AZOTH 2.0: The Ultimate Nootropic Stack is AVAILABLE.


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"AZOTH, a fully loaded nootropic supplement that increases motivation, focus, memory recall, and mental prowess like you’ve probably never experienced before...AZOTH is one of the most unique nootropic products we’ve seen."


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AZOTH is mg by mg one of the strongest legal Nootropic ever produced and is specifically formulated to increase the body's ability to fight against anxiety and stress whilst ruthlessly increasing motivation, focus, and confidence to unparalleled levels. AZOTH is the only nootropic to be infused with adaptogens and amino acids to combat the common negative side effects of stimulant use such as adrenal fatigue, withdrawals, jitters or tolerance buildup. AZOTH 2.0 is every peak-performer's best friend - giving people the kick without the side-effects.


- Crush Anxiety and Depression
- Increase memory recall, mood, cognitive output, and motivation
- Reduce tolerance buildup to stimulants
- No jitters, withdrawals, fatigue, headaches
- Smooth, all day energy. No "Comedown."
- Ward off Adrenal Fatigue
- Will never need to use more in order to get the "same effect"
- Can be used in conjunction with a pre-workout/coffee to prolong the effect
- Made in the USA in a FDA Registered, cGMP Compliant Lab.

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Let's cut to the chase - most Nootropics on the market are severely underdosed and are just a blend of caffeine and other cheap chinese herbs that, frankly, do nothing. The ingredients in AZOTH are 10-50x higher than found in brands such as Alpha Brain, NeuroPeak, and other "best-sellers" on Amazon. When you buy a bottle of AZOTH your money is going into the ingredients and not into fancy marketing campaigns. When people try AZOTH they often tell us it's unlike anything they've taken before. That's because AZOTH is a REAL nootropic, and not just a caffeine pill. As a matter of fact, there is no caffeine in our product. If you have any doubts, just check our ingredient label and compare it to the ingredient label of those million dollar "nootropic" companies that promise to change your brain with 10 mg of junk.

The problem with caffeinated drinks is that they only address short-term energy but don't help in overall productivity. As a matter of fact, for many people, after its effects wear off in around 2 hours, caffeine causes headaches, withdrawals, intense jitters, and poor sleeping patterns making consumers MORE UNPRODUCTIVE in the long run.
That's because caffeine actually DEPLETES the body from serotonin! What's the point in being energetic for 30 minutes but then crashing the rest of the day?! It's jut not worth it!

AZOTH was created with PEAK-PRODUCTIVITY in mind, and as such is designed to balance dopamine and serotonin production and provide not only an increase in mood, focus, and confidence, but LONG-LASTING energy that does NOT result in ANY type of crash. That way you can keep going ALL DAY!


AZÖTH is manufactured from start to finish in a cGMP, FDA compliant facility in The United States. This includes R&D, Design, Labeling, Sourcing, Manufacturing and any and ALL labor involved in the production of the product. 0% has been outsourced outside the USA.

AZOTH is 100% a product company. This means that we spend almost our entire budget on product development, R&D, and product design and education. Chances are you are not going to see Instagram Models, #FitChicks, or #AbWarriors promoting us. What we don't spend on marketing, we spend on stellar products. AZOTH 2.0 is one of the most powerful and complete Nootropics ever produced and we're proud of that.

To the cost - AZOTH is expensive because:
  • 100% Made in the USA ( From start to finish - yes even our labels are printed here #'MERICA!!)
  • Our product are the highest specifications possible - no 5% specs or .5% specs. You get what's on the label
  • We don't hide behind prop blends. Every ingredient is dosed properly.
  • This Sh*T works.

" When you're using AZOTH - you're more productive. Period. You're not buying a supplement, you're buying time - the most valuable asset known to man for about $1.16 a day. That's a pretty good deal."

- Prady Tewarie, CEO AZOTH


Phosphatidylserine- 500MG

Phosphatidylserine is a type of fat found in every cell of the human body, but most concentrated in brain tissue. It enables the brain to use glucose (blood sugar) more efficiently. Glucose is brain fuel, and when the brain has better access to fuel, it thinks better.

