DMA Does DMZ Demigod Style (unsponsored)



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Quick pct update. Holding steady at 206. Had a little sensitivity in my left nipple even the last few days of the DMZ. Today is the first day it seems to be gone. Nolva at 20mg, Sup3r PCT 4 caps, and Elim1nate if extra A-Stane is needed. Which it was yesterday. Not just for the nipple but felt like a walking water balloon. One of our vendors every year sends us a huge box of peanuts for Xmas and I think all the salt had me super bloated. So hit 100mg A-Stane total yesterday and am definitely relieved. Knees and ankles were popping a little this morning so I knew it worked.

Workouts have been good. Discovered that Stiff Leg Deadlifts do not aggravate the strain in my side. I can feel it, but not in pain. So I did heavier than I've ever done and can go heavier. Working sets with 255 x 6-8.

Overall feel good, still getting back adjusted to day shift. Last night was my first solid night sleep. Also first night I didn't feel like my BP was still high.

Pumps at the gym are good still. Conqu3r and Vital1ty will be showing up in the next couple days. Along with X-Gels and Reduce XT. Wasn't going to start the X-Gels until January, but the anticipation is killing me. Will probably start right away. Why not right?

Libido is already coming back. Sweet relief!!! Couple unexpected woods throughout the day and my wife looks hotter than ever!! LOL

Some awesome news yesterday as well. Got a promotion at work that I will start in the first of the year. More $$, less hours. Will be literally 20+ hours less a week and no more Saturdays. 40 hours and salary. Dues have been paid. I almost came to tears when they offered it to me. This will change not only my financial life, but my physical life. To go from waking at 3:00 for the last 5 years, working 10-12 hours, 40 Saturdays a year. To waking at 5:00, leaving at 3:30 mon-fri. Shiit, that equals more gym time baby!!! I'm gonna be hyyuuuge.


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Great news man, happy for you! I ran out of nolva so I'm using clomid and transform now. But this is 4th week of PCT so I should be fine.


Quick pct update. Holding steady at 206. Had a little sensitivity in my left nipple even the last few days of the DMZ. Today is the first day it seems to be gone. Nolva at 20mg, Sup3r PCT 4 caps, and Elim1nate if extra A-Stane is needed. Which it was yesterday. Not just for the nipple but felt like a walking water balloon. One of our vendors every year sends us a huge box of peanuts for Xmas and I think all the salt had me super bloated. So hit 100mg A-Stane total yesterday and am definitely relieved. Knees and ankles were popping a little this morning so I knew it worked.

Workouts have been good. Discovered that Stiff Leg Deadlifts do not aggravate the strain in my side. I can feel it, but not in pain. So I did heavier than I've ever done and can go heavier. Working sets with 255 x 6-8.

Overall feel good, still getting back adjusted to day shift. Last night was my first solid night sleep. Also first night I didn't feel like my BP was still high.

Pumps at the gym are good still. Conqu3r and Vital1ty will be showing up in the next couple days. Along with X-Gels and Reduce XT. Wasn't going to start the X-Gels until January, but the anticipation is killing me. Will probably start right away. Why not right?

Libido is already coming back. Sweet relief!!! Couple unexpected woods throughout the day and my wife looks hotter than ever!! LOL

Some awesome news yesterday as well. Got a promotion at work that I will start in the first of the year. More $$, less hours. Will be literally 20+ hours less a week and no more Saturdays. 40 hours and salary. Dues have been paid. I almost came to tears when they offered it to me. This will change not only my financial life, but my physical life. To go from waking at 3:00 for the last 5 years, working 10-12 hours, 40 Saturdays a year. To waking at 5:00, leaving at 3:30 mon-fri. Shiit, that equals more gym time baby!!! I'm gonna be hyyuuuge.
kicka$$ Man! Glad to hear everythings under control and holding strong so far!! that's a strong stiff legged DL man, great stuff, CONGRATS on the promotion!! that's awesome man, definitely more gym time, not only that but more rest to hit the gym harder then ever! I got a notice from nutriverse about saving $10.00 off the conqu3r3rs ammo stack conqu3r and v1tality brings it to under $35!! also on Nutriplanet they got a wicked deal on the Hemavol arsenal stack, you get 1 Hemavol (32 Servings) 1 FREE Conquer (60 Servings) 1 FREE iForce Shaker Cup 1 FREE I-Force Sampler Pack all for $34.84 im highly tempted to get that one just for the shaker cup LOL I need a new one and the damn things are almost $10.00 and I cant stand to spend that much ya know? anyways your pct sounds amazingly perfect, you should hopefully not only hold your weight but GAIN from it!! cant wait to see how this goes man! huge love & Respect always!


