BETA TEST USPlabs® Anti-Catabolic Advanced Performance Protein!!


New member

I'd love to give my input in USPlabs Anti-Catabolic Advanced Performance Protein!!

  • How long have you been using protein supplements? 5 years
  • Current fitness goal: Lean Bulk, Body Recomposition, Cut BF %, Gain lean muscle
  • Training Style: 5 days a week of weights (2 Days strength, 3 days hypertrophy) and 2 days cardio
  • Nutrition Style: Clean diet (High protein, moderate carbohydrates, moderate fats)
  • Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? Yes
  • Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? Yes
  • Are you able to start ASAP? Yes
  • Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? Yes, instagram and Facebook
  • Are you on any prescription medications? No
  • Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? No



New member
Beta Test

How long have you been using protein supplements? 2009
Current fitness goals: Gain 40lbs of lean muscle by the end of the year while maintaining 12%BF
Training Style: Functional training during the week, crossfit during the weekend.
Nutrition Style: Clean: 4000cal, high protein, moderate carbs, moderate-low fat
Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? Yes
Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? Yes
Are you able to start ASAP? Yes
Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? If so, which ones? Facebook YouTube
Are you on any prescription medications? No
Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? No


Well-known member
WooHoo finally some internet service... NOW TO GET ON THIS TRAIN..

How long have you been using protein supplements?
Using proteins for over 12 years now. Its a staple in creating the mass monster.. Currently using PRO5 by Nutek Orange 50/50 bar flavor.
Current fitness goals:
Like everyone else I am still looking to improve on my size and vascularity.. I have never been a vascular person, but with USPlabs supps, I have come to pop a vein here and there. Those of you who follow me, know that I am always trying to get bigger and grow but still maintain a lean look. (did that make sense)
Training Style:
I was previously training as a powerlifter, but lately I have reverted back to my FTP protocol, to get back that lean look and maintain my strength.
Nutrition Style:
High protein moderate carbs, and and moderate fats. I love my meat, and my chicken and i consume about 300 grams of protein of just meat alone. haha..
Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13?
Yes I am indeed over 18 years of age.
Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide?
Yes I am always willing to share my experiences with these supplements through my logs. There is no better way than this. I believe in being detailed and letting people know you full feel and effects on the product. Beta testers give great insights before its release. What better way than to hear it from the community.
Are you able to start ASAP?
Yes I can start as soon as you need me to. (im running low on protein anyways)
Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube?
I currently only have Facebook and Instagram(808_Hawapino)
Are you on any prescription medications?
Not on any meds. Once in a while on ibuprfen for my migraines but thats every so often.
Do you have any preexisting medical conditions?
Only condition is just pure HULKISH!!!

2 scoops of Pro 5 Protein
1 Scoop of Pumpkin Seed Protein
1 Apple Banana
1 Scoop of dry oats
1 tablespoon of honey
1/2 cup of Kalo (taro)
2 Cups of water
1 cup of Skim milk
5 ice cubes
Its best that this is all blended in a large blender. it will fill up the entire blender, but thats why its called HULK Elixir. Made for large dudes like myself, the SOLUTION, Mike Rea, Big Mix, and all my usp peeps..
Nutritional Facts
80 grams of protein
15 grams of fat
40 grams of carbs ( it may be higher, this is just a rough guesstimate)
480 calories (again a guesstimate)

This can either be consumed post workout, or just a simple meal replacement or snack. The ice makes it into a great cold treat.


New member
BETA TESTER APPLICATION: Trying to make all kindzzz of gains!

How long have you been using protein supplements

4 years

Current fitness goals:
Clean Bulk: Lean Muscle Gain and Lower My Fat Percentage. I plan to gain about 10-15lbs of muscle and maintain that while dropping down to around 8% body fat by the fall.

Training Style:
Legs/Back: Monday & Thursday in addition to Jump Rope and Kettlebell for cardio.
Chest/Shoulders: Tuesday & Friday in addition to High-intensity interval training on the tredmill.
Arms/Kickboxing: Wednesday/Saturday
Sunday: Off

I use a combo of 5x5 & 3x8 in each workout for my weightlifting exercises.

Nutrition Style:
High Protein, Moderate Fat, & Moderate Carbs-Lots of Turkey, Chicken Breast, Protein Shakes, Ezekiel Bread, Oatmeal, Yogurt, & Eggs with veggies of course.

Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13?

Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide?

Are you able to start ASAP?
Yes, always have room for more protein!

Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? If so, which ones?
Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube

Are you on any prescription medications?

Do you have any preexisting medical conditions?


New member
Beta Testing

5 years
Gain Muscle
Super intense everyday
Eat clean year round
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram


New member
•How long have you been using protein supplements?
I have been using protein supplements for 4 years.

•Current fitness goals:
My current fitness goals are to gain more muscle mass and to just stay fit.

•Training Style:
Max Interval training every single day of every week with an occasional day off from the gym.

•Nutrition Style:
Clean foods such as veggies with a lot of protein intake.

•Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? Yes or No

•Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? Yes or No

•Are you able to start ASAP? Yes or No

•Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? If so, which ones?
Yes. Facebook and Twitter.

•Are you on any prescription medications? Yes or No

•Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? Yes or No


Lets make the move from Beta to Alpha

  • How long have you been using protein supplements? 10 years
  • Current fitness goals: gain muscle mass, shed fat
  • Training Style: heavy weights upper body 3 times week, leg lift followed by cardio 3 times week
  • Nutrition Style: high protein, lots of veggies, low carb but not atkins low. BCAA, joint supplements, vitapaks, test cycles.
  • Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? Yes
  • Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? Yes
  • Are you able to start ASAP? Yes
  • Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? Facebook, twitter, instagram, and youtube
  • Are you on any prescription medications? Yes. albuterol inhaler
  • Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? Yes GERD, reactive airway disease
    • Recipe name: shake me up before you go go
    • Preparation and instructions: 2scoops dymatize elite fusion chocolate, add super cissus joint powder, chilled coffee or hot coffee depending on preference and weathe, 16 oz (2 cups) 2% milk again hot or cold weather dependent and enjoy!
    • Nutritional information (Calories/Protein/Fat/Carbs)624 calories, 62 gams protein, 16 grams fat 45 grams carbohydrates
    • When do you eat it (pre-workout, before bed, etc…)?begining of day and post workout
    • Why is your recipe the best out there?tastes like a cafe mocha, but builds muscle instead. OH YEAH! Serious just try it.


New member
BETA TEST USPlabs® Anti-Catabolic Advanced Performance Protein

How long have you been using protein supplements?
I have been using supplements for 7 years, beginning in grade 9 when my goal was to improve my performance in athletics.
Current fitness goals:
Continue to maintain a high level of physical fitness for my career in law enforcement.

Training Style: An adaptive training routine, including heavy and conditioning days, depending on my aesthetic and strength goals.
Nutrition Style: 6-8 daily meals consisting of high protein, fat, and carbs (Mainly eggs, tuna, and oats). No simple sugars or processed foods.
Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? Yes or No
Yes, I'm 21 years old.
Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? Yes or No
Yes, absolutely.
Are you able to start ASAP? Yes or No
Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? If so, which ones?
I am on all of the listed networks.
Are you on any prescription medications? Yes or No
Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? Yes or No

favorite protein recipe
Muck (post workout/bed)

1 scoop-Optimum 100% Gold Standard Whey (Choclate)
500ml of chocolate milk
1 cup of raw oats
1 banana
5g Creatine monohydrate
Blended with ice

Nutritional information (Calories/Protein/Fat/Carbs)
CAL- 450
Protein- 48g
Fat- 8g
Carbs- 55g
Why is your recipe the best out there?
For me, this shake fulfils my post workout nutrition goals. It contains all essential nutrients to grow and refuel my body after a training session.


New member
In this thread, make one new post and list the following info:
How long have you been using protein supplements? 5-6 years
Current fitness goals: currently bulking. Than entering a cut phase in about 6 weeks
Training Style: 4-5 days a week. High intensity. Little breaks between sets
Nutrition Style: all natural (for the most part)
Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? Yes
Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? Yes
Are you able to start ASAP? Yes
Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? If so, which ones? Yes. All of them
Are you on any prescription medications? No
Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? No

Favorite protein recipe: the tastes treat
2 scoops vanilla whey protein
2 scoops peanut butter
Graham crackers
Skim milk

Blend it all up makes for a delicious shake for post workout or a snack throughout the day. Perfect anytime really


New member
Pick me!

