Complete natty dominance. PES inspired transformation.



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Day 16

Weight Unknown

Rest day today. No gym, going in to work early again. Feeling pretty good, not sure if it's the super cissus or not but the joint pain has diminished like crazy. I hit the gym pretty hard the last few days and really don't feel sore or weak at all. Diet has cleaned up the last few days and it has really leaned me out. This morning I noticed a lot more definition in my lower abs and just feel a lot tighter then I have lately. Really went crazy with the bulk the last few weeks because I'm determined to throw on a few pounds during this period but it had left me feeling like I was losing some definition in my stomach. Not the case though, clean up was easy.

I would like to hit on the appetite suppression I've been experiencing lately. I figured out a way to get the most out of this aspect with alphamine. I wasn't really feeling like it effected me much during the first few weeks but yesterday I realized why. What happens is I wake up at about 4-5 PM daily and take anabeta elite and my serving of alphamine with breakfast before I go to the gym. Then I come home and take my second dose of anabeta elite with my post workout meal. I eat a huge meal and then I stay pretty hungry until I take alphamine again. Even after the second serving of alphamine I still can eat just don't crave food. Well starting a few days ago I take my second serving of ABE right before bed to test out the night time dosing. After my workout yesterday I ate my post workout meal and I literally had no taste for food until nearly 5 AM and even then I was not very hungry.

Dosing yesterday was
5 PM - 2 anabeta elite, 2 scoop alphamine with a light meal
7:30 PM post workout meal which I wasn't very hungry for
11 PM alphamine with bcaa's, NO other food yet
2:30 AM protein bar and 1 serving of cashews- had no taste for these but needed the protein!
5 AM forced down a chicken breast, string cheese and yogurt
6 AM 2 anabeta elite

Suppression was insane. I'll continue to test this as it will definitely be useful when I start my recomp/cut portion of the run!

Alphamine saved me yesterday too. The energy boost I got at 11PM from it was insane. I went from nearly passing out driving to work to wired until about 5AM. This stuff saves the day again! Under 6 weeks left of taking alphamine so I'm starting to get a bit depressed. LOL


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Alphamine saved me yesterday too. The energy boost I got at 11PM from it was insane. I went from nearly passing out driving to work to wired until about 5AM. This stuff saves the day again! Under 6 weeks left of taking alphamine so I'm starting to get a bit depressed. LOL
I thought the same thing today. :( sad times are coming.


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Definitely guys, I really think the only reason it will be manageable is because of the cycle I have lined up to follow. If I didn't have that I can't imagine how depressing he last few doses would be!!

Here is a pic this morning with absolutely no pump. This stack has me incredibly lean in a bulk mode! My carbs have been nearly double my normal amount for going on three weeks and the spill over is not even noticeable in my opinion. Not sure when I will have time for actual update pics so these few snaps here and here will have to do.


Can't imagine how lean I will get when I start cutting!


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Definitely guys, I really think the only reason it will be manageable is because of the cycle I have lined up to follow. If I didn't have that I can't imagine how depressing he last few doses would be!!

Here is a pic this morning with absolutely no pump. This stack has me incredibly lean in a bulk mode! My carbs have been nearly double my normal amount for going on three weeks and the spill over is not even noticeable in my opinion. Not sure when I will have time for actual update pics so these few snaps here and here will have to do.

<img src=""/>

Can't imagine how lean I will get hen I start cutting!
Looking bigger than in the avi!


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Looking bigger than in the avi!
Thanks bro! It's been hard chasing that avi. 75mg hdrol, 20mg mdrol, 8 5aohp is hard to achieve naturally. I'm not far off from the definition, just a little tweaking of the diet and more ab work and I'd be there. I do however think I've added size in shoulders, and arms the last few months. The lighting in the avi can be deceiving for sure. Not sure I'll be able to recreate that shot.


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Feeling great today! Energy is through the roof. Feels like I have a fresh out the gym pump right now and today was an off day! Only week two and I can say this is going to get real interesting when the daa comes in!

Life is good!


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Feeling great today! Energy is through the roof. Feels like I have a fresh out the gym pump right now and today was an off day! Only week two and I can say this is going to get real interesting when the daa comes in!

Life is good!
Solid bro, glad you got some time to relax.


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I can't wait to see how DAA treats ya when it's added to the mix.
Your telling me?!! With how well everything is going it just might get dangerous! Loving this stack!


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Thanks bro! It's been hard chasing that avi. 75mg hdrol, 20mg mdrol, 8 5aohp is hard to achieve naturally. I'm not far off from the definition, just a little tweaking of the diet and more ab work and I'd be there. I do however think I've added size in shoulders, and arms the last few months. The lighting in the avi can be deceiving for sure. Not sure I'll be able to recreate that shot.
Shoot you a PM.


