Applied Nutriceuticals Recomps Rosie for Competition

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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Day 34

Ok, so yes, this is YESTERDAY'S post (my laptop crashed on me, and when I restarted and went to use it, realized that I have forgotten my password (grrrr; how could you?) and so can't log on (and being Windows Vista (which is a pain in the ass) makes it harder to 'crack'); and seriously hoping that I can find something SOON that will let me reset the password, because EVERYTHING (and I mean everything, from study stuff, to all my AN info, to CV's, and writing, etc.) is on it! Yes, trying NOT to panic!) So...

0853 - 5.5km Run:
Beautiful day. Sun was out, but boy was it deceptive; it was cold as ice outside when I went out (one of those RARE times when it is colder OUTSIDE than in). Anyways, was hoping that the body would respond better than it did on Friday on my run attempt. Wasn't TOO bad, starting out, with the first km at 4.45 minutes (which is still slow for a first km, though). The body started slowing down pretty quick after that, going right back to 5.02 minutes for the second km; and only getting slower as I went along. Shame, seriously; damn, I have NEVER gone this slow in my entire life! The run averaged out at 5.12 min/km (wtf?) Felt pretty angry with myself throughout it, since I wanted to be going FASTER and my body WOULDN'T respond to that desire! Grrooowwl!

1011 - Shoulders/Abs (1 min recovery, except between Abs - 30 sec recovery):
1. BB SP 4 x 8
2. Standing Alt. DB FR 2 x 12
3. SB LR 4 x 8
4. Seated DB RR 2 x 8
5. Standing/Bent-Over DB RR 2 x 8
6. DB Shrugs 2 x 8
7. CG BB UR 2 x 8
8. Abs 3 x [a. hanging knee raises x 10, b. knee-ins x 25]
This was an interesting session...Started out with BB SP. By the second set my right anterior delt was in pain (as it does). It was a burning, penetrating pain (think I have some nerve damage), that lasted for the duration of the session (yes, I always try and ignore it, and soldier on regardless). Since the seat where I usually do my DB SP was "out for maintenance" (lots of equipment was today, for some reason; VERY frustrating) I decided to do a couple of sets of front raises (DB FR), an exercise I never usually bother with...DB LR were ok. Strength was down on last week, though, only being able to manage 8 reps instead of 10 reps at the same weight...Because the Incline bench was also out of commission, I did my rear raises (DB RR) split into seated and standing. Seated they felt awkward at first; and I changed to doing them standing (bent over) after a couple of sets (and also because I realized that you could see all the way down my top (and then some, LOL), something which I never really notice, due to my concentration on what I'm doing, but because of the awkwardness (and therefore, accompanying frustraion) of the exercise, I was probably LESS focussed than I should have been)...After a couple of sets of DB Shrugs, I decided to do a couple of upright rows (BB UR), just for a change; and because they would also hit my rear delts (since I didn't feel that I did the RR 'right', even though my training partner said they were fine). The burning in my anterior delts got worse doing these, but I gritted my teeth and just did them...Finished off the session with Abs. More gritting of teeth...Overall, it was a DIFFERENT session than what I am used to. Strength was a little hard to determine because of that. But I felt weaker, anyways (as I have in most of my resistance sessions this week)...Next week better be BETTER!

1113 - Stretch 23 min.

Sleep - Time and Quality: ~2330-0727 (waking at 0315, 0325, and 0423), so ~8 hours sleep. Deep. Dreams. I'm getting sick of all this sleeping...

Mental Alertness/Focus: There. Some...

Energy: After the resistance session, not had a lot. Went for a walk mid-afternoon, because the day ended up turning out pretty nice (and yes, warmed up some...) After that, though, fell asleep on the floor in the sun in front of the ranch sliders from ~1515-1630...

Motivation: There. Peeking out...

Mood/Aggression: Pretty frustrated at my body's seeming lack of being able to be pushed during training (or not giving up the goods that I know it CAN produce)...A little aggression (especially in the early evening)...Happy (yes, even with the aggression...And whatever else was there...)

Libido: Not there.

Joints: Hips were pretty achy after the run.

Endurance: Pitiful...

Strength: Hard to tell. Overall, so far this week has been nothing great...

