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Hudson Valley Post

However, New York is one of over 30 states where it is illegal to warm up your car, Reader's Digest reports.

Many New Yorkers break the law every cold day and could be given a hefty fine.

Anyone who lives in New York understands how awful it feels to go from a warm house to a freezing cold car. To avoid this, many will let their car idle, to warm it up.

No person driving or in charge of a motor vehicle shall permit it to stand unattended without first stopping the engine, locking the ignition, removing the key from the vehicle, and effectively setting the brake thereon and, when standing upon any grade, turning the front wheels to the curb or side of the highway, provided, however, the provision for removing the key from the vehicle shall not require the removal of keys hidden from sight about the vehicle for convenience or emergency.

In other words, it's illegal in New York to put the keys into your engine, turn your car on and walk away from your car with the engine still running.

Read More: You Are Breaking The Law if You Warm Up Your Car in New York |

States with anti-idling laws include:

  • Arizona
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • District of Columbia
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
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Wouldn't that make remote start key fobs illegal? Apparently no one has told auto manufacturers. Also I thought you warm up your car because it's hard on the engine to run cold, not because it's uncomfortable for you to sit in a cold car.


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Wouldn't that make remote start key fobs illegal? Apparently no one has told auto manufacturers. Also I thought you warm up your car because it's hard on the engine to run cold, not because it's uncomfortable for you to sit in a cold car.
Im no mechanic, but warming the car up for cold engines was more relevant for old school carburetor engines. I think just a minute is fine for most modern engines just enough to get the fluids running and drive off slightly slow. Total broscience here on my part, look into it....but for old car owners well, I guess its a crime to run your car properly.

I dont think this is going to effect me since I live on private property, but I can see how this can easily be enforced in cities. All you need to do is look for exaust smoke and an empty seat and the city gets some revenue in.

But yeah, they may as well as well outlaw remote starters too while they are at it. Perhaps the government should save the environment and ban all government officials from flying if they really gave a shyt, they could just use Zoom but as long as its all paid for on the taxpayer's tip they truly dont give a flying crap.


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At the beginning, the majority weren't which has been confirmed by numerous sources (the violent ones were covered overly by the media rather than the majority of protests which were peaceful).
That’s totally opposite from the truth. The media hardly covered any of the violence. They claimed there wasn’t any. There were lots of peaceful protest across the country but the media sure as hell didn’t report on the violent ones. Their lack of reporting made it look as if there were only a few violent ones.


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ACLED back in September produced a report where 93% of protests were peaceful.

Obviously the non-peaceful riots caused a lot of damage and those who did it should be held accountable, but we should also look at the 93% and not just the 7%.

Unfortunately the 7% are what ruins the movement and what it stands for. It lost a lot of credibility after the riots, and a lot of people don't agree with the defund the police mantra which makes sense.
i have a couple of questions for you @Jiigzz
1. what have the blm 'protests' accomplished?
2. what have been the negative effects of blm 'protests'?


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i have a couple of questions for you @Jiigzz
1. what have the blm 'protests' accomplished?
2. what have been the negative effects of blm 'protests'?
I know you didnt ask me, but your Prez Mr. Dump wrote a skin pigment a 1/2 trillion dollar check to skin pigment.


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That’s totally opposite from the truth. The media hardly covered any of the violence. They claimed there wasn’t any. There were lots of peaceful protest across the country but the media sure as hell didn’t report on the violent ones. Their lack of reporting made it look as if there were only a few violent ones.
the main stream media is every bit as biased to the left as @Jiigzz claims fox news is to the right...look at the people who are anchoring news programs on main stream media, almost all of them have democrat connections and many major news networks have chinese connections.


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I know you didnt ask me, but your Prez Mr. Dump wrote a skin pigment a 1/2 trillion dollar check to skin pigment.
that is nothing but a deflection...try to stay on point....

but in all honesty i have said many times before that i don't agree with everything trump says or does and this is a perfect example.