In addition to glucose mediation, phosphatidylserine orchestrates balanced cortisol levels. The adrenal glands produce cortisol in a circadian rhythm: this hormone should peak in the morning and then gradually decrease until evening.

When our cortisol levels fall out of this pattern, the body loses equilibrium. Chronic stress levels cause the adrenal glands to pump out mega-doses of cortisol, which then desensitize two parts of the brain called the hypothalamus and the hippocampus. These act as the shut-off valves for cortisol. When they become desensitized, cortisol levels go haywire.

This illustrates the cycle of hormone resistance: excessive production of a certain hormone causes cells to become overwhelmed, and the cells down-regulate their response to that hormone. Now, the body produces even more of this hormone, because it is not getting into cells. Phosphatidylserine rebalances high cortisol not by blocking the production, but by re-sensitizing the hypothalamus and hippocampus to this hormone. (Source:

Sulbutiamine- 400MG

Taking Sulbutiamine is thought to affect the neurotransmitter Dopamine which is involved in our sensation of pleasure, our rewards learning system, and executive function which determines what we focus on. This supplement helps to increase the levels of this powerful brain chemical along with Dopamine receptor density in the prefrontal cortex area of the brain.

There have been a number of studies looking at Sulbutiamine effects on intelligence and related concepts. It has been shown to help improve memory, learning capacity, decision-making, synaptic plasticity, problem solving, and planning skills. Much of this benefit may be derived from the fact that Sulbutiamine modulates the neurotransmitter glutamate, causing what is known as a potentiation of activity.

Another reported Sulbutiamine benefit is more efficient communication between neurons within the brain. One consequence of this is that all of the transmissions in your brain that make up your thoughts and perceptions might seem like they are more fluid and faster.

For example, some users will also see an improvement in their reflexes, attention, and mental alertness. Many reviews also state that this supplement leads to higher energy levels and greater motivation and drive.


For memory formation and learning, one of the most important brain chemicals is called acetylcholine. This neurotransmitter is derived from a precursor called choline and alpha GPC is among the top sources of this essential nutrient.
By providing the brain with more raw choline, it can convert that into acetylcholine and this contributes to a host of downstream effects.
Namely, it improves signal transmission within the brain and causes the brain to rapidly form more connections and increases the speed at which the brain can process new and existing information.

Hordenine HCL- 50MG
Hordenine Hydrochloride, a bioavailable chemical which is able to cross the blood brain barrier, acts as an MAO (monoamine oxidase) inhibitor once inside the body.

MAOs are enzymes within cells which use oxygen to destroy monomamines – amino acids and hormones which play a huge role in the workings of our central nervous systems and neurological function.

Excessive levels of MAO can cause imbalance in these hormones, leading to mood and energy problems, as well as nervous system disorders like ADHD. Hordenine controls and blocks MAOs, allowing hormone levels to remain at strong levels.

The main hormone which Hordeline acts upon is Dopamine, the neurochemical which promotes feelings of natural energy, pleasure, and mental sharpness. Hordeline makes sure that Dopamine remains available in the brain.

Teacrine®- 100MG
T​eaCrine® is a patent-pending compound containing pure theacrine which has molecular similarities to caffeine. However, unlike caffeine, TeaCrine® provides energy boosting effects without the jitters, the crash and the habituation that often accompany caffeine consumption.
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Use 2-3 Capsules a day with a fatty meal. Never exceed 3 capsules in a day. USE AB10 for 10% Discount! Checkout at

QUESTIONS? SEND A PM OR RESPOND BELOW! If you are interested in becoming a PAID REP, please send a PM.

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It's an interesting formula, and Theacrine is a great ingredient (one that I use regularly), but that last list comparing caffeine and theacrine is beyond misleading. Are you really going to say that a "notable crash" occurs after 2 hours of caffeine use? I can show you multiple studies showing otherwise (much longer duration of effects). You have a pretty good product, I don't think you need to present misleading/incorrect information about an ingredient you don't use (caffeine) though. Can someone crash two hours after taking caffeine? It's possible, as people can have drastically different responses to ingredients, but to state it like it's a fact, or even commonly (most often) demonstrated in research is just incorrect.
I can speak from experience of Azoth and I have been encouraged by the effects it has had on me so far. I was able to get the product shipped to the UK last week.