Quality of Training: Not up to the usual high 'Rosie' standard :(

Pump and Vascularity: Great pump in delts during the resistance session...Vascularity is lots of blue knots...

Muscle Hardness/Density: Muscles fuller and harder. Definitely noticeable during the resistance session.

Body Composition and Look: Delts and arms definitely looking better. Chest as well (very lean now). Also starting to see the separation in my quadriceps (especially just superior to the knee) and hamstrings more and more each day (despite knowing that I'm NOT losing BF much at the moment...)

Overall Sense of Feeling: Ok. Tired. Frustrated. But things WILL get better...
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 35

1114 - Rollers:
a. 4 min in 39x16 @ 80% HRmax @ 110 rpm
b. 4 min in 39x15 @ 80-85% HRmax @ 110 rpm
c. 4 min in 39x14 @ 85-90% HRmax @ 110 rpm
d. 4 min in 39x13 @ 90-95% HRmax @ 110 rpm
e. 4 min in 39x16 @ 85% HRmax @ 120 rpm
Decided to 'step' the cardio today. The body responded reasonably well. HR kept going up, which was the point. Legs were fine; suffering a little from 8-11 minutes, but apart from that, good. Satisfied with the session (although a little disappointed that I couldn't keep the pace at a higher HR for LONGER...)

1206 - Stretch 20 min.

Sleep - Time and Quality: ~0020-0949 (waking at 0315, 0325, and 0423), so ~9.5 hours sleep. Didn't like my dreams. And I want to STOP sleeping so ****ing much!

Mental Alertness/Focus: Not been in the MOOD for anything. Been trying to figure out how to get 'into' my laptop, to be able to use it, but it's just getting silly now. ****, ****, ****! Grrrrr...

Energy: Not really had any. Decided NOT to do a resistance session today, and try for getting back into routine and up at the usual 0315 tomorrow (and your body had better ****ing do it!)

Motivation: There. Digging deep, now. Time is running out. I'm getting sick of the stress and depression; kick it to the curb and surge FORWARD!

Mood/Aggression: Aggressive, yes. Disappointed, yes. Frustrated, yes. No 'happy' yet...

Libido: None.

Joints: Hips a little; not a lot.

Endurance: Ok.

Strength: N/A.

Quality of Training: Not really too happy with it. Really hoping that my body falls into line next week and can PERFORM!

Pump and Vascularity: No pump...Vascularity ok...

Muscle Hardness/Density: All right...

Body Composition and Look: Got told that my abs were looking better today. Personally, I just feel like a complete fat lump right now; NOT cool...

Overall Sense of Feeling: A bit like a waste of space at the moment...
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Notes on Week 5


No 'excellence' this week. 5 BINGE days (and yes, there is NO excuse for it, except that it happened). So, NOT happy with that at all (and it definitely makes me FEEL like ****, even if I didn't gain any BF).


Still no IGF-2 or Posiedon-BA (next week hopefully; fingers crossed). Took a dose of RPM before my resistance session on Thursday morning, and it was great with vascularity (no other effects though, really); I may start using it again on-and-off. Starting OsteoSport next week, in place of Osteobolin-C, too; dosing once a day (4 caps first thing in the morning).


Training this week has pretty much sucked balls. My body has NOT been responsive at all. It's like watching myself from outside of myself move at the rate of a turtle when I am used to moving like a cheetah; and being so frustrated when neither endurance or strength seems to be improving, and at times, appears to be going backwards...I haven't had any days off. But I have only done TWO days of resistance training; with one of them being a DOUBLE session (and yes, that was the BEST day (for EVERYthing) of the week!)...I'm SERIOUSLY wanting to be able to get up and back into routine from next week (because I'm just getting ****ed off now, and that's not helping by any means...)

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dont worry about the binge days just dont do it again! lol


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hehe reverse flies with a g-string on? So this is what happens in the 'womans only' section of my gym! I knew it!


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hehe reverse flies with a g-string on? So this is what happens in the 'womans only' section of my gym! I knew it!

Looks like weve been missing out bro!

Lookin good G! Keep at it, i know its tough, im dieting right now too and been keeping strong, so i know if i can you sure can!! You got this! :thumbsup::head:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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dont worry about the binge days just dont do it again! lol
Easy for you to say, sitting over there in your corner :)

hehe reverse flies with a g-string on? So this is what happens in the 'womans only' section of my gym! I knew it!
There's a 'women's only' section in your gym? That's just funny. And no, stuff like that doesn't happen (you wish, though) :D

Looks like weve been missing out bro!

