Another log (prioritizing strength)

Always looking beach ready my man….keep up the hard work
I wont be beach ready after I gain these 20 lbs in 6-7 weeks lol. But I'm excited for the future cut too, I'm hoping this bulk goes decent for some muscle gain and not just strength, I've not let myself go over 200lbs in the past 10 months since my last cut from 215-218 down to 195-200. Each cut brings on a better 200lb version of me each time tho and I'm excited. I may cut all the way to 185 and hop in the masters golden gloves in January too, heavily debating on taking 1 last crack before I turn 40 in march😫
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Did a push day and babysitting my right shoulder a little but not too much.

I did some high rep stuff after some moderate to heavy weights in the beginning.

The shoulder press seated is significantly harder then standing or supported so I may go back to a supported shoulder press to stabilize a lil better. Also the reps are not reflective of the challenge/weight on that.Invalid Link Removed
The 185 on bench was 15 with a 10 sec rest pause for 4 more and 10 sec for a single 15+4+1

Tomorrow il probably do some active recovery type stuff and hit the bag a little and Tuesday will be chins, deads, rows, squats and whatever I want for a pump at the end.


Do you think how I'm skipping the negative reps on heavy deads will allow for a significant amount more recovery? I dont feel like there killing me but I'm also not at very challenging weights yet. I'm sticking with the same progression and 2 to 3 pull days per week but I kinds like knocking out some 20 rep squats after. I feel like the high rep squat after the heavy deads is easier because of the load reduction from 1 exercise to the next. I'm rambling here lol.

Do you think I'm writing a recipe for over training? Maybe just 1x week doing a few 20 rep sets. Like breathing squat style after a heavy deadlift
Did a push day and babysitting my right shoulder a little but not too much.

I did some high rep stuff after some moderate to heavy weights in the beginning.

The shoulder press seated is significantly harder then standing or supported so I may go back to a supported shoulder press to stabilize a lil better. Also the reps are not reflective of the challenge/weight on that.Invalid Link Removed
The 185 on bench was 15 with a 10 sec rest pause for 4 more and 10 sec for a single 15+4+1

Tomorrow il probably do some active recovery type stuff and hit the bag a little and Tuesday will be chins, deads, rows, squats and whatever I want for a pump at the end.


Do you think how I'm skipping the negative reps on heavy deads will allow for a significant amount more recovery? I dont feel like there killing me but I'm also not at very challenging weights yet. I'm sticking with the same progression and 2 to 3 pull days per week but I kinds like knocking out some 20 rep squats after. I feel like the high rep squat after the heavy deads is easier because of the load reduction from 1 exercise to the next. I'm rambling here lol.

Do you think I'm writing a recipe for over training? Maybe just 1x week doing a few 20 rep sets. Like breathing squat style after a heavy deadlift

Most of the hypertrophy achieved from a lift is from the eccentric lowering phase. The most specific muscle you can possibly gain for strength is via that actual lift (or mechanically similar variations). When you have literally already done the hard work of lifting the barbell, do not throw your gains away by dropping your deadlifts.

The only people who train this way are CrossFit athletes, who are working for maximizing repetitions/total work output on a clock. And consider they’re probably going to train the exact same musculature the very next day, or certainly 48 hours later. Thrusters one day, snatches the next, deads the following, frontsquats, etc. And they are a sport that needs to stay small and efficient as possible. They are not known for producing big deadlifts from actual CrossFit style training. 600lbs is a big deadlift for a Games athlete.

Powerlifters and strongmen do not do this. They get bigger/heavier, and 600 is a very common deadlift. It is also very rare to train the deadlift/variations 3x a week in both of these sports. 1-2x is the norm for 198lb and up athletes here, like comp style one day and maybe an RDL on another.

I would not drop your pulls, and not pull 3x a week ever. It’s certainly a recipe for disaster given your back history. The best deadlift will happen if you just show up healthy.

Also, Breathing squats are meant to be a 1x/wk frequency. Dante only had his 20-rep widowmakers every 8 days I believe. They’re not in your contest so performance doesn’t matter here - these are about getting jacked, and you grow OUTSIDE the gym.

