Big boy needs to strip out, here's the plan, plz review and critique.



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I don't know what the hell yall reading, I never gave critisicim, only real advice minus the b.s and sugar coating. I asked real questions about more than just fat loss but about life, because if you didn't know mindset is 90% of solution, and will decide succes or failure. Everyone else just offers the same tired bull**** of "just keep it up", wtf is that going to do, aint going to help at all. I will continue to offer the real deal, no compromize, no ass kissing for ****ing rep points. Its ****ing sad how you label someone a troll, when they ask hard questions, and don't just blow smoke up peoples asses. Do you really want every members intelicual contribution to be limited to "good job buddy keep it up".:think:
can you please show me your "intellectual" contributions please? I fail to see any within your post. All I see is someone who read a couple of the latest blog post and think they are an expert. Saying it is impossible to loose weight if you eat above 50g carbs is not only wrong but extremely short sighted and just shows your amount of either incompetence or ignorance, either way not helpful at all.

This isnt a bootcamp we dont need a Gunnery Sergeant Hartman here so go back to where ever you came from


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Seems to me he is steadly progressing towards his goal. I'd say that puts him in the right mindset.

Encourage, not discourage.


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I don't know what the hell yall reading, I never gave critisicim, only real advice minus the b.s and sugar coating. I asked real questions about more than just fat loss but about life, because if you didn't know mindset is 90% of solution, and will decide succes or failure. Everyone else just offers the same tired bull**** of "just keep it up", wtf is that going to do, aint going to help at all. I will continue to offer the real deal, no compromize, no ass kissing for ****ing rep points. Its ****ing sad how you label someone a troll, when they ask hard questions, and don't just blow smoke up peoples asses. Do you really want every members intelicual contribution to be limited to "good job buddy keep it up".:think:
there is a huge difference between offering constructive critism and just plain punking someone out.

the good job buddy keep it up remarks were giving the man credit for recognizing he had a problem and acting on it. i learned a long time ago that admitting you have a problem is half the battle.

a little encouragement can go a long way.


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I do agree that carb levels seem a bit high. I saw earlier in the thread Josh recommended reducing carbs. I'd second that notion just based on all the literature and experience I've seen. Just by sheer probability I'm guessing that the carb sources you're eating are probably going to be high glycemic too, and lead to insulin spikes and resistance, which is not good. If you could make 1 improvement to something that's already working, that would be the best IMO. Eliminating refined carbs and foods does wonders for health and bodyweight. It's tough at first, but can be overcome in a week. It takes a strong will.

Good luck!
Yeah, I have been considering that also. Just got the OK from the Doc to go full Keto a few weeks ago but have not made the jump yet. Wanted to make sure it would not screw up my cholesterol and be a vascular issue. With my medical history, I am sure you can see why. You will note however with a bit of examination, that I did start at least "moderating" carbs about 4-6 weeks ago and upping the fat intake some. 200+ is a bit high, but when I started this journey, I was taking a "low fat" approach with over 300+ G carbs daily. Also, I do a pretty good job of avoid high GI carbs due to the Type II Diabetes. Most (but certainly not all) of my carbs are from Rye Bread, lactose (milk and cottage cheese) and post W/O G2 (reduced carb gatorade), apples and fruit yogurts.

I certainly appreciate the support and encouragement of every one who has posted lately. However, it is not like I was gonna say " Oh NOES, Internet baddies is being mean to me, I gives up!" I do what I do because I CHOOSE TO DO IT, not because some one else approves or disapproves. (Please do not take that wrong, as I stated, I do appreciate the support from the AM Community, but ultimately, it is me that has to get me off my ass and get that ass moving.)

Thanks all once again,



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Its good that you have a doctor that is willing to work with you and your diet. My only concern with keto would be if you on any medication that lowers your blood pressure. Eliminating grains and carbs WILL effect your blood pressure and if you are taking something that lowers it as well then you may be borderlining too low but again that is something your doctor should be considering. Typically going keto isnt going to have a negative effect on your cholesterol it should in fact help improve it if anything but then again I am not sure about your specific conditions and past history again this is why it is AWESOME your doctor is working WITH you. I work in a hospital and most docs wont even consider suggesting diet changes to people they just write scripts and give them away to people so they will take them for the rest of their lives.

If I can offer some advice I would advise against full blown keto. With a high body fat ratio your body will willing burn fat for fuel and isnt really needed to be forced to do that. I feel going keto is more approaiate for those who are looking to rip up before a competition and are already low body fat and just want to be lower. The health benifits from fruit are too much to give up for whatever little difference it would be. I would suggest to go with around a 100g carb limit. Make sure every meal contains healthy fat and protein and then have 2 servings of fruit and save starchy carbs for post workout and up the veggie intake like crazy. I firmly believe with the right diet anything is possible you just have to give your body the tools it needs and you will get there. I am currently reading protein power by dr eades and they explain very well the physiological effects of limiting carbs. You dont have to go full keto, start off with around 100g and then if you feel you want faster weight loss then you can cut from there. Just my opinion.. take care buddy


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Any individual who looks at themselve in the mirror and says I wanna make myself better and then does so has my respect.