Lookin good G! Keep at it, i know its tough, im dieting right now too and been keeping strong, so i know if i can you sure can!! You got this! :thumbsup::head:
You guys DON'T read (LOL); I'm NOT competing anymore (but thanks for the support). Just trying to survive the last semester of my degree, work, and training...There are opportunities aplenty for other competitions when the important stuff is out of the way...
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Royd The Noyd

Royd The Noyd

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Why? Because it's by a female? LOL Anyways, thanks for dropping by, dude.
Lol no. Basically I dont like having to catch up on logs after their pages deep (time issue). But now I see why its so popular.

You are definitely doin some good work in here. Very detailed.


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Lol no. Basically I dont like having to catch up on logs after their pages deep (time issue). But now I see why its so popular.

You are definitely doin some good work in here. Very detailed.
I agree! BTW thanks fore not cutting your rear out of your pis Rosie. Sorry "butt" I feel it needed to be said. :box:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Lol no. Basically I dont like having to catch up on logs after their pages deep (time issue). But now I see why its so popular.

You are definitely doin some good work in here. Very detailed.
Do you just (and it's NOT because of the pictures, I can guarantee you) :toofunny: Training with Rosie is ALWAYS interesting :D

I agree! BTW thanks fore not cutting your rear out of your pis Rosie. Sorry "butt" I feel it needed to be said. :box:
LOL. Well, I am NOT naked in those pics, so no need to crop anything :)


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I can see some great rear delt definition there - are these recent photos Rosie?
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Actually I thought they were quite tastefull
Week 4's pics? Well, you couldn't SEE anything. Besides, even if you could, I'm not really into the whole soft-porn thing; I like to be CREATIVE...

I can see some great rear delt definition there - are these recent photos Rosie?
Week 5's pics? Those were taken 2 August, so almost a month ago, in my shoot for Applied Nutriceuticals. I actually have BETTER definition in my upper back, delts, and arms now (and in saying that, you couldn't see my muscle definition very well in those pics, for some reason (lighting maybe), because in person I definitely looked less 'soft' and more muscular).


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Great rear deffintion I think you mean mate :p haha


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I'm thinking of doing some similar pictures in my log actually, might need a bit of a wax, but i think my butt is quite cute :p
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Day 36

0816 - HIIT Rollers:
a. 4 min in 39x16 @ 80-85% HRmax @ 110 rpm
b. 8 x 20 sec effort/10 sec easy in 39x16 (rpm N/A)
c. 4 min in 39x16 @ 85-90% HRmax @ 110-112 rpm
Not as late as they have been over the last couple of weeks (but still late enough to irk me). Anyways, did a shorter session, since I had class at 0900 (and yes, decided to GO). Efforts were done at a reasonable pace today, hitting 60-65 km/hr for most of them, which is a step up from last week's last session. Legs were fine, too. So, a good session, albeit a bit short.

1222 - Stairs/Plyometrics:
a. 12 x down-up 3 flights of stairs (total 126 stairs per 'rep')
b. 1 min recovery
c. Plyometric Box Jumps (right to left) 1 x 80
d. 1 min recovery
e. Plyometric Box Jumps (left to right) 1 x 80
Decided that, since the rollers this morning were so short, to do some stairs up in the gym between classes. I haven't done stairs for AGES (I stopped doing them, because they were building my butt up more, which I DON'T need), and it was definitely a great workout for my heart AND legs. Finished the session off with a couple of sets of plyometric box jumps, and boy were my lower legs and knees feeling the impact of them afterwards...

Sleep - Time and Quality: ~2300-0657 (waking at 0315, 0325, and 0423), so nearly 8 hours sleep. It was quite broken to what it usually is. When I woke at 0315 I was going to get up and get back into routine, but there were sharp, stabbing pains in my abdomen, and so went back to bed, curled up in the foetal position, and went back to sleep. But it has to STOP, this endless sleeping...