  • RockStar
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Thanks man for the support. Always positive vibes from you.


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kicka$$ Man! Glad to hear everythings under control and holding strong so far!! that's a strong stiff legged DL man, great stuff, CONGRATS on the promotion!! that's awesome man, definitely more gym time, not only that but more rest to hit the gym harder then ever! I got a notice from nutriverse about saving $10.00 off the conqu3r3rs ammo stack conqu3r and v1tality brings it to under $35!! also on Nutriplanet they got a wicked deal on the Hemavol arsenal stack, you get 1 Hemavol (32 Servings) 1 FREE Conquer (60 Servings) 1 FREE iForce Shaker Cup 1 FREE I-Force Sampler Pack all for $34.84 im highly tempted to get that one just for the shaker cup LOL I need a new one and the damn things are almost $10.00 and I cant stand to spend that much ya know? anyways your pct sounds amazingly perfect, you should hopefully not only hold your weight but GAIN from it!! cant wait to see how this goes man! huge love & Respect always!
Go with the NV deal on Conqu3r and V1tality you'll thank me later ;)


Well-known member
Quick pct update. Holding steady at 206. Had a little sensitivity in my left nipple even the last few days of the DMZ. Today is the first day it seems to be gone. Nolva at 20mg, Sup3r PCT 4 caps, and Elim1nate if extra A-Stane is needed. Which it was yesterday. Not just for the nipple but felt like a walking water balloon. One of our vendors every year sends us a huge box of peanuts for Xmas and I think all the salt had me super bloated. So hit 100mg A-Stane total yesterday and am definitely relieved. Knees and ankles were popping a little this morning so I knew it worked.

Workouts have been good. Discovered that Stiff Leg Deadlifts do not aggravate the strain in my side. I can feel it, but not in pain. So I did heavier than I've ever done and can go heavier. Working sets with 255 x 6-8.

Overall feel good, still getting back adjusted to day shift. Last night was my first solid night sleep. Also first night I didn't feel like my BP was still high.

Pumps at the gym are good still. Conqu3r and Vital1ty will be showing up in the next couple days. Along with X-Gels and Reduce XT. Wasn't going to start the X-Gels until January, but the anticipation is killing me. Will probably start right away. Why not right?

Libido is already coming back. Sweet relief!!! Couple unexpected woods throughout the day and my wife looks hotter than ever!! LOL

Some awesome news yesterday as well. Got a promotion at work that I will start in the first of the year. More $$, less hours. Will be literally 20+ hours less a week and no more Saturdays. 40 hours and salary. Dues have been paid. I almost came to tears when they offered it to me. This will change not only my financial life, but my physical life. To go from waking at 3:00 for the last 5 years, working 10-12 hours, 40 Saturdays a year. To waking at 5:00, leaving at 3:30 mon-fri. Shiit, that equals more gym time baby!!! I'm gonna be hyyuuuge.
Congrats on the Promotion that is awesome... Been a good month for you with the addition of Demigod status!!! :arms:


Go with the NV deal on Conqu3r and V1tality you'll thank me later ;)
Right on, THEY DONT HAVE THE SHAKER CUP THOUGH!! :( lol hah sorry man, appreciqate it though, ill probaqbly go for that, the other seems not as good quality wise and I want the non stim version, don't need no damn caffeine!


Im also trying hard to find a good promotion on TransFORM, ill be doing my order on Saturday or sunday night so I can be ready to rock n roll by next week...


