50days of Xgels AnabetaElite Al-Car500&MicroGMS Sponsored



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Man I wish I could get a sponsored log of xgels and anabeta. Im very tempted to run xgels with dermacrine....

I didn't follow the log, but just read through it. Very nice log you have.


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Has it been the 50 days already?! Whoa time is flying this time of year.


Well-known member
Man I wish I could get a sponsored log of xgels and anabeta. Im very tempted to run xgels with dermacrine....

I didn't follow the log, but just read through it. Very nice log you have.
It was amazing bro fantastic stack!
Has it been the 50 days already?! Whoa time is flying this time of year.
Right? I felt sad throwing away those two empty bottles :(


Well-known member
Well the time has come to give a recap of these last 50 days but First I want to give a heart felt thanks to SNS and PES for giving me the opportunity to run this stack I hope I did you proud... It seems like only yesterday I got that first package but here we are.
In 50 days I have put on a solid 8 lbs with minimal fat gain, increased my vascularity, had a noticeable increase in libido, and had significant strength gains especially in my legs, got up 405 on deads. I was not plagued with the serious DOMS until the last week or so but I can also attribute that to increased work load with minimal rest days. I hit a PR early and had strong work outs almost every day. I noticed a large increase in my water intake though not a huge increase in hunger but I would argue that I am constantly hungry so that is not a surprise. Since this is not a hormonal stack I did not feel the "rage" that one may feel while working out on gear rather the increased strength felt like a deep down power almost like more muscles were being activated. Where this stack did feel like gear was the pumps that it gave on one occasion I measured my arms after a back session and I had a 2" increase in arm size due to the pump. There was a "pumped up" feeling all day almost like you felt fuller but not bloated. The only negatives I had was my knees got a little sore after I increased my ABE dosage to 6 a day, and there was some mild stomach discomfort when taking my supplements on an empty stomach.

Simple Break Down:
Libido increase
Muscle hardening
Mild all day pump

Cost (roughly $200 for 50 days not too bad when you think about a normal cycle but it can be a big dollar amount for some)
Mild stomach discomfort when taken on an empty stomach- none though when I had food in my belly.
DOMS with high work load
Mild joint discomfort when ABE was at 6 a day

I would highly recommend this stack to anyone wanting a PH/DS alternative or to anyone who wants to keep taking anabolic supplements while between cycles. I know I am going to use it again when Im cutting for my show in March.
As always PM me if you have any questions.


  • Established
That was another good log man. Your up 8lbs in 50 days and you didn't use a PH, I would say the stack was a success! Good job and I'll be looking forward to reading the next one you put up.


Well-known member
You've officially inspired me bro, I've just placed an order of Alcar, xgels and abe :)


Well-known member
That was another good log man. Your up 8lbs in 50 days and you didn't use a PH, I would say the stack was a success! Good job and I'll be looking forward to reading the next one you put up.
Thanks for fallowing along man its always good to have you! BTW I must give you props on your log, you are putting up some crazy work outs!


Well-known member
You've officially inspired me bro, I've just placed an order of Alcar, xgels and abe :)
Nice dude! If you need help with anything in that stack PM me and I will be more than willing to see what I can do. I know I am not a rep or anything but I am down to help a brother out :)


Well-known member
Nice dude! If you need help with anything in that stack PM me and I will be more than willing to see what I can do. I know I am not a rep or anything but I am down to help a brother out :)
It's al good man I get a lot of my supps off of a sns rep and who doesn't have Abe laying around lol! Thanks anyways bro and cheers for the awesome log.


Well-known member
So its been one week since my last dosage and I am still at 213 my body is still feeling strong the only thing I have lost is a little vascularity, and my dreams havent been as vivid. The muscle and strength that I gained with this stack looks to be sustainable and not just bloat like you get with some PH's.


Well-known member
Nice to see the gains sticking around.
I was happy. I didnt step on a scale all week but I kept an eye on the mirror and I have noticed zero regression in my body size. You know how with some designer gear you kind of deflate after you are done with the cycle and you feel like trash? No of that happened with this. I took a few days off to let my body recover and when I got back I felt just about as strong, the pump wasnt as good but I still felt powerful :)


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That was another good log man. Your up 8lbs in 50 days and you didn't use a PH, I would say the stack was a success! Good job and I'll be looking forward to reading the next one you put up.
That's exactly why X-Gels are a great alternative to PH's


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Well the time has come to give a recap of these last 50 days but First I want to give a heart felt thanks to SNS and PES for giving me the opportunity to run this stack I hope I did you proud... It seems like only yesterday I got that first package but here we are.
In 50 days I have put on a solid 8 lbs with minimal fat gain, increased my vascularity, had a noticeable increase in libido, and had significant strength gains especially in my legs, got up 405 on deads. I was not plagued with the serious DOMS until the last week or so but I can also attribute that to increased work load with minimal rest days. I hit a PR early and had strong work outs almost every day. I noticed a large increase in my water intake though not a huge increase in hunger but I would argue that I am constantly hungry so that is not a surprise. Since this is not a hormonal stack I did not feel the "rage" that one may feel while working out on gear rather the increased strength felt like a deep down power almost like more muscles were being activated. Where this stack did feel like gear was the pumps that it gave on one occasion I measured my arms after a back session and I had a 2" increase in arm size due to the pump. There was a "pumped up" feeling all day almost like you felt fuller but not bloated. The only negatives I had was my knees got a little sore after I increased my ABE dosage to 6 a day, and there was some mild stomach discomfort when taking my supplements on an empty stomach.

Simple Break Down:
Libido increase
Muscle hardening
Mild all day pump

Cost (roughly $200 for 50 days not too bad when you think about a normal cycle but it can be a big dollar amount for some)
Mild stomach discomfort when taken on an empty stomach- none though when I had food in my belly.
DOMS with high work load
Mild joint discomfort when ABE was at 6 a day

I would highly recommend this stack to anyone wanting a PH/DS alternative or to anyone who wants to keep taking anabolic supplements while between cycles. I know I am going to use it again when Im cutting for my show in March.
As always PM me if you have any questions.
Great log and great review man, exactly what you would expect from that stack. Definitely a viable alternative for someone not wanting to go to the dark side. Very impressive gain of 8lbs, those after pics are fantastic.

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