Does Clomid during PCT ruin sex drive? Or just nolvadex?

Red Fox

I have all the sexual dysfunctions right now, which I don't really personally care about, but my fiance is none too pleased at all.

I was thinking of switching just to Clomid for the remainder of the PCT to get sex drive back to normal. Anyone have any experience and can shine light on this?
post ur dosing schedule. I can tell u if ur running anything below 50mg of clomid and 30+mg of nolva that could be the issue. Drop the nolva unless u have gyno id say.
Eh I don't have aromasin. Have arimidex but that MURDERS sex driver and I mean it completely causes ED. Horrible.

But I have sore nipples. I had some lumps under too but took a lot of arimidex everyday and it seemed to have dissipated though the soreness remains.

I am taking 1mL of both nolva and clomid, which is I think 20mg of nolva and 50mg of clomid.

It is horrible tasting too. Can clomid do the job? Thanks brothers
Eh I don't have aromasin. Have arimidex but that MURDERS sex driver and I mean it completely causes ED. Horrible.

But I have sore nipples. I had some lumps under too but took a lot of arimidex everyday and it seemed to have dissipated though the soreness remains.

I am taking 1mL of both nolva and clomid, which is I think 20mg of nolva and 50mg of clomid.

It is horrible tasting too. Can clomid do the job? Thanks brothers
how much arimidex u taking? only need like .25mg on mon and then on thurs. get ur estrogen down too low thats when the ed starts. i use aromasin cuz dex makes me sleepy. clomid can raise E2 levels be better off on a lower dose like 25mg. along with dex. maybe start with one 1mg of dex then go on to .25mg.
I was taking like 1mg everyday due to the possible onset of gyno lol wouldn't you? To hell with that. I'd rather have ED than boobs LOL

But can clomid take over at this point do you think?
I was taking like 1mg everyday due to the possible onset of gyno lol wouldn't you? To hell with that. I'd rather have ED than boobs LOL

But can clomid take over at this point do you think?
lol yes i rather have ed than man boobs for sure. 1mg omg my joints would be killing me. total estrogen shutdown. i would do clomid along with arimidex. fish oil and 50mg of zinc. get some blood work done
lol yes i rather have ed than man boobs for sure. 1mg omg my joints would be killing me. total estrogen shutdown. i would do clomid along with arimidex. fish oil and 50mg of zinc. get some blood work done
you could even get away with running clomid eod @ 25mg and be ok
Would a higher dose do more, though? Doesn't Clomid increase natural test by a large amount? Hell I will consider running Clomid all year round lol probably better for you than injecting mass test e....
Would a higher dose do more, though? Doesn't Clomid increase natural test by a large amount? Hell I will consider running Clomid all year round lol probably better for you than injecting mass test e....
clomid can be hard on the liver and thyroid the higher the dose. some ppl stay in the 500s-900s with just 12.5mg of clomid eod. some need alittle more like 25mg eod or even mwf. clomid can raise e2 cause ed low libido etc. i like aromasin cuz it lowers estrogen like 80% but not enough to mess things up. like joints. Estrogen gets too low can cause ed and no sex drive. some men have been on clomid for 7yrs and have had no problems. i was on 25mg for two months eod. now @ 12.5mg mwf. my total t-levels are almost 600. i also take aromasin eod 12.5mg