I am an active BJJ fighter and train in strength work approximately 6x a week. Further to that I work a shirt rotation system of Early, Late, Night and sometimes do struggle for regular sleep (which obviously hampers training). I am not suggesting Nootropics replace sleep and never will however Noots have always interested me and I research them regularly. I also follow a 70% Fat, 20% Protein, 10% Carb Keto diet and weigh 87kg.

I stumbled across Azoth during one of my searches and liked the look of the ingredients. I have used it once so far, not for training, simply for researching, reading and everyday life in order that I could judge it's effects without distraction. I experienced a steady mind, clean fresh energy for most of the day. I had the dose with a fat loaded Keto meal at midday. I had no trouble sleeping that evening which was pleasing.

I will use Azoth for my next training session and report back.
It's an interesting formula, and Theacrine is a great ingredient (one that I use regularly), but that last list comparing caffeine and theacrine is beyond misleading. Are you really going to say that a "notable crash" occurs after 2 hours of caffeine use? I can show you multiple studies showing otherwise (much longer duration of effects). You have a pretty good product, I don't think you need to present misleading/incorrect information about an ingredient you don't use (caffeine) though. Can someone crash two hours after taking caffeine? It's possible, as people can have drastically different responses to ingredients, but to state it like it's a fact, or even commonly (most often) demonstrated in research is just incorrect.

Your feedback is appreciated brother. This was not an attempt to make a misleading or false claim; there is indeed data pointing to caffeine crashes being a real concern for many individuals. Does this mean this is always the case, for everyone at the exact 2-hour mark? Absolutely not. That was not the intention of this graphic and I believe everyone visiting AB is well aware that how people respond to supplements depends on the individual. At the end of the day, all the studies in the world aren't worth anything if it does not work for you. I respect your opinion though, and I have gone ahead and added an asterisk, just in case.

The studies we have thus far point to TeaCrine being a viable alternative for those who are willing to try something that gives them the pick-me-up caffeine provides without some of the side-effects. Again, no one is saying this is like that for everyone; some people respond great to caffeine; but in case you don't, this might be something worth trying out especially for the countless of scientific studies backing it up. That's all.

The times of misleading consumers, hiding behind prop blends and labels are over. Before being an owner of AZOTH, I am a consumer just like everyone else and live and breathe fitness, and we're too smart to fall for gimmicky supplement claims. I wasted too much hard-earned money in my teens buying into bunk supps and I have 0 tolerance for that ****. Companies that are still doing that are short-lived are going to sink.

If you want I'm more than happy to send you a full bottle, on the house. Just send me a PM.
Your feedback is appreciated brother. This was not an attempt to make a misleading or false claim; there is indeed data pointing to caffeine crashes being a real concern for many individuals. Does this mean this is always the case, for everyone at the exact 2-hour mark? Absolutely not. That was not the intention of this graphic and I believe everyone visiting AB is well aware that how people respond to supplements depends on the individual. At the end of the day, all the studies in the world aren't worth anything if it does not work for you. I respect your opinion though, and I have gone ahead and added an asterisk, just in case.

The studies we have thus far point to TeaCrine being a viable alternative for those who are willing to try something that gives them the pick-me-up caffeine provides without some of the side-effects. Again, no one is saying this is like that for everyone; some people respond great to caffeine; but in case you don't, this might be something worth trying out especially for the countless of scientific studies backing it up. That's all.

The times of misleading consumers, hiding behind prop blends and labels are over. Before being an owner of AZOTH, I am a consumer just like everyone else and live and breathe fitness, and we're too smart to fall for gimmicky supplement claims. I wasted too much hard-earned money in my teens buying into bunk supps and I have 0 tolerance for that ****. Companies that are still doing that are short-lived are going to sink.

If you want I'm more than happy to send you a full bottle, on the house. Just send me a PM.

You're far to kind. I for one never read anything in your release that could be construed as misleading. I personally have crashed after 2 hours with only caffeine.
Your feedback is appreciated brother. This was not an attempt to make a misleading or false claim; there is indeed data pointing to caffeine crashes being a real concern for many individuals. Does this mean this is always the case, for everyone at the exact 2-hour mark? Absolutely not. That was not the intention of this graphic and I believe everyone visiting AB is well aware that how people respond to supplements depends on the individual. At the end of the day, all the studies in the world aren't worth anything if it does not work for you. I respect your opinion though, and I have gone ahead and added an asterisk, just in case.