How many people do you know that go to the gym 6 days per week that are small as hell? Most of them. You can train a ton, or you can train productively. Don’t confuse exercise with training.
Let the bulking begin Invalid Link Removed
Let's gain 20 more lbs!

Looking lean and mean! I'd say it's time for the winter bulk to begin for sure!
Got out early and did my session. Didnt do any legs today but snapped a few pics that I'm now realizing are a little blurry. Bit, il give legs there love tomorrow or thursday and get better pics.

Heres todays workInvalid Link Removed
Heres some crappy leg shots I snapped in the mirror with my galaxy s8 potato Invalid Link Removed
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Sorry these are crappier then I thought lol.

Il get better ones, zooming in and fixing the lightning actually makes it worse.
God, I'm sitting outside of a community college, my son is a junior in high school but takes 1 advanced math class there every tuesday. Every other kids/young adults that walks by are all 50 to 100lbs overweight. Gotta be 50% of the ppl. Severely overweight, acne, cant tell if its male or female.

college, most kids are 18-22 here, some a little older and some 40+ but in general, college is 18-22ish. This is the age when your at your hormonal peak, this is the age where ppl are putting out easy and I cant imagine being that age and looking like this.

I'm big on ppl doing what you want. But I have a hard time imagining any 21 year old wants to be 100lbs over weight with acne and not getting laid or having to bang someone else that looks like that.

I understand that most of them my not be happy with how they look (or I could be wrong). But jesus christ. You dont go from 10lbs over weight to 50lbs to 100lbs without noticing, and these are basically kids. Theres a group walking in right now and there literally all shaped like pears or apples.

I know I sound like a dick, but keep in mind I work with mostly weight loss ppl. You hear lots of ppl say they dont care but everyone I talk to cares, they all also say they didnt notice it happen until it was too late, I say," how did you not notice that you were buying new bigger clothes every few months or every year."

No1 ever has a counter argument for that. Il stop ranting now. But god, I wish I took 30-40pictures so I could show you what I'm looking at here.
You shouldn't need a walking cane because your so big walking is hard

Sorry if I offended anyone, not my intentions
God, I'm sitting outside of a community college, my son is a junior in high school but takes 1 advanced math class there every tuesday. Every other kids/young adults that walks by are all 50 to 100lbs overweight. Gotta be 50% of the ppl. Severely overweight, acne, cant tell if its male or female.

college, most kids are 18-22 here, some a little older and some 40+ but in general, college is 18-22ish. This is the age when your at your hormonal peak, this is the age where ppl are putting out easy and I cant imagine being that age and looking like this.

I'm big on ppl doing what you want. But I have a hard time imagining any 21 year old wants to be 100lbs over weight with acne and not getting laid or having to bang someone else that looks like that.

I understand that most of them my not be happy with how they look (or I could be wrong). But jesus christ. You dont go from 10lbs over weight to 50lbs to 100lbs without noticing, and these are basically kids. Theres a group walking in right now and there literally all shaped like pears or apples.

I know I sound like a dick, but keep in mind I work with mostly weight loss ppl. You hear lots of ppl say they dont care but everyone I talk to cares, they all also say they didnt notice it happen until it was too late, I say," how did you not notice that you were buying new bigger clothes every few months or every year."

No1 ever has a counter argument for that. Il stop ranting now. But god, I wish I took 30-40pictures so I could show you what I'm looking at here.
You shouldn't need a walking cane because your so big walking is hard

Sorry if I offended anyone, not my intentions
It’s a big college town here; we have the state university, a very old private college, and the community college so plenty of that demographic everywhere you go. I do think that often, how much fatter people seem to be. Not just college students either though, just most people seem to have love handles way bigger than me - and I’m a fat powerlifter.

Whenever I’m gaining if I decide to go to a buffet, I’m the leanest person there & it terrifies me for society. I am battling to put down my third & final plate, while elderly women happily waddle back up for fifths.
It’s a big college town here; we have the state university, a very old private college, and the community college so plenty of that demographic everywhere you go. I do think that often, how much fatter people seem to be. Not just college students either though, just most people seem to have love handles way bigger than me - and I’m a fat powerlifter.

Whenever I’m gaining if I decide to go to a buffet, I’m the leanest person there & it terrifies me for society. I am battling to put down my third & final plate, while elderly women happily waddle back up for fifths.
Ya dude its nuts. I just watched a probably 5'5 280lb guy pushing his wife/girlfriend down the street in a wheelchair. He had a bapck pack with a sidecart water bottle and a sweat rag like he done this trip a few times before 🤣🤣🤣. I was thinking hes gonna drop 50lbs from the exercise and shes gonna keep getting bigger lol. She is his progressive overload!
I may have got burned on my gear order. Went with a source that I havnt used in about a year and even to hes taken longer to deliver in the past, something just seems different this time. I'm gonna put a separate order in this weekend with another source and best case scenario I got extra
As cut as you’re looking now, you should still be able to put on another 20 lbs and still look good. If everything comes together, you could hit beastmode and gain that size and still at least keep your upper abs. I live in a college town too….here around the active places like the gyms, trails, basketball and tennis courts, you see a lot of kids in shape. And there’s a big CrossFit movement around here too, so there’s a lot of young hot college girls. But when you go to the general population places, like strores, restaurants etc. you see a lot that are over weight. Sad part is we have awesome trails that are beautiful around here, and all they need to do is walk, but yeah I feel you, I believe the younger generation slips in to being lazy from not enough physical activity. Not trying to offend anyone either, there are definitely exceptions.
last time my wife and I were in Seattle she noticed more dudes wore dresses than the girls and the girls all looked more masculine and wore army clothes. If you walk into a wal-mart it's like a rascal scooter super event 😅 At some point when people are quite large, you have to really work at it to feed that mass.

priorities in society are a little fucked. my wife references the movie wall-e a lot, where everyone just sat in their motorized chairs 24/7 and got fed. But society has really burned down femininity and attacked masculinity. The chicks that put in the effort, as well as the guys, are going to be the breeders so maybe it's good for society to just let it run this course of darwinism.

I will say though when we hit that river float in Arizona last week the shuttle was half filled with a group of girls from ASU/Tempe and they were not fat. maybe PHAT, but not fat. 😅

As a dad of a high school boy myself nothing makes me happier than to see that his favorite class is his weightlifting class, and he has a beautiful girlfriend. checked both of the important boxes already, my job here is done 😅
I spoke too soon, package has arrived
last time my wife and I were in Seattle she noticed more dudes wore dresses than the girls and the girls all looked more masculine and wore army clothes. If you walk into a wal-mart it's like a rascal scooter super event 😅 At some point when people are quite large, you have to really work at it to feed that mass.

priorities in society are a little fucked. my wife references the movie wall-e a lot, where everyone just sat in their motorized chairs 24/7 and got fed. But society has really burned down femininity and attacked masculinity. The chicks that put in the effort, as well as the guys, are going to be the breeders so maybe it's good for society to just let it run this course of darwinism.

I will say though when we hit that river float in Arizona last week the shuttle was half filled with a group of girls from ASU/Tempe and they were not fat. maybe PHAT, but not fat. 😅

As a dad of a high school boy myself nothing makes me happier than to see that his favorite class is his weightlifting class, and he has a beautiful girlfriend. checked both of the important boxes already, my job here is done 😅
To the thing your wife says about that movie, I agree. Technology and Social media is a major part of the problem
To the thing your wife says about that movie, I agree. Technology and Social media is a major part of the problem

I don't even get it dude. they say T levels are dwindling around the world, yet the U.S. supposedly carries the highest T in the world on average and it's like these people don't even try. There's such a lack of competitive spirit in young people. Greg Glassman used to say you could get a bunch of guys together and turn absolutely anything into a competition with a stop clock, even throwing garbage into a can, and that's what made crossfit so attractive... I think he's right, for that generation and those with competitive spirit you give us a challenge and hell yeah it's on.
I don't even get it dude. they say T levels are dwindling around the world, yet the U.S. supposedly carries the highest T in the world on average and it's like these people don't even try. There's such a lack of competitive spirit in young people. Greg Glassman used to say you could get a bunch of guys together and turn absolutely anything into a competition with a stop clock, even throwing garbage into a can, and that's what made crossfit so attractive... I think he's right, for that generation and those with competitive spirit you give us a challenge and hell yeah it's on.
The highest t in the world on average is still low. Lower them ever. The 1000 or 1200 number that is set as the high end of normal is a made up number. In the 1940's and 50's the AVERAGE was 800

Currently we have places that say a healthy male should have test levels of 450-600.

Americans are the highest average currently at 650 AVERAGE

A healthy man can absolutely have natty t levels 1200-1500+
Hows the lady's looking Invalid Link Removed
Let's zoom in a bitInvalid Link Removed

Hello blueberry muffins!

Let's zoom in a bit moreInvalid Link Removed

I'm thinking 4 more weeks to fatten up and get ripe
Your garden is looking tasty, oh and so is the food.
And y’all are right as far as society. They want to make everyone into wimps and all be the same with no competition, diversity, or meeting challenges head on.Too many people play the victim role instead of toughening up and meeting challenges head on. I truly believe the decline of testosterone in males over the years has had a major part in softening up the population. What is really sad there are states a 12 or 13 year old girl can get prescribed testosterone quicker than a 40 year old man just by answering some questions and stating they feel more like a male than female. Don’t get me wrong everyone has their own choice but giving kids hormones before they are adults just because they ask is just disturbing.
Sorry Smont wasn’t trying to go too far, but I just agree on your’s and Dustin’s views on Testosterone, and I just get a little fired up when I see what my Grandkids are facing.😎
Your garden is looking tasty, oh and so is the food.
And y’all are right as far as society. They want to make everyone into wimps and all be the same with no competition, diversity, or meeting challenges head on.Too many people play the victim role instead of toughening up and meeting challenges head on. I truly believe the decline of testosterone in males over the years has had a major part in softening up the population. What is really sad there are states a 12 or 13 year old girl can get prescribed testosterone quicker than a 40 year old man just by answering some questions and stating they feel more like a male than female. Don’t get me wrong everyone has their own choice but giving kids hormones before they are adults just because they ask is just disturbing.
Sorry Smont wasn’t trying to go too far, but I just agree on your’s and Dustin’s views on Testosterone, and I just get a little fired up when I see what my Grandkids are facing.😎
Lots of us in the same boat. I have a niece who says shes trans but shes just 16, severely overweight (has a cane) and her mother has let her not shave her leg and wear a compression shirt for the last 4 years. Shes so lazy she has a scheme planned to say shes autistic so she wont have to get a job. Shes literally telling everyone shes autistic and asking to be tested over and over
And y’all are right as far as society. They want to make everyone into wimps and all be the same with no competition, diversity, or meeting challenges head on.Too many people play the victim role instead of toughening up and meeting challenges head on. I truly believe the decline of testosterone in males over the years has had a major part in softening up the population.

Hell I caught my mom doing it the other day helping my boy with something and I said knock it off and let him fail, (he was standing next to us) lol. She got mad at me and I said no, we don't coddle him like a baby. I gave him advice, told him what to do, and if he doesn't want to get it done then he's allowed to fail and suffer the consequences. She didn't like that, but all the sudden he's applying for jobs at age 15! (the discussion was prepping for a car when he turns 16)

I'm all for helping out our fellow man but we have to let people taste defeat from time to time. it's truly good for you.

Shes literally telling everyone shes autistic and asking to be tested over and over

that's crazy, I tested incredibly high on the autism scale. like past the scale, lol. most people would never know it, but anyone who knows my daily routines would see the signs.
Hell I caught my mom doing it the other day helping my boy with something and I said knock it off and let him fail, (he was standing next to us) lol. She got mad at me and I said no, we don't coddle him like a baby. I gave him advice, told him what to do, and if he doesn't want to get it done then he's allowed to fail and suffer the consequences. She didn't like that, but all the sudden he's applying for jobs at age 15! (the discussion was prepping for a car when he turns 16)

I'm all for helping out our fellow man but we have to let people taste defeat from time to time. it's truly good for you.