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How was that 5aohp stuff?
Think that's LG's no "chrome bottle" cutting PH. Cant quiet remember the name...
I heard that rumor as well. I enjoyed it's amazing leaning effects. With that man things in the mix really hard to judge fully the effectiveness though bro.


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Day 17

Weight 171.2

Legs/shoulders. Good energy today. Strength was on par, kept reps up like I have been lately on legs. Biggest surprise for me was the 1.5-2 lb weight increase! :) I can definitely get use to this! That is with no daa too!!!! Ordered it today so it should be in by mid week Im hoping. Biggest reason I'm surprised with the weigh in is I haven't been taking in as many calories the last few days.

Leg press superset w/ hammer shoulder press (WPA)
1x10 360/1x8 90
1x8 450/1x8 100
1x8 500/1x7 110

Calf raises superset w/ hammer shrug
1x15 180/1x12 140
1x15 200/1x10 190
1x13 210/1x8 230
1x10 210/1x8 230

Leg extension
1x8 130
1x8 140
1x8 150

Arnold press
1x10 45
1x8 50

Rotary calf (toes straight, in, out)
1x9,9,9 100
1x7,7,7 110


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Day 18

weight unknown

Used this as another rest day. Gym closes early on the weekends and with me working 12's it makes it difficult to wake up in time to go and get all the sh1t done that I need to get done in the day. Joints have felt amazing lately, thank you all that suggested this stuff. I literally don't feel sore at all the last few days. Gave a sample of alphamine to a coworker yesterday and within a half hour he came back to me asking to buy a tub! Everyone I have given samples to is hooked! :)

Chest tomorrow and I think my buddy from work will be there to spot me so I'm going to be going heavy!! Oh yea!


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Day 18

weight unknown

Used this as another rest day. Gym closes early on the weekends and with me working 12's it makes it difficult to wake up in time to go and get all the sh1t done that I need to get done in the day. Joints have felt amazing lately, thank you all that suggested this stuff. I literally don't feel sore at all the last few days. Gave a sample of alphamine to a coworker yesterday and within a half hour he came back to me asking to buy a tub! Everyone I have given samples to is hooked! :)

Chest tomorrow and I think my buddy from work will be there to spot me so I'm going to be going heavy!! Oh yea!
Glad to see the Cissus worked out for you. It's effectiveness is no joke.


Still a beast ltl


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Day 19

Weight 169.4

Chest day. Had a pretty good workout. My buddy didn't end up showing so I didn't have a spotter to lift as heavy as I wanted to. One thing to note is dosing Anabeta elite away from my alphamine servings continues to prove more effective for appetite suppression. I also trained fasted today and the thermo effect was incredible! Sweat was pouring and I felt all warm inside! Weight dropped slightly but I can say that's because alpha has been killing my food cravings lately.

Flat bench
1x8 185
1x6 225
1x7 215
1x6 210

Hammer Incline chest press (WPA)
1x8 70
1x8 80
1x8 85
1x8 80

Incline db fly
1x8 40
2x8 45
1x7 40

Chest press machine
1x10 135
1x8 145
1x8 150
1x7 155

Pectoral machine
1x8 110
1x7 110


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Day 19

Weight 169.4

Chest day. Had a pretty good workout. My buddy didn't end up showing so I didn't have a spotter to lift as heavy as I wanted to. One thing to note is dosing Anabeta elite away from my alphamine servings continues to prove more effective for appetite suppression. I also trained fasted today and the thermo effect was incredible! Sweat was pouring and I felt all warm inside! Weight dropped slightly but I can say that's because alpha has been killing my food cravings lately.

Flat bench
1x8 185
1x6 225
1x7 215
1x6 210

Hammer Incline chest press (WPA)
1x8 70
1x8 80
1x8 85
1x8 80

Incline db fly
1x8 40
2x8 45
1x7 40

Chest press machine
1x10 135
1x8 145
1x8 150
1x7 155

Pectoral machine
1x8 110
1x7 110
Nice broski!! I hate when my appetite beats me lol


LTL is the MAN!!! I just got my Alphamine today ;-) pink lemonade ;-)


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LTL is the MAN!!! I just got my Alphamine today ;-) pink lemonade ;-)
Are you sure it's not raspberry lemonade?

RL is growing on me more and more lately! Neck and neck with FP matter of fact I'm sipping it right now! :)


Are you sure it's not raspberry lemonade?