Well-known member
Right on, THEY DONT HAVE THE SHAKER CUP THOUGH!! :( lol hah sorry man, appreciqate it though, ill probaqbly go for that, the other seems not as good quality wise and I want the non stim version, don't need no damn caffeine!
LOL there is a stim free Conqu3r as well


Well-known member
Im also trying hard to find a good promotion on TransFORM, ill be doing my order on Saturday or sunday night so I can be ready to rock n roll by next week...
TransFORM is good.. I'm running DermaSTRENGTH for the first time and it is awesome!!! Almost 2 weeks in and feels like a mild PH cycle


TransFORM is good.. I'm running DermaSTRENGTH for the first time and it is awesome!!! Almost 2 weeks in and feels like a mild PH cycle
yea that's what caught my attention was the stim free version of conqu3r, and I got my DermaSTRENGTH just over a week ago and ive been kind of using it off and on and its great stuff, I ended up selling half of it to a friend for some Novaldren XT so I could have some Arimistane/DIM 14 days worth on hand for whatever, and he says he feels it right away he gets better pumps and everything, I turned him on the Nutri-Verse and the Good Olympus Supps and hes going crazy like a kid in a candy store just like me every time I start browsing all the great stuff :O


Well-known member
yea that's what caught my attention was the stim free version of conqu3r, and I got my DermaSTRENGTH just over a week ago and ive been kind of using it off and on and its great stuff, I ended up selling half of it to a friend for some Novaldren XT so I could have some Arimistane/DIM 14 days worth on hand for whatever, and he says he feels it right away he gets better pumps and everything, I turned him on the Nutri-Verse and the Good Olympus Supps and hes going crazy like a kid in a candy store just like me every time I start browsing all the great stuff :O
Thanks for the Olympus support!!!


Thanks for the Olympus support!!!
Your very welcome bro, thank you guys, OL is one of my Fav's for DS's, lots of awesome stuff, I love the 5a-Lax in DermaSTRENGTH that was an awesome idea, as well as the other Transdermals and the rest of the Supp's are awesome maybe one day i'll get the opportunity to rep a cycle for OL or be a guinea pig for some new awesome product. ;)


Well-known member
Your very welcome bro, thank you guys, OL is one of my Fav's for DS's, lots of awesome stuff, I love the 5a-Lax in DermaSTRENGTH that was an awesome idea, as well as the other Transdermals and the rest of the Supp's are awesome maybe one day i'll get the opportunity to rep a cycle for OL or be a guinea pig for some new awesome product. ;)
Be on the lookout for some promo's in the near future ;)


  • RockStar
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Your very welcome bro, thank you guys, OL is one of my Fav's for DS's, lots of awesome stuff, I love the 5a-Lax in DermaSTRENGTH that was an awesome idea, as well as the other Transdermals and the rest of the Supp's are awesome maybe one day i'll get the opportunity to rep a cycle for OL or be a guinea pig for some new awesome product. ;)
Ya never know...


  • RockStar
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PCT Update:

1 full week down, Nolva at 20, Sup3r 4 caps, DAA. X Gels and Reduce XT and DermaStrength all in the mail!!!

My workouts this week have been nothing short of awesome. Smashed a couple PR's the other day, Kroc Rows up to 125lb. DB's and Snatch Grip High Pulls finally up to 135 for 8 reps.

202 on the scale this morning. 3 pounds down, but during chest day yesterday I looked huge. I have been holding on to some PWO sample packs that come with my protein and that is really helping my workouts stay focused, strong and intense. OL Conqu3r is also on it's way. Vital1ty showed up yesterday.

No nipple issues. Had a little tingle as I mentioned a few days ago, but nothing since then.

As everyone knows this fugging ban is throwing a wrench into a lot of plans for everybody. Don't worry brothers, there will surely be methods for us to throw our efforts at to keep chasing the dream. As innovative as Olympus is I know they will come strong to the market. So keep your eyes open for new options. They might keep us down for a second, but they are messing with the wrong group of people. We are the strongest willed, the most disciplined, and the most determined to find a way to get something done.

Will probably be starting an on-going training/supplementation log in the training forum after the first of the year. Will post link once it gets going for anyone interested.


PCT Update:

1 full week down, Nolva at 20, Sup3r 4 caps, DAA. X Gels and Reduce XT and DermaStrength all in the mail!!!

My workouts this week have been nothing short of awesome. Smashed a couple PR's the other day, Kroc Rows up to 125lb. DB's and Snatch Grip High Pulls finally up to 135 for 8 reps.

202 on the scale this morning. 3 pounds down, but during chest day yesterday I looked huge. I have been holding on to some PWO sample packs that come with my protein and that is really helping my workouts stay focused, strong and intense. OL Conqu3r is also on it's way. Vital1ty showed up yesterday.

No nipple issues. Had a little tingle as I mentioned a few days ago, but nothing since then.

