Ask Me Anything AAS/PH/PCT Related



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So fsr, I'm not a big fan of it. Got some strength increase and size but still have a way to go before its over.
When ever I think about using it again I talk myself out of it within 30 secs


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Bro no joke lateral raises or any shoulders I wouldn't be able to move my arms even just relaxed letting my arms hang down hurt but I kept a pump 24/7 and looked huge haha
Yes! I have to go find something to rest my elbows on for like 5 minutes just to squeeze out one more set the struggle is real haha.


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Ok for a first cycle of AAS would there be anything to run other than test?


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Ok for a first cycle of AAS would there be anything to run other than test?
I wouldnt. Get some test e or cyp run for 12 weeks get your on cycle support and post cycle in order and enjoy. Then try something later down the line after you can determine you react well to test.


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I'm a bit sceptical regarding the on-cycle support of my upcoming cycle.

It will be OL Super-Epi up to 1000mg, OL Super-1 at 330mg and TD test/bold 1ml/75mg for 8 weeks.

I'm thinking of Arimacare Pro but wouldn't it be too much considering Super-Epi and it's AI properties?


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I'm a bit sceptical regarding the on-cycle support of my upcoming cycle.

It will be OL Super-Epi up to 1000mg, OL Super-1 at 330mg and TD test/bold 1ml/75mg for 8 weeks.

I'm thinking of Arimacare Pro but wouldn't it be too much considering Super-Epi and it's AI properties?
Not at all IMO. Epiandro is dry and converts to DHT but it is not an AI, though it is sometimes considered anti-estrogenic. The estrogen control in ACP is mild and not necessarily enough to combat aromatization of compounds like Test/Bold. Besides, with TD Test/Bold(no esters attached) aromatization will be higher than normal injectable compounds. You should still have a legit pharma AI protocol established.


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Not at all IMO. Epiandro is dry and converts to DHT but it is not an AI, though it is sometimes considered anti-estrogenic. The estrogen control in ACP is mild and not necessarily enough to combat aromatization of compounds like Test/Bold. Besides, with TD Test/Bold(no esters attached) aromatization will be higher than normal injectable compounds. You should still have a legit pharma AI protocol established.
Thanks, i'll get pharma AI and if not drop the TD's for another time.


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Not at all IMO. Epiandro is dry and converts to DHT but it is not an AI, though it is sometimes considered anti-estrogenic. The estrogen control in ACP is mild and not necessarily enough to combat aromatization of compounds like Test/Bold. Besides, with TD Test/Bold(no esters attached) aromatization will be higher than normal injectable compounds. You should still have a legit pharma AI protocol established.
This ^^


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Ok for a first cycle of AAS would there be anything to run other than test?
Well actually if you power lift a test only cycle will hurt more than help.
AM over looks this fact often


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Just a quick arimidex question , I am running a 12 week 25 mg daily ostarine cycle , with arimidex at .5 eod . My pct will be nolva 20/20/10/10 . My question is do I need to taper off the Ai to prevent estrogen rebound , or will the nolva take care of all that?


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Sounds like a lot of Adex for ostarine. What have your gains been like?


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Just a quick arimidex question , I am running a 12 week 25 mg daily ostarine cycle , with arimidex at .5 eod . My pct will be nolva 20/20/10/10 . My question is do I need to taper off the Ai to prevent estrogen rebound , or will the nolva take care of all that?
Sounds like a lot of Adex for ostarine. What have your gains been like?
Agreed. Unless your body fat is pretty high, I doubt you need that much. Are your joints dry?


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Agreed. Unless your body fat is pretty high, I doubt you need that much. Are your joints dry?
Idk about being dry but I have had shoulder , elbow and lower back pain recently , not really bad pain , more like a nagging ache , just wasn't sure if I hurt myself at work or if it was the Adex.


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Sounds like a lot of Adex for ostarine. What have your gains been like?
The gains have been pretty good , in only 3 weeks in , haven't gained weight but my muscles looking fuller , getting really good pumps and vascularity , feel like I'm leaning out . I'm going for a recomp , not a bulk so I feel like the osta is doing what it's supposed to .what would you suggest for adex dose?


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Go for .25 e3d dude. I'm on tren test and bold in high doses and I'm doing .5e3d so for osta id drop it to that


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Go for .25 e3d dude. I'm on tren test and bold in high doses and I'm doing .5e3d so for osta id drop it to that
I did some research and it said the half life of Adex is 46 hours so would every 3 days be enough ? Or would I have enough built up in my blood to make up for the extra 24 hours? This is my first cycle so I'm still figuring out how this all works


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Are you aware you need estrogen to build muscle? If you completely kill it you will be losing out on gains. And second of all your treating ostarine like it is a steroid, well if you've done your homework you'd know it's also the weakest sarm too. Total overkill. I wouldn't even take it. Have it on hand yes but taking that dose while on ostarine solo is daft my brother