In this thread, make one new post and list the following info:
How long have you been using protein supplements? 5-6 years
Current fitness goals: currently bulking. Than entering a cut phase in about 6 weeks
Training Style: 4-5 days a week. High intensity. Little breaks between sets
Nutrition Style: all natural (for the most part)
Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? Yes
Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? Yes
Are you able to start ASAP? Yes
Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? If so, which ones? Yes. All of them
Are you on any prescription medications? No
Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? No

Favorite protein recipe: the tastes treat
2 scoops vanilla whey protein
2 scoops peanut butter
Graham crackers
Skim milk

Blend it all up makes for a delicious shake for post workout or a snack throughout the day. Perfect anytime really


New member
How long have you been using protein supplements?1 year
Current fitness goals:to look and feel younger
Training Style:4 days a week at the gym
Nutrition Style:just trying to eat healthy
Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? Yes
Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? Yes
Are you able to start ASAP? Yes
Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? If so, which ones?facebook
Are you on any prescription medications? No
Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? No


New member
I have been using protein for 5 years.

My fitness goal is to become 210lbd with 6% bf or less (current 200 7.5%bf) completely naturally

Workout routine: 5 days lifting 2 days HIIT for cardio

Nutrition style is all natural, very clean diet.

I am over 18

I can make a detailed log with pictures every day

I am able to start ASAP

Social media, I just have Facebook

No medication

No medical condition

Favorite protein recipe: 1 cup rolled oats, scoop of peanut butter, protein and milk all warmed up

Thanks! Can't wait to try out the products!


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9 pages. Where we stop nobody knows...


New member
How long have you been using protein supplements? 8-10 years
Current fitness goals: build lean body mass
Training Style: 4 day split
Nutrition Style: caloric surp for mass 3500+ cal a day/clean no junk
Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? Yes
Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? Yes
Are you able to start ASAP? Yes or No
Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? If so, which ones? facebook, YouTube
Are you on any prescription medications? No
Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? No


New member
How long have you been using protein supplements? since leaving school 1994 so 19 years almost
Current fitness goals: Competing in 4 weeks . There is always improvements to be made. It is like moulding abit of clay just it takes a whole lot longer
Training Style: High Intensity heavy weight training + low intensity cardio. weight training 1 to 2 hrs 6 days a week Cardio 1 hr every day pre contest.
Nutrition Style: macro diet
Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? Yes 36 years ols
Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? Yes
Are you able to start ASAP? Yes Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? If so, which ones? Facebook and YouTube
are you on any prescription medications? No all natural baby
Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? No


New member
Lets do this!! : D

How long have you been using protein supplements? I've been using protein supplements for about 2years now .
Current fitness goals:gain more lean muscle and reduce bf%(go from 136lbs to 150lbs)
Training Style:cardio/runs (mornings) gym,in the afternoon (M-SaHow long have you been using protein supplements?
Current fitness goals:
Training Style:
Nutrition Style:
Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? Yes or No
Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? Yes or No
Are you able to start ASAP? Yes or No
Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? If so, which ones?
Are you on any prescription medications? Yes or No
Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? Yes or Noturday )
Nutrition Style:lean healthy meals 4-6 meals
Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? Yes or No(yes)!
Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? Yes or No(yes!)
Are you able to start ASAP? Yes or No(yes!!)
Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? If so, which ones?none
Are you on any prescription medications? Yes or No (no!)
Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? Yes or No(no!)

Mr Min

New member
Just Want to Say I havnt Been Using Anabolic Minds as Often as I Should But I Will Definatly Update my Profile Tonight with Pics and Keep @ IT:)

  • How long have you been using protein supplements 4 Years(Training for 4 Years)
  • Current fitness goals: Mass Gain To 140kg/308lb (Currently at 115kg/254lb) (started at 72kg/158lb)
  • Training Style: Old School with new School Princibles
  • Nutrition Style: Clean with Some Cheat Days
  • Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? Yes (22 Years Of Age)
  • Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? Yes Broken Down to Effect Rating, Post Suppliment Feeling, Mood, Strength Gains, Maintain Pump Feelings(With Daily Youtube Video)
  • Are you able to start ASAP? Yes
  • Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? Facebook(Jonathan McCarthy South Africa)
  • Are you on any prescription medications? No(If Meaning Gear then Yes)
  • Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? No


