Create Your Own Bogus Supplement Adertising Campaign



I don't know what's worse. The respect these rappers get, or the zero-respect that these women ask for.
i agree, however, the line "skeet so much they call me billy ocean" is a great line. and I hate rap.


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Devine Labs Inc. introduces the greatest muscle builder of all time.

Since the dawn of time, man has always desired to be bigger, stronger, leaner and meaner than the competition. Some have tried steroids, prohormones, creatine, beta alanine, but none have tried the ultimate muscle builder ever : MAGIC - yet look at all the products that contain it!!! From Gauntlets of Ogre Power, to a Sword +1, the powers of MAGIC are undisputed. Look at Stonehenge! Wow. Need i say more? Each serving contains 1 mcg of magic, more than enough to do the trick (yay, a double entendre).... buy it now, please!

This product was tested on 400 Dungeon Masters, and they all said they might buy it. Come on, 400 people can't be wrong.


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Introducing the Latest in muscle building science: Crank PM. You may have seen similar products, but don't be fooled by lesser companies. We have combined the two greatest strength builders and energy boosters of all time in one package : n-methyl-1-phenyl-propan-2-amine
and 1-(1-phenylcyclohexyl)piperidine!!! Both of these chemicals have been proven time and time again to increase strength dramatically, even after only one dose! Just listen to the testimonials!

"when i was on 1-(1-phenylcyclohexyl)piperidine, it took 4 people to hold me down" - Rodney King
"When i was on n-methyl-1-phenyl-propan-2-amine, i could stay up all day!" - Fergie

We have combined these two potent stimulators to act synergystically, to give you strength, as well as keep you amped throughout your workout! No longer do you have to feel like you got hit by a truck after your workout, just pop two Crank PM's, and keep working out. You will be amazed at the quantity of work you can do. So act now before the FDA starts regulating us!

Directions: take 2 capsules daily, and don't get caught.

Serving size: 2 capsules

400 mg n-methyl-1-phenyl-propan-2-amine (crystal meth)
400 mg 1-(1-phenylcyclohexyl)piperidine (PCP)
100 mg milk thistle (to protect your liver, because we care)


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Introducing NANOTECH!

Have you ever wondered why some guys are just bigger than others, or more ripped? Is it genetics? Is it diet? Maybe its NANOTECH! We have harnessed the ultimate power of the 21st century, and created the ultimate fat burner and muscle builder. Forget mcg and mg, each capsule of NANOTECH! contains 200 machines created with nanotechnology. You see, we use these small machines (equipped with tiny laser beams on their foreheads) to zap the fat cells rigt out of existence! But it doesn't stop there, because each of these machines are equipped to do other things - like build muscle! These small machines, which i will refer to as "Terminators" also have miniature musical instruments (mainly drums)! Why you ask? Because they play loud music WITHIN the muscle, allowing your muscles to grow like never before by creating hypertrophy. This is a patented process (Lic. 63732) that we call "Great Androgen Stimulation" or GAS for short. Combine this with the drums that are unusually shaped. I will call them an "Irregular Bowl Shape". Everyone knows that a little bit of GAS and IBS is going to do the trick. Prepare to EXPLODE like never before!!!!!


New member
WARNING: This product is not for pu$sies ! You will lose 3 pounds of fat and gain 5 pounds of dense, rock-hard muscle just by touching the bottle. You can continue losing 3 pounds of fat and gaining 5 pounds of muscle a week every week until you die.

Methyl-Roidelone is the newest of anabolic hormones. We discovered this hormone in the Vida book of anabolics and tweaked to molecules so that liver toxicity and cardiovascular side effects can be eliminated for good. As a matter of fact, our test subjects decreased their bad cholesterol, blood pressure, and got rid of pre-existing gyno that had them sporting double d's just by using Methy-Roidelone

This is the first and only hormone that will not shut you down, cause male pattern baldness, prostate issues, gynocomastia, or roid rage. Methyl-Roidelone is so safe that you never have to cycle off it unless you're getting so big that no one can make clothes big enough for you. Methy-Roidelone is the first safe anabolic for kids, old ladies, and couch potatoes.

Methyl-Roidelone also has the magical capability of increasing Growth Hormone levels by 851209.78% because we added a molecule to trick your body into thinking that it needs more GH. We don't know the physiological process of this but we do know this sh!t will spike your GH levels high enough to make Jay and Ronnie stop using actual black market GH.

We also figured we could thrown in some Methyl-Yohimbine HCL as the back bone of the fat loss part in Methyl-Roidelone. Life will never be the same again, our product is so great that it has revolutionized history. Some third world countries even changed their calendars from BC-AD to BMR-AMR. This isn't 2007, it's AMR (After Methyl-Roidelone) 1. Don't get left behind with all the other bean poles who end up masturbating on Friday nights while real men on Methy-Roidelone are banging the hottest chicks alive because I also forgot to mention that Methy-Roidelone makes you release some powerful pheromones that practically makes chicks jump on your permanently erect boner that was also induced by Methyl-Roidelone.