You will not make super gains over night. There is no miracle diet. Its a long tedious process and you have started on the right foot. Gotta learn what works best for you and this is a process of years. But every year you wont recognize will look better and better and in 5-10 years you'll look back and say I didnt even think this was possible. Keep going. Dont do anything stupidly drastic...dont go balls to the walls out of nowhere. You progress to balls to the walls so as to prevent injury but never cheat yourself during a workout.

Push yourself every workout. Progressively push yourself harder and harder allowing your hunger for more to grow with every workout. You have already had very good progress and you should be proud that you are making yourself better physically and mentally. Building emotional fortitude via hard work.

I'll be following and you have my support.


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I don't get how you can let yourself go like that, how does one face themselves in the mirror day after day without utter disgust. I say this because at my work, I see these fat middle aged men lumbering around, showing up to the lunch room with a small collection of different meds, for a whole bunch of bull**** health conditions. How the **** do you accept not being sexualy wanted by women old or young. I look at them like I look at you, I'm reffering to your old pics, and say how the **** do you go through life, how the **** do you get through the day. I can't relate as I promised myself I would never, ever let myself go. I would like to know what your mindset was all those years.
This is probably one of the rudest things I have seen anyone post to someone trying to better themselves... Shameful!

More free advice, first off your carbs are way to high, 200+ grams of carbs, are you ****ting me, how the **** do you expect to loose fat taking in over two hundred grams of carbs a day, your max should be fifty grams. With that many carbs in your system the body will never burn fat for fuel. Like I said before your diet should be palumbo/anabolic. I gaurante you if you don't imediatly drop your carb intake, you will make no progress.
First off weight loss more than ANYTHING else comes calories in vs calories out which has accounted for quite a bit of weight loss so far. Yes lower carb may be quicker for some but there is not any 1 way of dieting or training right for everyone. You already failed at your guaranty because he has lost fat already. The palumbo stuff and the Anabolic Diet has already been improved upon vastly. Not that they are in any way ineffective but they are far from the end all be all either.

rep power zero, are you ten years old. You think I give a **** about rep power, grow the **** up and leave your moms basement. Anyway like I said bra, your not 18 Years old, your metabolism has slowed down big time, you can not get away with eating that many carbs, and expect to loose body fat, its just not going to happen at your age, you have to drop them below 50 Or your not going to see results.
The point of the neg on the rep is to point out that someone is being rude or cruel. Both scenarios fit youir posts to the T. We don't care about your points. Actually from your posts the only points you seem to be making is you think your elite, and better than him. Even though showing only one-sided cliquish mentality that comes from someone thinking there is only 1 way to do things and that is their way. Only DC training, Only Anabolic Diet, only Palumbo... Really is kind of funny to see fanaticism like that still running rampant with so much actual information out there. You want to add to the conversation show that you understand his nutrition first and how something else would benefit him more. Talking crap too him, and being dismissive to anyone who has a different opinion is not going to do anything for anyone but you. So I hope it makes you feel elite. That way at least someone will have a high opinion of you.

As far as him not being 18 anymore that has NOTHING to do with carb intake. NOTHING!!!!! It is still calories in calories out, and being older only means the metabolism has slowed down. Granted he could be insulin resistant due to years of processed carbs lowering insulin sensitivity but that isn't an age thing it is common for teenagers to get Type II diabetes now from all the eating so really carbs don't have anything to do with his age. Still comes down to calories in and calories out.

I understand all the intricacies of diet and how the hormones react to foods and carbs especially. I understand what you are actually trying to communicate and if you hadn't tried to tear him down you might have gotten your point across but instead you came in acting like a schoolyard bully and everyone is rolling their eyes at you seeking attention. You make unwarranted statements and ask intentionally inflammatory questions meant to degrade and berate him for his current situation instead of patting him on the back for getting off the couch. If you are HONESTLY trying to help then you may want to work on your approach.

What the **** is wrong with you? I negged you as well, I really don't care if it effects you or not, having you deep in the red will lead to most of this site ignoring you.

Taman is doing what half of this country won't. Does he have some extra weight? Yes, I don't think he would deny that. But he is doing something about it, not only that but he is willing to share his progress with us for a source of advice and motivation. On top of the bravery of facing his situation and taking charge of it, he has also been brave enough to share his pictures with us. How many guys do that?

Rather than come into this thread, encourage him turning his life around and offering constructive criticism, you instead decide to join the thread and be a typical troll, offering advice in a very demeaning way (FYI not everyone has dedicated their life to reading on nutrition and lifting weights) and you criticize his appearance, you even make fun of the gym he is in. What a shallow man you are playing big boy behind a computer monitor.