Mental Alertness/Focus: Had a client for a Back assessment and rehabilitation programme today, so had to know my stuff. Went to all my classes today, too, for the first time in weeks. I have a 3000-word essay due on Friday, and a couple of other 'minor' assessments to do by then as well, so have to be there and starting it all tomorrow...

Energy: Been there. Walked to and from school, too, which was a 'tester' for my hips...

Motivation: There.

Mood/Aggression: Rosie has been in a slightly better mood today (although still some frustration at not getting up and being able to get back into routine as she likes it). But yes, there was actually smiles AND laughter today...And we were able to have a semi-civil conversation...

Libido: Not been there. But it could have easily been awakened, given the right WORDS...

Joints: No worries, really. The walk was fine on my hips, which is great. I start taking OsteoSport tomorrow...

Endurance: Ok.

Strength: N/A.

Quality of Training: It was different, which is always good to throw into the mix...

Pump and Vascularity: No pump as such...Vascularity was great (and especially since it was summer weather today...)

Muscle Hardness/Density: Hardening...

Body Composition and Look: Breasts are back to being nice and round and full, so much so that if you didn't know better, you might ask if they were REAL (and believe me, it HAS happened before. And yes, Rosie was NOT impressed; my body is as I was gifted (and have worked hard to create) and not enhanced in ANY way). Chest (the MUSCLE) is looking better too...

Overall Sense of Feeling: A bit more positive today. That's a START...Also, received a very welcome present from Jeff (thank you :)); so I can start taking ALL of my supplements PROPERLY from tomorrow!


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Look forward to seeing how the OsteoSport works out for you - you have some hip issues?
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Look forward to seeing how the OsteoSport works out for you - you have some hip issues?
I have a LOT of issues :D

PS. I ALREADY know that it WILL work for me!!! It has in it a stronger extract of Cissus than Osteoboolin-C, includes in its ingredient profile Hyaluronic Acid, as WELL as a whole heap of other goodies (and Osteobolin-C worked WONDERS for my joint aches and pains!)


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Hey hope the hips get better, either that or I can get you a wheele chair for you birthday :p
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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For the Ladies: Online Figure/Fitness Competition

Ok ladies (not sure how many of you atually read my thread, but for those that do). There's currently an online bodybuilding contest going on for the guys of AM (Link Mental and Texas' Wired BBing Show). They have added in a section for the ladies. The contest 'date' is 1 February 2009. All you have to do is post pics of you in several different poses (See post #1 of the mentioned thread; they may change, since it is for females and not males; but everything else is pretty much the same). I KNOW that there are several great females out there. Perhaps you've thought about entering a competition before. Maybe you even already compete (like Kim). Whatever the case is, this is something that could be a lot of fun to do, help boost that confidence, use as motivation, etc. To register your interest in the competition, just leave a post in the thread with your AM username and that you're down for the "Female" section (or PM TexasLifter89 or MentalTwitch).


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Hi rosie. :)

Just dropping in to say hi. My wife tells me i'm a smartass all the time lol! :p
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Hi rosie. :)

Just dropping in to say hi. My wife tells me i'm a smartass all the time lol! :p
Hi, John. Yes, well out partners do that, don't they? I know MINE is a right ass sometimes :D


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Hi, John. Yes, well out partners do that, don't they? I know MINE is a right ass sometimes :D
Very true! :D

It's all outta love haha.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Day 37

0833 - Rollers:
20 min in 39x16 @ 75% HRmax @ 104-106 rpm
Legs settled at this pace today. I probably SHOULD have done something like 40 minutes, but after only 20 minutes I was bored and wanting to get off the bike. So I did. I reassured myself that I would do another 20 minutes or so before the resistance session I planned on doing after work (as it happened, neither work, the extra cardio, or the resistance session happened). Legs were ok, but feeling slightly fatigued; not really sure why. My body has just NOT been responsive for the last couple of weeks, and Rosie has been really NOT herself...

0900 - Stretch 27 min.

Sleep - Time and Quality: ~2200-0703 (waking at 0315, 0325, and 0423), so ~9 hours sleep. DAMN, this is getting frustrating now! I ALWAYS wake up at the times I SHOULD be, but the body just won't GET up! **** **** ****! Some dreams, none that memorable. For the last few days I have been waking up with a sharp, stabbing pain in my belly (no, NOT period pains), which is becoming somewhat of an issue now...