New member
I've been using protein for 2 yrs
my fitness goals are to get swole and compete end of the yr or early next yr
i go to the gym everyday focusing on one body part at a time to insure I get it good
i carb load for few days then back down to zero then back
I am 37 yrs old
i can produce log and start ASAP
im not on any of these sites not on meds and no preexissting conditions.
Im excited to show off my new body that USPLABS helped me sculpt thx for the opportunity I look forward to representing the company to the best of my ability


New member
My post for this never came

I've done all this twice first reply said had to be approved first anyone else experienced this kinda weird it never showed up


New member
I know this is my first post on anabolicminds but I use multiple health/nutrition forums and have experience working for nutrition stores. I've tried countless amounts of protein/supplements and am very interested to see what USPlabs brings to the table!

  • How long have you been using protein supplements? 4 years
  • Current fitness goals: mass
  • Training Style: hypertrophy
  • Nutrition Style: high protein/moderate carb
  • Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? Yes
  • Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? Yes
  • Are you able to start ASAP? Yes
  • Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? all 3
  • Are you on any prescription medications? No
  • Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? No


Active member
  • Established
I've done all this twice first reply said had to be approved first anyone else experienced this kinda weird it never showed up
i think its cuz you newer and don't have many posts? i believe thats what it did for me as i've only been on here a couple weeks.

edit: looks like ur post showed up right above the quoted post.


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  • How long have you been using protein supplements? 10 years
  • Current fitness goals: Increase lean muscle mass with corresponding increases in strength
  • Training Style: Mostly hypertrophy centered training with olympic lifts and performance training mixed in (agility, explosive work, strongman stuff, etc)
  • Nutrition Style: Very clean,homemade-whole food, fairly high calorie
  • Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? yes, I am 30
  • Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? I most certainly can and will be able to provide that sort of detail.
  • Are you able to start ASAP? Yes, no time like the present
  • Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? Facebook, youtube
  • Are you on any prescription medications? None
  • Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? None
Thanks for the consideration and good luck to those who are lucky enough to be chosen.


New member
• How long have you been using protein supplements? 3 years
• Current fitness goals: build qualilty lean muscle and lose body fat
• Training Style: Y3T
• Nutrition Style: Clean with 2 cheat meals a week
• Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? Yes
• Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? Yes
• Are you able to start ASAP? Yes
• Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? If so, which ones? Yes Facebook
• Are you on any prescription medications? No
• Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? No


New member
  • How long have you been using protein supplements? Since high school - over 10 years
  • Current fitness goals: To lose 3% body fat, while maintaining lean mass and strength
  • Training Style: Weight-training 4 days a week, different body parts (chest/tris, back/bis, legs, shoulders) and cardio every day. More cardio on off days, however.
  • Nutrition Style: protein shake after am cadio, then 30 min 3 eggs and 2 turkey bacon, next 4 meals are meat and veggies (usually chicken or tuna and broccoli), but Wednesdays and Sundays I do carb-loading. Seems to help with fat loss.
  • Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? Yes
  • Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? Yes
  • Are you able to start ASAP? Yes
  • Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? Facebook and YouTube. Willing to add Instagram if I get this.
  • Are you on any prescription medications? No
  • Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? Yes - asthma, but I think I'm over it. I haven't taken an inhaler in almost a year and I feel great.

[h=2]Chocolate Covered Strawberry Shake[/h]
1 scoop each Designer Whey Strawberry & Chocolate 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 1 cup frozen strawberries 1 tsp cocoa powder 1 pkt stevia- sweetened to taste.

Combine ingredients in blender. Blend on high for one minute.

300 cals
5g fat
20g carb
40g protein



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How long have you been using protein supplements? 9 years

Current fitness goals: Gain about 10 lbs cut a little then bulk some more

Training Style: Start with a heavy compound movement for low reps (strength), then do a dynamic (speed) lift and then hypertrophy work (high volume)

Nutrition Style: Currently following IF but looking to add in some more meals to maximize gains

Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? Yes

Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? Yes whatever you want will be done this is an amazing opportunity!

Are you able to start ASAP? Yes!

Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? If so, which ones? All but instagram, but I am more than willing to get on that ASAP!!!!!