Every pro bodybuilder is using Methyl-Roidelone and no other scam artist company can say the same. Look at what the Pros said. "My strength increased by 1285.77% and muscle mass increased by 349.71% when compared to my stack of Test, Tren, GH, Insulin, and whatever else I'm forgetting" -Ronnie Coleman 8 time Mr. Olympia

Others may have clones with similar names but our sh!t is the sh!t and clinically proven to be 125489.44% better then all other clone products from inferior companies who want to rip you off unlike us.

Supplement Facts: 2,900,000 mcg propiretary blend
17-alpha male jackoffsterone - 90,328% more anabolic then Test, Tren, GH, and Insulin combined !
17-alpha Newes Lethal Herbis complex extract equivalent to 99.9% ab ripping crack-cocaine
17-alpha Speedis Herbis Complex extract equivalent to 99.9% ab ripping methamphetamine
17-alpha Yohimbine HCL
17-alpha sperm whale protein complex - 2,799% stronger than regular sperm whale protein and 88,532.12% stronger then Nitro-Tech !
Clever and funny as hell.:toofunny:


Recovering AXoholic
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Liporadicate: the last fatloss supplement you'll ever need.

Liporadicate is a blend of herbs, alkaloids, and tapeworm larvae specifically designed to do one thing and one thing only: MAKE YOU F*CKIN' RIPPED!!!!

What's great about Liporadicate is that, seriously, we understand that you don't want to exercise. Hell, neither do we! That's why Liporadicate was designed to burn fat regardless of diet or activity level. Take Liporadicate, get the body of your dreams. THAT'S IT!!!

How does it work? Who the f*ck cares? We don't understand all that nerdy scientific mumbo-jumbo, and you probably wouldn't either. Bottom line is it works, and you want it desperately bad because you want the body of your dreams and don't want to sacrifice time in front of your X-box, beer, and pizza to obtain it.

What's exceptionally awesome about Lipradicate is its ornate ability to deliver results in record time. A lot of competators advertise great results in 6 weeks with their crap products. Pishaw! Those nancyboys are doing it all wrong. How about 6 hours?! Can it be done? You're damn straight, skippy. And we done get pictures to prove it. Read 'em and weep. Liporadicate is the King of Fat Burners

Before Liporadicate

6 hours later


New member
I made one more ridiculous than all of the above... Oh s*** this stuff is an actual product already!!!

Cryo-Anabolic Post-Workout Growth-Inducing Event!

The ANABOLIC HALO™ Cometh! It forces its way into you... Through you... Around you. Its subzero shock takes over. It engages an anabolic phenomenon from within... Leaving your muscles with no choice but to grow. What is this thing you're feeling... This chilling sensation? The cryogenic technology processes key ingredients into enhanced matter states. The anabolic charge invades and engulfs your muscles. It crushes catabolism and commands your muscles to grow. It's the most critical formula in your musclebuilding arsenal. It's the anabolic halo!

In just seconds, an intense, glacial-like chill overwhelms the back of your throat. The subzero, arctic outbreak has begun! In virtually no time, it feels like your entire physiological profile is “freezing” as the mega-dose of more than 75 cutting-edge and musclebuilding ingredients in the ANABOLIC HALO™ formula courses through your veins. The cryo-anabolic post-workout growth-inducing event invades your muscles and engages an anabolic uprising within them … leaving them with no choice but to grow!

With your first dose, the most hardcore anabolic supplement on the planet sends a powerful rush of musclebuilding ingredients coursing through your veins!

What is this thing you’re feeling? It’s the power of -320 degrees Fahrenheit. Three pharmaceutically inspired, cryogenic technologies never before seen within the realm of bodybuilding supplementation synchronize the muscle manipulating powers of ANABOLIC HALO. Featuring three SUB-ZERO™ Technologies - Cryogenic Thermomolecular Technology, Lyophilization and Anabolic Crystallographic Technology - ANABOLIC HALO unleashes the exclusive power of cryo-anabolic molecules.

The first, Cryogenic Thermomolecular Technology, uses mechanically measured blasts of impossibly low-temperature liquid nitrogen, as cold as -320 degrees Fahrenheit, to thermomolecularly enhance a precise portion of one of the most anabolic compounds on the planet.

The second pharmaceutically inspired technology, called Lyophilization, actually changes the physical state of a proprietary dose of an anti-catabolic complex in ANABOLIC HALO. Lyophilization exploits the micro-molecular process of sublimation which is so advanced, it actually forces molecules within a structure to skip matter states and go directly from a solid to a gas.

The third, cryogenic process, called Anabolic Crystallographic Technology, discharges a 180-minute treatment of liquid nitrogen at -150 degrees Fahrenheit on a critical anabolic compound. The resulting molecular structure is unlike anything ever witnessed in bodybuilding!

