Another log (prioritizing strength)


I'm Starting a new log again. This time theres a strength comp on November 4th and they haven't released what the events are. Theres a powerlifting club, a strong man gym and the strength coach from the boxing gym involved to my understanding so it could be anything!

My program is basic but a lot of work. Here is the outline. It's a 3 day split that will be done 3x week and when I learn the events I will adjust and add a 4th day.

Workout 1 was....

Bench 12, 10,8,4. 60% for 3 sets of 8
Squat ....................60% 3x8
Ohp 12, 60% 1×8
Deadlift .................60% 1×8
Extra pull
Chins- BW×15+10+5
Supported db row 30's ×20, 60's ×21
Duel hammer curl 30's ×15, alternating 30's ×22
Shrugs for a couple sets of 10.

Workout 2
Bench-12,10,2, 75% 4×4
Deadlift- 8,4,2, 75% for 2 sets of 4
Squat-12,10,2, 4x4
Extra push
35° incline cgb- 10, 12,12,12
Side db 2 sets of 30
20° db fly 2x30
Barbell krushers 10,25,10
Some trip extensions with bands for a final pump.

Next session is 90% day followed by legs.

So basically I'm doing

Full body + pull
Full body + push
Full body + legs.

Toning down my cardio/conditioning to 45min 3-4x week

Calories are going up as well, no meal plan for this but the goal is 300 protein and 3000 cal on my low days 3500 cal on my high days with less worrying about protein. That's about it to start. After a week I can adjust calories and I'm going to allow myself to gain 15-20lbs during the next 7 weeks and il cut back to 198 the final week
On my big lifts I'm doing 8 rep days, 4 rep days and 2 rep days. But I will not be doing 2 rep deads or ohp. Weighted chins and some cleans will be done in there places.
I'm starting this quick mini bulk fairly lean so I'm not worried about putting some fat on, I'm gonna cut right after the comp.

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Il get some leg pics up Tomorrow or tuesday, I have no current ones. There better then they have been tho and I'm not too disappointed with them anymore. Still need bigger legs tho. They match my upper body if I was just a athlete. By BB standards there about 2 inches too small.

Currently I'm 195lbs @ 5'9, maybe 5'10 in my big boy boots
Cycle is gonna be a bit aggressive in my ramp up but peeking @850mg

I'm also going to use mots-c and some carderine I think as well, telmisartan and cailis

TRESTOLONE- Yall know I hate on it, but I want some pop out of 1 pin a week so I'm thinking about 150mg TRESTOLONE- D every sunday weeks 1-8. Why trest d on a short cycle? Well the 1 shot a week part and it should peek right around the comp so it's a win/win if I can avoide sides and on 150 I should be ok.

Weeks 4-6 anadrol 50mg/day
Weeks 7-8 anadrol 100mg a day.

It's more unhealthy then my normal approach but the timeframe and total dose I think is GTG.

I really hate pinning lately for some reason
His veins have veins
I'm very vascular, even at higher bf%'s and with no abs il still have some arm and shoulder veins. When I'm lean I got that cartoon head vein that looks like your gonna stroke out lol. But I can fake being lean in a tank top at like 18% bf. Right now my guess is 11-12%? Idk, I know I can put on about 15lbs before my abs vanish, if I'm on enough stuff I can probably keep the abs longer😁🤘
I'm very vascular, even at higher bf%'s and with no abs il still have some arm and shoulder veins. When I'm lean I got that cartoon head vein that looks like your gonna stroke out lol. But I can fake being lean in a tank top at like 18% bf. Right now my guess is 11-12%? Idk, I know I can put on about 15lbs before my abs vanish, if I'm on enough stuff I can probably keep the abs longer😁🤘

I've been the exact opposite on this most recent cut. abs started finally popping again......... slowly... but long before vascularity did.
I would up the Trest to 200/wk and get all your shots in over the first 6 weeks. It’s decanoate and this 8 weeks to a strength comp. The last 2-3 weeks make no sense unless it’s strictly to support the cut afterwards. Although it will still be there doing it my way, but with a higher peak for comp.
I would up the Trest to 200/wk and get all your shots in over the first 6 weeks. It’s decanoate and this 8 weeks to a strength comp. The last 2-3 weeks make no sense unless it’s strictly to support the cut afterwards. Although it will still be there doing it my way, but with a higher peak for comp.
Soooooo........., I was thinking if it goes smoothly the overlap would transition into the cut, so to weeks 150 for 10, I also thought about just doing 150,150,300,300,300,300 stopping the week of and then just take a few weeks no pin and go back to testosterone. Or I keep my trt alongside the trestolone the whole time, I'm open to ideas, I actually dont have anything on hand and I'm ordering trest d today and my drol this weekend.