Mental Alertness/Focus: There. No class (well, I missed them) today. Decided on a topic for my Exercise Considerations for Special Populations 3000-word essay, and started on the article search. Will do some more tomorrow, and probably try an all-nighter Thursday night, since it's due on Friday (as well as a client assessment...)

Energy: Not a lot. I managed the cardio. Resistance sessions are being planned for the evening just before bed (since they're not getting done in the morning, due to me waking up so late), but by then I am ready for bed and sleep...Wanted to fall asleep in the sun this afternoon (yes, the sun has arrived in New Zealand, and weather is like summer), but didn't...Stabbing pain in belly continued after dinner (I'm wondering if it's not from all the dairy that I've been having lately, since I don't usually eat it, and have a lactose intolerance...)

Motivation: Determined to be there. Talking with some photographers (going to be fun). But circumstances just being a *****...

Mood/Aggression: Ok mood, for the most part. I was actually laughing (yes, hard to stop; like you get when you're overtired, and once you start laughing you just keep on at it), and smiling...Until I was set off by a silly comment that should never have upset me...

Libido: Could have been in a playful, naughty mood today...But not...

Joints: All good today.

Endurance: There, definitely (need to keep interest up, though).

Strength: N/A.

Quality of Training: Ok. Slow, though. Very low HR, compared to the usual Rosie pace.

Pump and Vascularity: No pump...Vascularity high, as usual...

Muscle Hardness/Density: Legs. Delts. Arms. Chest.

Body Composition and Look: I'm not liking it today (probably more because I feel like absoulte shite, though; and very disappointed in myself for 'lacking' in training, and 3/4 of the last 2-3 weeks being far too high calorie/CHO days...)

Overall Sense of Feeling: I KNOW that I HAVE the goods to deliver on everything that I want to and need to. Just got to get my head in that space. And my body to RESPOND!


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You training in the evening now maniac?


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Omg... I wish I was that bench you were working on.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I hope you're GF doesn't read that bro!:trout:
He's young. Relationships are probably nothing serious right now. Besides, you know what males are like: they think anything is hot, love to flirt, and, given the chance, would cheat. AND he hasn't realized yet that Rosie ISN'T impressed by superficial or obsequious flattery :nutkick:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 38

1055 - HIIT Rollers:
a. 4 min in 39x16 @ 75-80% HRmax @ 108-110 rpm
b. 16 x 20 sec effort/10 sec easy in 39x16 (rpm N/A)
c. 8 min in 39x16 @ 85-90% HRmax @ 115-118 rpm
I wasn't going to stop at 8 efforts today. After adding in an extra 4 efforts for Jeff last Wednesday (and because I feel pathetic for my lack of training) I was determined to do as many today (if not more), and NOT 'fade', like I did last week. So, started off reasonably well. Surprisingly I did NOT fade, and my hips were FINE. Good. I know that I'm capable of so much MORE, then…

1123 – Stretch 35 min.

Sleep - Time and Quality: ~2200-0930 (waking at 0315, 0325, 0330, 0423, and 0730), so ~11.5 hours sleep. WTF??? I should NOT be so tired! :frustrate Perhaps, you're right, Sean; maybe my Haemoglobin is too low (I know that it gets very low when I'm not training as hard as usual, and doing cardio at a lower intensity (which I have been, simply because HR has NOT been going higher), and lack of resistance sessions). Sleep, though, is deep as. Barely waking to anything but my alarms (and yes, your text; thank you). Dreaming, too; strange and weird dreams. I'm wanting very much to be OVER the whole sleeping thing now. I know that sleep is great for recovery, but when I'm NOT training, then recovery becomes a bit of a joke. Woke with the sharp, stabbing pains in my belly again (argh; what is wrong with me already?!)

Mental Alertness/Focus: Rosie woke too late to go to the morning class (training took precedence, anyways, as you can see). As for the afternoon class, I walked into town and then school, but didn't bother with class (everything for that paper they take word for word from the textbook; and I can learn all that stuff reading it myself more than I would wasting my time being bored for 2 hours). Got all my articles for my essay; I'll start writing it tomorrow and try the all-nighter (yes, damnit, and you had better stay AWAKE!) Oh, and the assignment/presentation that I thought was due next Friday is actually due on TUESDAY (well, **** me…)

Energy: Not had a lot. That pain in my belly kind of makes me not wanting to be walking around, or being upright, or being around people right now…

Motivation: I am blessed to have the support, belief, and backing of an awesome partner and a great company; what more could I ask for? Oh, yeah, and CT continues to be an inspiration; she is literally a walking billboard for this lifestyle!