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Are you aware you need estrogen to build muscle? If you completely kill it you will be losing out on gains. And second of all your treating ostarine like it is a steroid, well if you've done your homework you'd know it's also the weakest sarm too. Total overkill. I wouldn't even take it. Have it on hand yes but taking that dose while on ostarine solo is daft my brother
Yeah I wasn't going to take it, but I started getting puffy nips a week ago , and after reading horror story after horror story on these forums I just wanted to be careful so I started to take it .but I get what you're saying tho , I want to control the estro levels , not kill them completely. Thanks for the info man , I will drop down to .25 e3d. Do I need to taper when I finish cycle though ? Or will nolva take care of that


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The gains have been pretty good , in only 3 weeks in , haven't gained weight but my muscles looking fuller , getting really good pumps and vascularity , feel like I'm leaning out . I'm going for a recomp , not a bulk so I feel like the osta is doing what it's supposed to .what would you suggest for adex dose?
Whenever I start a new cycle, I don't dose my ai right away. I wait to see if I get sides I get. Then I take small doses to see what gets rid of them without going overboard. I try to keep my ai dose as low as possible.


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Whenever I start a new cycle, I don't dose my ai right away. I wait to see if I get sides I get. Then I take small doses to see what gets rid of them without going overboard. I try to keep my ai dose as low as possible.
Yeah I think I'm going to drop down to .25 e3d like solidsnake suggested . Thanks for the help guys


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Nah there's not a lot you can taper to from .25 besides, the nolva should look after the estro


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Yeah I think I'm going to drop down to .25 e3d like solidsnake suggested . Thanks for the help guys
Anytime bro, we're all here to help and learn, making our journey a safer and more productive one


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Im thinkin of doin 8 weeks of oral and derma trest and i had a couple questions. First, i lift around 4pm gonna do 50mg oral pwo. Would there be a difference if i did 50mg of derma in the am when i wake up at 530am or use 25 mg then and 25mg at night before bed. Second, should pct contain both nolva and clomid or go ahead with just the clomid. I plan on having the nolva by my side already anyway.


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Im thinkin of doin 8 weeks of oral and derma trest and i had a couple questions. First, i lift around 4pm gonna do 50mg oral pwo. Would there be a difference if i did 50mg of derma in the am when i wake up at 530am or use 25 mg then and 25mg at night before bed. Second, should pct contain both nolva and clomid or go ahead with just the clomid. I plan on having the nolva by my side already anyway.
25mg morning and night. Don't dose the 50mg all at once. You want to keep the dosage level in your body rather than a dosage spike in the morning.

Definitely run Clomid and Nolva together. No matter what.

Also a Pharma AI is mandatory for oral Trest. Or you will get gyno.


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25mg morning and night. Don't dose the 50mg all at once. You want to keep the dosage level in your body rather than a dosage spike in the morning.

Definitely run Clomid and Nolva together. No matter what.

Also a Pharma AI is mandatory for oral Trest. Or you will get gyno.
Lol yea ill have exemstane. Now say i wanted to add 750mg of epiandro would that 100mg of trest be too much? I havent used trest yet but would like to get the most benefits out of it.


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Lol yea ill have exemstane. Now say i wanted to add 750mg of epiandro would that 100mg of trest be too much? I havent used trest yet but would like to get the most benefits out of it.
The Epi would dry it out a little but in my opinion, I would save it. I ran it with Trest for a bit and didn't notice a difference.


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The Epi would dry it out a little but in my opinion, I would save it. I ran it with Trest for a bit and didn't notice a difference.
Yea i was thinkin a little dryness/hardness would be for my liking and also iv seen a few places on here it could help with the cycle from dht but just to not rely on that on its own.


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Yea i was thinkin a little dryness/hardness would be for my liking and also iv seen a few places on here it could help with the cycle from dht but just to not rely on that on its own.
If you wanted something dry, I would go DMZ or an aas if you have a source.


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I've been looking to cut a bit going into summer and ended up getting spartan lean. Which is

Epiandro- 150mg
7-keto DHEA- 150mg
T2- 100mcg

Wanted to get trenavar but it's going to be my first cycle of anything like this so after researching that seemed like a bit of a leap. My plan is to take 1 in the morning and 2 before I lift every day around 6pm while taking blockade with breakfast and dinner for 6 weeks. So it would be

Epiandro - 450mg
7-keto DHEA- 450mg
T2- 300 mcg

Blockade for cycle support along with a multi and fish oil

Curious if sup3r PCT will be enough for this? From what I've looked up it doesn't seem like it's a very strong ph. I'm open to suggestions


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Week 5 of 10 on TRT. I'm doing 200mg Test Cyp w/ 100mg of Deca once weekly. For the next 10 week cycle I'm planning on adding in the Anavar (not sure of the dosage). I might bump the Test up to 400mg weekly also but my main question is how well does the Anavar work for weight loss? My stats are as follows

Age 39
Height 5'11
Weight 302

I want to get back to 250 ideally. I will have my diet in check but is the Anavar a waste of money or will it actually help me with the weight loss? I just peeled off 50 naturally prior to starting TRT. Im just curious whether its worth it or not? Thanks


