BeBig's Unveiling Of Methyl Masterdrol V3!!!!!! MMv3!!!!!!!(SPONSORED)



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DAY #6

Weight: 175.2 +.4lbs :dunno: I don't know what's going on here I have been eating like a horse but I think the MMv3 is Leaning me out and getting rid of fat and I'm bulking LBM which is Wonderful...

Training: Bi's and Back today WooooHHHhooooo Don't have much to compare to as this is my first time working these parts on MMv3...

21's BB Curls: 50x1/55x1/55x1>>>>This was actually 63 reps all together Wheeewwwww!!!! Intense my bi's wanted to pop outta my skin, LOVED that Feeling... All my weights are still in lbs... Sorry to all my homies that use kg's.....LOL:18: :bb:

Reverse Curls: 70x10/80x8/90x6/90x5>>>Hell Yeah Serious pumps going on here... :bb3:

Incline DB Curls: 25x9/25x6/25x7/25x7>>>>Pumps were big in my bi's made these pretty difficult...

Lat Pulldown: 140x10/155x8/170x6/170x4>>>>Workin on the V back yeah!!!!

Rear Delt Flys: 65x10/80x8/95x6/110x4>>>> :bb3:

Super Pullover: 150x10/160x10/170x8/180x6>>>Felt like I could have done alot more....

All of my training is lbs. first then obviously reps....

Vascularity: Definitely had veins poppin out in my bi's and my forearms veins are getting better every workout...

Strength: Felt good but those 21's kicked my butt LOL...

Endurance: Felt Great got a little burnt out by the time I got to DB Curls but then again the pumps were amazing...

Mood/Aggression: Was in a good mood, aggression was there...

Libido: Good To Go No Change...LOL...:18:


Overall Sense of Feeling: Felt in the zone. Mind and body and muscles seemed to be more together.

Notes: I noticed today that I felt the pumps right off the bat as soon as I started that first set of 21's my arms just blew up, FRICKIN AWESOME... It felt great...


Again different then most on the forums. Remember I work at night so my day starts at about 12 PM.

100 pm: Honey bunches of Oats and FIRST DOSE OF MMV3...

300 pm: Quaker Oats, 2 scoops of protein with water...

500 pm: 2 scoops BC/EAA's, 1 Lg. Apple...

700 pm: 1 scoop protein shake, SouthWest Chicken Strips, 1 PBJ, and SECOND DOSE OF MMV3...

900 pm: 1 Can of Tuna, 2 slices of wheat bread 2 scoops BC/EAA's...

1100 pm: Pre/WO 1 scoop protein shake, 1 PBJ sandwich, 1 Can of Tuna, 2 slices of wheat bread, 1 cup broccoli THIRD DOSE OF MMV3...

230 am: PWO I had a Muscle Milk Shake, and 1 cup of brown rice, and 2 scoops BC/EAA's mmmmgooodddd..... Thats it for day 6...

So my total for macros were: 4007 cals 264 pro 524 carbs 95 fats>>>AGAIN this was alot of EATING....

Alright everyone this is turning out to be a great run for me, I am very excited to see how this would work on a 30 day cycle or a 4 week cycle. Thats it hope you enjoy reading and this wraps up DAY 6 of the UNVEILING OF LG MMV3 from the LATE NIGHT CREW CHEERS, BEBIG.....


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Alright everyone here is a six day mini review of MMV3...

First of all again props go out to the LG crew for giving me this opportunity. I have noticed in six days that MMv3 is for real I have had some really good gains on my chest and tri days...I feel that the MMv3 is also flowing fully in my veins...My mind, my body, and my muscles are definitely in sync and this has to be due to MMv3, I've NEVER been as focused an intense and aggressive as I have these past few days in the gym...Maybe it's because this is my first PH cycle well if this works this well this definitely won't be my last cycle...

Maybe you all can recall my goals, one was to get over that wall that was in my way I feel that the MMv3 has definitely helped me achieve that goal...Another goal was to gain some serious LBM I was hoping 10 lbs...but lets be honest I have been eating seriously like a horse and as of today am up only .4 now what's going on?? I don't know maybe it's leaning me out and getting rid of excess body fat, I definitely won't complain.. Also to get 10 lbs of LBM on a 10 day cycle I believe would be pretty hard, you all can see how much I'm eating an my diet has been pretty darn clean...

