Anavar/T3/Clen/Yohimbine Cut Stack Start May17



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Day 12 - May 28th

May 28 - Day 12

50 Mg Anavar
140 Mcg Clen * up again and will do this for the last 3 days of clen)
60 Mcg T3
6 Mg Yohimbine
1 Mg Ketotifen

Workout - Back

Lat Pull Down - 220 x 10, 9, 7
Bent-Over Rows - 205 x 12, 12, 11
Lat Pull Downs Close Grip (V attachment) - 160 x 12, 12, 11
Deadlifts - 315 x 9, 8, 7
Cable Long Pulls- 200 x 9, 9
Barbell Shrugs - 365 x 8, 8


Pre workout: 15 minutes before and after same speed - 250 Calories Burned


2400 Cals, 210 Pro, 240 Carbs, 70 Grams Fat

Emotions: Striations are comming in nice while pumped. Heart rate wasnt racing as much today. Some guy told me i Should enter a bodybuilding competition today, so that felt good. 2400 calories felt good today. Sex life Delicious. I thought i could up the calories for that reason 2. How many calories ya think ya burn during sex?


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Day 13 - May 29th

50 Mg Anavar
140 Mcg Clen
60 Mcg T3
6 Mg Yohimbine

Workout: Shoulders

Dumbell Shoulder Press - 85's x 13, 9 , 8
Dumbell Front Raises - 55's x 9, 8, 8
Dumbell Lateral Raises - 45's x 12, 11, 9
Barbell Upright Rows - 115 x 12, 10, 10
Bent Over Rear Delt Row - 55's x 12, 12, 10


Pre workout: 15 minutes before and after same speed - 250 Calories Burned

Diet: Still Going On....Midday..Will Post Later


Ahhh I think the sickness/allergies are gone. Added some Monster Maize to my Post workout shake. I hear good things about it, but we will see. On the other hand the research seems a lil shaky. Thought id see what would happen. OooOoOoOo...I never really work out abs. And the past couple of days been hitting them hard, so i should see a difference in my abs. I thought Id Wait till i was a lower enough body fat for them to really come through. Off 2 work in a couple...

Hope everyone is enjoying this fun lil ride. Im also debating on adding 50mgs of Test Prop EOD for the next 4 weeks. Just to add a lil more muscle and not lose it with the T3. I also think at 175 mgs a week for 4 weeks My HPTA wont suffer. Any longer than 6 and over 300mgs i think i would need some HCG. Any Suggestions, Thoughts on that?


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Well...I was a fat kid up until I was 16, a combination of anorexia and started it. Then i got smart and decided to do it the natural way. NO more fastfood, No more Sweets, and get in the gym. And Bam...I dropped to 150 with lil muscle, worked out, took steroids when was 21 (2 cycles) and then never again until anavar as of 2 weeks ago. And now you see what i am. It was a long long path, but I got where I am now because of my friends and my will power. And now ya know.
oh, sorry for the "anorexic bodybuilder" comment i didnt know
man i was fat kid too, until i got seriously involved into bodybuilding and build a ton of muscle so instead of fighting my natural weight i used it to my advantage and decided to build big muscles instead of trying to cut weight for the rest of my life


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im digging this log...cant wait to see the finished product...i shouldve set up a cut for summer but went with test/dbol instead


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Weoooooooooowwwww...Hey Guys...Its been crazy with work so I havent had time to get **** 2gether. 2morrow im off so Ill get **** done. Im off clen for 2 weeks now, and debating on tossing in some Test Prop at 50mgs EOD for the next 4 weeks...Suggestions????


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when i used clen, i used ti everyday with 50mg benedryl. i would not use test for only 4 weeks, use epi SD someting like that


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Today at 188...Just wanted to weigh Myself and see what happened, up a lb, but getting more vascular :)
I just happened to stumble upon this log and I must say UniqueJustin, your pictures are INSANE!!! You look sick! Keep it up my man. It sounds like you've done a bit of research as well as hard work in the past so big ups to you when it pays off bro.

You're a vascular monster!


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I Decided to pick up some Prop. So i think im gonna start that in week 5 when i go back to clen. Im gonna do prop for i believe 6 weeks and then start pct. I also have hcg, debating on how i want to do this...

After 17 days so far, I perhaps wished I used Prop 100mgs EOD....But you live and learn. And this is what this log is about. Maybe someone else will do this this but add prop. Been crazy busy, going to the gym now, and then i will post info for the past 3 days...HECTICCCCCCCCCCCCC...And Libido I Think Is Falling a lil as well. Hence reason for the prop. We will monitor this. The results have been fantastic dont get me wrong, Just wished i woud of tweaked it a lil more.


