best way to gain size and muscle


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im 5'11 at 168. i want to be 180-185 but i dont know what would be the best way to do this. should i just eat, eat, and eat? or should i take be on a strict diet and kill it in the weight room? any help would be appreciated
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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im 5'11 at 168. i want to be 180-185 but i dont know what would be the best way to do this. should i just eat, eat, and eat? or should i take be on a strict diet and kill it in the weight room? any help would be appreciated
Since you've still a beginner to training (I am taking this from your questions), you do not need any supplements but the Basic Staples (creatine, multivitamin/antioxidant, good fats, protein, and BCAAs) - at your weight, you can almost get all your good fats, protein, and BCAAs requirements from your diet. I don't recommend using anything else until you're older and have built up a solid training base. NUTRITION AND TRAINING are what are going to get you results.

If you want gains, then you need to eat enough for them, and no supplement is going to help you gain muscle if you're not eating for it, period! NUTRITION and TRAINING are the two factors that you need to focus on. FOOD, FOOD, and MORE FOOD is going to be IMPORTANT - if you want muscle gains, you needs to EAT for it - otherwise you're just wasting your time. You need to eat to make gains, period!

You also need to look at your training and have an appropriate training programme for gaining mass. Check out the article How To Maximze Mass Through Weights and Adaptation for comprehensive information on how you should be training and how to set up a mass building training programme.

My other recommendation to you would be to get a trainer who know what they're doing - if you haven't already (and if you have, then they should have given you information on nutrition, supplements, and training already, and if you have to ask elsewhere, then they are not the trainer for you) - and have them design you an individualized nutrition plan and training programme specific to YOU for your goals and needs.



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Since you've still a beginner to training (I am taking this from your questions), you do not need any supplements but the Basic Staples (creatine, multivitamin/antioxidant, good fats, protein, and BCAAs) - at your weight, you can almost get all your good fats, protein, and BCAAs requirements from your diet. I don't recommend using anything else until you're older and have built up a solid training base. NUTRITION AND TRAINING are what are going to get you results.

If you want gains, then you need to eat enough for them, and no supplement is going to help you gain muscle if you're not eating for it, period! NUTRITION and TRAINING are the two factors that you need to focus on. FOOD, FOOD, and MORE FOOD is going to be IMPORTANT - if you want muscle gains, you needs to EAT for it - otherwise you're just wasting your time. You need to eat to make gains, period!

You also need to look at your training and have an appropriate training programme for gaining mass. Check out the article How To Maximze Mass Through Weights and Adaptation for comprehensive information on how you should be training and how to set up a mass building training programme.

My other recommendation to you would be to get a trainer who know what they're doing - if you haven't already (and if you have, then they should have given you information on nutrition, supplements, and training already, and if you have to ask elsewhere, then they are not the trainer for you) - and have them design you an individualized nutrition plan and training programme specific to YOU for your goals and needs.

^^^Great Post!

I agree food food and more food. I personally prefer the see food diet when trying to hit a new weight goal plus bumping my carbs through the roof! Combine that with a good strength routine where you aim to lift progressively heavier on your big 3 and supplement that with some higher rep work. You should grow. I also throw in creatine and lots of milk! Its def not a lean bulk but it will get you there weight wise.


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Since you've still a beginner to training (I am taking this from your questions), you do not need any supplements but the Basic Staples (creatine, multivitamin/antioxidant, good fats, protein, and BCAAs) - at your weight, you can almost get all your good fats, protein, and BCAAs requirements from your diet. I don't recommend using anything else until you're older and have built up a solid training base. NUTRITION AND TRAINING are what are going to get you results.

If you want gains, then you need to eat enough for them, and no supplement is going to help you gain muscle if you're not eating for it, period! NUTRITION and TRAINING are the two factors that you need to focus on. FOOD, FOOD, and MORE FOOD is going to be IMPORTANT - if you want muscle gains, you needs to EAT for it - otherwise you're just wasting your time. You need to eat to make gains, period!

You also need to look at your training and have an appropriate training programme for gaining mass. Check out the article How To Maximze Mass Through Weights and Adaptation for comprehensive information on how you should be training and how to set up a mass building training programme.

My other recommendation to you would be to get a trainer who know what they're doing - if you haven't already (and if you have, then they should have given you information on nutrition, supplements, and training already, and if you have to ask elsewhere, then they are not the trainer for you) - and have them design you an individualized nutrition plan and training programme specific to YOU for your goals and needs.

Rosie you are %1000 correct again , a lot of guys (newbies) excluding OP, think that they can supplement their way into muscle growth or bf reduction, they think that taking a ph or what have you, and pow instant results. what going on with these young bucks


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ok thanks guys...i think my biggest problem is my impatience but ima have to get over that
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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ok thanks guys...i think my biggest problem is my impatience but ima have to get over that
No worries :)

Definitely put that aside - it won't help you in the long-term. Everyone starts from somewhere, and results do not happen overnight - nor do they happen from hammering your body into submission day in and day out, so make sure that you give yourself enough RECOVERY time (as that's when progress is made)!

Remember, nothing worth doing is ever easy, and if it was, everyone would be doing it. Set realistic goals, and then set smaller steps to those goals. Hold yourself accountable to someone. Have a knowledgeable individual teach you the correct form for the training programme you follow. Work at it, be consistent, and you'll see progress.



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eat and listen to rosie!!!! carbs are huge for me when i bulk. try neovar if u arent on a creatine. oatmeal and pasta are great sources for carbs

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