Mood/Aggression: Aggression at sleeping so much, my body not doing what I want it to, my complete lack of training these last couple of weeks, and then the inevitable binging that follows the aggression and pissed-off Rosie…SOME good news, though, today, which made me bright for a bit, and made me look forward to the end of study and going to the States…

Libido: Not there at all…

Joints: No issues there.

Endurance: Good.

Strength: N/A.

Quality of Training: Good, again. Now to get (and KEEP) that HR UP EVERY training session on the rollers…

Pump and Vascularity: Small pump after the efforts…Vascularity I love…

Muscle Hardness/Density: Pretty soon the IGF-2 will make my muscles harder than they were before, which will be welcome…

Body Composition and Look: I am FAR from satisfied with my body at the moment. But that is completely MY fault. Slap in the face and a kick in the arse, and focus on what you WANT and just DO it!

Overall Sense of Feeling: If I clean my diet up and get it under control, then I shall be at 8% BF in as little as a month, and even LESS by the time study is over (which is what I want). And then I can concentrate on building up my upper body some more. But hey, small, baby steps, first. Just have to be careful WHAT those baby steps are, because soon baby steps become running, and once that starts, it’s hard to stop…
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 39

0810 - Rollers:
a. 4 min in 39x16 @ 108 rpm @ 80-85% HRmax
b. 4 min in 39x16 @ 112 rpm @ 85% HRmax
c. 4 min in 39x16 @ 116 rpm @ 85-90% HRmax
d. 4 min in 39x16 @ 120 rpm @ 90% HRmax
e. 4 min in 39x16 @ 124 rpm @ 90-95% HRmax
f. 1 min in 39x16 @ 108 rpm (HR dropped back to 80% HRmax)
It was pretty hot this morning, even at that time; and sweat was dripping off me pretty quickly (but it's a good feeling; makes me feel like I'm working :D). Today I did a step protocol, but, instead of changing gear, I changed CADENCE, upping it by 4 rpm every 4 minutes. And that itself was enough to get my HR up to where I wanted it. Definitely a test for the hips, the higher cadence. And there were no aches or pains in either hips or knees, which is a great thing, considering only a couple of days ago there WERE. Great session. Put me in good spirits for work...

1014 - Work: CityAbs 25 min.

1044 - Treadmill:
a. 3 min @ 4.36 min/km pace
b. 3 min @ 4.26 min/km pace
c. 3 min @ 4.16 min/km pace
d. 3 min @ 4.06 min/km pace
Yep, decided to do a quick session of cardio (since usually I've done my cardio before my resistance sessions anyways). I don't like treadmills, simply because they can get boring as **** if you're on them too long (like anything else, I guess). I 'stepped' this too, but didn't go as long, since it was getting pretty intense with me INcreasing the pace, when running, I would either hold it or ease a little by the end of a run. When I got to 9 minutes I was gasping for air (couldn't hear a thing because of how loud I have my music turned up, but I can imagine what I sounded like to everyone else), and I could really feel the impact in my lower legs with each stride. All good, though. I had to rest for a few moments afterwards, to make sure that I didn't stumble too badly down to the weights' area.