Are you on any prescription medications? Yes - 100mg test cyp as trt once a week

Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? No

My favorite recipe with protein powder is simple and easy, I know there a re alot of flashy recipes and I have tried alot of them and tehy are good but my FAVORITE is simple protein pudding.
3/4 cup low fat greek yogurt (more if it is a blend with higher casein content)
1 scoop of your favorite protein powder

Macros - Protein 30-40 g Carbs - 10-20 Fat - 5-10

I will often add PB to it just because PB is delicious!!!!!!
protein pudding.jpg
this one is chocolate peanut butter hydrowhey and 1 TBSP of PB!!


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10 pages...the USPlabs home board is still in the lead! More apps people!


New member
Beta Test

  • How long have you been using protein supplements? 2010
  • Current fitness goals: Gain 10 lbs of lean muscle and maintain 10%bf
  • Training Style: Functional training weekdays/circuit training weekends
  • Nutrition Style: High protein, high calorie, moderate carbs, low fat
  • Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? Yes
  • Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? Yes
  • Are you able to start ASAP? Yes
  • Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? If so, which ones? Yes, Facebook YouTube
  • Are you on any prescription medications? No
  • Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? No


Well-known member
o How long have you been using protein supplements?
I have been using protein supplementation since 1998 at age 16. Back then it was *** Brand, since then I have used everything under the sun. I have tried many brands, formulations, mixtures and flavors.
o Current fitness goals: I am a NPC competitor physique competitor whose goal is to continue to stay lean while building quality mass. I would like to add a few lbs of mass over the next year withou adding too much BF%.
o Training Style: I have a very in your face training style that varies constantly. I do both heavy lifting and cardio. I lift like a bodybuilder. My lifting schedule is 5 days a week followed by one day of HIIT training. On Sundays I do cardio and abs with no lifting.
o Nutrition Style: I use a nutritionist for my diet. I eat very clean year round. I am a firm believer that diet is 90% of your physique.
o Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? Yes
o Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? Yes too easy
o Are you able to start ASAP? Yes
o Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? Yes I am on both Facebook and Youtube
o Are you on any prescription medications? No
o Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? NO


New member
How long have you been using protein supplements?
- 5 years
Current fitness goals:
- Pack on Mass Approx 5lbs keeping bf as low as possible. I'm hoping to possibly compete next year.
Training Style:
- Cardio only for warm up, 4 day split: Monday -chest and triceps, Tuesday - shoulders and abs, Wednesday - back, biceps and forearms, Thursday - legs. (Full body workout every other saturday depending on how body feels). Training always as hard as possible, I will not leave the gym until I have achieved everything I set out to do on that day. Allways keeping perfect form!
Nutrition Style:
- Clean Diet 3000-4000 calories daily (some days up to 5000 calories depending on how my body feels and is using nutrients), usually split into 5-7 meals a day 40/40/20 c/p/f. Carbs: mainly oats, pasta and bread. Protein: mainly chicken, turkey, beef, eggs, tuna and sardines (1.5/2g protein per lb of bodyweight). Fats: mainly peanut butter, extra virgin olive oil and full fat milk.
Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13?
- Yes
Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide?
- Yes
Are you able to start ASAP?
- Yes
Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? If so, which ones?
- Facebook
Are you on any prescription medications?
- No
Do you have any preexisting medical conditions?
- No


New member

How long have you been using protein supplements? 20+ years
Current fitness goals: overall conditioning, building muscle
Training Style: strength, kettlebell
Nutrition Style: varies, try and get 100 grams of protein a day
Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? Yes or No yes
Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image.) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? Yes or No. yes
Are you able to start ASAP? Yes or No yes
Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? If so, which ones? fb, twitter
Are you on any prescription medications? Yes or No. no
Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? Yes or No no


  • Legend!
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Another landmark product.


