Cycle Advice (Sust/Dbol)



New member
A quick list of my stats for reference; Age: 23 Height: 5'9 Weight: 200lbs BF: 14%

This would be my third test based cycle. First time using Dbol in a stack.

Here's what I have mapped out so far.
Sus 250: 500mg/week - weeks 1-10
Dbol: 30mg/ed - weeks 1-5
Anavar: 50mg/ed - weeks 7-13 Not sure if I am going to use the var)
Hcg: 1000iu a week for weeks 6 - 10

Pct: weeks 13-17
Nolva: 40/40/20/20
Clomid: 100/50/50

I'm looking to pack on around 10-15lbs and then try to harden and lean up as much as possible.

Any suggestions you guys have for tweaks?what I'm currently debating is Possibly running for 12 weeks instead of 10. Also I'm not sure if I can get Aromasin, but if I could would you recommend use of it during the first four weeks? I also was considering subbing (for a different compound maybe tbol) if not just removing the Anavar completely.

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