Dafts 12 week AI Testopro log(sponsored)



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So been totally preoccupied since Friday as my girlfriend and I got a new puppy. She's a rescue, blue pit and only five weeks old so she's been requireing a ton of time and has definitely impacted my diet and training these past few days.


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Went and got a massage yesterday as I had a bit of a kink in my upper back for few weeks new. Well this little chick tore in to my back and felt great at the time but my back was/ am so sore from it, lol. I got the massage in the morning and tried to go train back in the evening and it was pretty rough. It's crazy how sometimes massages can make you feel worse before they make it better.


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Went and got a massage yesterday as I had a bit of a kink in my upper back for few weeks new. Well this little chick tore in to my back and felt great at the time but my back was/ am so sore from it, lol. I got the massage in the morning and tried to go train back in the evening and it was pretty rough. It's crazy how sometimes massages can make you feel worse before they make it better.
One time I got a massage when I lived in Vegas...I went to china town and this 76 yr old Chinese lady ef'd my world up. She tore into my back so bad I went to TH doc the next day and got muscle relaxers and the day off... I was so sore I couldn't walk...

Worst part, no happy ending.


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One time I got a massage when I lived in Vegas...I went to china town and this 76 yr old Chinese lady ef'd my world up. She tore into my back so bad I went to TH doc the next day and got muscle relaxers and the day off... I was so sore I couldn't walk...

Worst part, no happy ending.
Lol, yeah man this was a young assign chick but yeah, pretty much the same outcome.. Feeling pretty beat today, back feels straight bruised!
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Lol, yeah man this was a young assign chick but yeah, pretty much the same outcome.. Feeling pretty beat today, back feels straight bruised!
think it has helped or will help after it sets in?


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think it has helped or will help after it sets in?
I was getting big knots in my upper back. Massage therapist I go to now told me it seemed like muscle rubbing on my muscle due to dehydration...I didn't think it was possible because I drank what I thought was a lot of water but then I started drinking a at least 2 litres at the gym and the knots went away. I had them for a year--one piece of good advise has literally changed my life. It kept me up at night...


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Finally! Back in the gym as I type this(doing a lil warm up cardio) and about to smash some back! Man, I've only got in the gym like maybe three times in the last ten days or so(ever since we got the new puppy)- which is pretty out of character for me. I've just been so preoccupied with the pup- its like taking care of baby- it's been real hard to get the gym. But I'm here and i to got start getting it in no matter what as I haven't made the profess I've made over the last two plus months just to let it slide away now. Fock that!


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So we are right around the three month mark, however with setbacks, week of being sick and missing the occasional dose couple that with few sample packs of testopro I had and still have what appears to be maybe another week and half- 2 weeks left. I plan to keep on my current path until all testopro is gone at which point I gonna put together a new game plan and probably a concurrent log- most likely to include reviews on all the various samples generously supplied by AI sports!


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...and then? :D


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...and then? :D
Still here:) just wrapping last few days of testopro. Life's been a bit of a whirlwind the last few weeks here with the most recent snafu being my girls dad having to have an emergency triple bypass open heart surgery a few days ago- needless to say the the events of the last few weeks have led to a some what lackluster finish as far as this log is concerned- sincerely my apologies. However I've been keeping up with my eating, training, and have continued to reap benefits from testopro. I be putting together my final thoughts in the up coming days and will post up my end review with some stats and what not.


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I hope he is okay and well on his way to recovery.

Your family comes first, so don't over don't stress about the log.


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My final review_
I found terstopro to be a very effective test booster. When combined with my training and diet strategies I noticed ingreased strength gains/agression, weight gain and a sense of well being. To support these findings i had bloodwork done during the run which showed signifcant inreases in free and total testosterone from the bloodwork done prior to using testopro. Over the twevle week run I feel as the the results peaked right atround week 8-9. It was at this time i was experienceing the greatest strength gains as wel as the grreatest increase in body weight- breaking 190lb, up 13lbs from week one. By week twevle my strength and weight and settled at abit and finished the run right around 186lbs and in as good or better condition than week one-thus finishing with what i would consider a lean 9lb gain. I would absolutely run testopro again and would recommend it, in a heart beat, to anyone looking for an effective(in the gym, the bedroom, and on bloodwork) test booster.

A word about AI and their reps-
Excellent products. Extremely generous promotioins. Knowledgable and classy reps. I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the ai rep team and ai the company as a whole for the group of stand up guys that they certainly are. Cheers guys, way to exemplify what a good supp company is!

Once again a huge thanks to Stxnas and all the bros from AI!


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My final review_
I found terstopro to be a very effective test booster. When combined with my training and diet strategies I noticed ingreased strength gains/agression, weight gain and a sense of well being. To support these findings i had bloodwork done during the run which showed signifcant inreases in free and total testosterone from the bloodwork done prior to using testopro. Over the twevle week run I feel as the the results peaked right atround week 8-9. It was at this time i was experienceing the greatest strength gains as wel as the grreatest increase in body weight- breaking 190lb, up 13lbs from week one. By week twevle my strength and weight and settled at abit and finished the run right around 186lbs and in as good or better condition than week one-thus finishing with what i would consider a lean 9lb gain. I would absolutely run testopro again and would recommend it, in a heart beat, to anyone looking for an effective(in the gym, the bedroom, and on bloodwork) test booster.

A word about AI and their reps-
Excellent products. Extremely generous promotioins. Knowledgable and classy reps. I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the ai rep team and ai the company as a whole for the group of stand up guys that they certainly are. Cheers guys, way to exemplify what a good supp company is!

Once again a huge thanks to Stxnas and all the bros from AI!
Those are some impressive numbers man. I think your log just convinced me to give this a run. AI just needs to offer
It in a 3 pack as a promo now. (hint hint). Lol

Great log as usual Daft. I concur with you on AIs reps and professionalism. Great company.


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Those are some impressive numbers man. I think your log just convinced me to give this a run. AI just needs to offer
It in a 3 pack as a promo now. (hint hint). Lol

Great log as usual Daft. I concur with you on AIs reps and professionalism. Great company.
Guess who just added this to his PCT...this guy.

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