5 Week Dbol only cycle... what now?


New member
Hello Guys,
I did my first ever cycle for 5 weeks now.
Its a Dbol only cycle (yes i know its bad) i started with 10mg for 2 weeks, 3rd & 4th week i took 15mg and 5th week i upped it to 20mg (6 Days now). I take plenty of Liver protection.

I feel little as no side effects, only thing is the blood pressure sometimes.
Also i must say, that i did not do any crazy ass strength / mass gains. Altough i train 6x per Week and eat around 4-6k calories per day. I did gain about 3-4kg weigth. Weight gain is insane but i cannot see alot of it physically on my body, why is that?

I still have lots of motivation to go to the gym, i dont feel down (as many say), and absolutely no problems with errectile disfunction (still the same as before)

Now i am not sure if i should continue for 1 more week with 20mg or just quit it.
The Thing is i have absolutely nothing for PCT on hand. But is it really necessary with my very little side effects? i read alot of articles where people had no need for PCT after such small doses.

I plan to continue Training naturally after this cycle and would of course like to keep some of my gains.
I know alot of it is water retention and will fade but still ill do my best.

Can anyone give me advice on this?
It would be really helpful since im new to this and this has been my first ever cycle.

Thanks alot!
Honestly, you didn't see much because you didn't take much. Most of your gains were likely waterweight, and you may not need a PCT because you ran an ineffectually low dose of DBol. That being said you should not have started the cycle without having a SERM on hand, and again probably didn't run enough to get a lot of noticeable results but may have been plenty to lower your testosterone. It's up to you, but I would look at MA Research and get yourself some Enclomiphene, Clomid or nolvadex just to cover your bases. If nothing else the enclomiphene might end up raising your testosterone above and beyond your normal levels if you run it for a while. Do the research on it though, to find out how to use it.
I agree with above, get yourself a SERM just in case you are shut down. Your cycle seemed to be rather ineffective on part of dosage and duration. You’re not likely to build much lean tissue in a 5 week span, especially considering the amount you were taking. Orals generally are used to serve a specific purpose in a cycle that includes injectable compounds. (For instance early on in a cycle to kickstart things when waiting for levels to peak).

Something else to consider when deciding whether or not to use anabolics is risk vs reward. So if you are going to risk potentially permanently affecting your hormone levels, perhaps run enough anabolics (certainly not an excessive amount) to positively affect performance/physique.
I would've said to check bloods and if nothing alarming shows up, then possibly up the dose and continue for a few weeks. But then I saw that you don't have a SERM and wasn't planning to use one.. So now I'd say to stop immediately and hope for the best. Or better yet, get a SERM and an AI.
Honestly, you didn't see much because you didn't take much. Most of your gains were likely waterweight, and you may not need a PCT because you ran an ineffectually low dose of DBol. That being said you should not have started the cycle without having a SERM on hand, and again probably didn't run enough to get a lot of noticeable results but may have been plenty to lower your testosterone. It's up to you, but I would look at MA Research and get yourself some Enclomiphene, Clomid or nolvadex just to cover your bases. If nothing else the enclomiphene might end up raising your testosterone above and beyond your normal levels if you run it for a while. Do the research on it though, to find out how to use it.
Profile says to be from Germany, so no access to MA products.
Profile says to be from Germany, so no access to MA products.
DOH, I am sure he can find it over there though.
I can tell you straight up if your saying you eat 4-6k a day then you don't actually know what your eating so diet is probably a problem. It's like saying I was driving and a cop stops you and said how fast were you going .... somewhere between 40-60mph. :</

4 weeks on 10mg dbol is like 4 weeks on trt. It's gonna maybe make you feel good and that's about it. 20-30mg would have been better.

Your not going to get anything out of 1 more week at 20 so I would take a very different approach and stay on 5mg a day until you get a REAL PCT/SERM. Or, I'd just stop everything now and just let nature take its course. It won't be the end of the word, but for future reference. Running a cycle with no pct on hand before the cycle started is straight retarded. Mine as well slam your dick in a drawer next time
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I agree with above, get yourself a SERM just in case you are shut down. Your cycle seemed to be rather ineffective on part of dosage and duration. You’re not likely to build much lean tissue in a 5 week span, especially considering the amount you were taking. Orals generally are used to serve a specific purpose in a cycle that includes injectable compounds. (For instance early on in a cycle to kickstart things when waiting for levels to peak).

