Dbol for last 2 weeks of tbol cycle


New member
Apr 8, 2018
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I have been on tbol for 4 weeks and need to order some more from my source for the last 2/3 weeks, I'm currently running on 80mg a day. Shall I order some more tbol to run at 100mg for the remainder or would dbol be a better option for 2 weeks?
Hopefully more experienced people jump in and help you with this but I’ll answer based on simple logic.

Are you seeing good gains on tbol at 80mg? If you are then why change it? 100mg should be even better (sounds like a pretty high dose of tbol though). The only reason I could see switching to dbol making any kind of sense is if your trying to absolutely maximize weight gain during this cycle. But the gains you get from 2 weeks of dbol will likely fade quickly as it’s known to largely be water.

So from what I’ve learned reading on this site, I stick with tbol and continue trying to gain real lbm that you’ll hopefully keep post cycle.

Good luck.
I personally don't see a increase in size but I think that's just me because people have said I look bigger and I'm lifting heavier. I just want to get as much as possible out of the cycle.
I agree, I wouldn't switch it up at this point.
It takes me about 2 weeks for the dbol to really kick so imo id stay on tbol
I personally don't see a increase in size but I think that's just me because people have said I look bigger and I'm lifting heavier. I just want to get as much as possible out of the cycle.

Damn. Are you bulking, cutting or recomping? Tbol was mild but I noticed fair differences at only 40mg. Of course everyone will respond differently.
I agree with everyone else though; no point in switching to dbol for such a short period
Dbol only is the worst cycle .. estrogen bomb
Tbol is an amazing PED for athletes. It doesn’t blow people up like dbol but if your eating in a calorie surplus you should be gaining size much easier. It’s gotta be one of the best orals for recomp too. It’s greatest attributes are performance related though. This is all second-hand knowledge. Dbol is probably better if your trying to bulk up like crazy but I imagine the inevitable decrease in size after the cycle must be a huge let down.
I would just switch to EQ for the last 2 weeks ;)