Taman, I hadn't seen this log until now, but I am glad I did. I will be here following your progress. Keep working at it, you are doing what too many are too weak to attempt, and sticking through with it, which is better than 90% of the people that take that first step. Keep going bro, Ill be watching.
Well said!

I don't know what the hell yall reading, I never gave critisicim, only real advice minus the b.s and sugar coating. I asked real questions about more than just fat loss but about life, because if you didn't know mindset is 90% of solution, and will decide succes or failure. Everyone else just offers the same tired bull**** of "just keep it up", wtf is that going to do, aint going to help at all. I will continue to offer the real deal, no compromize, no ass kissing for ****ing rep points. Its ****ing sad how you label someone a troll, when they ask hard questions, and don't just blow smoke up peoples asses. Do you really want every members intelicual contribution to be limited to "good job buddy keep it up".:think:
Man I really hope you don't honestly think your comments are benign in here. They reek of contempt not only for him having let himself go but to anyone who has a weight problem. Cursing him and others at every turn because they are not subscribing to your way of thinking. If you truly intended to help you could have given the same advice you did without being negative toward him. You come from the bully school of helping people. I offered you my advice now follow it or you will fail, as I am infallible!!!! :duh:

Sorry but man you have been a real jerk in here. I don't even know this guy and want to protect him from your cancerous attitude. You give yourself a lot of credit that you aren't worthy of in that paragraph. You did not ask many pertinent questions, how do you look at yourself in the mirror, not a pertinent question, how were yo not disgusted with yourself again not pertinent...

Oh wait this pertinent question "still no excuse, you can get weights,bench,bars,etc,etc. Through the want ads for very cheap, how can you face yourself after a "hard core" workout out at healthfit surrounding by old ladies doing light cardio or whatever the **** they do. In those 12 years you my friend lost more than your health, you also lost your manhood."

If you honestly don't see yourself being a jerk imagine if this were your Mother and I spoke to her the way you have to him. I bet that you would get all keyboard tough and type at me hard... People might even hear the keys from 2 cubicles over...

I fail to see where you actually had an intellectual comment or question but I may have just closed my eyes in the middle of one of your train wreck posts and missed it.

Why if the guy has lost 30 lbs do we need to tell him anything other than good job and keep it up? He is succeeding so why should he not keep succeeding. I am failing to see how it is needed for us to push our views on diet on him especially if he is succeeding at his goal, and doesn't want them which he has made it obvious he does not want your input in his thread any longer.

Are you also a Member of the Cobra Kai Dojo or did you develop that winning personality on your own? Mercy is for the weak! Yes Sensai!!!!!! :23:

Another thing if you have such an utter disdain for anyone who let themselves get overweight... WHAT THE FUG ARE YOU DOING IN THE WEIGHT LOSS SECTION????

Seems to me he is steadly progressing towards his goal. I'd say that puts him in the right mindset.

Encourage, not discourage.
Exactly! It really is too bad some people are so negative and rude to others.


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If you honestly don't see yourself being a jerk imagine if this were your Mother and I spoke to her the way you have to him. I bet that you would get all keyboard tough and type at me hard... People might even hear the keys from 2 cubicles over...


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This is probably one of the rudest things I have seen anyone post to someone trying to better themselves... Shameful!

First off weight loss more than ANYTHING else comes calories in vs calories out which has accounted for quite a bit of weight loss so far. Yes lower carb may be quicker for some but there is not any 1 way of dieting or training right for everyone. You already failed at your guaranty because he has lost fat already. The palumbo stuff and the Anabolic Diet has already been improved upon vastly. Not that they are in any way ineffective but they are far from the end all be all either.

The point of the neg on the rep is to point out that someone is being rude or cruel. Both scenarios fit youir posts to the T. We don't care about your points. Actually from your posts the only points you seem to be making is you think your elite, and better than him. Even though showing only one-sided cliquish mentality that comes from someone thinking there is only 1 way to do things and that is their way. Only DC training, Only Anabolic Diet, only Palumbo... Really is kind of funny to see fanaticism like that still running rampant with so much actual information out there. You want to add to the conversation show that you understand his nutrition first and how something else would benefit him more. Talking crap too him, and being dismissive to anyone who has a different opinion is not going to do anything for anyone but you. So I hope it makes you feel elite. That way at least someone will have a high opinion of you.

As far as him not being 18 anymore that has NOTHING to do with carb intake. NOTHING!!!!! It is still calories in calories out, and being older only means the metabolism has slowed down. Granted he could be insulin resistant due to years of processed carbs lowering insulin sensitivity but that isn't an age thing it is common for teenagers to get Type II diabetes now from all the eating so really carbs don't have anything to do with his age. Still comes down to calories in and calories out.