The studies we have thus far point to TeaCrine being a viable alternative for those who are willing to try something that gives them the pick-me-up caffeine provides without some of the side-effects. Again, no one is saying this is like that for everyone; some people respond great to caffeine; but in case you don't, this might be something worth trying out especially for the countless of scientific studies backing it up. That's all.

The times of misleading consumers, hiding behind prop blends and labels are over. Before being an owner of AZOTH, I am a consumer just like everyone else and live and breathe fitness, and we're too smart to fall for gimmicky supplement claims. I wasted too much hard-earned money in my teens buying into bunk supps and I have 0 tolerance for that ****. Companies that are still doing that are short-lived are going to sink.

If you want I'm more than happy to send you a full bottle, on the house. Just send me a PM.
Thanks for taking the time to respond to me. I didn't intend to say that you are being intentionally misleading, only that the wording of the figure was misleading/incorrect.

It says "notable energy 'crash' occurs after 2 hours." That wording, the use of the word occurs, makes it sound that it is a fact that the pharmacokinetics of caffeine are such that a crash will occur after 2 hours, which is simply untrue. Many studies have noted that the beneficial effects of caffeine can last significantly longer than 2 hours, which shows that the notion of a crash occurring after two hours is just not accurate the majority of the time. Like we both said, some people can/do crash a few hours after ingesting caffeine, but that is not the most common, let alone the only, possibility.

Basically, it's just the "absolute" nature of the statement that I am saying is misleading/incorrect. I get what it is trying to show, that Theacrine is long lasting and doesn't really have the same "crash" a lot of people get with caffeine alone, and I agree with that point (I particularly enjoy adding theacrine to my caffeine), but, as a nootropics buff myself, I just don't think presenting a false picture of what to expect from caffeine is necessary to illustrate this.

As for the bottle, that is a very generous offer, thank you. I want to make it clear that I am in no way saying that AZOTH is not an effective/well-formulated product, or that theacrine isn't a good ingredient and a legitimate alternative to caffeine, only pointing out something that I believed wasn't exactly accurate (perhaps I am being a bit pedantic, but this was posted in the Nootropics section, not a company promotion thread, so I believe that comments/feedback is fair game).
I can speak from experience of Azoth and I have been encouraged by the effects it has had on me so far. I was able to get the product shipped to the UK last week.

I am an active BJJ fighter and train in strength work approximately 6x a week. Further to that I work a shirt rotation system of Early, Late, Night and sometimes do struggle for regular sleep (which obviously hampers training). I am not suggesting Nootropics replace sleep and never will however Noots have always interested me and I research them regularly. I also follow a 70% Fat, 20% Protein, 10% Carb Keto diet and weigh 87kg.

I stumbled across Azoth during one of my searches and liked the look of the ingredients. I have used it once so far, not for training, simply for researching, reading and everyday life in order that I could judge it's effects without distraction. I experienced a steady mind, clean fresh energy for most of the day. I had the dose with a fat loaded Keto meal at midday. I had no trouble sleeping that evening which was pleasing.

I will use Azoth for my next training session and report back.
Where did you get it from to ship to UK dude
Are samples available? I'd like to give it a try.

Right now there are only full-serving bottles and no samples. Nootropics take a while to exert their effects, so samples aren't very helpful!
can you elaborate been looking to start up daily use of a noot and was considering this.. pm me if needed

I’ve been taking nootropics for over 8 years. I’ve taken each of these ingredients individually at various times. And NO it is NOT underdosed. Period. If you want me to list what doses I used solo I can tell you
It's actually a pretty solid formula, and I'm not a fanboy by any means (I even had a bit of a "disagreement" with the wording of something in this very thread). The only thing I can think of would be the tyrosine being a bit low at 500mg, but at least it's not NALT, and it looks like it's probably more of a "support" ingredient here than one that's really vital to the formula. 1g would be nice, but that'd probably mean going up to another capsule haha.
It's actually a pretty solid formula, and I'm not a fanboy by any means (I even had a bit of a "disagreement" with the wording of something in this very thread). The only thing I can think of would be the tyrosine being a bit low at 500mg, but at least it's not NALT, and it looks like it's probably more of a "support" ingredient here than one that's really vital to the formula. 1g would be nice, but that'd probably mean going up to another capsule haha.