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that is nothing but a deflection...try to stay on point....

but in all honesty i have said many times before that i don't agree with everything trump says or does and this is a perfect example.
How is it not on point,

You ask, what have the blm 'protests' accomplished?

Answer: 1/2 trillion dollar check

BLM destroys the country and they won!


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How is it not on point,

You ask, what have the blm 'protests' accomplished?
re right the 1st time, i didn't ask you...
Answer: 1/2 trillion dollar check

BLM destroys the country and they won!
you were right the 1st time, i didn't ask are going off on a different topic than what i wanted to discuss with jiigzz.
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Hudson Valley Post

However, New York is one of over 30 states where it is illegal to warm up your car, Reader's Digest reports.

Many New Yorkers break the law every cold day and could be given a hefty fine.

Anyone who lives in New York understands how awful it feels to go from a warm house to a freezing cold car. To avoid this, many will let their car idle, to warm it up.

No person driving or in charge of a motor vehicle shall permit it to stand unattended without first stopping the engine, locking the ignition, removing the key from the vehicle, and effectively setting the brake thereon and, when standing upon any grade, turning the front wheels to the curb or side of the highway, provided, however, the provision for removing the key from the vehicle shall not require the removal of keys hidden from sight about the vehicle for convenience or emergency.

In other words, it's illegal in New York to put the keys into your engine, turn your car on and walk away from your car with the engine still running.

Read More: You Are Breaking The Law if You Warm Up Your Car in New York |

States with anti-idling laws include:

  • Arizona
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • District of Columbia
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
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In the wise words of Mel Gibson, "This is Massachusetts. Everything is illegal."
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you were right the 1st time, i didn't ask are going off on a different topic than what i wanted to discuss with jiigzz.
1. I guess this sums it up:

Not everything is going to be seen as a positive though.

I'm still an advocate of utilizing mental health crisis teams and social workers for various things, but not at the expense of reducing the police force. I think you can put money into both and be doubly effective.

2. Lots of negatives as well. People should be held to account for any damage they caused or whatever other harm they caused.


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1. I guess this sums it up:

Not everything is going to be seen as a positive though.

I'm still an advocate of utilizing mental health crisis teams and social workers for various things, but not at the expense of reducing the police force. I think you can put money into both and be doubly effective.

2. Lots of negatives as well. People should be held to account for any damage they caused or whatever other harm they caused.
the biggest disadvantage i see is villainizing of police....police are quitting in record numbers in this country and many cities are experiencing difficulties in recruitment, it seems very few young people want to go into law enforcement as a result.

also, it has caused disrespect for law enforcement, and even simple traffic stops are more prone to escalation.

tbh, the neighborhoods that most need police are the same ones that are the most anti-police.


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the biggest disadvantage i see is villainizing of police....police are quitting in record numbers in this country and many cities are experiencing difficulties in recruitment, it seems very few young people want to go into law enforcement as a result.

also, it has caused disrespect for law enforcement, and even simple traffic stops are more prone to escalation.

tbh, the neighborhoods that most need police are the same ones that are the most anti-police.
I absolutely agree with you here. The anti-police stuff is totally crap.


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the biggest disadvantage i see is villainizing of police....police are quitting in record numbers in this country and many cities are experiencing difficulties in recruitment, it seems very few young people want to go into law enforcement as a result.

also, it has caused disrespect for law enforcement, and even simple traffic stops are more prone to escalation.

tbh, the neighborhoods that most need police are the same ones that are the most anti-police.
And the neighborhoods that need more most guns are also the most severely oppressed from having them.

Im so glad I chose not to live in NYC.


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I absolutely agree with you here. The anti-police stuff is totally crap.
blm is responsible for a good portion of this...also i see the lack of new recruits for police a direct result of the blm movement.

i see similarities between this and how military vets were treated returning from vietnam, i know when it was found out i had joined the military my mothers house was egged.


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"Biden says electing Georgia's Ossoff and Warnock would lead to $2,000 stimulus checks"

Wait, wut? Talk about pre-emptive election fraud, this is direct bribery!