I understand all the intricacies of diet and how the hormones react to foods and carbs especially. I understand what you are actually trying to communicate and if you hadn't tried to tear him down you might have gotten your point across but instead you came in acting like a schoolyard bully and everyone is rolling their eyes at you seeking attention. You make unwarranted statements and ask intentionally inflammatory questions meant to degrade and berate him for his current situation instead of patting him on the back for getting off the couch. If you are HONESTLY trying to help then you may want to work on your approach.

Well said!

Man I really hope you don't honestly think your comments are benign in here. They reek of contempt not only for him having let himself go but to anyone who has a weight problem. Cursing him and others at every turn because they are not subscribing to your way of thinking. If you truly intended to help you could have given the same advice you did without being negative toward him. You come from the bully school of helping people. I offered you my advice now follow it or you will fail, as I am infallible!!!! :duh:

Sorry but man you have been a real jerk in here. I don't even know this guy and want to protect him from your cancerous attitude. You give yourself a lot of credit that you aren't worthy of in that paragraph. You did not ask many pertinent questions, how do you look at yourself in the mirror, not a pertinent question, how were yo not disgusted with yourself again not pertinent...

Oh wait this pertinent question "still no excuse, you can get weights,bench,bars,etc,etc. Through the want ads for very cheap, how can you face yourself after a "hard core" workout out at healthfit surrounding by old ladies doing light cardio or whatever the **** they do. In those 12 years you my friend lost more than your health, you also lost your manhood."

If you honestly don't see yourself being a jerk imagine if this were your Mother and I spoke to her the way you have to him. I bet that you would get all keyboard tough and type at me hard... People might even hear the keys from 2 cubicles over...

I fail to see where you actually had an intellectual comment or question but I may have just closed my eyes in the middle of one of your train wreck posts and missed it.

Why if the guy has lost 30 lbs do we need to tell him anything other than good job and keep it up? He is succeeding so why should he not keep succeeding. I am failing to see how it is needed for us to push our views on diet on him especially if he is succeeding at his goal, and doesn't want them which he has made it obvious he does not want your input in his thread any longer.

Are you also a Member of the Cobra Kai Dojo or did you develop that winning personality on your own? Mercy is for the weak! Yes Sensai!!!!!! :23:

Another thing if you have such an utter disdain for anyone who let themselves get overweight... WHAT THE FUG ARE YOU DOING IN THE WEIGHT LOSS SECTION????

Exactly! It really is too bad some people are so negative and rude to others.
Outstanding, MrKleen, Outstanding!!!!

Now he's like:puppy_dog_eyes:


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i hope i never piss kleen off, lol.


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Yeah, I have been considering that also. Just got the OK from the Doc to go full Keto a few weeks ago but have not made the jump yet. Wanted to make sure it would not screw up my cholesterol and be a vascular issue. With my medical history, I am sure you can see why. You will note however with a bit of examination, that I did start at least "moderating" carbs about 4-6 weeks ago and upping the fat intake some. 200+ is a bit high, but when I started this journey, I was taking a "low fat" approach with over 300+ G carbs daily. Also, I do a pretty good job of avoid high GI carbs due to the Type II Diabetes. Most (but certainly not all) of my carbs are from Rye Bread, lactose (milk and cottage cheese) and post W/O G2 (reduced carb gatorade), apples and fruit yogurts.
Rye bread, lactose, G2 and fruit yogurt all are on the higher end of the glycemic index I believe, and most are processed and/or refined.

I agree full keto isn't necessary, but I would try to keep to less processed foods. If you like breads, I highly recommend Ezekiel bread. Sweet potatoes, oats, vegetables, and fruits are all good options.

I know you didn't ask for any advice, so take it for whatever it's worth. You're making good progress, so do what makes sense to you. If you do need advice though, this board is full of very knowledgeable people. Sometimes we have to weed out the bad apples though...


Pro Virili Parte
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I do agree that carb levels seem a bit high. I saw earlier in the thread Josh recommended reducing carbs. I'd second that notion just based on all the literature and experience I've seen. Just by sheer probability I'm guessing that the carb sources you're eating are probably going to be high glycemic too, and lead to insulin spikes and resistance, which is not good. If you could make 1 improvement to something that's already working, that would be the best IMO. Eliminating refined carbs and foods does wonders for health and bodyweight. It's tough at first, but can be overcome in a week. It takes a strong will.

Good luck!
Rye bread, lactose, G2 and fruit yogurt all are on the higher end of the glycemic index I believe, and most are processed and/or refined.

I agree full keto isn't necessary, but I would try to keep to less processed foods. If you like breads, I highly recommend Ezekiel bread. Sweet potatoes, oats, vegetables, and fruits are all good options.