That was the only dose I thought was questionable as well. I tend to take 2-5 grams of tyrosine at once but then again it depends on purpose. Sleep deprived all nighters definitely over 5 g at once. Daily dose maybe 1-1.5. I’d prob just add a 500 mg cap with the dose and call it a day
That was the only dose I thought was questionable as well. I tend to take 2-5 grams of tyrosine at once but then again it depends on purpose. Sleep deprived all nighters definitely over 5 g at once. Daily dose maybe 1-1.5. I’d prob just add a 500 mg cap with the dose and call it a day
That's a good option; 1g is the lowest dose of tyrosine I'd want to use. As you mentioned, studies often use 2g at a time, often up to 10g total or more, but I just don't find that much necessary all the time (1-2g is good most of the time). 500mg tyrosine caps are pretty affordable, so it's not a bad idea to add one to your Azoth serving.

Also, for the PS, it looks like that's 500mg of actual PS, not just 500mg of some lecithin/choline/complex/etc that has some (high) % of PS?
It's pointless and frankly unhelpful when companies list ingredient dosages that are inactive. The Phosphatidylserine is 500mg active. Needless to say, this wasn't the most cost-effective formula to produce.
That's a good option; 1g is the lowest dose of tyrosine I'd want to use. As you mentioned, studies often use 2g at a time, often up to 10g total or more, but I just don't find that much necessary all the time (1-2g is good most of the time). 500mg tyrosine caps are pretty affordable, so it's not a bad idea to add one to your Azoth serving.

Also, for the PS, it looks like that's 500mg of actual PS, not just 500mg of some lecithin/choline/complex/etc that has some (high) % of PS?

Yeah from their labeling and descriptions I am assuming (and probably rightfully so) that it is 500 mg of the pure compound PS. Whether that comes from a complex that has a higher phospholipid content I’m not sure, but that is a crazy high dose. PS (along with ALCAR..and depending on the source, alpha GPC) is a pretty pricey compound. So just the PS alone with the GPC I think makes it worth the price. In fact I might have to take at most 2 caps at once since the doses listed are pretty high solo and especially combined with huperzine and other cholinergics it might be too much if I did 3 all at once.

I’ll prob take alcar 500 mg, two caps of this product, 500-1000 mg more tyrosine (would add a second cap of tyrosine since I’d only get 333 from 2 caps) maybe 2-300 mg pramiracetam, and I think that would be a killer nootropic stack.
It's pointless and frankly unhelpful when companies list ingredient dosages that are inactive. The Phosphatidylserine is 500mg active. Needless to say, this wasn't the most cost-effective formula to produce.
Nice, I agree. Good to see you're doing things the right way my friend.
I’m also impressed that you guys included 400 mg sulbutiamine. Not many people know about that compound. It’s a hidden gem for sure. I remember when I first discovered it years ago I prob got like 10 of my friends hooked on it. Who knew fat soluble thiamine could be so energizing.
how would this interact with l theanine and bromantane (if the bromantane is not bunk) as i just purchased these two
how would this interact with l theanine and bromantane (if the bromantane is not bunk) as i just purchased these two

L theanine is helpful almost solely for helping you reduce anxiety and jitters while taking stimulants. So I’d say take some with caffeine added in and that is a great combo. If you have baseline anxiety theanine can also help but it’s not really a nootropic in the pure sense by itself. But caffeine + theanine = winning. Bronantane is fine with this as the product doesn’t really contain any stimulants that would add to any side effects from taking it solo (not that you’d necessarily get sides solo, just sayin). I’m personally prescribed adderall and will be taking it with this product. I’ve been taking it for years tho so it’s more of a baseline med for me not really a PED anymore lol
L theanine is helpful almost solely for helping you reduce anxiety and jitters while taking stimulants. So I’d say take some with caffeine added in and that is a great combo. If you have baseline anxiety theanine can also help but it’s not really a nootropic in the pure sense by itself. But caffeine + theanine = winning. Bronantane is fine with this as the product doesn’t really contain any stimulants that would add to any side effects from taking it solo (not that you’d necessarily get sides solo, just sayin). I’m personally prescribed adderall and will be taking it with this product. I’ve been taking it for years tho so it’s more of a baseline med for me not really a PED anymore lol

