Dafts 12 week AI Testopro log(sponsored)


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I'm jealous. I can't really dedicate just one full day to shoulders. I wouldn't be able to lift upper body the rest of the week, lol.


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Been feeling pretty solid, diet and training has been in check. Had a great shoulder lift today, smashed some military presses. I did three working seats of seated barbell melitary presses with 185- I got 8 the first set, 10 the second and 9 on the third- all deep to the collarbone reps. That's was definitely the highlight but overall it was strong workout.
nice presses, I am right behind you with 185x6. Is this a nice increase in either wt or reps for you?


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nice presses, I am right behind you with 185x6. Is this a nice increase in either wt or reps for you?
Yeah for sure.... I'd say I was more in the 4-6 range at the beginning of this... That I just feel much more confident with this weight, wher as before I might work up to 185-195 for a few reps, I now feel comfortable doing three working sets with 185, doing slow, deep, controlled reps.


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Well, I just had some bloods drawn this week, and I had them done a few weeks before starting for comparison. I got the results yesterday(over the phone, don't have the lab work in front of me) and I was pleasantly surprised to hear there had been a pretty significant rise in test(like a from 450ish to 750ish!). I'll post the exact numbers when I get the actual lab work from the doc. Pretty pumped though.


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Also strength and mass seem to continue to increase. I had a couple days there were my cals dipped a bit but for most part I've been eating well and training has been going solid. Also aggression is up, and I have been making strength gains on pretty much all my compound lifts.


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Sub'd....starting my first log next week...wish me luck


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Well, I just had some bloods drawn this week, and I had them done a few weeks before starting for comparison. I got the results yesterday(over the phone, don't have the lab work in front of me) and I was pleasantly surprised to hear there had been a pretty significant rise in test(like a from 450ish to 750ish!). I'll post the exact numbers when I get the actual lab work from the doc. Pretty pumped though.
Oh wow. Please definitely post your results once you have them!


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Oh wow. Please definitely post your results once you have them!
For sure... Im gonna pick up copies of the most recent tomorow- Ill put those and the one I got done before up. Plus I have test from the last ten years- all in the 400-600 range as far as total test goes- and the most recent test is the highest my total test has ever shown on bloodwork, fwiw.


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For sure... Im gonna pick up copies of the most recent tomorow- Ill put those and the one I got done before up. Plus I have test from the last ten years- all in the 400-600 range as far as total test goes- and the most recent test is the highest my total test has ever shown on bloodwork, fwiw.
Excited to see!


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Definitely man, I'll keep an eye out and sub along.
Thanks I'm running Endo-Erase-DAA..debating 6 or 8 weeks. Any suggestions?

620cal/60g pro/weight gainer
Casein pro
Fish oil
Milk thistle

Thinking of running endo for 6 and DAA/erase for an extra two taper down ....


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I'm sure you are. Isn't TestoPRO your baby?


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For sure... Im gonna pick up copies of the most recent tomorow- Ill put those and the one I got done before up. Plus I have test from the last ten years- all in the 400-600 range as far as total test goes- and the most recent test is the highest my total test has ever shown on bloodwork, fwiw.
Def like the sound of that..maybe I will run this sometime... ;) as long as I can get a good deal on it...
John Smeton

John Smeton

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have you used any hormonals ? if so how long was the last time you used one? was testopro pro part of pct?


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Just got back from my weekly Costco trip- man that place is mad house, but I love it. Here is what I picked up today-
4 5lb whole chickens
4 dozen eggs
2lbs nonfat yogurt
1.5lbs organic blueberries
1lb organic baby spinach
3lbs bananas

I just stocked up on quinoa, puffed rice, yams, and potatoes aswell as some other fruit and veggies, so today's load was relatively small. However between the weekends shopping and today my fridge is packed! Love it!


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Blueberries FTW!


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Thanks I'm running Endo-Erase-DAA..debating 6 or 8 weeks. Any suggestions?

620cal/60g pro/weight gainer
Casein pro
Fish oil
Milk thistle

Thinking of running endo for 6 and DAA/erase for an extra two taper down ....
Yeah man that looks like a great stack- hitting multiple hormones from several different angles. I think either six or eight would be a solid approach. Are you gonna use erae pro, or the original? How bout daa- bulk? If your going bulk AI has a great deal on theirs.
how bout diet- are gonna try and bulk, cut or recomp with this stack- curious to hear your goals with this run?