I know you didn't ask for any advice, so take it for whatever it's worth. You're making good progress, so do what makes sense to you. If you do need advice though, this board is full of very knowledgeable people. Sometimes we have to weed out the bad apples though...
1test4life please take notes the above is how you properly offer someone your advice..

and I would like to echo the bolded words in milas post.. this board is THEE best online community I have EVER been a part of. TONS of knowledgeable people who are more than happy to help and give advice and are there for you to help support you throughout your journey.

and since I am posting I am gonna echo my earlier comments.. it is GREAT that you are progressing and by all means if its working stick with it! Dropping carbs will help but I dont think you need an extreme like what a keto diet would require. Start off slow with the carb dropping and save the keto for when you hit a wall and need it to blast through a plateau but for now I am sure you will still make progress with higher carb intake than what is required for keto

take care bud


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Rye bread, lactose, G2 and fruit yogurt all are on the higher end of the glycemic index I believe, and most are processed and/or refined.

I agree full keto isn't necessary, but I would try to keep to less processed foods. If you like breads, I highly recommend Ezekiel bread. Sweet potatoes, oats, vegetables, and fruits are all good options.

I know you didn't ask for any advice, so take it for whatever it's worth. You're making good progress, so do what makes sense to you. If you do need advice though, this board is full of very knowledgeable people. Sometimes we have to weed out the bad apples though...
Actually, the title of the thread does say "Please review and critique" :) .

As to GI, Rye is low (50), milk runs in the 30's. I imagine fructose content varies too much per fruit type to put a tag on the yogurt. I am sure you are right about the G2, but that only has 12 carbs/20z bottle which I only consume after a workout when I don't have a protein pre-mixed for my Post W/O 45 minute ride home.

After reading everybody's more recent input, I am going to reduce my carb intake to between 100-150/day.

I am both moved by the support that the community has shown me and alternately some what embarrassed, as I need no defending. As I stated in an earlier reply, I deal with much tougher characters on an almost daily basis and my self worth does not hinge on the opinion of others, but I am grateful for the show of support none the less.

Now, back to the business at hand:

Just some quick cardio today after a long, demanding and productive day at work.

15 20/40 HIIT Cycles at 80%/60% Max resistance on the cross trainer pushing for 175-185 SPM, then coasted to make it an even 20 minutes: 196 cals

Today's dietary totals 2504 cals (137 carbs, 217 protein, 121 fats) assuming I do not hit a tbsp of Peanut butter to round things out, that is with an estimated output of 3870 for a deficit of 1366.

Tommorow: This weeks "Tale of the tape" and we go back to pulling heavy as hammy rehab is officially over. AWESOME!


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1test4life please take notes the above is how you properly offer someone your advice..

and I would like to echo the bolded words in milas post.. this board is THEE best online community I have EVER been a part of. TONS of knowledgeable people who are more than happy to help and give advice and are there for you to help support you throughout your journey.

and since I am posting I am gonna echo my earlier comments.. it is GREAT that you are progressing and by all means if its working stick with it! Dropping carbs will help but I dont think you need an extreme like what a keto diet would require. Start off slow with the carb dropping and save the keto for when you hit a wall and need it to blast through a plateau but for now I am sure you will still make progress with higher carb intake than what is required for keto

take care bud
You know it Josh!


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I'm so glad I missed the drama in here. It's about working toward the goal and keeping someone motivated to succeed. God forbid anyone reach out to others for guidance/motivation. Not everyone has close friends that are into bettering themselves through diet and exercise.

I would have loved to have the 7 post superstar post his pics; wearing his Fizogen Strap, and Zubaz while holding tubs of Cell-Tech, Nitro-Tech, Gakic, standing in front of an Asia world tour poster.

Sorry if I offended any Asia fans. I got caught up in the heat of the moment... :nana:



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More free advice, first off your carbs are way to high, 200+ grams of carbs, are you ****ting me, how the **** do you expect to loose fat taking in over two hundred grams of carbs a day, your max should be fifty grams. With that many carbs in your system the body will never burn fat for fuel. Like I said before your diet should be palumbo/anabolic. I gaurante you if you don't imediatly drop your carb intake, you will make no progress.
First off, this argument is flawed. A calorie deficit is needed to achieve weight loss, partitioning is just a tag-along if you will.

I also notice your very fond of criticism, and not really the constructive or informed type. Just curious as to what your background is like that enables you to use and apply this keen criticism of yours? Oh, and kindly provide some UN-PHOTO SHOPPED images to show how these ideas have worked for you.


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Its good that you have a doctor that is willing to work with you and your diet. My only concern with keto would be if you on any medication that lowers your blood pressure. Eliminating grains and carbs WILL effect your blood pressure and if you are taking something that lowers it as well then you may be borderlining too low but again that is something your doctor should be considering. Typically going keto isnt going to have a negative effect on your cholesterol it should in fact help improve it if anything but then again I am not sure about your specific conditions and past history again this is why it is AWESOME your doctor is working WITH you. I work in a hospital and most docs wont even consider suggesting diet changes to people they just write scripts and give them away to people so they will take them for the rest of their lives.

