Any issues taking Alpha-T2 immediately after a Mitotropin cycle?


New member
Plan on getting the get up and go stack when i finish the Mito in a couple weeks. I also read that you can add ephedrine (bronchaid) and aspirin to make the get up and go stack even more potent without issues, just looking for confirmation.

So my thyroid isnt going to explode by not taking a break in between Thanks for the quick response, will post a review in a couple months. The mito is pretty good for fat loss, but the lethargy is starting to bug me.
Natty- I couldn't find the post where you answered my question about t2/oep hitting different receptor than eca, but I do have an extended question. I've been running ECA for an extended period of time. I am wanting to give the t2/oep stack a shot, possibly with androhard. Since it does not target the same receptor is this a good stack to run when cycling off of ECA, or should I run reset AD first and then fire it up?
You can just jump right into the stack, and yes its a very good stack to run when cycling off ECA

Ephedrine targets B3 receptors where as the stims in Alpha-T2 target A2 and B2 receptors