Appreciate you taking the time to write out a detailed response. my last ask would be if you know of any logs up for this product?
Being able to add my own stims to this product is what I like. Although I am using this on my stim-break, when I'm back in full force, I plan to stack it with a pre-workout. Sulbutiamine + TeaCrine + Alpha GPC + DMAA. winning.
Appreciate you taking the time to write out a detailed response. my last ask would be if you know of any logs up for this product?

Well I’ll be doing one soon... I have a bottle on the way courtesy of Euclides. When I get it (prob will receive it within the next week) I’ll start a log in the supplements section of the forum and give a day by day detailed breakdown. Also I know there are a few logs going on right now in the supplements section. Maybe Euclides can link a few here since this thread has been going strong for a while.

And no prob man happy to help. Nootropic research and use is a hobby of mine lol
Well I’ll be doing one soon... I have a bottle on the way courtesy of Euclides. When I get it (prob will receive it within the next week) I’ll start a log in the supplements section of the forum and give a day by day detailed breakdown. Also I know there are a few logs going on right now in the supplements section. Maybe Euclides can link a few here since this thread has been going strong for a while.

And no prob man happy to help. Nootropic research and use is a hobby of mine lol

post that link ITT when you get your bottle im going to follow along

I got it directly from the SeekingAzoth site, shipped by the boss man himself.
Good looking profile, nothing is under dosed, but this is very close to my twice a day noot/adaptogen stack other than using KSM-66 instead of regular Ashwagandha and I avoid sulbutiamine because it gives me headaches. At 15 servings for $35, I'd be spending $35 a week for only a portion of my stack.

Nothing negative to say, but it just would not work for me.
You ask and you shall receive: (if you want)
My AZOTH 2.0 log: Invalid Link Removed
Follow me, onward!
Doesn't remotely compare to the OG Azoth...sigh...I should have stocked up. Have maybe 4 servings left in that beautiful pouch. This version, no Bueno racetams, nothing.
Doesn't remotely compare to the OG Azoth...sigh...I should have stocked up. Have maybe 4 servings left in that beautiful pouch. This version, no Bueno racetams, nothing.

Unfortunately, racetams are illegal to be sold as dietary supplements and Noopept has been given the "boot" by most payment platforms; so we went back to the drawing board to come up with a new formula that was compliant. This formula is different than the previous one, but no bueno? That might be a bit of a stretch. It's like comparing apples and oranges. It's honestly a completely different product.
Unfortunately, racetams are illegal to be sold as dietary supplements and Noopept has been given the "boot" by most payment platforms; so we went back to the drawing board to come up with a new formula that was compliant. This formula is different than the previous one, but no bueno? That might be a bit of a stretch. It's like comparing apples and oranges. It's honestly a completely different product.

Unfortunately, racetams are illegal to be sold as dietary supplements and Noopept has been given the "boot" by most payment platforms; so we went back to the drawing board to come up with a new formula that was compliant. This formula is different than the previous one, but no bueno? That might be a bit of a stretch. It's like comparing apples and oranges. It's honestly a completely different product.
Not illegal...just not approved. You can put it in if you chose not to. Now I can just buy it in powder form which I did and available lots of places along with all Racetams, so no its not illegal. You could put DMAA in...same argument.
You took the ingredients out that people wanted, now your left with something that just blends in with the rest. You want innovation...try looking at Clear Edge by EvoMuse. Best of luck.
Not illegal...just not approved. You can put it in if you chose not to. Now I can just buy it in powder form which I did and available lots of places along with all Racetams, so no its not illegal. You could put DMAA in...same argument.
You took the ingredients out that people wanted, now your left with something that just blends in with the rest. You want innovation...try looking at Clear Edge by EvoMuse. Best of luck.

Spot on man, we are both right here. As you said, it is no longer approved to be sold as a dietary supplement, hence making it illegal for us to continue selling and marketing it as a "dietary supplement." Trust me, we did our due diligence here. On the same note, nearly all FDA-Registered manufacturers stopped producing racetams, so sourcing it from potentially non compliant manufacturers or overseas is not something that we want to do.

It's always possible to get away with putting grey area ingredients, but at the end of the day, we are in the business of selling dietary supplements, not playing Russian roulette with people's health and the FDA. A lot of companies do this, but it's not something we're interested in. So yes, it's a choice to stay compliant with the rules.

As far as this formula is concerned, it's something people will have to try. If it works, that's awesome; if not, that fine too - there's other options out there. Beauty of capitalism. I invite everyone to find supplements and training/diet programs that work for them.

ClearEdge's formula definitely looks solid. Thanks for pointing me and other to this thread who haven't heard about it to it.
Repping you for a mature, respectful reply.

At the end of the day, I'm happy that more companies are realizing the market for brain hacking and noots. I'm a long time lover of racetams and fear the day the powers that be step in and make dumb decisions. I've planned for years to come so I'll be set, but would love not to have to.
Spot on man, we are both right here. As you said, it is no longer approved to be sold as a dietary supplement, hence making it illegal for us to continue selling and marketing it as a "dietary supplement." Trust me, we did our due diligence here. On the same note, nearly all FDA-Registered manufacturers stopped producing racetams, so sourcing it from potentially non compliant manufacturers or overseas is not something that we want to do.

It's always possible to get away with putting grey area ingredients, but at the end of the day, we are in the business of selling dietary supplements, not playing Russian roulette with people's health and the FDA. A lot of companies do this, but it's not something we're interested in. So yes, it's a choice to stay compliant with the rules.

As far as this formula is concerned, it's something people will have to try. If it works, that's awesome; if not, that fine too - there's other options out there. Beauty of capitalism. I invite everyone to find supplements and training/diet programs that work for them.

ClearEdge's formula definitely looks solid. Thanks for pointing me and other to this thread who haven't heard about it to it.

Your a good man, I understand bro. I wish you "didn't" market it as a nutritional supplement or somehow was able to keep the OG formula...I show that pouch off to a lot of my buddies and they are like "wow man, that looks intense" and I'm like "I have to use it sparingly, they got rid of it".

I understand your a point...until someone shows me that Racetams or Noopept affect you negatively and so far I've seen nothing other than the typical crybabies stating Noopept is synthetically made and since it is, it's bad.

It's your business and you have to do what's right for your business...I hope its successful. You guys are out of MA, I'm in MA also so I'm pulling for you.
Doesn't remotely compare to the OG Azoth...sigh...I should have stocked up. Have maybe 4 servings left in that beautiful pouch. This version, no Bueno racetams, nothing.

Personally I prefers combination products that don’t contain racetams. After many years of experimenting with them and having friends do the same, IMO the dosing is way too variable and individualized to really make everyone happy. For example I was taking 1500 mg Aniracetam 3 times a day and that is way above what most website or other people would recommend, but it was the only dose I noticed a difference mentally. And while some liked 600-1200 mg for pramiracetam I found 2-300 to work best. I personally hated oxiracetam when I know many who say it’s their favorite. And in terms of noopept I was going 30 mg 3 times daily for a while but honestly can’t say that it helped that much. Obviously from the other posts here there were clearly other reasons for the change, but to me I’d rather it not have any racetams than a racetam I personally didn’t like. You will always have online sources for racetams...they even sell most of them on Amazon so I wouldn’t be too fearful of them going away anytime soon
Your dose examples are definitely different, but illustrates exactly why racetams are a unique animal when it comes to preference. I prefer to keep my Aniracetam, Phenylpiracetam, and Noopept as single supplements and dose accordingly. I can take Ani as needed, prefer daily Noopept at only 10mg, and take Phenyl for recreation purposes.
Your dose examples are definitely different, but illustrates exactly why racetams are a unique animal when it comes to preference. I prefer to keep my Aniracetam, Phenylpiracetam, and Noopept as single supplements and dose accordingly. I can take Ani as needed, prefer daily Noopept at only 10mg, and take Phenyl for recreation purposes.

Oh yes I forgot about phenyl. Man that was a fun one. Builds tolerance fast though. I should give that a try again it’s been a while.
How does Azoth compare to Mansport - BrainBridge??

BrainBridge is better overall....Azoth does have Sulbutiamine and BrainBridge doesn't, haven't really gotten into Sulb yet and it's effects. I just like BrainBridge's total ingredients better.
Personally I prefers combination products that don’t contain racetams. After many years of experimenting with them and having friends do the same, IMO the dosing is way too variable and individualized to really make everyone happy. For example I was taking 1500 mg Aniracetam 3 times a day and that is way above what most website or other people would recommend, but it was the only dose I noticed a difference mentally. And while some liked 600-1200 mg for pramiracetam I found 2-300 to work best. I personally hated oxiracetam when I know many who say it’s their favorite. And in terms of noopept I was going 30 mg 3 times daily for a while but honestly can’t say that it helped that much. Obviously from the other posts here there were clearly other reasons for the change, but to me I’d rather it not have any racetams than a racetam I personally didn’t like. You will always have online sources for racetams...they even sell most of them on Amazon so I wouldn’t be too fearful of them going away anytime soon

Yeah those sound like hefty doses tbh but if that what it takes....makes me wonder about Racetams is the amount needed ever going to be cost effective? Your talking 4.5g of Aniracetam....heck some of these serving sizes were just 500mg lol.
I have both Oxiracetam and Piracetam here....mixing it in Chaos & Pain's Aggro, liking the feeling at 2 scoops and 5g of Piracetam 1x a day.
Yeah those sound like hefty doses tbh but if that what it takes....makes me wonder about Racetams is the amount needed ever going to be cost effective? Your talking 4.5g of Aniracetam....heck some of these serving sizes were just 500mg lol.
I have both Oxiracetam and Piracetam here....mixing it in Chaos & Pain's Aggro, liking the feeling at 2 scoops and 5g of Piracetam 1x a day.

Theres a few descent sites where they cap aniracetam in 750 mg doses. So it was just two twice-thrice (some days I only did 3000mg) per day. I couldn’t handle the bulk powder in the mouth just not good. So I’d even cap them myself sometimes. It’s really not so bad when you buy them in bulk too. And I haven’t even really used racetams in the past few months.

And my reaction to oxiracetam was just odd. I would just feel so blah. Almost detached and just annoyed. And I actually felt mentally slower but not in a processing speed but in my understand fully what I was processing and just felt stupid. Lol. It was like my anti-nootropic drug.

With prami I also get emotionally detached but I also get a huge boost in memory and visualization. So it’s worth it there.

But really in the end what I figured out is that there were doses that worked and the higher and lower doses actually made me worse cognitively. So if I don’t get it perfect, my performance suffers. Idk if others get this way as well. But I usually am very quick mentally. I’ve been tested IQ wise by psychologists and I’m usually low 150s when they are scaled to 160. And I have honestly felt so damn stupid while taking either high doses of pramiracetam or any dose of oxiracetam. So while I don’t think these compounds are “harmful”, they can certainly be “hindrances” in many instances..

So that response was longer than I planned but it sums up my complex relationship with racetams. I am so ready for the next “wave” of smart drugs. They don’t come out prob for another 10-20 years, but they will prob be more neurogenesis based and less NT based. And yes yes some currently available compounds do increase neurplasticity and dendrite arberization to some extent, but not nearly enough to significantly improve anyone’s current neural networks, and the length of time needed for these effects also result in changes to other pathways, usually dopamine, and not always in a “good” way. I just hate the lack of selectivity of it all too.
Any clue on what the actual content of Ash is in this? I noticed you updated the website to claim KSM-66, but is it 500mg KSM-66? Also, any chance of adding APO/FPO as an option to ship to?
I updated my Azoth log which details where and when I found that I got the most benefit from the product. I would be interested to know from any other user / loggists about the product's reactions when used in conjunction with separate diet approaches, in particular Keto. If anyone has any thoughts or opinion it would be good to hear them. I am trying to narrow down and explore the most effective doses at particular fat levels.
Any more reports from users about the performance of Azoth 2.0?