Please don't take this as a further attack on the current product...I am just curious,
Since PES saved so much money taking out just about all of the key players from the original formula, why didn't they at least use those savings to upgrade the choline bitartrate to CDP choline, possibly add in the Kola Nut extract that is in Norcodrene and definitely get rid of the l-leucine in favor of some l-tyrosine? I suspect this would still be globally compliant while making it look more attractive to all the fans... and I would venture to say more effective. The fact that the former version contained Yohimbe extract was not the reason I bought the product and I usually specifically buy products without Yohimbe, so I really don't care about that. I took it for the clean long lasting energy which is not obtained to a comparable level at all with the current version for me. Of course I realize the first in its class Yohimbe extract used in OG Alphamine played a part in that, but I feel as though a few tweaks here and there could make the difference.
In case you missed it, Alphamine is selling at an all time high right now. So we feel the formula as is, is working just fine.
Again, this current version of Alphamine is more geared towards energy rather than fat burning. Does it have fat burning benefits, yes -- but not comparable to the old version, for obvious reasons. If someone wants yohimbine or alpha-y, buy it in bulk or caps, it is extremely cheap. And on top of that, in the near future, I bet you won't see yohimbine around.
Also, if not that- why not change the name and the product description as a thermogenic?
Again, Alphamine= Alpha Yohimbe. The new version contains no Yohimbe. And it's about as much as a fat burner as Diet Pepsi.
I think people can respect that a product eventually needs to be designed to suit a larger customer base. And good things (the OG Alphamine) don't last forever.
I'm speculating, but I think that's where a lot of the frustration comes from.
Just making conversation.
Read above post in concerns to your comment on Alphamine being a fat burner.
As for the name, there is/was no need to change it. Plenty of products go under complete reconstruction to their formal and still use the same original product name.