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"Biden says electing Georgia's Ossoff and Warnock would lead to $2,000 stimulus checks"

Wait, wut? Talk about pre-emptive election fraud, this is direct bribery!

i see democrats getting 1 of those seats, hopefully not both!!!!


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the ncaa basketball is going to be exclusivly in indiana, several venues have been announced...i pray the hullman center here in terre haute where indiana state plays won't be on list. last thing i want to see is large groups of youngsters invading my little berg!!!


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Anybody want King Cumho as their governor??

Bill A416



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Libertarian Party of New York Denounces Assembly Bill A416, Relating to the Detainment of Those Deemed To Have a Potential Health Risk

December 31, 2020 / By Anthony D'Orazio

Albany, New York, December 29, 2020: Assemblyperson N. Nick Perry (AD-58), recently proposed bill A416, currently in committee for presubmission to the Assembly for the 2021 session, which relates to the “removal of cases, contacts and carriers of communicable diseases who are potentially dangerous to the public health.”

As written, the bill states, “(u)pon determining by clear and convincing evidence that the health of others is or may be endangered by a case, contact or carrier, or suspected case, contact or carrier of a contagious disease that, in the opinion of the governor… may pose an imminent and significant threat to the public health resulting in severe morbidity or high mortality, the governor or his or her delegee…may order the removal and/or detention of such a person or of a group of such persons by issuing a single order, identifying such persons either by name or by a reasonably specific description of the individuals or group being detained.” The bill goes on to specify no specific timeframe, location or criteria for the termination of this detention, instead leaving that to the discretion of the governor..

The Libertarian Party of New York stands opposed to these mandates. Cody Anderson, chair of the Libertarian Party of New York, called on all New York State assemblypeople and senators to reject bill A416.

“Let’s put aside for a moment the egregious privacy violation in issuing an order announcing an individual to be a health risk,” Anderson stated. “This bill offers a clear and direct path to unconstitutional and indefinite detainment, on the governor’s sole authority. No US state was ever meant to have a single person acting as judge and jury, without checks or balances; if this bill is allowed to pass, that is exactly what New York will have.”

“We once again demand that legislative leaders be principled when they claim “My body, my choice” – they must not pick and choose.”



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previously i had advised my mother to get the covid vaccination when it was available to her...i also told her that even though i thought it was best for her to get vaccine i would not get it at this time and it was her choice. i told her i thought it was her best chance at having a chance to have visitors and not be confined to her room-i told her other than having to wear a mask in public none of my freedom had been taken away from me like they have hers....

my sister just let me know mom signed the paper to get the vaccine---i am praying really, really hard that i did the right thing, if something happens to her due to vaccine it will weigh very heavily on me.


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Hudson Valley Post

However, New York is one of over 30 states where it is illegal to warm up your car, Reader's Digest reports.

Many New Yorkers break the law every cold day and could be given a hefty fine.

Anyone who lives in New York understands how awful it feels to go from a warm house to a freezing cold car. To avoid this, many will let their car idle, to warm it up.

No person driving or in charge of a motor vehicle shall permit it to stand unattended without first stopping the engine, locking the ignition, removing the key from the vehicle, and effectively setting the brake thereon and, when standing upon any grade, turning the front wheels to the curb or side of the highway, provided, however, the provision for removing the key from the vehicle shall not require the removal of keys hidden from sight about the vehicle for convenience or emergency.

In other words, it's illegal in New York to put the keys into your engine, turn your car on and walk away from your car with the engine still running.

Read More: You Are Breaking The Law if You Warm Up Your Car in New York |

States with anti-idling laws include:

  • Arizona
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • District of Columbia
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Kansas
  • Maine
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  • New York
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  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • West Virginia
I had no idea this even existed! I would say it would be nice if someone could have informed us, but I suppose it wouldn't really matter as I don’t care.