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Blueberries FTW!
Yeah blueberries are the bomb! But my last batch was crap! Paid like $8 for em and they were all soft and mushy- I was super bummer and honestly considered bringing back- they were that bad!


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I hate when stuff like that happens. I really like blueberries in dry oats with milk or in a nice homemade protein smoothie.


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Yeah man that looks like a great stack- hitting multiple hormones from several different angles. I think either six or eight would be a solid approach. Are you gonna use erae pro, or the original? How bout daa- bulk? If your going bulk AI has a great deal on theirs.
how bout diet- are gonna try and bulk, cut or recomp with this stack- curious to hear your goals with this run?
Bought 500g of DAA off a bulk supplier already..should be at the military post when I get home from Rome...using Erase not Erase pro...I like the freedom of being able to alter my dose on any AI you know? I kind of want to taper off erase at the end so that's another reason...

Bought 500g taurine bulk off same supplier...
Got a 600++ calorie 60g protein for bulking up... I also bought ON gLycomaize for extra pre/intra/post carbs...found a good price...used to use cytocarb but I figured I'd mix it up...

I'm definitely looking to put on some solid mass with this stack...but I'm debating using creatine with it because I want to be sure my gains aren't solely water...that's one reason I bought the taurine...

Planning on 6 meals a day...still trying to get my meal plan figured out...going to talk to the personal trainer at my gym and see what he thinks about my plans for meals and have him tweak it if necessary...

My workout partner is going without a test boost and we argue the significance of one frequently... He is dead set on not 'altering' his hormones...I've almost convinced him on the DAA with studies and what not so he may decide to use it since I have 500g laying around...if or if not, I'm going to see if I can talk him into running his stats on here also so we can compare my gains to his...think it will make an interesting point


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Bought 500g of DAA off a bulk supplier already..should be at the military post when I get home from Rome...using Erase not Erase pro...I like the freedom of being able to alter my dose on any AI you know? I kind of want to taper off erase at the end so that's another reason...

Bought 500g taurine bulk off same supplier...
Got a 600++ calorie 60g protein for bulking up... I also bought ON gLycomaize for extra pre/intra/post carbs...found a good price...used to use cytocarb but I figured I'd mix it up...

I'm definitely looking to put on some solid mass with this stack...but I'm debating using creatine with it because I want to be sure my gains aren't solely water...that's one reason I bought the taurine...

Planning on 6 meals a day...still trying to get my meal plan figured out...going to talk to the personal trainer at my gym and see what he thinks about my plans for meals and have him tweak it if necessary...

My workout partner is going without a test boost and we argue the significance of one frequently... He is dead set on not 'altering' his hormones...I've almost convinced him on the DAA with studies and what not so he may decide to use it since I have 500g laying around...if or if not, I'm going to see if I can talk him into running his stats on here also so we can compare my gains to his...think it will make an interesting point
Nice- it looks like you got a pretty solid plan lined up. As far the creatine I don't think you should worry about it causing you hold water. Erase is an aromotase inhibitor, a relatively strong one at that, as such it's a "dry" ccompound and some people have reported joint discomfort as a result of this drying effect. I think you may welcome a bit of water to lube the joints and i think creatine would be a excellent addition to your program for a myriad of other reasons as well.


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Nice- it looks like you got a pretty solid plan lined up. As far the creatine I don't think you should worry about it causing you hold water. Erase is an aromotase inhibitor, a relatively strong one at that, as such it's a "dry" ccompound and some people have reported joint discomfort as a result of this drying effect. I think you may welcome a bit of water to lube the joints and i think creatine would be a excellent addition to your program for a myriad of other reasons as well.
I'm a major advocate for creatine...it's one of the most proven/researched supps on the Market...I just cycled off of it for the last week while I'm on vacation in Rome...figured I'd give my body a break fro, everything before I start this cycle...


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I'm a major advocate for creatine...it's one of the most proven/researched supps on the Market...I just cycled off of it for the last week while I'm on vacation in Rome...figured I'd give my body a break fro, everything before I start this cycle...
Yeah probably not a bad idea....vacationing in Rome, huh? I'm jealous man, that's gotta be pretty epic. Definitely would love to make it there one day.