that's crazy, I tested incredibly high on the autism scale. like past the scale, lol. most people would never know it, but anyone who knows my daily routines would see the signs.
I was looking at a paper she had with 100 ticks or habits that it says if you have 3 or more you may be autistic. Literally every person on the planet could find 3 things on that list lol. As I was reading the list I was thinking..... who made this thing lol
I was looking at a paper she had with 100 ticks or habits that it says if you have 3 or more you may be autistic. Literally every person on the planet could find 3 things on that list lol. As I was reading the list I was thinking..... who made this thing lol

when my boy was a toddler they said kids who like particular toys are autistic AF, and I was like oh ****! that's his favorite toy! 😅
So I got lots of good news. The guys i got on that full body program are literally adding 5-10lbs a week on most of there lifts. Me personally although my workouts have gone into a auto regulatory type thing but the basics are still there. Less pressing and more pulling is the gameplan while this shoulder gets better. (I can still work the inclines with a med to close grip and moderate to fairly heavy weights).

My gear showed up

And I have what I heard is a good generic gh source which I ordered 100 units and that should be here in 14-21 days.
as of sunday test will bump from 500ish to 750 and in 2-3 weeks I'm gonna add the gh and october 1st the anadrol, if I can wait that long lol
Yeah man, that HGH will make everything work better together.
I hope its gtg. I already told my self that if it's legit and I'm reaping the benefits I will start factoring in the $$ for 1 kit a month.

I've wasted $200/month on dumber ****. Heck, I use to spend $100/day on booze and cigarettes. $200 a month is only $6.67 a day.
Strange workout today but I'm gonna explain lol. I'm doing the workout I use to do when my shoulders got bad a few years back, This was also the year that my shoulders started looking like I work out😁 so while it worked to make them feel better last time with the super high reps, I hope my shoulders dont blow up again or I'm gonna look stupid as ****, like a upside down triangle lol.

I'm also mixing in the stuff I did last time my knees were a little messed up and that's more so just to get some knee friendly high rep stuff in with limited equipment.

Anyway, its was actually a great feeling workout and my arms and shoulders morphed by the time I finished the behind the neck presses lol.

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And yes I need to be extra vain on this one cus I take a lot of pics but I usually dont like them. This one il keep!Invalid Link Removed
200lbs on the dot at 6pm so probably still about 196-198 in the am
Strange workout today but I'm gonna explain lol. I'm doing the workout I use to do when my shoulders got bad a few years back, This was also the year that my shoulders started looking like I work out😁 so while it worked to make them feel better last time with the super high reps, I hope my shoulders dont blow up again or I'm gonna look stupid as ****, like a upside down triangle lol.

I'm also mixing in the stuff I did last time my knees were a little messed up and that's more so just to get some knee friendly high rep stuff in with limited equipment.

Anyway, its was actually a great feeling workout and my arms and shoulders morphed by the time I finished the behind the neck presses lol.

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And yes I need to be extra vain on this one cus I take a lot of pics but I usually dont like them. This one il keep!Invalid Link Removed
200lbs on the dot at 6pm so probably still about 196-198 in the am
Looks like you got a really good pump, and that vascularity was popping.💪
Looks like you got a really good pump, and that vascularity was popping.💪
I wanted to pose and snap a bunch of pics but the gym was pretty full and I cant lol. So I set the bench up with my timer for 5 sec and leaned on the bench acting like I was resting lol. God I'm a fukin twat
I hope its gtg. I already told my self that if it's legit and I'm reaping the benefits I will start factoring in the $$ for 1 kit a month.

I've wasted $200/month on dumber ****. Heck, I use to spend $100/day on booze and cigarettes. $200 a month is only $6.67 a day.

Even 2 iu a day will get you 50 days per kit. Good long term
Sundays notes.

September 15th, 2024.

Morning weight 199.2lbs

7 weeks and 1 day till deadlift max out.

Shoulders also feel better yesterday and today, maybe 75%.

lower body still has some doms from Friday.

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I'm benching with a medium to close grip still for comfort still too.