If anyone reading this is thinking of running a cycle of MMv3 when it hits the stores I say GO FOR IT!!!! Just don't run a PH cycle if you are to young I would say no one under 21 should run any kind of PH cycle... One really cool thing about the MMv3 is that it is sublingual so you dose it under your tongue, and this is for better absorption and you definitely know its working right away because you can feel it...Again I'm glad everyone is in my log and adding comments good or bad, hopefully I'm doing justice for this product...AGAIN MMV3 IS FOR REAL... I would highly recommend this product to someone wanting to do a mild but effective PH cycle...


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  • RockStar
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Thanks for the review man! glad its working out great for you..


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Alright everyone here is a six day mini review of MMV3...

First of all again props go out to the LG crew for giving me this opportunity. I have noticed in six days that MMv3 is for real I have had some really good gains on my chest and tri days...I feel that the MMv3 is also flowing fully in my veins...My mind, my body, and my muscles are definitely in sync and this has to be due to MMv3, I've NEVER been as focused an intense and aggressive as I have these past few days in the gym...Maybe it's because this is my first PH cycle well if this works this well this definitely won't be my last cycle...

Maybe you all can recall my goals, one was to get over that wall that was in my way I feel that the MMv3 has definitely helped me achieve that goal...Another goal was to gain some serious LBM I was hoping 10 lbs...but lets be honest I have been eating seriously like a horse and as of today am up only .4 now what's going on?? I don't know maybe it's leaning me out and getting rid of excess body fat, I definitely won't complain.. Also to get 10 lbs of LBM on a 10 day cycle I believe would be pretty hard, you all can see how much I'm eating an my diet has been pretty darn clean...

If anyone reading this is thinking of running a cycle of MMv3 when it hits the stores I say GO FOR IT!!!! Just don't run a PH cycle if you are to young I would say no one under 21 should run any kind of PH cycle... One really cool thing about the MMv3 is that it is sublingual so you dose it under your tongue, and this is for better absorption and you definitely know its working right away because you can feel it...Again I'm glad everyone is in my log and adding comments good or bad, hopefully I'm doing justice for this product...AGAIN MMV3 IS FOR REAL... I would highly recommend this product to someone wanting to do a mild but effective PH cycle...

nice review brosef..definatly excited to try this stuff
natty texan

natty texan

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maybe in 6 or 7 years when my bodies hormones aren't raging anymore...
LG Sciences

LG Sciences

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Good review, but we were hoping to make this a little more of a bulking agent, since the MMv2 is a great strength/cutting agent.

Good news is that hopefully the finished version would be done soon enough to get you guys a full bottle for a 30 day cycle.


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Good review, but we were hoping to make this a little more of a bulking agent, since the MMv2 is a great strength/cutting agent.

Good news is that hopefully the finished version would be done soon enough to get you guys a full bottle for a 30 day cycle.
I hear you I have been trying to eat as much as I can to get that bulk...Sounds good if it gets out an we can get a thirty day cycle...NICE...:18:


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Thanks for the review man! glad its working out great for you..
Nice avatar mate! I'm jealous!

Good review, but we were hoping to make this a little more of a bulking agent, since the MMv2 is a great strength/cutting agent.

Good news is that hopefully the finished version would be done soon enough to get you guys a full bottle for a 30 day cycle.
ah nice Eric!

I hear you I have been trying to eat as much as I can to get that bulk...Sounds good if it gets out an we can get a thirty day cycle...NICE...:18:
Yeah would be awesome to see you after 4 weeks of this stuff ;) See how much LBM can be packed on.


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Sure would Craig I think if I did this for a 4 week run you would probably see some bulk gains...:18:


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BB, I am with you on the sides although this has been a short run. It is nice to know I don't have to mega-dose milk thisle, hawthorne berry, chasteberry and all the other stuff I took on my past runs. I am also hoping for no back pumps, lethargy, high blood pressure and some of the other common sides that are not as prevalant with LG's products.