New member
  • How long have you been using protein supplements?
  • I have been using protein supplements since I began lifting weights my Sophmore year in high school roughly 9 years ago.
Current fitness goals:

  • I'm currently in a lean gain/recomp phase. My goal is to attain 10-15 pounds of lean mass while dropping or maintaining body fat %. I'm currently using USP Labs Anabolic Pump, Versa-1, and Prime and have gained 10# while dropping 0.06% in body fat! Your supplements kick ass!!
  • Training Style:
  • I have been using Layne Nortons PHAT training for the last 3 or so months, and have now made my own variation with his program template in order to mix things up to continue gains!
  • Nutrition Style: I'[m currently eating 4,100 calories a day in order to gain lean mass. I eat just as I do in a contest prep, just larger amounts. Eggs, Chicken, Quinoa, Veggies, Cottage Cheese and of course protein powder;)
  • Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? Yes or No
  • Yes
  • Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? Yes or No
  • Yes
  • Are you able to start ASAP? Yes or No
  • Yes
  • Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? If so, which ones?
  • Yes, Facebook
  • Are you on any prescription medications? Yes or No
  • No
  • Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? Yes or no
  • No


New member
How long have you been using protein supplements? Since sophmore year in high school, so about 9 years.
Current fitness goals: My current phase is trying to add on 10 lbs of lean mass, building strength and endurance, while gradually reducing bodyfat from 14% to 10%.
Training Style: High volume training with many supersets. HIIT and Cardio on a regular basis to strengthen my cardiovascular capabilities and because it helps my mind study for long hours (I am in medical school, so you can imagine how well anti-catabolic protein can help someone under stress like me)
Nutrition Style: High protein, low carb (only low GI carbs), healthy fats.
Are you over 18 years of age as of 3-15-13? Yes
Will you be able to produce a detailed log (WITH a daily video or image) for each of the four (4) servings we will provide? Absolutely
Are you able to start ASAP? Yes
Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube? All 4!
Are you on any prescription medications? None
Do you have any preexisting medical conditions? None


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USPlabs® Anti-Catabolic Advanced Performance Protein
-Beta Testing Line-up-
Congratulations! You’re part of our most anticipated release EVER!

USPlabs® Anti-Catabolic Advanced Performance Protein, is FINALLY ready for public Beta Testing. This is where you come in...

Real World Feedback!

When we release a product, we always Beta Test first. We truly value what our customers think about the product. For this; we always hook up a vast variety of people with our standard-setting Beta products to assure a TRUE reading from our customers!

As always we expect the 100% honest truth from our Beta Testers; this is critical to the release and future success of the product. As you've seen with industry leading products like Jack3d micro™ or VERSA-1™; it was the Beta Testers who made them a success and it was the Beta Testers who actually ended up in the ads! That’s how much we respect your opinion!
- USPlabs® Anti-Catabolic Advanced Performance Protein Beta Test Rules-
  • Available only to Forum members
  • We would love you to review at, as well.
  • You will be required to log testing results here on the forum. A detailed review is critical and is the only way you will be accepted into the program
  • Again, we expect 100% honesty - The good, the bad & the ugly...let us know!
NOW! For the list we have ALL been waiting for!
- ROUND 1-
The Solution


  • Send email to [email protected]
  • Use email subject: "Protein Beta Test, Username".
  • Also in this email, include the following information in this EXACT formatting:
  • Full Name
  • Street Address
  • Apartment or Suite Number
  • City, State Zip
  • Email address

  • Once we receive your email; we will reply with additional information. We will also be emailing you with more information on how exactly to submit your review - Please, stand by.

Don't forget to keep the applications and recipes coming in!

Win a Year’s Supply of USPlabs Anti–Catabolic Advanced Performance Protein
In addition to the required application questions above; we also have our CRAZIEST giveaway of ALL TIME!
  • Post your favorite protein recipe (shake, baking, cooking, pre-training cocktail, etc…).
  • Be sure to include the following information –
    • Recipe name
    • Preparation and instructions
    • Nutritional information (Calories/Protein/Fat/Carbs)
    • When do you eat it (pre-workout, before bed, etc…)?
    • Why is your recipe the best out there?
*Giveaway entry may be posted with your application or separate as its own post.

You must include an image and/or video to be eligible to win. Please be sure that all information is included to be entered into the giveaway of a lifetime!

As a company, we have NEVER BEEN SO EXCITED to release a product. Never have we been so confident in our friends here at this forum and this is our way of giving back!
Once again - We know we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you and we'll continue to do everything in our power to keep giving back to our loyal supporters.

We're humbled by the support and will never forget where we came from...

-Team USPlabs-



Well-known member
  • RockStar
  • Established
Oh snap! :D

Congrats to the ridiculous amount of testers! Can't wait to see all of your feedback.

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