I'm very open to ideas, additions or substitutions as I'm still wating a few days to order and I have not much actual gear on hand.

You got 9 weeks to a comp, you can only use gear for about 7-8 of those weeks and for shits n giggles let's say we dont care toooo much about the risks on this short run. Weight gain and strength gains are top priorities. I honestly thought about staying on trt and just doing 6 weeks of dbol and anadrol
Soooooo........., I was thinking if it goes smoothly the overlap would transition into the cut, so to weeks 150 for 10, I also thought about just doing 150,150,300,300,300,300 stopping the week of and then just take a few weeks no pin and go back to testosterone. Or I keep my trt alongside the trestolone the whole time, I'm open to ideas, I actually dont have anything on hand and I'm ordering trest d today and my drol this weekend.

I'm very open to ideas, additions or substitutions as I'm still wating a few days to order and I have not much actual gear on hand.

You got 9 weeks to a comp, you can only use gear for about 7-8 of those weeks and for shits n giggles let's say we dont care toooo much about the risks on this short run. Weight gain and strength gains are top priorities. I honestly thought about staying on trt and just doing 6 weeks of dbol and anadrol
Kitchen Sink…no, wait, just Ostarine. I’m obviously kidding. According to a recent Larry Wheels Vid he did just test until 5 days b4 and added “other compounds”
You gonna throw in some MK-677 get a little cushion for the pushin ?
I'm seeing trestolone is out and AA trestolone d is out so we can ditch trestolone 🙄

High dose test and drol?
Kitchen Sink…no, wait, just Ostarine. I’m obviously kidding. According to a recent Larry Wheels Vid he did just test until 5 days b4 and added “other compounds”
You gonna throw in some MK-677 get a little cushion for the pushin ?
Cushion from MK? Like water weight/bloat, I wont need it, plenty of water will come from the gear and food. Il actually but anyone I gain 15-20 lbs in the next 4-5 weeks lol. More food + anadrol after being under 200lbs for a while....... il gain weight really fast. I use to walk around at 210 all the time, I just opted to stay leaner about a year or 2 ago. But I know il be 210 again as soon as i stop worrying about my waistline
Also, today is my next workout and I'm very sore. Shoulders where my chest meets the delta and my whole lower body. I definitely think I need a rest day as I did 3 full body workouts and 2 boxing workouts in the past 5 days and yesterday I only got like 1800 calories in. Busy day.

Also, wouldn't be a smont log if I didn't rescue any animals lol🤷‍♂️Invalid Link Removed
He bonded to my son right away. Found him rolling around in the road on probably the busiest street in town. I had to stop traffic and once I caught him he didn't even try to get away, just curled up in my arm and started purring. So I'm fuked lol. Messy bastard too.
Invalid Link Removedfirst thing he did was flip the makeshift litterbox I made 👹
I went to grab some Trest D as well and it is still sold out…. It’s been that way on AA for a few weeks now
Looks like your son has a new friend…. As far as your cycle, along with Test you could add Trest Ace if AA still has it, but obviously more pinning or even Tren, and definitely the Anadrol, like you said, would all really boost strength and size in a short time. But I know Hyde will have a quick strike plan.
Trest ace is still there oddly
Ya but the only reason I want trest d is so I can pin once a week. I dont wanna do 30 shots a week. My peptids are gonna be 2-3 pins on training days as is. I dont want to pin a extra 4ml of trest ace.

Which is also probably why D is always out of stock. I dont like AA anyways. I've had several products show up unsealed and I've seen bttls of injectables with **** in them and there customer service sucks. In my opinion they are not a very reputable company. They take advantage of the fact that they sell things people can't get because they don't have real gear sources, So they get away with c***** customer service and sterility practices.
Looks like your son has a new friend…. As far as your cycle, along with Test you could add Trest Ace if AA still has it, but obviously more pinning or even Tren, and definitely the Anadrol, like you said, would all really boost strength and size in a short time. But I know Hyde will have a quick strike plan.
Short esters are a 100% no
How do you do on Dbol, appetite & gut/health wise? I can’t tolerate it more than one dose, but it’s great for my strength.

Are you married to one shot per week, or will you do 2?