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BB, I am with you on the sides although this has been a short run. It is nice to know I don't have to mega-dose milk thisle, hawthorne berry, chasteberry and all the other stuff I took on my past runs. I am also hoping for no back pumps, lethargy, high blood pressure and some of the other common sides that are not as prevalant with LG's products.
Ya man haven't noticed any sides no lethargy, back pumps, elevated blood pressure etc... I haven't put in my updates but I take fish oil bout three to five times a day just depends and I take milk thistle 3 times a day. I incorporated milk thistle on Sunday not for any specific purposes as of yet just for extra caution since this is my first PH cycle...I'm trying to gain weight and haven't gained to much yet I'm up alittle for today which I will post on my day 7 but it's cutting me, probably gettin rid of any excess fat...But even though I don't have a lot of weight gain the strength gains are evident...The MMV3 definitely has positive effects on my body, mind and muscles so far...


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Weight: 175.8lbs +1lb.

Training: Shoulders, traps, TRAPS ARE SORE AS FUKK, abs and some cardio in the form of playing basketball for probably easy 30-45 mins.

Arnold Press: 40x10 +5lbs./45x8 +5lbs./50x6 +5lbs./60x4 +10lbs. sets all in LBS...LOL:18: :bb:

Military Press: 120x9 +5lbs. but -1 Rep was tired from Arny's/130x8 +5lbs. got my wind back.../135x6 same as last time/145x4 same but got those final to reps easily...Got my full 4 reps...Hell yeah....

Upright Rows: 75x10 same/85x8 same/95x6 same/100x2 -2 reps but was working on better ROM...>>>These all felt good...

BB Shrugs: 155x15 +5 Reps/165x20 same/175x12 -5 reps but working on better ROM and really squeezing an holding at the top...

DB Shrugs: 60x20 same/70x15 same/70x15 +3 Reps

Oblique Crunches: 45x10/45x10/45x10....>>>all same again...:bb3:

All of my training is lbs first then obviously reps....

Vascularity: Definitely poppin my main vein going through my forearm looks like a BIG AZZ SNAKE also more veins poppin around the wrist area and the main one in the bi's is poppin too LOOKS FRICKIN AWESOME...

Strength: Felt DAMN good TONIGHT, it is definitely there for using...

Endurance: Was not there after the Arnold presses, I pushed hard on that 60 set so Mil press was weak on first set then got that second MAD AZZ wind and kicked arss on the rest of the workout...

Mood/Aggression: My mood and aggression on MMv3 has been amazing everything is just clicking...I find the aggression very easy to control and let it out when I need it...

Libido: Normal nothing to crazy that can't be handled...LOL...

Sides: Still none, not lethargic, not tired, I actually feel more energized and focused after dosing...:bandit:

Overall Sense of Feeling: Felt in the zone and definitely helped with the arnolds and mil press and actually my whole workout...

Notes: Like I said in my review, I believe the MMv3 has everything in my body in sync, feel great, mood is great, aggression is there but controllable and I can point it towards lifting...


I work at night so my day starts at about 12 PM.

130 pm: 1st DOSE OF MMV3, 1 PBJ...

330 pm: Quaker Oats, 2 scoops protein shake...

545 pm: 2 scoops of BC/EAA's, 1 PBJ...

800 pm: 1 mesquite grilled chicken breast on 2 slices of whole wheat bread, 1 slice cheese, 1 granola bar, 1 scoop protein shake, 2nd DOSE OF MMV3...

1030 pm: 1 can tuna on 2 slices of wheat bread, 1 bag of Southwest Chicken Fajita Strips, 2 scoops of BC/EAA's...

1145 pm: PreWO 3rd DOSE OF MMV3, 1 can of tuna on 2 slices of wheat bread, 1 cup of Broccoli, 1 scoop protein shake...

245 am: PWO I had a Muscle Milk Shake, and 1 bowl of Honey bunches of Oats, and 2 scoops of BC/EAA's mmmmgooodddd..... Thats all Folks...

So my total for macros were: 3862 cals 291 pro 454 carbs 98 fats....

Let me know how this looks to you all...