RL is growing on me more and more lately! Neck and neck with FP matter of fact I'm sipping it right now! :)
**** yes sorry I got it mixed with my Formula X.
My natty stack is hard to choose from... I know its gonna be the Testify stack with Alphamine and a GDA... But should I save my prime and c20 for later?


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**** yes sorry I got it mixed with my Formula X.
My natty stack is hard to choose from... I know its gonna be the Testify stack with Alphamine and a GDA... But should I save my prime and c20 for later?
Definitely bro! Alpha, tp and Anabeta will be an amazing stack. No need for others. Also I'm hearing more and more about alphamine having gda similar properties and I'm currently not using one and feeling no bloat even with increased calories. Being you always say your on a tighter budget I would just save the rest for another time homeboy!

Can any reps chime in about alpha and gda like properties? I'm not the science pro!


Definitely bro! Alpha, tp and Anabeta will be an amazing stack. No need for others. Also I'm hearing more and more about alphamine having gda similar properties and I'm currently not using one and feeling no bloat even with increased calories. Being you always say your on a tighter budget I would just save the rest for another time homeboy!

Can any reps chime in about alpha and gda like properties? I'm not the science pro!
What I was thinkin and thank you for the insight brotha!

Great ?


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Day 20

Weight 169.2

Back/abs. Good day today. Working weighted pull ups back into the mix as well as abs. Going to think about starting some cardio up again on the days I'm not working 12 hour shifts and cut back on carbs. I'm very surprised at how much growth I'm seeing without loss of ab definition.

Weighted pull up
1x8 BW+55
1x5 BW+55

Bent over hammer row
1x9 90
1x8 110
1x8 120
1x6 130 (PR)
1x12 100

Cable low row
1x12 140
1x10 160
1x6 180
1x8 160

Upper back machine
1x10 90
1x9 90
1x8 100

15 mins of Ab/oblique




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Sounds like a little recomp action happening LTL. Good stuff before the onslaught of mass.


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Always killing it Jeff


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Day 21

Weight 168.5

Bis/tris. Amazing workout. Strength felt up again and my arms are wrecked.

Straight bar curl
1x8 65
1x8 95
1x7 105
1x6 95

Weighted dips
1x10 BW+70 (PR reps)
1x7 BW+70
1x12 BW+45

Incline db curl
1x8 40
1x7 45
1x6 45
1x6 35

Vbar pulldown
1x20 57.5
1x12 80
1x7 95
1x8 87.5

Arm curl machine
1x8 60
1x8 70
1x8 80
1x7 85

Arm extension
1x10 105
1x8 115


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4 egg white, 2 yolks, 3 pieces of turkey bacon, 1 piece of whole wheat,

Washed down with 8 oz. ff milk, 2 scoops of pb and 2 scoops of whey

Supped 2 ABE, 2 cissus just prior

Anabeta elite makes me very hungry! Eating everything in sight yet dropped a lb.


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Week 3 Review

Erase pro

This product is where I'm most surprised. Not in the sense that it works because I knew from past experience that it does exactly what it's intended plus some. I ran it before and dried up fast and had great results but had thought is was causing a big issue with acne problems on my forehead and face. With me being 3 weeks deep on this run I have experienced no acne or signs of it. This leads me to believe that I had falsely blamed the product for the issue when it's showing obvious that i was wrong. For that I apologize for the misleading final review the first time around. I've dosed this product daily with great success and the only issue with it is it drys the joints up. Cissus seemed to have solved that issue though as I started it a few days ago and haven't had much issue since. As I experienced before my body is tightening up like crazy and I have very little sign of bloat and don't seem to be holding any water at all. It is probably safe to say this is the most effective tightening product I've ever used and is well worth the money.

Anabeta elite

This stuff has really kicked it in the high gear this 3rd week. Muscles are feeling and looking full and everything I eat seems like its pumped straight into my muscles. Appetite near dosing times is insane and I really feel like I can't get full. I've toyed with pre bedtime dosing and it seems when stacking this with alphamine it would be the way to go. This being the hunger I get from this product seems to over power the appetite suppression I experience from alphamine. I think a very notable thing to add is I started this run after just cycling off of a test booster along with daa and I thought for sure I would notice some decline in strength. Well that is not the case at all, my strength has remained constant and even had a few PR's! To be honest I don't like constantly depending on running daa during my entire natty periods and I think I may have found something to keep me from overusing daa.


This product is literally sent from the heavens!! I could go on and on about how much I love this stuff. I'm surprised an angel doesn't personally deliver alphamine when you order it! I have realized from all the feedback that is not just me that experienced "love at first sip" with this product either. I have been passing out samples at my work to people to get some feedback and now I have 4 different people buying alphamine as well as one of their wives! All it takes is a taste and your inevitably hooked. I think we all agree on the fact that it just may take professional help to survive the 4 weeks that we have to cycle off the product!