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Yeah...im American but I live in England for work so Rome was only a three hour plane ride...my two year old is with us so epic isn't a word I would use... The week I spent I'm Romania with guys from work was thee it though...also hit spain last October w family and another couple...it was nice...I'd say if you are gonna waste money to fly here from the states, hit Spain for sure...food is killer and the beach is nice. The women in Rome are ...wow... Though


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Here's a little vid showing some of my bloodwork-


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I'm a major advocate for creatine...it's one of the most proven/researched supps on the Market...I just cycled off of it for the last week while I'm on vacation in Rome...figured I'd give my body a break fro, everything before I start this cycle...
sounds like you had a great time


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Here's a little vid showing some of my bloodwork-
Thanks for the vid. That's very interesting feedback. Have you considered adding in a suicide aromatase inhibitor?


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I'm jealous. I can't really dedicate just one full day to shoulders. I wouldn't be able to lift upper body the rest of the week, lol.
I love doing 1 body part a day... can truly focus on that muscle and hitting it from all angles..... only issue is that it becomes very easy to over do the training. LOL


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Here's a little vid showing some of my bloodwork-
Hey Daft. Totally missed that you were logging this. I just read the whole thing. Lol. Looks like things ate going well indeed. The test. Numbers you guys are putting up on this stuff are truly impressive. Keep up the good work!


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Thanks for the vid. That's very interesting feedback. Have you considered adding in a suicide aromatase inhibitor?
Yeah ya know I have considered that. I think I'd only need some thing mild, but I'm not really sure what compound I'd like to use to use. any suggestions in the AI department?


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Hey Daft. Totally missed that you were logging this. I just read the whole thing. Lol. Looks like things ate going well indeed. The test. Numbers you guys are putting up on this stuff are truly impressive. Keep up the good work!
Yeah man thanks for stopping by! I've been pretty happy with this run to say the least. Pretty much everything I'd want (within realty) from a "test booster"-it's really a killer product. Definitely looking forward to using some other AI products- hghpro in particular.. Not to mention AI is a super cool, extra generous company and have been plugging me with swag, samples, and goodies throughout the run- stxnas and all the other dudes I've spoke with from AI are all real helpful, stand up bros.


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Yeah ya know I have considered that. I think I'd only need some thing mild, but I'm not really sure what compound I'd like to use to use. any suggestions in the AI department?
Anecdotally, I've had great success with 6-Bromo as well as LG Formadrol XL. I've never had bloods drawn, though. That's why I say anecdotally. If you can come up with something before this log is over, feel free to add it to the mix.


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Yeah man thanks for stopping by! I've been pretty happy with this run to say the least. Pretty much everything I'd want (within realty) from a "test booster"-it's really a killer product. Definitely looking forward to using some other AI products- hghpro in particular.. Not to mention AI is a super cool, extra generous company and have been plugging me with swag, samples, and goodies throughout the run- stxnas and all the other dudes I've spoke with from AI are all real helpful, stand up bros.
They certainly are. Good company and good people repping.


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Anecdotally, I've had great success with 6-Bromo as well as LG Formadrol XL. I've never had bloods drawn, though. That's why I say anecdotally. If you can come up with something before this log is over, feel free to add it to the mix.
Oh yeah, I had kinda forgot about 6-bromo-good call. I think I may start with something more mild like some quality chrysin and resveratrol and go from there.


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Update -

Testopro for strength!!!!!

So I've been involved with another companies( am board sponsor pes) strength contest here on anabolicminds for the month of February- I competed in total body weight pull ups, total body weight dips, weighted dips for 5, and weighted pull ups for 3. With the help of testopro(combined with my diet, training,etc.) not only was I able to shatter my previous best in all categories but I actually placed in all four categories! I got first in the bw pull ups with 32 reps,first in the bw dips with 56 reps, second in weighted dips with 185lbs bw + 125lbs, and third in the weighted dips with 185lbs bw + 157.5lbs.

I've been really happy with my progress these last few weeks and gotta attribute a portion of that to the testopro. I'd like to really step it up and keep the momentum going this next month and try keep the strength and scale going up.