Alright everyone the log is officially a week old and the Unveiling of the MMv3 is doing JUSTICE for me... That's it hope you enjoy reading and this wraps up DAY 7 of the UNVEILING OF LG MMV3 from the LATE NIGHT CREW CHEERS, BEBIG.....


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Now do 100 pushups :p
Hahahahahha I would frickin die bro traps are shot back is a little sore from last nite and chest is a little sore, i would fall flat on my face...hahahaaaha:laugh: :scared:


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nice work man. sorry i got here late.


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DAY #8 Almost Out of MMV3...:rant: :ugh1: :aargh4: :tragedy: :grouphug:hahaahahhhaha...LOL

Weight: 176.8lbs +2lbs. WooHOO

Training: LEGS>>>:ugh1: and some cardio in the form of playing basketball for probably easy 30-45 mins.

HS Linear Leg Press: 275x10/300x10/350x10 all in LBS....LOL:18:

HS V-Squat: 245x10/245x10/245x10

Leg Extension: 155x10/170x8/185x6>>>These all felt good...

Seated Leg Curl: 120x10/130x8/140x6>>>These Felt good also...

All of my training is lbs first then obviously reps....

Vascularity: Veins are definitely more prominent throughout my whole body...

Strength: Felt good, just hate working legs...:dl:

Endurance: Was definitely there just kept saying to myself to keep going...

Mood/Aggression: Excellent mood, and was in the don't quit aggression mode...

Libido: Good to go...LOL...

Sides: None yet still good to go...:laugh:

Overall Sense of Feeling: Felt like I was kinda in a zone. But then again this could just be a placebo thing...

Notes: I had some seriously wacked out dreams last night don't know if it was from being overtired or MMv3 or what but had some pretty freaky nightmares going on...:dunno:


I work at night so my day starts at about 12 PM.

130 pm: Quaker oats, and FIRST DOSE OF MMV3...

330 pm: 2 scoops of protein, 1 PBJ...

530 pm: 2 scoops of BC/EAA's, 1 can tuna on 2 slices of wheat bread...

745 pm: SECOND DOSE OF MMV3, 1 scoop protein, 1 PBJ, 1 Hot ham and cheese, 1 Granola bar...

930 pm: 2 scoops of BC/EAA's, 1 Angus Cheese Burger...

1145 pm: PreW/O, THIRD DOSE OF MMV3, 1 Mesquite Grill Chicken Breast, 1 scoop protein, 1 slice of cheese, 1 large apple...

230 am: PW/O I had a Muscle Milk Shake, and Quaker Oats Oatmeal, 2 scoops of BC/EAA's... Thats all for this day...

So my total for macros were: 4004 cals 255 pro 467 carbs 124 fats....

Alright everyone I'm glad you are all here and appreciate any advice or comments good or bad that you may have for me...That's it hope you enjoy reading and this wraps up DAY 8 of the UNVEILING OF LG MMV3 from the LATE NIGHT CREW CHEERS, BEBIG.....


  • Legend!
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Lets see some pics bud!


  • Legend!
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Only Axel could get away with an over-sized UK jacket, bike shorts and boots.


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Lets see some pics bud!
Will do man gonna prob get em loaded up this weekend hopefully...
Only Axel could get away with an over-sized UK jacket, bike shorts and boots.
Ya for real LOL... they were an awesome band to Bad Axel's ego got in the way Chinese democracy will never be close to the original GnR, C D is good but def not old skool Gnr.....:rant:
natty texan

natty texan

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who's guns n roses?

are they like...a rock band


okay no negative reps on that just given you hell.
natty texan

natty texan

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hahhaahhhaah you make me feel old LOL......:laugh:

don't feel old.

i'm just young. ;)

when it comes down to it thiough, you're just better aged.

like a fine wine

who can dead lift.



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Look forward to the updated pictures man :)
As am I!! 2 lbs in 8 days but great strength gains sounds pretty good. Great log bb, very informative, keep this up and sponsors will be knockin down your door to run new sh!t.


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Sorry everyone don't know what happened to Fridays update but good thing I saved it in my docs I'll put it up...:dunno:


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DAY #9 UNFORTUNATELY THIS ENDS MY 10 DAY RUN OF MMV3 the weekend is upon us again and thats it I'm out of MMv3...To Bad it has to end already...