I would say take the most test e/c you’re comfortable with/wk right out of the gate since it’s so soon. If you do 2 weekly shots, you just choose your test dose and take your AI each shot, or ~12 hours before if trying to be more optimal.

If you only do one shot weekly, I wouldn’t take more than 300 that way personally. Then add Dbol daily. I would titrate the Dbol slightly over weeks. If you will do 2 shots, don’t mess with the Dbol, just push the test.

Add 50mg Anadrol the last month just on training days preWO, then daily the last week. Boom, done.

And I’d add the IGF1 or Mk677 on your high days like we talked about to load before your heaviest session of the week.
How do you do on Dbol, appetite & gut/health wise? I can’t tolerate it more than one dose, but it’s great for my strength.

Are you married to one shot per week, or will you do 2?

I would say take the most test e/c you’re comfortable with/wk right out of the gate since it’s so soon. If you do 2 weekly shots, you just choose your test dose and take your AI each shot, or ~12 hours before if trying to be more optimal.

If you only do one shot weekly, I wouldn’t take more than 300 that way personally. Then add Dbol daily. I would titrate the Dbol slightly over weeks. If you will do 2 shots, don’t mess with the Dbol, just push the test.

Add 50mg Anadrol the last month just on training days preWO, then daily the last week. Boom, done.

And I’d add the IGF1 or Mk677 on your high days like we talked about to load before your heaviest session of the week.
I use to do great on dbol, and I may still do great but idk, it's been like 10 years since I used it. I actually haven't used it a single time since I got back into the gym 5 or 6 years ago however long it's been. It was something I used more in my 20s.

Typically things don't mess up my appetite or bother my stomach any more than it's already normally bothered so I don't notice any big negatives usually outside of gyno and I've got a endless supply of serms. Ai and all the typical supports
I use to do great on dbol, and I may still do great but idk, it's been like 10 years since I used it. I actually haven't used it a single time since I got back into the gym 5 or 6 years ago however long it's been. It was something I used more in my 20s.

Typically things don't mess up my appetite or bother my stomach any more than it's already normally bothered so I don't notice any big negatives usually outside of gyno and I've got a endless supply of serms. Ai and all the typical supports

Well I would definitely go with full testosterone if you can convince yourself to do 2-3 shots per week. I mean you can do 600 or 750mg/wk likely, depending on how hot your gear is brewed, with just 3x 1cc slinpins. That’s not that hard to commit to for 7 weeks. And with only 3/wk, if you forget or miss a day you can still get them all in without big deviations. You could preload them even.

But if not, I don’t think a big weekly rollercoaster is ideal at all, so keeping test to 2-300mg would be it for me because the bulk of that dumps out in the first 48 hours regardless. Then using Dbol daily, more or less. But I don’t think this makes as much sense as 2-3 weekly injections.
Well I would definitely go with full testosterone if you can convince yourself to do 2-3 shots per week. I mean you can do 600 or 750mg/wk likely, depending on how hot your gear is brewed, with just 3x 1cc slinpins. That’s not that hard to commit to for 7 weeks. And with only 3/wk, if you forget or miss a day you can still get them all in without big deviations. You could preload them even.

But if not, I don’t think a big weekly rollercoaster is ideal at all, so keeping test to 2-300mg would be it for me because the bulk of that dumps out in the first 48 hours regardless. Then using Dbol daily, more or less. But I don’t think this makes as much sense as 2-3 weekly injections.
Ya If I end up running mostly test il have to do 2-3 pins. Ya 1 x750mg Is definitely gonna give me issues so probably a cc on M,W,F.

I'm gonna put in a order this weekend for at least some test, dbol, anadrol.

I have some deca but deca and dbol gonna grow me tits

I've never done test, deca anadrol and that's a possibility but idk if my tits can handle it. I'd probably have to run 1/2 a adex or exeme daily to e.o.d and some p5p out the gate with prami on standby.

I know I'm going against my own rule of use what dosent give you sides but my super friendly compounds are all dry and not great for strength other then test. I dont think eq is gonna do **** all in 6-8 weeks unless I use a ton.

Back to the basics I guess. Test drol dbol with a lot of estrogen management may be the most sensible for my situation
Ya If I end up running mostly test il have to do 2-3 pins. Ya 1 x750mg Is definitely gonna give me issues so probably a cc on M,W,F.

I'm gonna put in a order this weekend for at least some test, dbol, anadrol.