1101 - Chest (1 min recovery):
1. P/U (feet on bench, hands on m/b) 4 x 12
2. Flat BB BP 4 x 6, 6, 8, 8
3. Inc BB BP 4 x 6, 6, 8, 8
4. Cable Flyes 4 x 6, 6, 12, 12
5. Plyometric Box Jumps 2 x 40
Decided to do Chest, since I thought that it would be easier than any of the other sessions (and a spotter wasn't too neccesary). Started out with P/U today. Did a sight better than last week. Love these, despite the burning in my anterior delts and triceps during the last couple of reps in the last couple of sets. But, I didn't collapse, and persevered on, and did 12 reps each time...Moved onto the Flat BB BP. I went slightly lighter than what I would do, simply because my strength has not been great the last couple of weeks, my arms already felt ****ed, and the bench was quite different to what I am used to and manoeuvring the BB out to the starting position is a ***** that takes something out of you (and doesn't really allow for those lifting HEAVY). Still, pushed myself for the last couple of sets, and finished ok. Hands were all slippery with sweat, which made it harder as well...Moved to Inc BB BP, instead of using DB, simply because I didn't have a training partner (and he usually puts the DB in my hands, since I can't lift/swing them up into the starting position, even though I can do the exercise fine once I have them there). Same deal with the bench (have I mentioned that I DON'T like the commercial crap that's coming out these days?) Followed the same pattern re reps with my sets as I used for the Flat BB BP...Cable Flyes were actually a little more difficult than what they normally are. And after two shorter sets, I did a couple extra of double the reps at a slightly lighter weight...And as if all that (and the treadmill) wasn't ENOUGH to completely **** me up, I decided to do a couple of sets of Plyometric Box Jumps with a HIGHER box, to finish off. I wasn't walking properly after that, I tell you. But, I WAS pleased with the session...

1200 - Stretch 24 min.

Sleep - Time and Quality: ~2200-0700 (waking at 0315, 0325, 0330, 0423, 0444, 0630, and 0647), so ~9 hours sleep. It was actually pretty good, until the first alarm. And then it was constant waking and almost instantly asleep again until I eventually got up. Trust me when I say that if I didn't have work this morning, I would have just gone back to sleep, and most likely slept for close to 11-12 hours (which is sooo NOT cool). Sharp pain still in belly. And waking with my whole body, especially my arms and clavicle region aching, as if I've done something (which we all know, I haven't had been able to, because of lack of energy...)

Mental Alertness/Focus: Been there. Procrastinating (STILL) on starting my essay. I will most probably start it sometime between 2100 and 2200 tonight (I know; shush), and am determined to go through the night until ~1600 tomorrow when it should be finished (well, has to be, since it's due then, LOL)...Also, got my marks back for the assignment where I was having panic attacks during a couple of weeks ago, and thought that it was a pitiful attempt (yes, started that the DAY it was due in), and got an A+ (do, not bad at all). I'm still in with my grades (just not Rosie's usual standard)...

Energy: Barely had any. Even at work I was so fatigued, at one point I was close to just collapsing and had to hold onto a machine to keep me upright (way not cool)...And then I had the brilliant idea of doing some training, since I haven't done any virtually for the last two weeks; and was close to crawling out of the gym :D...Have been quite fatigued since, and so close to passing out early in the afternoon. But starting to wake up some now, which is what I need to do my all-nighter...

Motivation: Oh, it's there. I haven't been happy with the last few weeks, to say the least. But I can completely lay the blame on myself, for my lack of discipline (mostly diet, here; I can't control my body's fatigue levels too much). But, back on track. I WILL successfully finish my study on a HIGH note; as WELL as getting my body into the shape that I want it by my last exam!

Mood/Aggression: Lots of laughter and smiles (work is just fun, actually; me doing what I love). No aggression. Some frustration at the inexplicable belly pains. Overall, a reasonable mood...

Libido: Still not there. I would have thought being tired almost constantly would make it HIGHER (then again, can't do anything about it, so maybe it's doing the smart thing and laying low for a while...)

Joints: They've had a real good testing today. And have held up surprisingly well! VERY pleased. (Jeff, you're right; that OsteoSport dosing/timing is working well, and it's only been 3 days!) One of the women that I work with has lots of trouble with her hips, and I gave her a sample of OsteoSport today to try; so will be interesting to see how that goes for her...

Endurance: All there. And some...

Strength: Good, considering...

Quality of Training: All cardio sessions today have been top notch...As for the resistance session; that was ok, despite being in a different gym (I train elsewhere to where I work) and the equipment being the newer, more commercial stuff (I like the older, solid equipment) that I never quite feel 'safe' using, especially for my heavier weights (or without a spotter).

Pump and Vascularity: Pump today has just been ****ing awesome. Because of the way my arms have been feeling, it just makes it seem that much MORE...Vascularity has been like, wow. RPM really DOES make such a noticeable difference here (and yes, from today, I will be using it again).

