Best supplements to help improve endurance?


Just looking for suggestions into supplements that aid endurance efforts. Need to start long distance training and have found success in the past with red spinach extract for NO boost, and of course EC stack. But have heard things like Follidrone is good for endurance. So looking for suggestions that improve VO2, or energy production, nitric oxide. Have heard good things about Betaine lately too.
Just looking for suggestions into supplements that aid endurance efforts. Need to start long distance training and have found success in the past with red spinach extract for NO boost, and of course EC stack. But have heard things like Follidrone is good for endurance. So looking for suggestions that improve VO2, or energy production, nitric oxide. Have heard good things about Betaine lately too.

Triton, by Apex-Alchemy helps me, and a lot of others.
Betaine + peak02 worked great for me .. can play basketball for hrs like i was in 20s
Betaine + peak02 worked great for me .. can play basketball for hrs like i was in 20s

yeah peak worked for me in the past for basketball

the last 2 leagues i played in, the pre i had included peak and betaine but didn't notice a big difference...maybe i was just out of shape
yeah peak worked for me in the past for basketball

the last 2 leagues i played in the pre had it with betaine but didn't notice a big difference...maybe i was just out of shape

it might have been more peak02 for me .. but i do remember i was taking bulk sns beatine too

but if i had to just pick one .. def peak02 .. magical mushrooms
it might have been more peak02 for me .. but i do remember i was taking bulk sns beatine too

but if i had to just pick one .. def peak02 .. magical mushrooms

i was wondering that, last time was bulk peak02...this time it was included in a pre, so maybe the dosages were different
i was wondering that, last time was bulk peak02...this time it was included in a pre, so maybe the dosages were different

yeah could be .. i def can feel 1,000-1,500 vs 2,000mg difference

i see 2 people above mention cardarine .. ive always said peak02 is the closest natural stuff to cardarine imo
yeah could be .. i def can feel 1,000-1,500 vs 2,000mg difference

i see 2 people above mention cardarine .. ive always said peak02 is the closest natural stuff to cardarine imo
Yeah I have tried Cardarine in the past and tbh didn't experience results any more effective than natural stuff even stacked with SR 9009. Also trying to stay away from sarms.
I've checked out a lot of their products seems like you have to order multiple bottles just to get a month's worth of any of their products.

Did you notice that Apex offers more BOGO Free sales than any other company I've Ever seen?

I'm a Representative and Avid user of Apex products. Always feel free to send me messages with any questions or concerns.
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DPS still the best spot to get bulk sns betaine and peak 02?

Yeah you cant get better then those deals.

peak02 $24 for 2 months supply at full 2G/dose capped

SNS bulk Betaine = $15 for 100G

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posted on page6-post#278
yeah could be .. i def can feel 1,000-1,500 vs 2,000mg difference

i see 2 people above mention cardarine .. ive always said peak02 is the closest natural stuff to cardarine imo

I was going to grab some SNS peak 02 but I see it's sold out. Want to compare it to Cardarine before my basketball & football games. I used cardarine alot for this and it works amazing so would be great if Peak was even close.
I was going to grab some SNS peak 02 but I see it's sold out. Want to compare it to Cardarine before my basketball & football games. I used cardarine alot for this and it works amazing so would be great if Peak was even close.

It’s in stock check post #15 here
As has been said really, Peak O2 is great.

Also find daily Beta Alanine and Beetroot Juice good.

Also used a carb formula called Carbonox a fair bit when I was training for endurance, seemed to help sustain me.
Just looking for suggestions into supplements that aid endurance efforts. Need to start long distance training and have found success in the past with red spinach extract for NO boost, and of course EC stack. But have heard things like Follidrone is good for endurance. So looking for suggestions that improve VO2, or energy production, nitric oxide. Have heard good things about Betaine lately too.
Peak o2 and Nitrates.

I prefer amino acid bound nitrates so I can make sure I am getting an adequate dose, lots of the beet root products are either expensive, mis-dosed, or don't really list the dosages in a way to show much actual nitrate you are getting.
I've checked out a lot of their products seems like you have to order multiple bottles just to get a month's worth of any of their products.

Hmmmm...........1ml preworkout of Triton will last you a month with their "small" 30ml bottle. For $30. Ursa (most run at 2ml because it works so well)- 60ml bottle last 30 days........... Hyperion - most run at 1 ml/day.... 1 bottle last 30 days. Ursa and Flashpoint are the only ones I see that most use a 60ml bottle in a month so those are a little more expensive but not when using the BOGO offers that they have for almost every dang holiday. Helios is more than fine at 1 ml/day as is AET-50. Not sure where you think multiple bottles are needed unless you are an Ursa/Flashpoint junkie like me!!!
Apex Triton and ND Cordyceps 10% extract and throw some BLR Follidrone or Epi Plex in there. Best endurance/stamina stack out right now IMO.
Yeah I have tried Cardarine in the past and tbh didn't experience results any more effective than natural stuff even stacked with SR 9009. Also trying to stay away from sarms.
well you should be good to try it then cardarine is NOT a sarm...
Quick question for cardarine users: do you notice an acute/immediate benefit after 1 dose? Or is it something that needs multiple doses over several days/weeks to saturate before reaching peak efficacy?

I personally love peakO2, but I have to use it consistently for at least a weak before it really starts to shine.
Quick question for cardarine users: do you notice an acute/immediate benefit after 1 dose? Or is it something that needs multiple doses over several days/weeks to saturate before reaching peak efficacy?

I personally love peakO2, but I have to use it consistently for at least a weak before it really starts to shine.

A few days for
Me to feel it
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Quick question for cardarine users: do you notice an acute/immediate benefit after 1 dose? Or is it something that needs multiple doses over several days/weeks to saturate before reaching peak efficacy?

I personally love peakO2, but I have to use it consistently for at least a weak before it really starts to shine.
Straight away within one hour