I have some deca but deca and dbol gonna grow me tits

I've never done test, deca anadrol and that's a possibility but idk if my tits can handle it. I'd probably have to run 1/2 a adex or exeme daily to e.o.d and some p5p out the gate with prami on standby.

I know I'm going against my own rule of use what dosent give you sides but my super friendly compounds are all dry and not great for strength other then test. I dont think eq is gonna do **** all in 6-8 weeks unless I use a ton.

Back to the basics I guess. Test drol dbol with a lot of estrogen management may be the most sensible for my situation
It’s a throwback 70’s strength cycle. Grow a mustache!!!!
@Hyde and everyone else for that matter. What do you think about just something like 500-750 test (I can start building that up now, the seccond week of sept 50mg of anadrol per day and after 4 weeks on anadrol we decide if we add dbol and more drol at the tail end? This way I'm less likely to deal with estrogen issues for the majority of the run.

Someone tell me to stfu and just go lift and take SOMETHING
@Hyde and everyone else for that matter. What do you think about just something like 500-750 test (I can start building that up now, the seccond week of sept 50mg of anadrol per day and after 4 weeks on anadrol we decide if we add dbol and more drol at the tail end? This way I'm less likely to deal with estrogen issues for the majority of the run.

Someone tell me to stfu and just go lift and take SOMETHING

If you’re running the test properly at 750 there’s no reason to run the Dbol. Unless you want to add that the last 10-14 days since adding more test e won’t be a very helpful adjustment at that point.

That’s about all you need with Dbol to make a big strength difference, and how it shines (speaking both from just my personal experience but also anecdote from much better lifters).

750 test out the gate, add Anadrol when you’re ready as long as you know you can tolerate it from that point to the end. But I would bring it in pulsed preWO just on your heaviest days initially to lower total exposure, and effectively taper up mg/wk on it.

Wks 1-2 750 test e
Wks 3-4 750 test e, 50mg Adrol 3-4x/wk
Wks 5-6 750 test e, 50mg Adrol
Wks 7-8 250 test e, 75mg Adrol, (optional) 20-25mg Dbol
The thought of taking Anadrol for a month straight, and how many battles at the table to eat it would mean for me, makes me sick
If you’re running the test properly at 750 there’s no reason to run the Dbol. Unless you want to add that the last 10-14 days since adding more test e won’t be a very helpful adjustment at that point.

That’s about all you need with Dbol to make a big strength difference, and how it shines (speaking both from just my personal experience but also anecdote from much better lifters).

750 test out the gate, add Anadrol when you’re ready as long as you know you can tolerate it from that point to the end. But I would bring it in pulsed preWO just on your heaviest days initially to lower total exposure, and effectively taper up mg/wk on it.

Wks 1-2 750 test e
Wks 3-4 750 test e, 50mg Adrol 3-4x/wk
Wks 5-6 750 test e, 50mg Adrol
Wks 7-8 250 test e, 75mg Adrol, (optional) 20-25mg Dbol
This makes the most sense, especially to get ready in 8 weeks. High Test & Adrol all day long for the win. Simple but extremely effective. Oh and don’t forget to add the Pop Tarts, you know for extra carbs and calories.
This makes the most sense, especially to get ready in 8 weeks. High Test & Adrol all day long for the win. Simple but extremely effective. Oh and don’t forget to add the Pop Tarts, you know for extra carbs and calories.

The Pop Tarts are just an unspoken given I think at this point in @Smont’s logs!
If you’re running the test properly at 750 there’s no reason to run the Dbol. Unless you want to add that the last 10-14 days since adding more test e won’t be a very helpful adjustment at that point.

That’s about all you need with Dbol to make a big strength difference, and how it shines (speaking both from just my personal experience but also anecdote from much better lifters).

750 test out the gate, add Anadrol when you’re ready as long as you know you can tolerate it from that point to the end. But I would bring it in pulsed preWO just on your heaviest days initially to lower total exposure, and effectively taper up mg/wk on it.

Wks 1-2 750 test e
Wks 3-4 750 test e, 50mg Adrol 3-4x/wk
Wks 5-6 750 test e, 50mg Adrol
Wks 7-8 250 test e, 75mg Adrol, (optional) 20-25mg Dbol
I like this
The Pop Tarts are just an unspoken given I think at this point in @Smont’s logs!
You guys know me too well. I'm gonna behave tho. I want less fat and more carbs in my diet so il be trading in some pop tarts for actual carb meals lol. Milk and pop tarts are fun but lean meat and rice is more productive 😫😫😫
The thought of taking Anadrol for a month straight, and how many battles at the table to eat it would mean for me, makes me sick
Luckily it's never fucked with my hunger. But if it does il drop it to pre workout only 2-3× week or save it till the finish.