If I can offer some advice I would advise against full blown keto. With a high body fat ratio your body will willing burn fat for fuel and isnt really needed to be forced to do that. I feel going keto is more approaiate for those who are looking to rip up before a competition and are already low body fat and just want to be lower. The health benifits from fruit are too much to give up for whatever little difference it would be. I would suggest to go with around a 100g carb limit. Make sure every meal contains healthy fat and protein and then have 2 servings of fruit and save starchy carbs for post workout and up the veggie intake like crazy. I firmly believe with the right diet anything is possible you just have to give your body the tools it needs and you will get there. I am currently reading protein power by dr eades and they explain very well the physiological effects of limiting carbs. You dont have to go full keto, start off with around 100g and then if you feel you want faster weight loss then you can cut from there. Just my opinion.. take care buddy
Just to clarify here: Did you mean blood glucose/sugars instead of pressure here Josh? That makes more sense to me. Going hypoglycemic sucks, it is like a medically induced panic attack. /barf!

Also, my Doc is a great guy. Small town, small town Doctor, actually takes the time to get to know his patients. Helps that my wife and his our friendly and she volunteers at the free clinic he puts on once a month. Dude is very accessible and a genuinely nice guy!
Last edited:


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Just to clarify here: Did you mean blood glucose/sugars instead of pressure here Josh? That makes more sense to me. Going hypoglycemic sucks, it is like a medically induced panic attack. /barf!

Also, my Doc is a great guy. Small town, small town Doctor, actually takes the time to get to know his patients. Helps that my wife and his our friendly and she volunteers at the free clinic he puts on once a month. Dude is very accessible and a genuinely nice guy!
yea sorry I dont know where my head was I meant your blood sugar. You mentioned in the begining of the log that you had diabetes so I am assuming your doctor perscribes medications to help manage your blood sugar and combining the medication with a low carb type diet could possibly lower your blood sugar TOO much. You are going to have to work with your doctor to try and figure out how to adjust your medication as needed thoughout the diet process.


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Today's weigh in result: 287.2. Another 1.4 pounds, 34.8 total since we started our journey.

Things seem to be slowing down a bit, so I am thinking we made the change to be more disciplined with my carb intake(keeping it under 150 daily.) at just the right time.

Heavy deadlifts tonight, am geeked!


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Ooooh, I loooooove heavy DLs!!! Have fun, mine are waiting for me on Thursday!


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i think that asia poster is awesome


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Taman, may I recommend you follow the New American Diet by the guys at it is the newer one that is good a little less restrictive than a competition diet but it will cut you up and focuses on nutrient timing so you get the full advantage of the carbs you do take in while not losing a bunch of performance or weight loss. This diet will go perfectly with Diabetes especially if type II, it will increase insulin sensitivity.


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Taman, may I recommend you follow the New American Diet by the guys at it is the newer one that is good a little less restrictive than a competition diet but it will cut you up and focuses on nutrient timing so you get the full advantage of the carbs you do take in while not losing a bunch of performance or weight loss. This diet will go perfectly with Diabetes especially if type II, it will increase insulin sensitivity.
Awesome suggestion as always kleen. I second the American diet by scivation. I have been following it my self for the past 3 months and loving it! It is way easier then their cut diet or CHA diet.


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Ooooh, I loooooove heavy DLs!!! Have fun, mine are waiting for me on Thursday!
My attitude is if I don't feel like I have had my ass kicked when I am done, I am not trying hard enough :)


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Taman, may I recommend you follow the New American Diet by the guys at it is the newer one that is good a little less restrictive than a competition diet but it will cut you up and focuses on nutrient timing so you get the full advantage of the carbs you do take in while not losing a bunch of performance or weight loss. This diet will go perfectly with Diabetes especially if type II, it will increase insulin sensitivity.
Will definately check that out when I get a chance, the day is already very hectic at work, Thanks again, ever so much!


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Mar 8, 2011
Name: Day 2, wk 8
Start Time: 05:10 PM
End Time: 06:20 PM
Duration: 01:10
Mood: Normal - Not Great But Not Bad
Notes: Lifting preceeded by 5 minute warm up on elliptical, just enough to get a good sweat rolling.

# Exercise Name Set Lbs. Reps
1 Hack Squat
#1 280 8
#2 300 8
#3 320 8
#4 320 8
Pushed out a few extra reps the last 2 sets with hands pushing on knees. Went extra deep.

2 Barbell Deadlift
#1 275 8
#2 315 7
#3 365 1 (missed 365, got pissed, came back and nailed it.)
Warm up sets at 135, 225. Had better day's DL'ing, but not bad for wk 2 post hamstring rehab.

3 Leg Press
#1 520 12
#2 520 12
#3 520 12
A few forced reps pushing on knees when needed. Got a heck of a pump going. Good depth.

4 Standing Calf Raises
#1 180 12
#2 180 12
#3 180 12

Today's dietary info: 2867 cals (149 carbs, 239 pro, 146 fats) with an estimated output of 4318 for a deficit of 1451.