So it appears that I break the law on a daily basis! Yeah, not pre-starting your car in frigid mornings and evenings (everyday) isn’t an option and everyone does it. On the plus side, the remote and phone app start on my new vehicle doesn’t turn any lights on. Nobody would ever know it’s running unless they walked right by it.

It’s probably just a matter of time before vehicles won’t come with remote start, and installing aftermarket will be illegal. I wonder if the plug in cars that are going to save the Earth have/will have remote start :unsure:

This world is out of control!


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previously i had advised my mother to get the covid vaccination when it was available to her...i also told her that even though i thought it was best for her to get vaccine i would not get it at this time and it was her choice. i told her i thought it was her best chance at having a chance to have visitors and not be confined to her room-i told her other than having to wear a mask in public none of my freedom had been taken away from me like they have hers....

my sister just let me know mom signed the paper to get the vaccine---i am praying really, really hard that i did the right thing, if something happens to her due to vaccine it will weigh very heavily on me.
Oh, you definitely did the right thing...100%! Absolutely....
Make sure she loads up on some Ibuprofen or Naproxen before/directly after the second injection to get through the first 12 hrs..

I get my second injection on Wednesday, and I will definitely be taking some Aleve...


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My favorite current China virus patient...the 80 year old spunky, and apparently horny lady passed away today. :cautious:

She decided she had enough and opted for the morphine drip rather than further attempting to live life again with no lungs. My assignment was with the noncritical China virus patients today, so I wasn’t around for any of that..


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Oh, you definitely did the right thing...100%! Absolutely....
Make sure she loads up on some Ibuprofen or Naproxen before/directly after the second injection to get through the first 12 hrs..

I get my second injection on Wednesday, and I will definitely be taking some Aleve...
i pray you are right.


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previously i had advised my mother to get the covid vaccination when it was available to her...i also told her that even though i thought it was best for her to get vaccine i would not get it at this time and it was her choice. i told her i thought it was her best chance at having a chance to have visitors and not be confined to her room-i told her other than having to wear a mask in public none of my freedom had been taken away from me like they have hers....

my sister just let me know mom signed the paper to get the vaccine---i am praying really, really hard that i did the right thing, if something happens to her due to vaccine it will weigh very heavily on me.
But do you know if they will let you or any other visitor in if you dont have it?


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I had no idea this even existed! I would say it would be nice if someone could have informed us, but I suppose it wouldn't really matter as I don’t care.

So it appears that I break the law on a daily basis! Yeah, not pre-starting your car in frigid mornings and evenings (everyday) isn’t an option and everyone does it. On the plus side, the remote and phone app start on my new vehicle doesn’t turn any lights on. Nobody would ever know it’s running unless they walked right by it.

It’s probably just a matter of time before vehicles won’t come with remote start, and installing aftermarket will be illegal. I wonder if the plug in cars that are going to save the Earth have/will have remote start :unsure:

This world is out of control!
I can imagine where city parking officers go around and find smoke with no people in the car as they look for their prey. Easy money for the city.


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But do you know if they will let you or any other visitor in if you dont have it?
my mom is 87 if i have to get vaccine to see her i will do truly bothers me that she is still here and alive and i can't see her. once she is gone i will really regret this time i haven't been able to be with her....


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So... anyone catch Lin Woods post this evening? about the blackmail stuff? like as in wtaf ?? this guy says he has proof to back it all up. and if he didn't why wouldn't John Roberts be suing the fek outta him for defamation? the guy literally put an @ in front of every ones name he called out.

makes ya wonder....


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i pray you are right.
Truth be told, I also used to think that Boy George was a girl. Wait is she :unsure:?
Well, whatever he is, she sure can lay down a catchy tune!

I can imagine where city parking officers go around and find smoke with no people in the car as they look for their prey. Easy money for the city.
That certainly wouldn’t be surprising. I hate that kind of stupid shyt! Such times are when you wish you could have a bumper sticker stating “I support law enforcement, not criminals”

I think they like that,,


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So... anyone catch Lin Woods post this evening? about the blackmail stuff? like as in wtaf ?? this guy says he has proof to back it all up. and if he didn't why wouldn't John Roberts be suing the fek outta him for defamation? the guy literally put an @ in front of every ones name he called out.

makes ya wonder....
I never even heard of Lin Woods lol

Whats this all about?


