your airway. If someone is not breathing from respiratory depression due to high levels of exogenous opioids they just stop breathing or have a low respiratory rate (< 12 / min). It isn’t like “oh man, i feel like I cant breathe, I should probably make the conscious decision to breathe faster”. You dont just walk around saying you cant breathe simply because you’re high on opioids. Now, opioids can lead to aspiration from inhibition of the gag reflex which would then lead to the feeling of not being able to breathe, but if you cant breathe specifically from opioids you aint sitting there talking about how you cant breathe.


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I wonder if they would blame my death on test e because I mean if it’s my system it had to be the cause. Can’t be a contributing factor to lack of oxygen for 8 minutes. Drugs and steroids don’t have any effect on the heart or blood vessels.

Yes drugs do effect the heart. Fentanyl slows the breathing down and doesn’t let the body’s natural ability to breathe work. Then the heart stops from lack of oxygen.

A knee across the side of the neck does not effect oxygen flow. Across the throat would be a different story.

Again, I don’t condone what the officer did at all. He should never put his knee across any part of his neck. But that didn’t kill him. Floyd had toxic levels of fentanyl in his system and was complaining he couldn’t breathe before they put him on the ground.


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Yes drugs do effect the heart. Fentanyl slows the breathing down and doesn’t let the body’s natural ability to breathe work. Then the heart stops from lack of oxygen.

A knee across the side of the neck does not effect oxygen flow. Across the throat would be a different story.
This is true, however if his respiratory rate was that depressed he wouldnt be conversant.

Could the knee across the side of the neck reduce blood flow to the brain via compression of the carotid artery? What if he had carotid stenosis on the other side and then the knee across the neck cut off the side his brain relied on to carry the load? A knee across the side of the neck could absolutely effect oxygen flow, low blood flow = no oxygen delivery.


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Opioids slow respiratory rate, they dont obstruct your airway. If someone is not breathing from respiratory depression due to high levels of exogenous opioids they just stop breathing or have a low respiratory rate (< 12 / min). It isn’t like “oh man, i feel like I cant breathe, I should probably make the conscious decision to breathe faster”. You dont just walk around saying you cant breathe simply because you’re high on opioids. Now, opioids can lead to aspiration from inhibition of the gag reflex which would then lead to the feeling of not being able to breathe, but if you cant breathe specifically from opioids you aint sitting there talking about how you cant breathe.
He was complaining about not being able to breath in the car before he was not being able to the ground, so my thought would be he was having a panic attack, so combination of that, drugs (did he also drink? Any other drugs? Tobacco?) his age, poor health, etc....

Is there any research on opiods, most specifically fetynl (sp?) while having a crazy panic attack?


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He was complaining about not being able to breath in the car before he was not being able to the ground, so my thought would be he was having a panic attack, so combination of that, drugs (did he also drink? Any other drugs? Tobacco?) his age, poor health, etc....

Is there any research on opiods, most specifically fetynl (sp?) while having a crazy panic attack?
Thats actually a great thought there. Meth was probably more at play if he was having a panic attack, as opioids have pretty strong anxiolytic properties.

You could be right on the panic part. He seemed pretty damned panicked from the audio i heard.


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@thebigt I feel like I have a hangover today a clouded head feeling, and a little bit dizzy. Is this a normal side effect for the phenibut?


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@thebigt I feel like I have a hangover today a clouded head feeling, and a little bit dizzy. Is this a normal side effect for the phenibut?
there is a very healthy dose of phenibut in somatamax, if you aren't used to using phenibut the full dose is probably too high for someone who doesn't have any tolerance built up....for me a frequent user of phenibut a full 1 scoop dose is perfect, for you i think you will see great benefit at 1/2 dose.

try 1/2 scoop next time!!!


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Of course, but that doesn’t exempt that agent from doing his job at that moment. Nothing over the summer was his fault.

The crowd going ape shyt was all created by the government and media, they have been nothing but big government divisive retards and they clearly stole the election and people lost it.

All I can say is if I hired security I’d want nothing less than what that officer did.

btw-i hear many people are being identified and being fired from their jobs for being seen in the crowd at capital. i think the government is planning to identify and prosecute people seen in that mob at the capital-i am all for this, i just wish the government would have done this with all the riots and lootings that have taken place since march--

also i might add that biden campaign paid to bail out those arrested for criminal activity at riots and lootings.


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there is a very healthy dose of phenibut in somatamax, if you aren't used to using phenibut the full dose is probably too high for someone who doesn't have any tolerance built up....for me a frequent user of phenibut a full 1 scoop dose is perfect, for you i think you will see great benefit at 1/2 dose.

try 1/2 scoop next time!!! hoping this feeling fades soon. Feel like crap


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somatomax is very potent, even for me a experienced phenibut user it is a strong dose....sorry i should have asked you if you have experience with phenibut......effects should wean in a couple of hours-drink a cup of coffee.


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somatomax is very potent, even for me a experienced phenibut user it is a strong dose....sorry i should have asked you if you have experience with phenibut......effects should wean in a couple of hours-drink a cup of coffee.
No, problem brother. This is my first time taking phenibut


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btw-i hear many people are being identified and being fired from their jobs for being seen in the crowd at capital. i think the government is planning to identify and prosecute people seen in that mob at the capital-i am all for this, i just wish the government would have done this with all the riots and lootings that have taken place since march--

also i might add that biden campaign paid to bail out those arrested for criminal activity at riots and lootings.
My wife keeps telling me all of this over the past few years looks like the Cultural Revolution and she asks if there really is a difference between America and China. I usually just respond with, well, we arent quite there yet, but that is the direction we are aiming, lol

There wasnt much for the government (both Demican's, many Republicrats, shadow state, etc...) to gain from by stopping the riots and lootings over the summer. Thats what they wanted. Division and chaos and meanwhile the biggest thievery is all committed inside that Capital Building. Its a designed distraction to get people to vote based on fear of one another and thinking they will end up with something different.


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No, problem brother. This is my first time taking phenibut
tolerance is everything...i used to drink up to a half gallon jug of dark eyes back in my alcoholic days....after over 20+years of sobriety a six pack of beer would probably get me wasted, lol.


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My wife keeps telling me all of this over the past few years looks like the Cultural Revolution and she asks if there really is a difference between America and China. I usually just respond with, well, we arent quite there yet, but that is the direction we are aiming, lol

There wasnt much for the government (both Demican's, many Republicrats, shadow state, etc...) to gain from by stopping the riots and lootings over the summer. Thats what they wanted. Division and chaos and meanwhile the biggest thievery is all committed inside that Capital Building. Its a designed distraction to get people to vote based on fear of one another and thinking they will end up with something different.
there is a lot i agree with in this post....division and chaos is the direction the government is, and has been heading...this is why when biden says he is about healing and uniting i call bullshyt.

it's not that i don't want unity and healing, it's that when the government[both parties]say they want unity and healing i truly believe they are lying.


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tolerance is everything...i used to drink up to a half gallon jug of dark eyes back in my alcoholic days....after over 20+years of sobriety a six pack of beer would probably get me wasted, lol.
Hahaha...thats whats funny. I have a pretty decent tolerance to alcohol, but I guess phenibut hit something different in my brain...