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I Decided to pick up some Prop. So i think im gonna start that in week 5 when i go back to clen. Im gonna do prop for i believe 6 weeks and then start pct. I also have hcg, debating on how i want to do this...

After 17 days so far, I perhaps wished I used Prop 100mgs EOD....But you live and learn. And this is what this log is about. Maybe someone else will do this this but add prop. Been crazy busy, going to the gym now, and then i will post info for the past 3 days...HECTICCCCCCCCCCCCC...And Libido I Think Is Falling a lil as well. Hence reason for the prop. We will monitor this. The results have been fantastic dont get me wrong, Just wished i woud of tweaked it a lil more.
hey man how do you think it would be running t3 and clen with furaza and h drol instead of ana?


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hey man how do you think it would be running t3 and clen with furaza and h drol instead of ana?

Hdrol takes about 3 - 4 weeks to kick in so depending on how long ur cycle is it all depends. Dont know about furaza, never did it.

Ive done Hdrol cycles alone 50/50/75/75/75/100 and it worked well. I lost a lb and put on 4 lbs of muscle. So for what it was it was good. Adding T3 and clen would only increase the fat loss IMO. Its your call hommie.

I played with Mdrol, but that **** shut me down hard, and felt like **** on it. All i wanted to do was sleep. All depends on how your body reacts to things.

Im not a fan of OTC anymore. AAS has better results in less sides i believe, if done correctly. Once again just my 2 cents.


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Hdrol takes about 3 - 4 weeks to kick in so depending on how long ur cycle is it all depends. Dont know about furaza, never did it.

Ive done Hdrol cycles alone 50/50/75/75/75/100 and it worked well. I lost a lb and put on 4 lbs of muscle. So for what it was it was good. Adding T3 and clen would only increase the fat loss IMO. Its your call hommie.

I played with Mdrol, but that **** shut me down hard, and felt like **** on it. All i wanted to do was sleep. All depends on how your body reacts to things.

Im not a fan of OTC anymore. AAS has better results in less sides i believe, if done correctly. Once again just my 2 cents.
you have any suggestions on how to run hdrol/t3/clen?
let say a 6-8 week cycle


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Bad News

My ACL is Officially TORN TORN TORN....I guess doing 455 squats with a partially torn acl wasnt smart. I will keep you guys updated of what is going on. Sorry, This Is Not Good


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My ACL is Officially TORN TORN TORN....I guess doing 455 squats with a partially torn acl wasnt smart. I will keep you guys updated of what is going on. Sorry, This Is Not Good
sh!t man!! sorry to hear that. is surgery in the near future?


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this is exactly why i dont life heavy, there is no need unless u powerlfit


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ouch nigga that sucks, dont know what to say but heal it


ah bummmmmeerrr :( I got 2 heavy liftin buddies that had the same thing happen to them. 1 isn't supposed to lift heavy again, but the other is doin great and just won a "most amazing transformation" competition so hopefully you can fall under the latter anecdote.. GL with that man hope you heal up asap.


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Well I've Decided.......Lets Keep It Goin...Psssss ACL got nothing on me....Press On :)


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Well I've Decided.......Lets Keep It Goin...Psssss ACL got nothing on me....Press On :)


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Yohimine Nope...Also Im Getting my hands on some Helios as well for after the 6 weeks is over....For those who don't know its spot injections to reduce fat in problem areas. Combination of Clen and Yohimbine.
Hey Justin, I hope the lipolytic stack is going well! I was curious, if running Clenbuterol for six weeks (which is when the optimal effects of Clen really compound and come shining through) where is your planned diphenhydramine or Ketotifen inclusion in order to favorably modulate the embattled beta-2 receptors which quickly desensitize and down regulate as you approach each third week of the planned protocol?

Also, are you planning on including any low-dosed baby aspirin (81-85mg) which work by inhibiting cyclooxygenase activity (certain prostaglandins act to inhibit lipolysis and are produced in response to adrenergic stimulation. I believe predesignating inhibitors, such as aspirin, have the potential to enhance actions on fat loss as well as duration of half life).

*Also, I have continued forward in my attempted research and disambiguation of Clenbuterol-HCL (as well as other b2 antagonists) and have not found any research or opinions regarding why diphenhydramine isn't simply used during the entire duration at the commonly proscribed 75-100mg/night in order to ensure beta-2 active-health and support/fortification, considering how inexpensive Benadryl is. In other words, why wait to administer the beta-2 agonist (diphenhydramine/Benadryl) until each third week is reached, and then continue dosing during that week - when you can engage in an anticipatory counter measure and from the beginning take proper precautions to avoid the well documented beta-2 deactivation wrought by Clenbuterol, and have a more restful sleep every night at the same time?