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Congrats on those Daft! Great work man. Testapro is on my shopping list for sure. I may try to use it as part of my upcoming recomp.


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Dude awesome stats on those lifts...not only strength but awesome muscle endurance!


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Update -

Testopro for strength!!!!!

So I've been involved with another companies( am board sponsor pes) strength contest here on anabolicminds for the month of February- I competed in total body weight pull ups, total body weight dips, weighted dips for 5, and weighted pull ups for 3. With the help of testopro(combined with my diet, training,etc.) not only was I able to shatter my previous best in all categories but I actually placed in all four categories! I got first in the bw pull ups with 32 reps,first in the bw dips with 56 reps, second in weighted dips with 185lbs bw + 125lbs, and third in the weighted dips with 185lbs bw + 157.5lbs.

I've been really happy with my progress these last few weeks and gotta attribute a portion of that to the testopro. I'd like to really step it up and keep the momentum going this next month and try keep the strength and scale going up.
Oh wow! Congrats and great work!


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Update -

Testopro for strength!!!!!

So I've been involved with another companies( am board sponsor pes) strength contest here on anabolicminds for the month of February- I competed in total body weight pull ups, total body weight dips, weighted dips for 5, and weighted pull ups for 3. With the help of testopro(combined with my diet, training,etc.) not only was I able to shatter my previous best in all categories but I actually placed in all four categories! I got first in the bw pull ups with 32 reps,first in the bw dips with 56 reps, second in weighted dips with 185lbs bw + 125lbs, and third in the weighted dips with 185lbs bw + 157.5lbs.

I've been really happy with my progress these last few weeks and gotta attribute a portion of that to the testopro. I'd like to really step it up and keep the momentum going this next month and try keep the strength and scale going up.
great job, 32 pullups is a ton!!!


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What's new, bro? I bet you're off somewhere doing pullups. :lol:


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What's new, bro? I bet you're off somewhere doing pullups. :lol:
Actually I was just about to come in here and update, lol! So, last week I got pretty sick and was down for the count for few days- I finally got a workout in on Thursday, couldn't make on Friday cause I had a hearing with the labor board and then got called into work like thirty hours over the weekend! So needless to say my diet, training, and even supp dosing has been all fuxed up!
so I got up today feeling pretty weak and tired but just said "fug it" and dragged my ass to the gym. Last workout I got in was back so today I did chest but decided to go with light weights and higher reps since I was feeling run down still. Heres what I did-
Flat bb bench-
warm up with bar, 135x20,225x20(pr!),225x15, 225x13
incline bb bench-
185x15, 185x13,185x11
decline bb bench-
225x12, 225x10
Underhand cable flys
60x15, 80x12, 90x12
peck deck
100x15, 100x13, 100x12
cable pullovers
80x20, 100x15, 110x12
super deep push up super setter with dips
2 set of each x 10
threw in a little hanging an work and called it a day!
All things considered it was a pretty good workout, hit some nice numbers, and am already feeling sore.


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Yeah, I saw that you were logged on. I was just giving you a hard time.

Sounds like you had a pretty rough weekend.. Mine wasn't nearly that bad, but I had a hard time this weekend, too. I couldn't sleep Saturday night and ended getting about 90 minutes of sleep before going into work Sunday morning. I'm still playing catch up from that, lol.

Hopefully you're back up to par in the next day or two. Feeling run down is the worst. Everything becomes a chore!


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Yeah, I saw that you were logged on. I was just giving you a hard time.

Sounds like you had a pretty rough weekend.. Mine wasn't nearly that bad, but I had a hard time this weekend, too. I couldn't sleep Saturday night and ended getting about 90 minutes of sleep before going into work Sunday morning. I'm still playing catch up from that, lol.

Hopefully you're back up to par in the next day or two. Feeling run down is the worst. Everything becomes a chore!
Dude I had pretty much the same thing happen on sun night- work from 10am-11pm sun drove 50+ miles, ate, made my meals for next day, and got bad some time around 3am and my alarm went off at 530 and back to work I went! So yeah man, I know how ya feel, lol.


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I got my AI sample pack today and since I work nights, I took the 3Z this morning...good ****...what's the going rate on a bottle? You should take some of that...it would have helped you sleep

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