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Please know that I went to the link you posted and DL'ed both 'The New American Diet" as well as the "lean mass diet". Am gonna add that sight to my fav's, thank you sir!


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Good progress here Taman!

Keen ~ What is the basic principle of that diet?
Insulin control pretty much. Limits starchy carbs (rice, potatoes, etc) to 60g post workout or on off days in the morning with 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of green veggies. Every meal contains healthy protein and fat with one cheat meal a week.

Scivation has a couple of good books on their site and they are all free, give them a read sometime John. Cut Diet is a good read (pretty much no carb with a refeed meal every 3 days)


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actually for fat loss purposes you should keep even the post WO carbs to a minimum. if you arent trying to put on mass then there is no point in jacking your insulin and unless you are training twice a day, you dont need to do a whole lot to replenish glycogen. a couple of medium sized bananas post workout will suffice. bananas have an even 50/50 ratio of glucose to fructose, satisfying both liver and muscle glycogen stores.

other than that you are good. cut out all starches (pasta/bread/bagels) and anything else highly glycemic. carbohydrate restriction over time will lead to fat loss and desired body composition.


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My Post W/O is generally 2 scoops of myofusion in 8oz 2% milk with about 2.5-5g of Glutamine (58 protein, 21 carbs, 10 or so fat grams). Not exactly an insulin spiker, but enough to keep my blood glucose from tanking after a workout. Have it pre-mixed and suck it down (and about 16oz of water) on my 45 minute ride home. Although the overall goal is fat loss, I still want to keep the good mass I got and see a few strength gains here and there as this it what keeps me moving.

This may sound a bit crazy, but have seen an acceleration in fat burning just since making the carb reduction tweak. I am not gonna count it till my next official weigh in (Tuesday mornings) but this AM the scale was at 284.4, almost 3 lbs down from just a day ago.
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you will make much faster progress if you ditch the milk, especially 2%.

exactly! carb restriction FTW


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actually for fat loss purposes you should keep even the post WO carbs to a minimum. if you arent trying to put on mass then there is no point in jacking your insulin and unless you are training twice a day, you dont need to do a whole lot to replenish glycogen. a couple of medium sized bananas post workout will suffice. bananas have an even 50/50 ratio of glucose to fructose, satisfying both liver and muscle glycogen stores.

other than that you are good. cut out all starches (pasta/bread/bagels) and anything else highly glycemic. carbohydrate restriction over time will lead to fat loss and desired body composition.
:fing02: Right on!

My Post W/O is generally 2 scoops of myofusion in 8oz 2% milk with about 2.5-5g of Glutamine (58 protein, 21 carbs, 10 or so fat grams). Not exactly an insulin spiker, but enough to keep my blood glucose from tanking after a workout. Have it pre-mixed and suck it down (and about 16oz of water) on my 45 minute ride home. Although the overall goal is fat loss, I still want to keep the good mass I got and see a few strength gains here and there as this it what keeps me moving.

This may sound a bit crazy, but have seen an acceleration in fat burning just since making the carb reduction tweak. I am not gonna count it till my next official weigh in (Tuesday mornings) but this AM the scale was at 284.4, almost 3 lbs down from just a day ago.
BCAAs are great for maintaing muscle mass while in a calorie deficit. I would invest in some or at the very least some Leucine. I use them all around my workout from pre, intra, and post.

As for the fat loss you will see some immeadiate results when cutting carbs BUT alot of it is going to be water. I forget the exact numbers but I think it was for every gram of carbs you eat your body stores 2-3 grams of water. I am only saying this because at first the results will come fast but once you transition it will slow up a bit BUT it will remain pretty constant


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^^^ That and depleted glycogen stores.


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you will make much faster progress if you ditch the milk, especially 2%.

exactly! carb restriction FTW
So are you saying go to skim or mix the stuff in water? (Which tastes nasty BTW)


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Today's dietary numbers: 2596 cals (146 carb, 199 pro, 134 fats) with an estimated output of 3693 for deficit 1165.


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So let me run something by you guys. If you have been paying attention, you will note that last thursday I started on Alpha T-2. I plan on deloading by taking a week of just cardio and hot tub/sauna next week to let my shoulder and elbows heal a bit more (bursistis and tendonitis). The following week, when I return to the iron, I plan on continuing to run the Alpha T-2 and stack it with a months worth of Erase (have 2 bottles of the A T2) and Tropinol (Which I know has gotten mixed reviews.) I am also starting on a new batch of Lit up (Lifting days only) tonight (have tried it before but was fighting the flu so not sure how well it energized my work out, switching to this from Super Pump 250.)

Am I over killing here? SHould I just run the Erase and AT2 and save the Tropinol for another time. (BTW, I know that diet and a solid, ass busting routine is my foundation and 99% of my results, not counting on this stuff to do a miracle.)