The mega-dose of muscle-morphing compounds in ANABOLIC HALO switches on your anabolic machinery, forcing your muscles to explode with size!
How Cryogenic Thermomolecular Technology Works

Make no mistake, ANABOLIC HALO™ is designed to throw muscles into the most hardcore, anabolic state they’ve ever been in. The ultra-potent blend sets off a sequence of six growth-inducing elements guaranteed to make your muscles balloon to monstrous proportions … like you’ve never seen before! And the formula is relentless, continuing to work until a larger, more muscular being stares back at you in the mirror!

Download the Darrem Charles ANABOLIC HALO Special 6-Page Ad.
Download the Jay Cutler ANABOLIC HALO Special 4-Page Ad.

It’s simple, you won’t build any muscle unless you’re anabolic, and ANABOLIC HALO™ catapults you into a powerful anabolic state that truly has to be experienced to be believed. The mega-dose of muscle-manipulating compounds tackles six critical growth-inducing elements guaranteed to deliver rapid and dramatic muscle growth like no other supplement can!

Team MuscleTech researchers actually found a way to drive anabolically active testosterone directly into your muscle at the cellular level!
The 6 Critical Growth-Inducing Elements

Your Freakiest Gains Ever Begin Right Now!
With your first dose, the hyper-potent ANABOLIC HALO™ formula is quickly driven into your muscle cells to force a supremely powerful anabolic state! You may not be ready for the continuous musclebuilding overload … for the unrelenting growth phase that leaves you with so much thick, dense muscle your vascularity presses through your skin, demanding to be seen. You may be shocked to watch your muscles expand like never before … but it’s too late. Get on, get anabolic, and get ridiculously huge - now!

A critical anabolic agent in ANABOLIC HALO can amplify muscle satellite cell concentration by over 100% in just 28 days!


ANABOLIC HALO™ is the world’s only cryo-anabolic post-workout growth-inducing event. With your very first serving, you pull the trigger on your freakiest, most dramatic gains ever. The multi-platform cycle tackles six critical musclebuilding elements you need to get ridiculously huge. Formulated with cryogenically processed anabolic compounds you’ll never find anywhere else, ANABOLIC HALO simultaneously catapults your muscles into a powerful anabolic state and works to freeze catabolism, forcing overwhelming muscle growth the likes of which no bodybuilder has ever experienced!


Team MuscleTech™ researchers and scientists loaded ANABOLIC HALO with more than 75 scientifically researched and musclebuilding ingredients, including cryo-anabolic molecules, that force your muscles into a powerful anabolic state. The intensely potent dose of muscle manipulating ingredients synergistically tackles six critical musclebuilding elements required for chilling muscle gains.

What are the 6 critical musclebuilding elements, and how will they get me huge?

The six critical musclebuilding elements are greater free-testosterone utilization, the Anabolic Transcription Factor (ATF-4) modulation, insulin manipulation, inhibition of catabolic machinery, satellite cell activation and increased muscle fiber area. To find out how ANABOLIC HALO commands all six musclebuilding elements to make you bigger than ever, check out the fully detailed 3D illustration.

What are the cryogenic technologies found in ANABOLIC HALO?

There are three pharmaceutically inspired SUB-ZERO™ technologies in ANABOLIC HALO. The first, Cryogenic Thermomolecular Technology, utilizes liquid nitrogen as cold as -320 degrees Fahrenheit to thermomolecularly enhance a precise portion of a key musclebuilding compound. A second technology, called Lyophilization, actually alters the physical structure of a molecule within a core ingredient in ANABOLIC HALO. A third SUB-ZERO technology called Anabolic Crystallographic Technology exposes a critical anabolic driver to a 180-minute treatment of liquid nitrogen at -150 degrees Fahrenheit to create a molecular structure unlike anything ever witnessed in the bodybuilding world. For more information on how Team MuscleTech researchers used these three breakthrough particle processing techniques to molecularly alter some of the most potent anabolic compounds on the planet and create ANABOLIC HALO.

What is Cryogenic Thermomolecular Technology?

Cryogenic Thermomolecular Technology is the newest, and by far most advanced breakthrough in bodybuilding supplementation. Cryogenic Thermomolecular Technology hyper-pressurizes a precise portion of a key anabolic driver found in ANABOLIC HALO in a cryogenic chamber, and then blasts it with liquid nitrogen at impossibly low temperatures as cold as -320 degrees Fahrenheit (as cold as the atmosphere on the planet Neptune.) The resulting, thermomoleculary enhanced and cryogenically altered compound is unlike anything ever witnessed in bodybuilding supplementation. To see a detailed animation of Cryogenic Thermomolecular Technology, click here.

Are there any studies behind ANABOLIC HALO?

Multiple human clinical studies show just how effective key ingredients in ANABOLIC HALO are at forcing your muscles into an overwhelmingly anabolic state.

First, Team MuscleTech scientists utilized research from the University of Connecticut and discovered a way to drive anabolically active free testosterone into muscle cells with no negative feedback. In a 21-day human clinical study that was published in a prestigious journal, a powerful musclebuilding compound in ANABOLIC HALO dramatically increased the number of pre-workout androgen receptors compared to a placebo1.