As everyone knows this fugging ban is throwing a wrench into a lot of plans for everybody. Don't worry brothers, there will surely be methods for us to throw our efforts at to keep chasing the dream. As innovative as Olympus is I know they will come strong to the market. So keep your eyes open for new options. They might keep us down for a second, but they are messing with the wrong group of people. We are the strongest willed, the most disciplined, and the most determined to find a way to get something done.

Will probably be starting an on-going training/supplementation log in the training forum after the first of the year. Will post link once it gets going for anyone interested.
Glad to hear the progress keeps coming!! Great log thus far man thanks! and I agree with your perception of our strong willed desires and unbreakable determination to continue smashing our goals no matter what gets in the way, nothing can stop us, they might slow things down for a bit but I definitely agree if anyone can get around this and be there for us on the other side its Olympus Labs, theres a reason they have been turning men into demi-gods and they will continue blessing us with their presence of absolute supplement perfection!! Ill be here no matter what man, if almost 9 years in a cage hasn't broken my will this stupid paper pushing supplement blocking isn't going to! Big love respect for everyone that keeps their heads held high through even the darkest of days!


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PCT looks like it is going great!!


  • RockStar
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I'm going to say this as objectively as I can as a rep, but the pumps I'm getting from Conqu3r-DGE are as good as on cycle. Best addition to pct I've ever made. X Gels also landed in the mail today, rest tomorrow then adding them PWO on Thursday.




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I bet it feels freaking amazing to add a pre workout huh? The OLYMPUS labs pwo has a solid ingredient line up


Active member
Is it true that they are passing a law that bans the sale of all prohormones? should we stack up?

x gels are amazing. I take 4 pre workout and I havnt lost any strength or size so far in my pct. I think the xgels are whats really helping. Of course clomid and Daa are bringing my test back. But something is doing a little more than just bringing my test back if I'm gaining strength in pct. My strength is actually going up in pct. I am a little less define though. I weigh about .5lbs more in pct actually.


  • RockStar
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Is it true that they are passing a law that bans the sale of all prohormones? should we stack up?

x gels are amazing. I take 4 pre workout and I havnt lost any strength or size so far in my pct. I think the xgels are whats really helping. Of course clomid and Daa are bringing my test back. But something is doing a little more than just bringing my test back if I'm gaining strength in pct. My strength is actually going up in pct. I am a little less define though. I weigh about .5lbs more in pct actually.
Yes, if you want to guarantee that you'll have legit products, the time to buy is now. After this goes into effect I'm sure there will be the black-market, but no guarantees there. Too shady.

Nutri-verse 30% off with code PHSALE30


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How long do you think you have before all has to be pulled off the shelf ??


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Can always by from uk sites, no more ol products but from reading reviews dragon nutrition looks solid


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Hey guys if anyone is interested in learning about some natural options for the future, we've got 4 logs going on right now for TD Ep1c. Even though it's still in Alpha Testing, gives you guys something to keep your eyes on. 4 solid, reputable loggers as well. Can't miss them in the Supplement Logs forum.


  • RockStar
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PCT update at the 2 week mark. Ended cycle at 203, woke up at 202 this morning. Today reduced Nolva to 10mg, Sup3r pct to 3 caps, have been taking Reduce XT 3 caps per day, and DAA. libido comes and goes, which I call normal. Today will be my 3rd workout with X Gels and I'm in love already. This is my best pct by far.
I'm also unable to really track my calories with so much shiit goin on but they are not worth tracking. I'm eating like a garbage disposal. Helping keep the strength in the gym and weight on the scale. Looking softer but everyone at my daughters birthday party couldn't stop talking about the guns. Lol


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That's great that you are maintaining your weight


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Looks like PCT is going good! Nice work


  • RockStar
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Quick PCT update. Entering 4th week. Waking weight is 200lbs. Down 3. Not bad. A little sick the last couple days so eating has been harder than usual. Which is fine. I got sloppy over the holiday. Having a NYE party at my house, so that will be an uncontrollable night I'm sure!!

So far have had zero issues with sensitive nips. Libido still comes and goes. Everything working at the drop of a hat, though when needed. So all good!! Still feel like I have a ways to go to complete recovery as these 2 consecutive cycles had me shut the F*^% down!! It will be interesting to see what the blood work says at the end of January. I will come back here and post it.

Strength seems to be about the same. Have some heavy max work in the next week, so we'll see where things are at.


Awesome man, glad your able to still get it in wit hthe sickness that ALWAYS sucks, glad to hear your bouncing back man keep it up!

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