Muscle Hardness/Density: Upper body is definitely starting to feel (and look) as hard as my lower body.

Body Composition and Look: Still looking way too soft for my liking. Most of it is pretty deceptive, though, as it's predominantly bloating from all the consecutive cheating (and high CHO) and water retention (since lately I have been having a lot of trouble drinking). It will go away, though, after a few days of clean, good eating...

Overall Sense of Feeling: I know what I want. I know what I'm capable of. And hey, NOTHING is out of Rosie's reach if she WANTS it!
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Day 40

It was essay-writing all day. So, no training or eating until it was done. And still no training; my body needs the rest, definitely feeling the impact from my knees down, from all the Plyometric Box Jumps I've been doing...

Sleep - Time and Quality: ~2100-0612 (waking at 2200, 2356, 0003, 0315, and 0325), so ~9 hours sleep. Yes, I went to bed, planning on sleeping for an hour or two, and getting up at 2200 to start writing my essay. As it was, 2200 came and went; so did 0000 (the new time I set at 2200); and then so passed 0315. I didn't even hear the text at 0500 (I must have been really out of it), and even at 0612, I was tempted to go back to sleep. But I couldn't. Had weird dreams last night. But sleep was very deep...

Mental Alertness/Focus: Been there. I didn't actually start writing my essay until 0900. I sat there for 4 hours straight before getting up for a drink. By 1400 I was over it already, and not even close to finishing. In the end I finished, but pretty poorly (not expecting great things from that). Brain is so dead right now...

Energy: Had none. I wanted to be sleeping at 1300. My body has been so fatigued today. At least there were no panic attacks...

Motivation: Damn these last few weeks. Rosie, give your body a huge boot and just DO IT ANYWAY!

Mood/Aggression: Not much of anything. Just 'can't be ****ed', today. Bit more 'chill' now. Spacing out with the crew...

Libido: Small moments...I have more fun TEASING these days :D

Joints: No worries.

Endurance: N/A.

Strength: N/A.

Quality of Training: N/A.

Pump and Vascularity: No pump...Vascularity ok...

Muscle Hardness/Density: Arms feeling it...

Body Composition and Look: Got told last night that my arms are looking better than they've eveer been. Yeah, my upper body is still leaning (VERY weird; completely inexplicable). Or maybe it just LOOKS it, because I'm getting more golden? (Yep, that sun has been bloody beautiful). Either way...Top abs looked better today (probably more lack of food than anything...Yes, I know; completely bad and spankworthy...)

Overall Sense of Feeling: Bit blah. Glad the essay is out of the way. But have another assessment due on Monday, another on Tuesday, and yet another on Wednesday next week (sigh...Just remember that soon it will all be a thing of the past)...Man, these days a really GREAT day seems to be followed by a day that I wish I could rewind and forget. Ah, well, get back to the greatness ALL the time...


  • Established
Hi Rosie - have you every taken a supp like Drive? Would you recommend it to a female?
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Hi Rosie - have you every taken a supp like Drive? Would you recommend it to a female?
Yes, I have used Drive (if you read any of my other logs, you will see that I used it right up until not so long ago); I've used the entire AN range. Depends on what her goals were, as with any supplement. There's nothing wrong with using Drive; no side effects, etc. I just never noticed any results until I'd been using it for 3 weeks, and then they only lasted for 5 weeks. It is good for endurance and strength. Personally though, I prefer IGF-2, but that's just me.
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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yes, this IGF-2 sounds like the business
It is! I LOVE IT! Seriously, the results I've had, and the way it helps keep me lean (and you all know how MUCH I eat; and if you don't believe me, well, you'd better START :D) whilst gaining. And recovery is wow. Yep, it's a staple, for sure.


  • Established
It is! I LOVE IT! Seriously, the results I've had, and the way it helps keep me lean (and you all know how MUCH I eat; and if you don't believe me, well, you'd better START :D) whilst gaining. And recovery is wow. Yep, it's a staple, for sure.
I am a believer haha! It's 'spring leaning' time at JKP's place - just putting together a little something...
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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  • Established
I am a believer haha! It's 'spring leaning' time at JKP's place - just putting together a little something...
Add it in. For sure. Stack it with NeoVar Recomped and RPM. If your diet's right for leaning, then you'll get there in no time flat :D
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