In another study, researchers observed a powerful anabolic agent in ANABOLIC HALO dramatically amplify the number of satellite cells per muscle fiber by over 100 percent in just 28 days!2 But it gets better! The same potent anabolic complex actually increased muscle fiber area by a staggering average of 16.8 percent in just 16 weeks!3

In other research from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and later published in a leading journal, scientists examined the modulation of the Anabolic Transcription Factor (ATF-4).4 ATF-4 was shown to be an insulin-mediated anabolic transcription factor that plays a central role in hormonal regulation of anabolism by coupling amino acid uptake and protein synthesis.

1 Kraemer, W., et al. (2006). Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38(7):1288-1296.
2 Olsen, S., et al. (2006) Journal of Physiology, 573(2):525-534.
3 Ibid.
4 Adams, C. (2007). The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282(23):16744-16753.

How do I take ANABOLIC HALO?

ANABOLIC HALO is an extremely powerful anabolic product. Once you’re ready to experience your most dramatic gains ever, start off by consuming 1 serving (1 heaping scoop) mixed in 4 oz. of cold water right after your workout. As you develop respect for and truly comprehend the power of the ANABOLIC HALO, up your dose to 3 servings (3 scoops) mixed in 12 oz. of cold water. On non-training days, consume 3 scoops in the morning. Do not exceed 3 scoops in a 24-hour period. Read the entire label before using and follow the directions provided.

" I was the first bodybuilder in the world to try ANABOLIC HALO
and I had never experienced anything like it. I could feel my muscles getting tighter and pumped. With ANABOLIC HALO I'm going to get bigger than ever!"
- Jay Cutler, Mr. Olympia

"This is an extremely potent musclebuilding supplement. I know
I'll make the craziest gains in size and strength in the shortest amount
of time."
- Gustavo Badell, 2-Time IFBB Pro Champion



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bump because i can never find this. C'mon guys, lets get some more products!!!


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Introducing... ANABLOIC POISON.

In recent testimonials, Zero-V an anabolicminds junkie noted that fire ants gave him ridiculous strength gains in the gym. MasterX, another anabolicminds guru was bitten by spiders and had phenomenal gains in the gym. That got us to thinking...

We, at Poison Inc decided to investigate this further. If fire ants, bee stings, and spiders can increase strength, what would be the ultimate anabolic cocktail? Using our lab in Roswell NM, we've narrowed down what really builds muscle - Chupacabra venom. Yes, using specialized bear traps, we caught the infamous "blood drinker of south america" and have used his serum to make the ultimate anabolic formula : ANABOLIC POISON

We tested this on some victims (i mean, testers) against their will, and here are the results in only two weeks:



we even gave it to the dog!!! :


and the cat!!! :


give ANABOLIC POISON a try today!

Bee Venom Therapy
Viper Venom Tested on Stroke Victims - Health - redOrbit


New member
funny thing is, all these made up ones are just as believable as the real supps! haha


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its back and harder then ever!(literally)
from our good friends at limp2hard.cum!
the bullsiht company that bought you cumalot(r),jusbang(r)has gone' and done it again with our unique perpriatery blend of 88,000(mcg)(secret sauce)
other active ingredients
oyaster extract
black pepper
anti-hemrroid serum

this special blend of concock-tions will have you coming so hard, you'll swear you siht your pants! you all know the shamwow guy, we'll beleive it or not he was one of our testers, and you see that squint that he's got in the right eye,thats right, he came so hard he siht his pants+blew out his optic nerve!!but we have had cases where people came so hard they even blew a hem.and thats why we went bact to the drawing board and worked out all the bugs!and added our own anti-hem creme!..hand made and crafted in metrobas kitchen sink(literally)(jk)!..don't be fooled by imitations,theres only one sham-daaaaam!..and people who bought sham-daaaaam also bought daaaam-skeet-skeet!


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Introducing... ANABLOIC POISON.

In recent testimonials, Zero-V an anabolicminds junkie noted that fire ants gave him ridiculous strength gains in the gym. MasterX, another anabolicminds guru was bitten by spiders and had phenomenal gains in the gym. That got us to thinking...

We, at Poison Inc decided to investigate this further. If fire ants, bee stings, and spiders can increase strength, what would be the ultimate anabolic cocktail? Using our lab in Roswell NM, we've narrowed down what really builds muscle - Chupacabra venom. Yes, using specialized bear traps, we caught the infamous "blood drinker of south america" and have used his serum to make the ultimate anabolic formula : ANABOLIC POISON

We tested this on some victims (i mean, testers) against their will, and here are the results in only two weeks:



we even gave it to the dog!!! :


and the cat!!! :


give ANABOLIC POISON a try today!

Bee Venom Therapy
Viper Venom Tested on Stroke Victims - Health - redOrbit


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It is IMPOSSIBLE to make a more FU.CKING retarded heap of BUL.LSH!T as this MuscleTech ad for Anabolic Halo!


In just seconds, an intense, glacial-like chill overwhelms the back of your throat. The subzero, arctic outbreak has begun! In virtually no time, it feels like your entire physiological profile is “freezing” as the mega-dose of more than 75 cutting-edge and musclebuilding ingredients in the ANABOLIC HALO™ formula courses through your veins. The cryo-anabolic post-workout growth-inducing event invades your muscles and engages an anabolic uprising within them … leaving them with no choice but to grow!