Post workout meal was a mistake but I think its gonna be my in a pinch Chinese food option. My son ordered chicken chow mei fun, at least i think that's right. The place by my house makes it pretty plain and its probably one of the lowest fat items on the menu
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I had already ate 1/3 at this point but it's just chicken breast with rice noodles and some shredded veggies. Theres a very light sauce but it's so light it dosent even show on the container. Could use some extra protein but it's a good quick fix
Love me some rice noodles; this settles what my next meal will be - udon rice noodles and some chicken breast I grilled up yesterday.
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Love me some rice noodles; this settles what my next meal will be - udon rice noodles and some chicken breast up grilled up yes.
I'm a big fan of rice noodles. Look up thai rice noodle salad. Theres a few variations with rice noodles and all of them are pretty quick and easy and you just need to add a protein on top or on the side
I'm a big fan of rice noodles. Look up thai rice noodle salad. Theres a few variations with rice noodles and all of them are pretty quick and easy and you just need to add a protein on top or on the side
Looks great. I’ll make mine without cilantro and ginger, but otherwise it all looks like a good time. Do you like to use a peanut sauce or what?
Looks great. I’ll make mine without cilantro and ginger, but otherwise it all looks like a good time. Do you like to use a peanut sauce or what?
I never make the peanut sauce but my daughter does with powdered PB and ots not bad. I wouldn't do it every day but it's a good change of pace. Often I take the basic outline of a recipe and start fukin with it till I get what I want lol
Seriously stomach problems the past 24 hours, like I'm constipated and then have diarrhea at the same time. Sorry if its TMI. I had to take a day off work cus of it and may skip the gym as I'm not wanting to eat too much till I fix whatever is up. Honestly, feels like when I had a sibo type bacterial infection.

Anywho, any of you guys check the maresearch website lately??????

Lots of bangers coming soon!!!!!
Kisspeptin 10
L-carn w/choline
And a few others slipping my mind
Cool, he’s one of the only ones you see that has Caber now, and the good thing with MA you know it’s legit. And his L-Carnitine w/Choline is a 500 mg dose per ml, I may have to pick up a couple of vials.👍
OG kush final product. This was just a small autoflower so I dont have any to sample out but after the actual harvest that will be a different story 😁

the jar came from some dispensary bud my boy brought me. Looking at how much better it looks in these black jars I might order some jars
I would normally trim these a little more but the flavor and how it smoked was pretty good right from the first sample piece so I decided to leave it be
OG kush final product. This was just a small autoflower so I dont have any to sample out but after the actual harvest that will be a different story 😁View attachment 245849
the jar came from some dispensary bud my boy brought me. Looking at how much better it looks in these black jars I might order some jars
Now that looks good there…..look at all those little orange hairs. I bet they are glistening with resin. Those jars do make it stand out.
Now that looks good there…..look at all those little orange hairs. I bet they are glistening with resin. Those jars do make it stand out.
Wait till you see the frosty giant in a few days. We got lots of rain the next few days So I put a big popup party tent over top so the buds won't get soaked because I'm terrified of bud rot. Once the sun comes back out they will fatten up a little more but the 2 biggest plants are getting close. Somewhere between October 1st and the 21st should be the time. My haze and mystery plants are way behind. Looking like il have to finish those inside the greenhouse and pray for the one in the ground.

But, I've got so much that it won't be the end of the world and if I think they're gonna die I can always chop them down early and make them into hash or edibles

This top colas tho!@!!

I'm excited, if I did use cannibus at all i would still be excited cus these look amazing.

some of the haze did good but the big girl is behind and looks like it's got some deficiencies. Next year I wont mix strains in one bed because some eat more and leave other strains struggling for nutrients
diet changes are a must I guess because yesterday I ate super clean. Pork tenderloin and chicken, white rice and baked potatoes, plain lowfat greek yogurt with fresh pineapple and some homemade strawberry jam. Little sauerkraut lots of water. Stomach is feeling like 90% better
diet changes are a must I guess because yesterday I ate super clean. Pork tenderloin and chicken, white rice and baked potatoes, plain lowfat greek yogurt with fresh pineapple and some homemade strawberry jam. Little sauerkraut lots of water. Stomach is feeling like 90% better

I think you brought up having some stomach issues in one of your other threads in the past and @Hyde may have recommended sauerkraut to you? I could be wrong though. What are you eating with the sauerkraut? I’m not a huge fan of it but I’ll eat it on a Rueben but that’s not often I eat them.