As far as energy. As I've mentioned before it has no competition. Up until this product the best energy I had was a few random pre-workouts or fat burners but generally they left me very jittery or the feeling was very short lived. With this it's not the case. Hours of clean energy and not really jittery at all unless you disregard recommendations and take in other stimulants. The one thing I've noticed that is a variable in the amount of energy is taking the product fasted versus with food or within an hour of eating. If I take the product on an empty stomach the energy is much more noticeable and lasts an insane length of time. For instance today I took the product fasted and had pretty descent clean energy. I went and had just over an hour of arm work and came home and ate my post workout which was nearly 1,000 calories and actually noticed an increased boost in energy for the following few hours. Literally stayed wired for a total of about 6-7 hours off just 2 scoops! This was truly remarkable, the most time I've noticed a legal product work for prior to this one was maybe 2-3 hours and a lot of times it's followed by a nasty crash.

Weight loss and appetite suppression have really taken a jump this last week on alphamine. I'm bulking still and the calories have been increased typically about 400-600 calories a more then a maintenance day. I have only put on around 2 lbs total which with my calories consistently increased like they have been that is a huge surprise. When I would normally spill over due to the increase in calories and especially carbs I have been staying lean and tight. It has really allowed me to open up my appetite a lot more then I usually would in order for me to hit the calorie increase. This has made this run extremely fun because I've had the opportunity to eat like I used to eat before I started my strict dieting. The dosing alphamine on an empty stomach and keeping with the night time dosing of anabeta instead of all four caps early in the day has proven to be crucial to the appetite supression properties for me. If I take all four anabeta early the supression is completely over whelmed and I end up eating like crazy. It has worked out great for me right now being I'm bulking but figuring this out now will make an impact on how I use it in the later weeks when I cut/recomp.

The taste of this product is incredible. I do prefer the fruit punch over the red raspberry lemonade still but love to have 1 scoop of each at once. I would love for PES to come out with a bcaa drink with the same flavors so that I could sip on that when I can't sip on the alphamine. Anyone that tells you this isn't the best tasting powder on the market is flat out lying in my eyes.


I'm definitely getting more vascular and the pumps have been pretty good. I've seen quite the increase in effects the last week but the other products I'm running could play a large role in that as well. Hard to fully gauge it while running the rest of these products. For the price you really can't beat it though. As a staple product for me it gets the job done at a lower cost then a lot of competitor prices. As mentioned before I don't feel this product is necessary for everyone especially if your on a tight budget, but I enjoy the pump so I like to run it.

The Stack
This stack has been incredibly fun to run so far. I was a bit skeptical on how the anabeta and alphamine would work in a stack especially one where I am both bulking and cutting while running them both. I have figured out ways to utilize each to really improve the results that I will get though. I'm completely sold on each one of these products and am very impressed with PES in general. My bf is staying at bay while adding weight, my body feels extremely tight yet my muscles are full in appearance. Veins are popping out and the pumps I'm getting are incredible. Clothes are definitely getting tighter yet my abs are looking more sculpted. Alls I can say to this point is "WOW". To this point I haven't experienced any side besides the joint issue which I cured with cissus. This run has been great so far but I'm really getting excited to see the results I get when I start the cut. From what I've seen so far this just may get legendary.


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Amazing detail and feedback! Thanks for taking the time to write that Jeff


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Great reviews between this and your other thread. Beast details bro. Keep slaying it


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Everything I need to know put in black and white for me LTL, with a touch of red and blue of course. Lol Good stuff broham.


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I see u Ltl
Lol wtf? :-D
nice nice. keep it up!
I'll do my best man!
Amazing detail and feedback! Thanks for taking the time to write that Jeff
No problem at all BP. Thank you PES for having amazing products!
Great reviews between this and your other thread. Beast details bro. Keep slaying it
I appreciate that bro.
Everything I need to know put in black and white for me LTL, with a touch of red and blue of course. Lol Good stuff broham.
I try not to leave out any detail. Thanks for your feedback! If you or anyone has any other questions be sure to ask! :)


I forsee LTL being a PES rep in the future :-D


Damn it... Everytime I open my closet/supp stash... There's a tub of Alphamine staring at me.....


Man would that be an honor! Thanks for your support brosef!
Hell yea it would! You fit the description well man couldn't pick a better person if it was up to me. Just like Purus is my home! Keep Killin it brother! You are inspiration!


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Hell yea it would! You fit the description well man couldn't pick a better person if it was up to me. Just like Purus is my home! Keep Killin it brother! You are inspiration!
Nice compliment bud

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