With your first dose, the most hardcore anabolic supplement on the planet sends a powerful rush of musclebuilding ingredients coursing through your veins!

Brace yourself, for the extreme musclebuilding potency of the world’s most hardcore anabolic/non-androgenic musclebuilding supplement – ANABOLIC HALO. The cryogenically enhanced formula forces you into a total body muscle metamorphosis … a transitional growth phase that has you witness your frame explode with new mass. A never-before-seen arsenal of anabolic and muscle-morphing compounds floods your muscular pathway, switching on the currents that control your growth, and telling your muscles to take on massive, granite-thick shape! It synergizes a shockingly powerful anabolic environment that radiates from your muscles, setting the stage for chilling, eerie muscle gains the likes of which no bodybuilder has ever imagined.

What is this thing you’re feeling? It’s the power of -320 degrees Fahrenheit. Three pharmaceutically inspired, cryogenic technologies never before seen within the realm of bodybuilding supplementation synchronize the muscle manipulating powers of ANABOLIC HALO. Featuring three SUB-ZERO™ Technologies – Cryogenic Thermomolecular Technology, Lyophilization and Anabolic Crystallographic Technology – ANABOLIC HALO unleashes the exclusive power of cryo-anabolic molecules.

The first, Cryogenic Thermomolecular Technology, uses mechanically measured blasts of impossibly low-temperature liquid nitrogen, as cold as -320 degrees Fahrenheit, to thermomolecularly enhance a precise portion of one of the most anabolic compounds on the planet.

The second pharmaceutically inspired technology, called Lyophilization, actually changes the physical state of a proprietary dose of an anti-catabolic complex in ANABOLIC HALO. Lyophilization exploits the micro-molecular process of sublimation which is so advanced, it actually forces molecules within a structure to skip matter states and go directly from a solid to a gas.

The third, cryogenic process, called Anabolic Crystallographic Technology, discharges a 180-minute treatment of liquid nitrogen at -150 degrees Fahrenheit on a critical anabolic compound. The resulting molecular structure is unlike anything ever witnessed in bodybuilding!

The mega-dose of muscle-morphing compounds in
ANABOLIC HALO switches on your anabolic machinery, forcing your muscles to explode with size!

Make no mistake, ANABOLIC HALO™ is designed to throw muscles into the most hardcore, anabolic state they’ve ever been in. The ultra-potent blend sets off a sequence of six growth-inducing elements guaranteed to make your muscles balloon to monstrous proportions … like you’ve never seen before! And the formula is relentless, continuing to work until a larger, more muscular being stares back at you in the mirror!


Irish Cannon

  • Legend!
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Dude, that stuff makes me laugh soooo hard. To think I used to eat that BS up when I was younger...Fortunately I only bought the original Cell-Tech, Hydroxycut, and Nitrotech. Those weren't too bad back in the day, just way overpriced.
Iron Warrior

Iron Warrior

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Wow, ****in Muscle-Tech must sound better than sex to a teenager with those ads LOL !


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more products! i'll rep you guys for anything creative :D


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The Anabolic Sink

There's a ton of really effective products out there. While other places like to combine only a select few and require users to "stack" them, we here at Speciallized Hypertrophy Ingenuity Technologies (****) have decided to give you ALL the awesomeness in one product: The Anabolic Sink The last supplement you'll ever need.

1 Scoop: 10kg
Anabolic Sink™ Proprietary Blend (patent pending)
Dextrose Monohydrate
Waxy Maize Starch
Creatine Monohydrate
Creatine Taurinate
DiCreatine Masturbate
QuadraCreatine Fishinghookbait
Creatine Creatinate
Creatine Acetate
Creatine Propionate
Creatine Enanthate
Creatine Decanoate
Creatine Alphaketoglutarate
Creatine Citrate
Creatine-6,8-Thioctic Acid-Ketoisocaproic Acid Calcium
DiCreatine HydroxyCitrate
Creatine Pyrogluamate
Creatine Arginate
Creatine Malate
Dicreatine Malate
Tricreatine Malate
Creatine ethyl ester
Creatine methyl ester
Creatine magic ester
Creatine Aunt Esther
Tribulus 10%
Tribulus 20%
Tribulus 30%
Tribulus 40%
Tribulus 50%
1, 4, 6 Etioallocholan-Dione
2a, 17a-Dimethyl-17B-Hydroxy-5a-Etiocholan-3-One
4-Chloro-17a-Methyl-Etiocholan-1, 4-Diene-3-17b-Diol
Milk Thistle
N-Acetyl Cysteine
Ted Nugent Nipple Hair
Dodder Seed
Glycine-l-arginine-alpha-ketoisocaproic acid calcium
Horny Goat Weed (10%)
Taurine Alpha-Ketoglutarate
Guadinopropionic acid
Citrulline Malate
Citrulline Alpha-ketoglutarate
Citrulline Decanoate
Citrulline Masturbate
Citrulline Guadinopropionate
Gynostemma Pentaphyllum
Asian Ginseng
American Ginseng
Siberian Ginseng
Korean Ginseng
Red Ginseng
White Ginseng
Green Ginseng
Sinner's Backyard Ginseng
Regular Ginseng
Technicolor Ginseng
Tie Dyed Ginseng
Ethiopian Ginseng
Acetyl L-Carnitine L-Arginine Dihydrochloride
Norvaline HCl
Norvaline ethyl ester
Norvaline methyl ester
Norvaline Malate
Norvaline Norvalate
Norvaline Creatinate
Norvaline Taurate
Norvaline L-Carnitate
Norvaline Arginate
Ronnie Coleman Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Jay Cutler Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Artichoke Flavonoids
Ajuga Turkestanica Extract
Ferulic Acid
Safed Musli
Fenugreek Extract
Muira Puama Extract
Rhodiola Rosea
Banaba Leaf
Gingko Biloba
Cinnulin PF
Ginger Extract
6, 7-Dihydroxybergamottin
Bacopa Monnieri
Avena Sativa Extract
Stinging Nettle Extract
Maca Extract
Wild Mexican Yam Extract
Smilax Officinalis Extract
Eurycoma Longifolia Extract
Longjack Extract
Tongkat Ali Extract
Stevia Extract
Blue Green Algae extract
Bee Pollen
Royal Jelly
Stearic Acid
Arachidonic acid
Licorice Root
Hops Flower
Cayenne fruit
Alfalfa Flower
Burdock Root
Lawn Clippings


Active member
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The Anabolic Sink

There's a ton of really effective products out there. While other places like to combine only a select few and require users to "stack" them, we here at Speciallized Hypertrophy Ingenuity Technologies (****) have decided to give you ALL the awesomeness in one product: The Anabolic Sink The last supplement you'll ever need.

1 Scoop: 10kg
Anabolic Sink™ Proprietary Blend (patent pending)
Dextrose Monohydrate
Waxy Maize Starch
Creatine Monohydrate
Creatine Taurinate
DiCreatine Masturbate
QuadraCreatine Fishinghookbait
Creatine Creatinate
Creatine Acetate
Creatine Propionate
Creatine Enanthate
Creatine Decanoate
Creatine Alphaketoglutarate
Creatine Citrate
Creatine-6,8-Thioctic Acid-Ketoisocaproic Acid Calcium
DiCreatine HydroxyCitrate
Creatine Pyrogluamate
Creatine Arginate
Creatine Malate
Dicreatine Malate
Tricreatine Malate
Creatine ethyl ester
Creatine methyl ester
Creatine magic ester
Creatine Aunt Esther
Tribulus 10%
Tribulus 20%
Tribulus 30%
Tribulus 40%
Tribulus 50%
1, 4, 6 Etioallocholan-Dione
2a, 17a-Dimethyl-17B-Hydroxy-5a-Etiocholan-3-One
4-Chloro-17a-Methyl-Etiocholan-1, 4-Diene-3-17b-Diol
Milk Thistle
N-Acetyl Cysteine
Ted Nugent Nipple Hair
Dodder Seed
Glycine-l-arginine-alpha-ketoisocaproic acid calcium
Horny Goat Weed (10%)
Taurine Alpha-Ketoglutarate
Guadinopropionic acid
Citrulline Malate
Citrulline Alpha-ketoglutarate
Citrulline Decanoate
Citrulline Masturbate
Citrulline Guadinopropionate
Gynostemma Pentaphyllum
Asian Ginseng
American Ginseng
Siberian Ginseng
Korean Ginseng
Red Ginseng
White Ginseng
Green Ginseng
Sinner's Backyard Ginseng
Regular Ginseng
Technicolor Ginseng
Tie Dyed Ginseng
Ethiopian Ginseng
Acetyl L-Carnitine L-Arginine Dihydrochloride
Norvaline HCl
Norvaline ethyl ester
Norvaline methyl ester
Norvaline Malate
Norvaline Norvalate
Norvaline Creatinate
Norvaline Taurate
Norvaline L-Carnitate
Norvaline Arginate
Ronnie Coleman Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Jay Cutler Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Artichoke Flavonoids
Ajuga Turkestanica Extract
Ferulic Acid
Safed Musli
Fenugreek Extract
Muira Puama Extract
Rhodiola Rosea
Banaba Leaf
Gingko Biloba
Cinnulin PF
Ginger Extract
6, 7-Dihydroxybergamottin
Bacopa Monnieri
Avena Sativa Extract
Stinging Nettle Extract
Maca Extract
Wild Mexican Yam Extract
Smilax Officinalis Extract
Eurycoma Longifolia Extract
Longjack Extract
Tongkat Ali Extract
Stevia Extract
Blue Green Algae extract
Bee Pollen
Royal Jelly
Stearic Acid
Arachidonic acid
Licorice Root
Hops Flower
Cayenne fruit
Alfalfa Flower
Burdock Root
Lawn Clippings
you forgot to mention the studies done on it....