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Week 5 of 10 on TRT. I'm doing 200mg Test Cyp w/ 100mg of Deca once weekly. For the next 10 week cycle I'm planning on adding in the Anavar (not sure of the dosage). I might bump the Test up to 400mg weekly also but my main question is how well does the Anavar work for weight loss? My stats are as follows

Age 39
Height 5'11
Weight 302

I want to get back to 250 ideally. I will have my diet in check but is the Anavar a waste of money or will it actually help me with the weight loss? I just peeled off 50 naturally prior to starting TRT. Im just curious whether its worth it or not? Thanks
What would be your plan for the cycle? How clean do you eat and what are you eating mostly.

TRT is a good thing if you need it. I don't think Anavar would work the way your thinking. But then again, I haven't ran it.

I would say get your diet in check and maintain clean food in a deficit. Not to be mean or anything, but AAS raise blood pressure and at that weight you could already have BP issues. Again, not being mean lol.

I just want you to be aware that's a potentially dangerous issue.


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My BP is so far perfect at 120/80, I take Fish Oil and Milk Thistle w/ NAC. For my size Im in great health other than obviously my weight. Your not being mean bud its a fair point. Im honestly on Test for low sex drive but also to avoid Deca Dick apparently. The deca has really rejuvenated my knees and left shoulder.

My diet plan is around 3500 cal a day. My protein sources will be egg whites, chicken breasts, and protein shakes. Carbs will be oatmeal, brown rice, sweet potatoes, apples, strawberries and Greens ( Broccoli, Green Beans) Fats will come from Olive Oil, Almonds, and Saturated Fats from the Chicken. Throw in some Greek Yogurt and Ground Flax Seed and that will be about it other than a couple cheat meals.

I lost 50 pounds but after 5 months I needed a break plus my job changed so I'm just maintaining till the beginning of May. Im just trying to decide whether to add in the Anavar on my next 10 weeks or just stay were Im at...


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Have you figured out what your TDEE is? For someone trying to lose weight, that's a lot of calories. Even at your weight.

Glad to hear you don't have bp issues. Just make sure and check it daily whole on cycle


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Have you figured out what your TDEE is? For someone trying to lose weight, that's a lot of calories. Even at your weight.

Glad to hear you don't have bp issues. Just -make sure and check it daily whole on cycle
Well I'm maintaining at 4000-4500. Id say 3750 TDEE. I do 30-45 min of Cardio 6 days a week. Plan is to start there at 3500 and cut 500 calories of Carbs till I start dropping weight. I might be better off starting at 3000. I will definitely keep an eye on my BP though.


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Well I'm maintaining at 4000-4500. Id say 3750 TDEE. I do 30-45 min of Cardio 6 days a week. Plan is to start there at 3500 and cut 500 calories of Carbs till I start dropping weight. I might be better off starting at 3000. I will definitely keep an eye on my BP though.
Yeah I would start at 3000 and adjust by 200 as needed.


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Test only cycle. 500mg a week it was ten weeks.... how should i dose my Clomid I have liquid form....tastes like stagnant water!


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He guys just thought I'd start this thread to help those who need it. I have about 10+ years of experience with this stuff and even more years worth of studying it. Everything i say will be from personal experience unless otherwise noted.

Ask away!
I'm testing your "knowledge"...

Generally speaking, which cycle is more potent at muscle building, which cycle is overall safer (short-term and long-term risks), which cycle has less side-effects:

200 mg/week testosterone + 100 mg/day oxandrolone


500 mg/week of trenbolone

Each for 12 weeks.


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How good is the td test; does it come even close to the injectables?

How would I use it as a test base for 40-50mg anavar for 6-8 weeks?

Thanj you


I'm 41 at 5'7 and 175lbs at 15%bf I'm thinking of running a cycle of 1/4/epi. I've only ever ran an ando cutting kit from lg science. What would be good dosing?


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I'm 41 at 5'7 and 175lbs at 15%bf I'm thinking of running a cycle of 1/4/epi. I've only ever ran an ando cutting kit from lg science. What would be good dosing?
Whatever the recommended dosage is on the bottle.


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I am currently using TD test and its nice. Ive read absorption i about 40% with the right carrier. I am currently using 750mg/week and it does feel like around 300-350mg test a week. I think it works great as a base, especially if test isnt your main compound. Now if you want to use above 500mg/week, id use injectable.

Never used anavar but id imagine what I am currently doing would work great with 40-50mg of anavar. You could even stack it with some TD Bold or even an injectable and make it into a longer cycle (anavar for 6-8weeks).

I think TDs shine when it comes to flexibility but you sacrifice raw power. All in all, I love em, they are just definitely more expensive per mg of test in your system or whatever compound but you do get away with no needles which is nice.


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Also, sides are MUCH more manageable with TDs, I have yet to feel any sides worth mentioning and I have been making great progress.

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