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Hey Justin, I hope the lipolytic stack is going well! I was curious, if running Clenbuterol for six weeks (which is when the optimal effects of Clen really compound and come shining through) where is your planned diphenhydramine or Ketotifen inclusion in order to favorably modulate the embattled beta-2 receptors which quickly desensitize and down regulate as you approach each third week of the planned protocol?

Also, are you planning on including any low-dosed baby aspirin (81-85mg) which work by inhibiting cyclooxygenase activity (certain prostaglandins act to inhibit lipolysis and are produced in response to adrenergic stimulation. I believe predesignating inhibitors, such as aspirin, have the potential to enhance actions on fat loss as well as duration of half life).

*Also, I have continued forward in my attempted research and disambiguation of Clenbuterol-HCL (as well as other b2 antagonists) and have not found any research or opinions regarding why diphenhydramine isn't simply used during the entire duration at the commonly proscribed 75-100mg/night in order to ensure beta-2 active-health and support/fortification, considering how inexpensive Benadryl is. In other words, why wait to administer the beta-2 agonist (diphenhydramine/Benadryl) until each third week is reached, and then continue dosing during that week - when you can engage in an anticipatory counter measure and from the beginning take proper precautions to avoid the well documented beta-2 deactivation wrought by Clenbuterol, and have a more restful sleep every night at the same time?
im not justin but i have ran clen and i took benadryl throughout it


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im not justin but i have ran clen and i took benadryl throughout it
How did you like it?

In my opinion it would be counterintuitive NOT to take full advantage of Benadryl while on a beta-2 heavy hitter; akin to dosing LCLT with a cycle of Testosterone-Enanthate every third week - it wouldn't make sense.


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How did you like it?

In my opinion it would be counterintuitive NOT to take full advantage of Benadryl while on a beta-2 heavy hitter; akin to dosing LCLT with a cycle of Testosterone-Enanthate every third week - it wouldn't make sense.
i loved it for strength and leaning out. i got crazy strong on it i thought i was taking superdrol or something


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Ok...Its Sunday Night

I took a shot of Test E 500mgs on friday, because i felt my libido was getting a lil shot.

I figured this would help, and only gonna do one shot, and im moving up my clen a week.

Instead of waiting 2 weeks, im going to jump into the last 2 weeks of clen 2morrow.

So my thinking is when i conclude my last 2 weeks of clen, it would of been 16 days since my shot of test, and then jump into my pct which is clomid

Clomid 150mg Day 1 and 2, Day 3 - 7 100 mgs, and then day 8 - 21 50 mgs..30 Clomid pills

Im going to hit every part part 3x over the next 2 weeks with 3 or 4 days of 45 minutes session of low intensity cardio, 4mph 15.0 treadmill incline

The workouts will go like this

Day 1 - Chest/Bi's
Day 2 - Quads/Hamstrings/Forearms
Day 3 - Shoulders/Calves
Day 4 - Back/Tris
Day 5 - Cardio ( 45 mins low intensity cardio)

Also going to taper down T3 Next week going from 60 to 50 to 40 to 35 to 30 to 25 to 20 to 15.

Also diet will consist of 2,000 cals

200 grams pro, 175 carbs, 60 grams of fat

People might ask why i used Test E, because i couldnt get my hands on Prop.

and i thought because of the half life of 14-16 days it was a great time to use it (16) days out

Anavar will also be dosed at 60mgs gonna increase it for the last 2 weeks

Clen will be dosed like this. 80/80/100/100/100/120/120/120/140/140/140/160/160/160 for the next 14 days

I must say after i shot on friday, saturday was some amazing test. Perhaps it was in my head, but damn ill take that dillusion anytime...

Any questions feel free to ask. Wish i was at 100% but im not. **** happens, but we will go just go with it from here.

Hope everyone is enjoying so far

Also i will be doing Keto at 1 gram a day for the next 14 days...Ive been dosing a gram a day for the last 7 days as well.


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nice, UJ
keep it up man
any pics soon?


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Pics and Stats

nice, UJ
keep it up man
any pics soon?
I will Post Pics, Weight, and BF%, Next Monday(7Days), Following Monday(14Days) and then 2 weeks after that into pct (28 Days)

Then In September....The Bulk Cycle :)

Im Gonna Eat Like A Fat Kid In Crispy Kreeeeemes


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Hi, I made some points and posed a few questions earlier - not sure if you saw that, but wanted to respond to this post and hopefully offer some helpful insight. I want to be crystal clear that I am not in ANY way trying to insult you or instigate any malicious emotions.

Ok...Its Sunday Night

I took a shot of Test E 500mgs on friday, because i felt my libido was getting a lil shot.
I am a little confused about this - are you saying you're doing a cycle of Testosterone Enanthate, or that you simply took a single 2ml injection in response to a perceived libido dip?