A study done in Artarctica found that 1 scoop of Anabolic Sink increased testosterone in penguins by 5000% and GH in penguins by 800% while injecting steroids in the penguins (using a tranquilizer gun with Deca and Methyl Test) and then feeding them dianabol killed them due to the gunshot.

What does that mean?

It means that Anabolic Sink is a perfectly safe formula unlike steroids which can kill humans. Furthermore, Anabolic Sink can increase your test by at least 5000%while increasing your GH by 800%.


  • Established
I made one more ridiculous than all of the above... Oh s*** this stuff is an actual product already!!!

Cryo-Anabolic Post-Workout Growth-Inducing Event!

The ANABOLIC HALO™ Cometh! It forces its way into you... Through you... Around you. Its subzero shock takes over. It engages an anabolic phenomenon from within... Leaving your muscles with no choice but to grow. What is this thing you're feeling... This chilling sensation? The cryogenic technology processes key ingredients into enhanced matter states. The anabolic charge invades and engulfs your muscles. It crushes catabolism and commands your muscles to grow. It's the most critical formula in your musclebuilding arsenal. It's the anabolic halo!

In just seconds, an intense, glacial-like chill overwhelms the back of your throat. The subzero, arctic outbreak has begun! In virtually no time, it feels like your entire physiological profile is “freezing” as the mega-dose of more than 75 cutting-edge and musclebuilding ingredients in the ANABOLIC HALO™ formula courses through your veins. The cryo-anabolic post-workout growth-inducing event invades your muscles and engages an anabolic uprising within them … leaving them with no choice but to grow!

With your first dose, the most hardcore anabolic supplement on the planet sends a powerful rush of musclebuilding ingredients coursing through your veins!

What is this thing you’re feeling? It’s the power of -320 degrees Fahrenheit. Three pharmaceutically inspired, cryogenic technologies never before seen within the realm of bodybuilding supplementation synchronize the muscle manipulating powers of ANABOLIC HALO. Featuring three SUB-ZERO™ Technologies - Cryogenic Thermomolecular Technology, Lyophilization and Anabolic Crystallographic Technology - ANABOLIC HALO unleashes the exclusive power of cryo-anabolic molecules.

The first, Cryogenic Thermomolecular Technology, uses mechanically measured blasts of impossibly low-temperature liquid nitrogen, as cold as -320 degrees Fahrenheit, to thermomolecularly enhance a precise portion of one of the most anabolic compounds on the planet.

The second pharmaceutically inspired technology, called Lyophilization, actually changes the physical state of a proprietary dose of an anti-catabolic complex in ANABOLIC HALO. Lyophilization exploits the micro-molecular process of sublimation which is so advanced, it actually forces molecules within a structure to skip matter states and go directly from a solid to a gas.

The third, cryogenic process, called Anabolic Crystallographic Technology, discharges a 180-minute treatment of liquid nitrogen at -150 degrees Fahrenheit on a critical anabolic compound. The resulting molecular structure is unlike anything ever witnessed in bodybuilding!

The mega-dose of muscle-morphing compounds in ANABOLIC HALO switches on your anabolic machinery, forcing your muscles to explode with size!
How Cryogenic Thermomolecular Technology Works

Make no mistake, ANABOLIC HALO™ is designed to throw muscles into the most hardcore, anabolic state they’ve ever been in. The ultra-potent blend sets off a sequence of six growth-inducing elements guaranteed to make your muscles balloon to monstrous proportions … like you’ve never seen before! And the formula is relentless, continuing to work until a larger, more muscular being stares back at you in the mirror!

Download the Darrem Charles ANABOLIC HALO Special 6-Page Ad.
Download the Jay Cutler ANABOLIC HALO Special 4-Page Ad.

It’s simple, you won’t build any muscle unless you’re anabolic, and ANABOLIC HALO™ catapults you into a powerful anabolic state that truly has to be experienced to be believed. The mega-dose of muscle-manipulating compounds tackles six critical growth-inducing elements guaranteed to deliver rapid and dramatic muscle growth like no other supplement can!

Team MuscleTech researchers actually found a way to drive anabolically active testosterone directly into your muscle at the cellular level!
The 6 Critical Growth-Inducing Elements

Your Freakiest Gains Ever Begin Right Now!
With your first dose, the hyper-potent ANABOLIC HALO™ formula is quickly driven into your muscle cells to force a supremely powerful anabolic state! You may not be ready for the continuous musclebuilding overload … for the unrelenting growth phase that leaves you with so much thick, dense muscle your vascularity presses through your skin, demanding to be seen. You may be shocked to watch your muscles expand like never before … but it’s too late. Get on, get anabolic, and get ridiculously huge - now!

A critical anabolic agent in ANABOLIC HALO can amplify muscle satellite cell concentration by over 100% in just 28 days!