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my mom is 87 if i have to get vaccine to see her i will do truly bothers me that she is still here and alive and i can't see her. once she is gone i will really regret this time i haven't been able to be with her....
Is a nursing home preventing you or just your own caution? If it’s a rule separating you from her against your will that’s so effed up


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The fucking news...



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I never even heard of Lin Woods lol

Whats this all about?
he is the lawyer who sued MSM for the defamation of that kid and the indian a while back.. forget his name. Anyhow he is making some wildly outlandish statements just about everyone at the top.
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he is the lawyer who sued MSM for the defamation of that kid and the indian a while back.. forget his name. Anyhow he is making some wildly outlandish statements just about everyone at the top.
Richard Jewels lawyer? Is that the right guy?


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nicholas sandman i think it was.. teenager.
Ok we both actually have the same guy. I remember the Covington kid, he was treated like shyt by the media. Wasnt aware of his lawyer.

The same lawyer defended Richard Jewell. Did you see the movie made by Clint Eastwood not long ago?



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Is a nursing home preventing you or just your own caution? If it’s a rule separating you from her against your will that’s so effed up
Legally it makes a ton of sense that they wouldn’t allow visitors right now. One family member comes to visit, passes the virus to their elderly loved one, that loved one passes it to 50-100% of the populace of that nursing home and inevitably some of them, probably multiple, die from a novel communicable disease. Then you have lawsuits from the deceased loved one’s family/families against both the nursing home and also the first person that brought it in.

My family elected to withdraw my 100 y/o great grandmother from the assisted living facility she was living in because of this very scenario. It was extremely lonely for her to have to be quarantined and also imo very risky to be there because of the above. She is 100 y/o but is only in assisted living, not even a full fledged nursing home.
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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So... anyone catch Lin Woods post this evening? about the blackmail stuff? like as in wtaf ?? this guy says he has proof to back it all up. and if he didn't why wouldn't John Roberts be suing the fek outta him for defamation? the guy literally put an @ in front of every ones name he called out.

makes ya wonder....
Lin is a literal quack. GOP are distancing themselves because of his unsubstantiated claims he’s making left and right.


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Lin is a literal quack. GOP are distancing themselves because of his unsubstantiated claims he’s making left and right.
of course they are! Im not saying he is legit or not, but the crap he is saying is some alarming stuff ! ! I wouldnt want him dropping my name in that mess of sh!7 he is slingin tho..


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I can imagine where city parking officers go around and find smoke with no people in the car as they look for their prey. Easy money for the city.
This has been a thing here in Colorado for a long time and it is like any of those other silly laws you read about that are never enforced. There is wording in ours that states a remote start or "adequate" safety measures have to be taken to comply. Car thefts would go up a lot in the winter because people would leave their cars running with the keys in, not to mention our terrible winter air quality here was increasing.
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of course they are! Im not saying he is legit or not, but the crap he is saying is some alarming stuff ! ! I wouldnt want him dropping my name in that mess of sh!7 he is slingin tho..
Ok so he is saying Pence is all in on the election fraud and they he should be arrested for treason and shot by firing squad....and when Pence gets arrested to put Justice Fog-erts and Bitch Mc-Colon on the list, Yeah right, lol

This lawyer actually kinda reminds me of me :)


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Is a nursing home preventing you or just your own caution? If it’s a rule separating you from her against your will that’s so effed up
they have her and everyone else in her facility in total isolation, she doesn't leave her room...and yes, it's f'ed up.


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they have her and everyone else in her facility in total isolation, she doesn't leave her room...and yes, it's f'ed up.
I get the liability of it all but it just breaks my heart. And from a freedoms standpoint I do feel like it conditioning for “if you want to do x you must have proof of vaccine”