Dbol with a bunch of test had my tits worried so I will agree with you 100% on the dbol at the end after I stop pinning my test.

My boy was telling me to do anadrol and winny togther the last 3 weeks @50/50 and jack it to 100/100 1 week out. But winny actually did give me some issues last time. Tolerable but noticable on the gut.
favorite pop tart flavour?

im gonna come out a bit as a psychopath - but im a sucker for the unfrosted ones, toasted with a little bit of butter spread on em
favorite pop tart flavour?

im gonna come out a bit as a psychopath - but im a sucker for the unfrosted ones, toasted with a little bit of butter spread on em
You’re a complete savage. I’ve done the same w unfrosted blueberry. 🤣🤣🤣
Frozen, room temp or heated Strawberry Milkshakes hits nice w a Fairlife chaser
Had a piss poor workout. theres some days I cant get a good lifting session in the boxing gym and that's where I'm doing all my training. Theres just days where theres so many ppl that the youth classes spill into the weight training area and unfortunately for me, boxing and mma take priority over the weight training area. I do have a key to the gym tho so il figure something out.

Flat bench I worked up to 90%×2 (easy peazy) and backed of to 60% of my current estimated 1rm for 21

Squat I was on my 4th warm up 315×4 and that's where the gym filled up and I had to exit the rack. Too risky with those kids of weights and a bunch of teenagers sparring 3 ft away from you.

I hit the bag for 10min no breaks, did some hanging leg raises and left. Tomorrow il have to squeeze in 2 lifts each for legs, delts and triceps and some light cardio and il be back on track for my 8rep day on sunday.

Sunday, tuesday, Thursday seems to be the best 3 days for me to get the heavy stuff in. Saturday works too.

Maybe it would make more sense to have a bench day 2x week and a squat day 2x week and layer In the other stuff where I can. This way no matter what I'm getting the important stuff done 2x week each as bench and squat are the 2 things I'm trying to focus on.

Also wanna make note that I'm really sore all the time lately. My buddy has been using 1-2mg doses of bpc for systemic inflammation and swears by it. I've got plenty on hand.
favorite pop tart flavour?

im gonna come out a bit as a psychopath - but im a sucker for the unfrosted ones, toasted with a little bit of butter spread on em
Your a monster lol
favorite pop tart flavour?

im gonna come out a bit as a psychopath - but im a sucker for the unfrosted ones, toasted with a little bit of butter spread on em
S'mores and strawberry. But I eat them like a total slob, I pour a bowl of milk and break the pop tarts into little squares/pieces and eat it like cereal lol, every single time. I dont even heat them up 🤷‍♂️
Gonna go easy today and just go do some mobility stuff and maybe some light pump training. I'm gonna whack a few shots of bpc and try to speed up what I think is maybe overtraining or over use. No injuries tho!

Il take the next few days to work on my meal plan and resting and take a crack back at it Sunday.

I definitely dont want to start this block feeling beat up so let's try to nip that in the butt. Sticking with test may also be a good thing. I'm sure trestolone would cause more systemic inflammation as would tren.
I like this

You guys know me too well. I'm gonna behave tho. I want less fat and more carbs in my diet so il be trading in some pop tarts for actual carb meals lol. Milk and pop tarts are fun but lean meat and rice is more productive

Luckily it's never fucked with my hunger. But if it does il drop it to pre workout only 2-3× week or save it till the finish.

Dbol with a bunch of test had my tits worried so I will agree with you 100% on the dbol at the end after I stop pinning my test.

My boy was telling me to do anadrol and winny togther the last 3 weeks @50/50 and jack it to 100/100 1 week out. But winny actually did give me some issues last time. Tolerable but noticable on the gut.

I think your buddy’s plan would work fine too; the orals and time to start them are purely preference. I don’t think 50/50 drol/win is going to be stronger than 75/25 drol/dbol, just a tad drier & less bp but while less absolute 1RM power.

I don’t even like orals daily 3 weeks out anymore, let alone 4. But you claim to do well on them so my suggestions are just based around your feedback and initial inclination. I have never used Winny for fear of the tendon remodeling. Plenty of guys have, usually added like that when they don’t want to raise the Drol higher but want more mg. Or if they’re just taking everything under the sun last minute, which is silly to me.