ANABOLIC HALO™ is the world’s only cryo-anabolic post-workout growth-inducing event. With your very first serving, you pull the trigger on your freakiest, most dramatic gains ever. The multi-platform cycle tackles six critical musclebuilding elements you need to get ridiculously huge. Formulated with cryogenically processed anabolic compounds you’ll never find anywhere else, ANABOLIC HALO simultaneously catapults your muscles into a powerful anabolic state and works to freeze catabolism, forcing overwhelming muscle growth the likes of which no bodybuilder has ever experienced!


Team MuscleTech™ researchers and scientists loaded ANABOLIC HALO with more than 75 scientifically researched and musclebuilding ingredients, including cryo-anabolic molecules, that force your muscles into a powerful anabolic state. The intensely potent dose of muscle manipulating ingredients synergistically tackles six critical musclebuilding elements required for chilling muscle gains.

What are the 6 critical musclebuilding elements, and how will they get me huge?

The six critical musclebuilding elements are greater free-testosterone utilization, the Anabolic Transcription Factor (ATF-4) modulation, insulin manipulation, inhibition of catabolic machinery, satellite cell activation and increased muscle fiber area. To find out how ANABOLIC HALO commands all six musclebuilding elements to make you bigger than ever, check out the fully detailed 3D illustration.

What are the cryogenic technologies found in ANABOLIC HALO?

There are three pharmaceutically inspired SUB-ZERO™ technologies in ANABOLIC HALO. The first, Cryogenic Thermomolecular Technology, utilizes liquid nitrogen as cold as -320 degrees Fahrenheit to thermomolecularly enhance a precise portion of a key musclebuilding compound. A second technology, called Lyophilization, actually alters the physical structure of a molecule within a core ingredient in ANABOLIC HALO. A third SUB-ZERO technology called Anabolic Crystallographic Technology exposes a critical anabolic driver to a 180-minute treatment of liquid nitrogen at -150 degrees Fahrenheit to create a molecular structure unlike anything ever witnessed in the bodybuilding world. For more information on how Team MuscleTech researchers used these three breakthrough particle processing techniques to molecularly alter some of the most potent anabolic compounds on the planet and create ANABOLIC HALO.

What is Cryogenic Thermomolecular Technology?

Cryogenic Thermomolecular Technology is the newest, and by far most advanced breakthrough in bodybuilding supplementation. Cryogenic Thermomolecular Technology hyper-pressurizes a precise portion of a key anabolic driver found in ANABOLIC HALO in a cryogenic chamber, and then blasts it with liquid nitrogen at impossibly low temperatures as cold as -320 degrees Fahrenheit (as cold as the atmosphere on the planet Neptune.) The resulting, thermomoleculary enhanced and cryogenically altered compound is unlike anything ever witnessed in bodybuilding supplementation. To see a detailed animation of Cryogenic Thermomolecular Technology, click here.

Are there any studies behind ANABOLIC HALO?

Multiple human clinical studies show just how effective key ingredients in ANABOLIC HALO are at forcing your muscles into an overwhelmingly anabolic state.

First, Team MuscleTech scientists utilized research from the University of Connecticut and discovered a way to drive anabolically active free testosterone into muscle cells with no negative feedback. In a 21-day human clinical study that was published in a prestigious journal, a powerful musclebuilding compound in ANABOLIC HALO dramatically increased the number of pre-workout androgen receptors compared to a placebo1.

In another study, researchers observed a powerful anabolic agent in ANABOLIC HALO dramatically amplify the number of satellite cells per muscle fiber by over 100 percent in just 28 days!2 But it gets better! The same potent anabolic complex actually increased muscle fiber area by a staggering average of 16.8 percent in just 16 weeks!3

In other research from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and later published in a leading journal, scientists examined the modulation of the Anabolic Transcription Factor (ATF-4).4 ATF-4 was shown to be an insulin-mediated anabolic transcription factor that plays a central role in hormonal regulation of anabolism by coupling amino acid uptake and protein synthesis.

1 Kraemer, W., et al. (2006). Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38(7):1288-1296.
2 Olsen, S., et al. (2006) Journal of Physiology, 573(2):525-534.
3 Ibid.
4 Adams, C. (2007). The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282(23):16744-16753.

How do I take ANABOLIC HALO?

ANABOLIC HALO is an extremely powerful anabolic product. Once you’re ready to experience your most dramatic gains ever, start off by consuming 1 serving (1 heaping scoop) mixed in 4 oz. of cold water right after your workout. As you develop respect for and truly comprehend the power of the ANABOLIC HALO, up your dose to 3 servings (3 scoops) mixed in 12 oz. of cold water. On non-training days, consume 3 scoops in the morning. Do not exceed 3 scoops in a 24-hour period. Read the entire label before using and follow the directions provided.

" I was the first bodybuilder in the world to try ANABOLIC HALO
and I had never experienced anything like it. I could feel my muscles getting tighter and pumped. With ANABOLIC HALO I'm going to get bigger than ever!"
- Jay Cutler, Mr. Olympia

"This is an extremely potent musclebuilding supplement. I know
I'll make the craziest gains in size and strength in the shortest amount
of time."
- Gustavo Badell, 2-Time IFBB Pro Champion


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