Weight: 177 lbs. +2.2lbs in 9 days... The gains are getting there I could definitely see this bulking real well on a 30 day cycle...

Training: Chest and Tri's that's all today just didn't feel it today, I'm blaming it on the weather...We went from 70+ degrees yesterday to like NO SH!T 30 degrees today and some sleeting and snow flakes...WTF!!!

Flat Bench: 115x10 warmup/140x8/155x8/175x6/205x2 +5lbs from Monday but only 2 reps, like I said I just didn't feel it today...I'm sure I could have done 200 for 5 like I did on Monday but was trying to go up...Sets all in LBS...LOL:18:

Decline Bench: 145x8/160x8/175x6/205x4 +5lbs. from my Monday Day 5 workout >>>KICK AZZ I love decline benching..... :bb3:

Incline Bench: 135x8/140x8/160x6/170x5 All the same as my Day 5 workout This is definitely my weak spot...:18:

Pec Dec: 140x10/150x7/160x5 all the same as Day 5...

Close Grip Cable Pushdown: 100x10/110x8/125x6/155x5 SWEET>>>Love workin Tri's all same as Day 5... :bb:

Overhead Rope Extensions: 90x10/100x8/110x6/125x4>>>Definitely can do more Reps all the same as Day 5...

Cable KickBacks w/Reverse Grip Palm Up: 30x10/40x10/50x8/60x4>>>Hell yeah felt good as usual also the same as Day 5...

All of my training is lbs first then obviously reps....

Vascularity: Veins in my arms are poppin...

Strength: Didn't really feel much tonight but was OK...

Endurance: Good not as good as I wanted...

Mood/Aggression: Was in a good mood, aggression was there but again I'm blaming not having a lot on the weather...

Libido: Good to go works LOL... :18:

Sides: None as of yet felt great just get stuffed from eating so much...:laugh:

Overall Sense of Feeling: Felt outta the zone tonight again blaming the weather LOL...

Notes: It was a good workout NOT GREAT but like I've already said a few times I think the weather had a lot to do with it...We were 70+ degrees yesterday and today we were down in the 30's and it was raining, sleeting, and snowing a little FUKKKIIIINNNN TEXASS!!! WTF????


I work at night so my day starts at about 12 PM.

1230 pm: 1st dose of MMv3...

200 pm: Arbys Roast Beef N Cheddar with Curly Fries and a small Dr. Pepper that my son drank the most out of I HONESTLY had like a couple sips...

400 pm: 2 scoops Protein, Quaker Oats...

600 pm: 2 scoops BC/EAA's 1 can tuna on 2 slices of wheat bread...

800 pm: 2nd dose of MMv3, 1 scoop Protein, 1 PBJ, 1 Hot Ham n Cheese, 1 Granola Bar...

1000 pm: 2 scoops BC/EAA's, 1 Angus Burger...

1145 pm: Pre W/O 3rd dose of MMv3, 1 scoop Protein, 1 PBJ

230 am: PWO I had a Muscle Milk Shake, and 1 cup Brown Rice, and 2 scoops of BC/EAA's mmmmgooodddd..... Thats it for day 5...

So my total for macros were: 4480 cals 238 pro 547 carbs 154 fats>>>WOW this was alot of EATING AGAIN...I feel as big as this>>>> :donut:

Let me know what you thought of this good but short run...

Alright everyone I'm glad you were all here and appreciated your support and comments good or bad that you may have had for me since this is my first official log. I learned alot. I had a decent workout today I believe the MMv3 is completely flowing in my veins now. That's it hope you enjoy reading and this wraps up DAY 9 of the UNVEILING OF LG MMV3 from the LATE NIGHT CREW CHEERS, BEBIG...It is ending to soon...

Alright this ends my run of MMv3 for LG Sciences Props goes out to them...I will post after pics soon LG33 and I took them tonight at the gym...I will also write a review in the next few days of the Little run I had with the MMv3...It's the weekend so gotta hang with the family...


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We got pics that I'll put up Monday. Trying to hang with the family...Just went to the show, Monsters Vs. Aliens in 3d it was pretty dang good....:laugh:

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