Something else to consider when deciding whether or not to use anabolics is risk vs reward. So if you are going to risk potentially permanently affecting your hormone levels, perhaps run enough anabolics (certainly not an excessive amount) to positively affect performance/physique.
That's another thing, if you wanted to peak your strength or add the fi al touches to something then 4-5 week cycles have a place, but if yiur trying to add real muscle then it doesn't matter how much gear you take, 4 weeks ain't enough time to do anything unless your off cycle and severely downsized and then hop back on something
I agree with what everyone has been saying. Split your remaining dbol into enough to last you another 1-2 weeks. Order Tamoxifen TODAY and hope it shows up by the time you are out. MA Research is the quickest and most effective rout.
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The side effects you should be worried about (primarily gyno) wouldn't show up until about a week off cycle, so you wont know now, and by then it would be too late.
I know youre looking for a "Cycle so short and mild, youre good without PCT bro" but If it were me, I would PCT just to be safe. A cycle where you cant see the results, and grow boobs after is the worst kind.
I agree with what everyone has been saying. Split your remaining dbol into enough to last you another 1-2 weeks. Order Tamoxifen TODAY and hope it shows up by the time you are out. MA Research is the quickest and most effective rout.
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The side effects you should be worried about (primarily gyno) wouldn't show up until about a week off cycle, so you wont know now, and by then it would be too late.
I know youre looking for a "Cycle so short and mild, youre good without PCT bro" but If it were me, I would PCT just to be safe. A cycle where you cant see the results, and grow boobs after is the worst kind.
Don't forget to use the code Smont for 15% off!!!
Don't forget to use the code Smont for 15% off!!!
I agree with what everyone has been saying. Split your remaining dbol into enough to last you another 1-2 weeks. Order Tamoxifen TODAY and hope it shows up by the time you are out. MA Research is the quickest and most effective rout.
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The side effects you should be worried about (primarily gyno) wouldn't show up until about a week off cycle, so you wont know now, and by then it would be too late.
I know youre looking for a "Cycle so short and mild, youre good without PCT bro" but If it were me, I would PCT just to be safe. A cycle where you cant see the results, and grow boobs after is the worst kind.
Thanks guys, he's in Germany tho, Mike doesn't ship overseas

I was able to order some Enclomiphene from netherlands.
if it will be taken away by customs, i can still get some emergency Clomid in my country.

I now continued the 20mg cycle, and will do so until i reach the 6 weeks mark and then start with my PCT.
But i am very unsure, some answers to this thread suggest i should up the dbol dose until i get the pct and others suggest i reduce it until i get the pct?

Also, will the clomid be necessary if i get the Enclomiphene? or should i rather just stick to one?

I know it was a stupid idea, but i couldn't help myself but try it out myself. I still feel fine without any big side effects.

Thanks alot for all the answers, you guys helped me out ALOT!

I was able to order some Enclomiphene from netherlands, so now i have to hope it will pass the customs..
if it will be taken away by customs, i can still get some emergency Clomid in my country.

I now continued the 20mg cycle, and will do so until i reach the 6 weeks mark and then start with my PCT.
But i am very unsure, some answers to this thread suggest i should up the dbol dose until i get the pct and others suggest i reduce it until i get the pct?

Also, will the clomid be necessary if i get the Enclomiphene? or should i rather just stick to one?

I know it was a stupid idea, but i couldn't help myself but try it out myself. I still feel fine without any big side effects.

Thanks alot for all the answers, you guys helped me out ALOT!
Again, you probably wont have noticeable sides until after you stop your cycle, so you should "feel fine" right now. You prevent estrogen rebound and crashed testosterone with a proper PCT. From my understanding Enclo/Clomid are used in PCT to boost your gonadal production of test. Enclo and clomid are similar so I think it would be redundant to run both, but I dont have experience with them so keep researching / asking. I have heard people can get high Estrogen issues with Enclo/Clomid like gyno which Is why I have stayed away from it. If it were me I would also try to find an AI Aromitase Inhibitor like Tamoxifen to add to your PCT protocol, to mitigate. With regards to your dosing for the rest of your cycle, we only recommended lower doses so that you don't run out before your PCT arrives. If you have enough, feel free to up the dose or stay at 20.

I was able to order some Enclomiphene from netherlands, so now i have to hope it will pass the customs..
if it will be taken away by customs, i can still get some emergency Clomid in my country.

I now continued the 20mg cycle, and will do so until i reach the 6 weeks mark and then start with my PCT.
But i am very unsure, some answers to this thread suggest i should up the dbol dose until i get the pct and others suggest i reduce it until i get the pct?

Also, will the clomid be necessary if i get the Enclomiphene? or should i rather just stick to one?

I know it was a stupid idea, but i couldn't help myself but try it out myself. I still feel fine without any big side effects.

Thanks alot for all the answers, you guys helped me out ALOT!
I certainly wouldn’t reduce it. You’re currently running 20mg correct? Do you have enough to run it at 30mg until the 6 week mark? I would continue, especially considering that you don’t have pct on hand yet. I wouldn’t expect any permanent muscle to be built, however, at 30 mg you’ll likely see some acute temporary performance enhancement.
I certainly wouldn’t reduce it. You’re currently running 20mg correct? Do you have enough to run it at 30mg until the 6 week mark? I would continue, especially considering that you don’t have pct on hand yet. I wouldn’t expect any permanent muscle to be built, however, at 30 mg you’ll likely see some acute temporary performance enhancement.

Yes i was currently running 20mg.
I have plenty left, i could even take more then that.

The plan is to stop at the 6 week mark and start with PCT.

I will up the dose to 30mg then!
I hope, i can see some strength and muscle increase.

As soon as i stop, i will start taking Enclo OR Clomid for PCT.

Thanks for the answer!
Again, you probably wont have noticeable sides until after you stop your cycle, so you should "feel fine" right now.

Not only that but you can "feel fine" post cycle even if your test is in the gutter. This idea that you'll always feel like crap if you have low test is kind of BS. There are tons of people walking around with low test that feel perfectly fine. Plenty of bodybuilders got off steroids back in the day when there was no PCT and they "felt" fine.

This is why bloodwork is important. I believe in listening to your body only to a certain extent. There are plenty of things going on in our body; some good, some bad that we cannot or don't "feel."