Any thoughts?


Keep up the good work Taman! Your body is under a great deal of stress are you taking a cortisol blocker? Sorry if you mentioned it I am not familiar with all the supplements you listed.


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First, I am so glad you have a realistic view on how marginal of an effect supplements have! It has taken me years and thousands of dollars to figure it out! Kudos to you!

Erase is an aromatase inhibitor, and Tropinol is a direct test booster, as is Lit-Up with the D-Aspartic Acid, so they should complement each other. I never expect much from test boosters other than a libido/mood improvement, and post cycle recovery assistance. Erase will do most of the leaning out effect, but the other 2 will add a little bit to it and also give a good libido/mood/aggression boost.

Alpha-T2 is a fat burner, targeting thyroid and alpha-2 receptor agonist (i.e., prevents fat sparing). It goes well with Erase since Erase will reduce estrogen (fat storing and bloat reduction), and Alpha-T2 will free up fat and metabolize it.

People run some crazy stacks of stuff on here (myself included), so it's totally up to you. I'm trying to break my supplement habit because I am finally realizing how marginal the effects of these supplements are outside staples like multi-vitamin, fishoil and protein.

I say smoke 'em if you got 'em, but be slow to refill your stash. You've got the right mindset, just go with it!


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Thanks for the input Milas and Shock. If I am not mistaken, the Erase also reduces cortisol, does it not?


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So are you saying go to skim or mix the stuff in water? (Which tastes nasty BTW)
yeah brother mix your whey with water. milk is not a good thing to drink, especially if you are trying to lose weight.


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yeah brother mix your whey with water. milk is not a good thing to drink, especially if you are trying to lose weight.
Ok, will give this a shot. Not trying to be argumentative, but my only concern is having my blood sugars go sub 50 after working out with out the lactose. I do not take insulin, so it can't reach lethal levels of hypoglycemia, but the glipizide and Januvia I take can lead to mild hypoglycemia which is results in becoming very shaky, irritable and anxious. As long as this does not hit me, I will follow this recommendation, never hurts to try it.


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Ok, will give this a shot. Not trying to be argumentative, but my only concern is having my blood sugars go sub 50 after working out with out the lactose. I do not take insulin, so it can't reach lethal levels of hypoglycemia, but the glipizide and Januvia I take can lead to mild hypoglycemia which is results in becoming very shaky, irritable and anxious. As long as this does not hit me, I will follow this recommendation, never hurts to try it.
what about a couple of bananas? would that do the trick in terms of blood sugar? im not exactly sure how all that stuff works but i think that if you eat 2 bananas your blood sugar wont be too low.


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what about a couple of bananas? would that do the trick in terms of blood sugar? im not exactly sure how all that stuff works but i think that if you eat 2 bananas your blood sugar wont be too low.
Yeah, I am sure that would work fine for blood glucose levels.


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Mar 10, 2011
Name: Day 3, wk 8
Start Time: 05:05 PM
End Time: 06:10 PM
Duration: 01:05
Mood: Normal - Not Great But Not Bad
Notes: Started with 3 minute warm up, got a sweat rolling.

# Exercise Name Set Lbs. Reps

1 Decline Barbell Bench Press
#1 180 8
#2 200 8
#3 210 6
On Smith Machine, noted weights are plates only.

2 Incline Dumbbell Press
#1 170 9
#2 170 7
Weight is dumbell weight X 2

3 Assisted Pull Up
#1 215 8
#2 230 8
#3 240 7
#4 245 4
Noted weight is BW+ clothes (estimated 290) minus assist weight.

4 Close-Grip Bench Press
#1 195 10
#2 195 7
#3 195 8
Had a spotter for last set

5 Barbell Curl
#1 90 10
#2 90 7
Set 2 was with closer grip
6 Standing One-Arm Dumbbell Curl Over Incline Bench
#1 30 10
#2 30 10
Basically, one armed DB curls off of a preacher curl bench.

Set one is right, set 2 is left

Capped the night off with 8X30/30 HIIT Cycles at 80%/60% resistance and a 5 minute coast for a total of 120 cals burned.

Today's dietary info: 2871 cals (150 carbs, 265 protein, 144 fats) with an estimated output of 4496 for a deficit of 1625.


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yeah brother mix your whey with water. milk is not a good thing to drink, especially if you are trying to lose weight.

not busting balls but you can't really say that 'as a matter of fact'. dairy hurts some people's fatloss but plenty studies show dairy helps fatloss.

I use water with my whey just cause the nutrapro mixes alot better with water and its not as thick .


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not busting balls but you can't really say that 'as a matter of fact'.

plenty studies show dairy helps fatloss.

I use water with my whey just cause the nutrapro mixes alot better with water and its not as thick .
the use of milk is debateable.. they are also plenty of studies that show milk is not good for ones health. Its one of those things that you just got to go with your gut and how to react to it.. but you cant really say difinetely either way

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