I figured this would help, and only gonna do one shot, and im moving up my clen a week.
Please see above - it would appear that you are only doing a single 500mg dose of exogenous Testosterone, in hopes of energizing your sexual drive and normalizing your hormonal profile; if this is the case, it is a very misdirected misconstrued usage of AAS, with what seems like an absolute void of knowledge pertaining to the action/reaction sequence wrought by introduction of synthetic hormones.

Instead of waiting 2 weeks, im going to jump into the last 2 weeks of clen 2morrow.
I asked about this earlier... but when you say you were initially planning on waiting two weeks, were you subscribing to the old and long dispelled fallacy of 2 on/2 off protocol? Unfortunately for far too many recreational users, this fallacy holds no water in theory or in practice, and is one of the most pervasive and inescapable bits of rubbish that was ever conceived or preached. Clenbuterol not only begins to exert its maximal intrinsic intended actions in vivo well BEYOND the two-week duration of seamless administration, but the assault the beta-2 receptors withstand 24 hours a day while on C-HCL necessitates a chemical intervention such as Ketotifen or the aforementioned Benadryl in order to counter act the imminent and hasty b2 deactivation.

Also going to taper down T3 Next week going from 60 to 50 to 40 to 35 to 30 to 25 to 20 to 15
Was 60mcg you're peak dosage throughout the Cytomel cycle? Revitalization and TTR (time to recovery) of TSH have been demonstrated as independent from the tapering method of cessation. Your thyroid health and pre-cycle production levels will be regained and realized post use within an average of 4-6 weeks, which has even been recorded in much more provocative medical challenges/dosages. You can taper if you'd like, but it will only demand more thought and math on your behalf, and will not effectuate an increase in TTR or re-ignition of endogenous TSH.

Also diet will consist of 2,000 cals, 200 grams pro, 175 carbs, 60 grams of fat
What is your body weight and ultimate ambition with this current cycle? Even on a strict and unthinkably exhausting pre-contest preparatory regimen (personally or with my clients) I have never advised or witness calories being reduced to these levels. 2,000 calories is what the FDA, in all their endless six decade old wisdom, advocates for average sedentary American's consume on a daily basis simply to maintain a basal energy and health quotient. Once you factor in even a fraction of your listed cardiovascular activity, resistance training, and especially the HR increasing and fatty acid liberating and protein demanding/consuming research chemicals C-HCL and Cytomel; you are well into an unavoidable invariably certain severe catabolic deficiency that will actually impede your body recomposition goals and signal a starvation signal that will harness and extract energy from available lean tissues, further compounding your entire ordeal.

People might ask why i used Test E, because i couldnt get my hands on Prop.
Neither ester would make a measurable difference with a single injection, considering even the lengthy half life and depot dispersion and integrity experienced with Enanthate; both varieties of T would require an ongoing consistent injection schedule before the slightest hypertrophy can be achieved and a positive hormonal flux is solidified (rather than simply introducing just enough to signal a downgrade in your natural production).

and i thought because of the half life of 14-16 days it was a great time to use it (16) days out

Clen will be dosed like this. 80/80/100/100/100/120/120/120/140/140/140/160/160/160 for the next 14 days

I must say after I shot on friday, saturday was some amazing test. Perhaps it was in my head, but damn ill take that dillusion anytime...
Yes, the placebo effect is second to none


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Outstanding I will answer your questions later today, Working now, and I dont think your insulting me at all. Please feel free to question, disagree, criticize anything you like :)


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how in the world do you dare question me, i am unique, and my name is justin. if i ever see you in person im gonna kick your @$$. [leaves the room] AHHHHHHHHH!!!! [a mirror breaks] NOW IM PISSED [he starts turning green]
thanks a lot oustanding you just upset justin


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glad your using the test. I would keep the dose low. No need to go higher than 250 but since you have esters i would go with 300mg's per week that will solve your libido problem. Always watch for gyno but you shouldn't have any problems. I just mixed up another bottle of transdermal test i'll be taking 260mg's per week with 40mg's tbol. Hoping to put on about 7-10 lbs in the next month. Had a broken jaw so weight is slowly coming back. I'm an ectomorph so gaining weight isn't easy but with the proper use of AAS, diet, exercise and sleep i'm starting to fill out. I had gotten down to about 6% bf cause i was drinking through a straw now i'm at about 8% and plan on staying there for the rest of the summer.

sorry starting talking about myself there. you look great btw and looking forward to see teh end results. if you have any questions PM me. I help people lose weight and gain weight all the time and have experience or know a good amount of information about the products you are using except the helios. I know what it is but never bothered to look into it.


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Ha! ;) Cool man, don't get caught on here at work! Talk to you later.

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