Anabeta Coming June 21

Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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Okay, so I shouldn't worry then :).....would it be feasible to stack this with, say, Lean Xtreme or some other non stim? Still have my DCP which I haven't opened thoughts right now are to do a mini cut in Sept or Oct, then from there adopt Layne's bulk\cut not sure how or what I will use when but I have some time to figure it out, I guess..
If you've never used Anabeta before, use it standalone first. If you want to stack it with something after the first bottle, then by all means, but use it standalone first so that you know how it affects you. When it comes to stacking AnaBeta, you can stack it with Lean Xtreme or another non-stimulant product fine - I stacked it with Alpha-T2, Shift AND DCP when I used it (all products I had used before, so I knew what did what). I don't personally cut and bulk, but almost perpetually recomp, so I won't say anything there aside from the note that from my personal experience with AnaBeta, it's best used for a recomp or making gains, IMO. Also, because you are a female, I recommend starting out at only two caps a day for the first few days, going up to three caps, and then four caps if fine with previous doses - although you'll probably find that ~3 caps is your sweet spot.


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No, we didnt want to just for the reason it would be hard to judge its true effectiveness in beta trials


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anyone get to do a beta run while on cycle?
I was for half of my AnaB run...then one morning on my way to work ran over a freakin lone nail in the road and blew a tire...didn't get a chance to take it in to get had to switch to riding my segway to work to rest of time while I was using AnaB...

..wait, was that the cycle you were referring to ;)



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I was for half of my AnaB run...then one morning on my way to work ran over a freakin lone nail in the road and blew a tire...didn't get a chance to take it in to get had to switch to riding my segway to work to rest of time while I was using AnaB...

..wait, was that the cycle you were referring to ;)

if only you said you carried your car the rest of the way to work.

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