Anyone use Magnesium Creatine Chelate?


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2009
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I was just wondering if anyone has experiance with MCC. I havent found much feedback on it so anything would help. Thanks.
It's all I use when it comes to creatine. Mono, kre-alk, CEE all do nothing for me; MCC is the only one I've had noticeable effects from.

Other people I know prefer MCC to mono as well.
Thats nice to know. I ordered a bottle yesterday to try out. Mono works but i get bloated as hell on it and accumulate alot of fat reguardless of diet. IM haveing high hopes so we will see...there is just a lack of feedback on it. Thanks NomZ
MCC is very good stuff.
I go with the 501 cap version for easy dosing.
MCC FTW!! not cuz im a rep or anything cuz i like it. I use to use cl green mag but switched over and like 2 months later i became a rep lol.

no bloat for myself and its just about as strong as mono IME.
I absolutely hate cl products. Green mag tasted good but sucked, White Flood was the worst product and waste of money to date and thats where I drew the line. White Flood gave me the WORST squirts I have ever had!! I wasnt to happy with the fact that i pissed my $ out my @ss...if i wanted the squirts, I would have went to Taco Bell.
I absolutely hate cl products. Green mag tasted good but sucked, White Flood was the worst product and waste of money to date and thats where I drew the line. White Flood gave me the WORST squirts I have ever had!! I wasnt to happy with the fact that i pissed my $ out my @ss...if i wanted the squirts, I would have went to Taco Bell.

I absolutely hate cl products. Green mag tasted good but sucked, White Flood was the worst product and waste of money to date and thats where I drew the line. White Flood gave me the WORST squirts I have ever had!! I wasnt to happy with the fact that i pissed my $ out my @ss...if i wanted the squirts, I would have went to Taco Bell.

Taco Bell is delicious bro!
I used MCC allot. Really good stuff. Some like Nomz only respond to MCC if that is a issue.

Really like the fact it is in pill form. Makes it easier if you are on the go.
I used MCC allot. Really good stuff. Some like Nomz only respond to MCC if that is a issue.

Really like the fact it is in pill form. Makes it easier if you are on the go.

The only form of Creatine that uses different mechanism of action to increase phosphocreatine stores in skeletal muscles is Creatine Magnesium Chelate. The whole goal of supplementing creatine is to increase phosphocreatine stores, everything else besides MCC uses the same idea as monohydrate. Usually you hear about them being more effective, better absorption etc, but I don't see any clinically significant studies indicating they saturate your muscles more than what is possible. Ie if monohydrate works for you, the fancier version won't do anything extra regarding creatine levels if you reach saturation. They might have another health benefits (Ie nitrates in creatine nitrates), but in regards to your phosphocreatine stores, nope. People who don't respond to monohydrate usually have enzyme deficiencies, their muscles are already over saturated, etc, which is why MCC is a good idea.

Think of it this way:

We have 2 compartments, say say outside (outside the muscle) and inside (inside say a muscle). Creatine can travel to the inside of the muscle when it is outside through a layer (think a door way of some sort). Inside the muscle, phosphate trapping makes it so there is a lot more creatine on the outside than the inside, and the system wants it to be fairly equal, so creatine from the outside moves into the muscle. Ie imagine pushing a bunch of weight against a door, eventually you will go make it so there is a lot of force on the door and you'll go through the door. Once saturation is reached, the system always wants to be in equilibrium, so it shifts back and forth. So that's why over dosing creatine won't make a difference, the muscle can't get more in than what it's max storage is.

Now, how does this apply to those who don't see a difference with monohydrate? Creatine uses a protein (CrT), which is "energized" by outside sodium. If you have an issue with CrT (ie what I alluded to earlier with enzyme issues), you won't get any benefit from monohydrate.

In regards to the "fancier" creatines:

When creatine is inside now, it's not creatine anymore, it's called phosphocreatine. Because it's now not creatine like it was before it went inside, it means the outside will always have more creatine than the inside, so you can keep getting creatine from the outside going into the inside (if there is space), trying to reach equilibrium.
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Alot of good information there Synapsin!:goodpost: