300 mg for TRT/ Cruise dosage?


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Pretty sure you are arguing with a troll who just likes to use terms he read online like vaporware...but when he used it again it was vaperware. Don't waste your time on him. Solid info you dropped tho!


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Just an update on this. Taking 150 mg every four days and going to see how I feel. It's been about two weeks and just starting to get my sex drive back. I'm going to eventually try 150 mg every five days and that should put me around 250 mg a week


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Just an update I was taking 150 mg every fourth day so my math was off. That puts me more around 275 mg a week. Strength and weight gain were significant since starting however since I'm going more for a longevity approach now I will be cutting the dose in half to 137 mg a week. Then I have some upcoming blood work here in a few weeks


I personally cruise at between 125 to 175mg per week. I lose some glycogen storage and fullness sure but I believe my cycle is much more effective when I cycle back on? People need to not keep trying to light up the Dopamine reward pathway like a Christmas tree constantly! It's not a good idea to have to need to be full and way past your genetic limit of bodyfat to muscle mass ratio!

I personally don't lose all that much size plus I use Boldenone Undecylenate alot so my first month on cruise is a titration of Boldenone pretty much. I usually cruise for 12 weeks so that's 8 weeks of a true TRT level cruise! I cycle longer then that but I feel like that's still long enough to reset and keep my blood pressure and bloodwork acceptable!


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I personally cruise at between 125 to 175mg per week. I lose some glycogen storage and fullness sure but I believe my cycle is much more effective when I cycle back on? People need to not keep trying to light up the Dopamine reward pathway like a Christmas tree constantly! It's not a good idea to have to need to be full and way past your genetic limit of bodyfat to muscle mass ratio!

I personally don't lose all that much size plus I use Boldenone Undecylenate alot so my first month on cruise is a titration of Boldenone pretty much. I usually cruise for 12 weeks so that's 8 weeks of a true TRT level cruise! I cycle longer then that but I feel like that's still long enough to reset and keep my blood pressure and bloodwork acceptable!
Totally agree with this☝ plus you can still do 3 blast per year on this protocol


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I worked w The Metabolic Doctor aka Dr. Thomas OConnor back in 2006? Way before he became somewhat famous in this industry.

We were able to narrow down the most successful "average" dose of Test Cyp or E to 100mgs every 4th day. In the average 18-60 year old male this was the most successful dose we found to keep the patient in a non super physiological range. The average patient would test out 7 days after his last injection fasted in the am at around 700-1100 nanos.

Age, cycle history, overall health, metabolism, sleep, drug and alcohol use were and are all variables.

Consistent blood work should be pulled every month for 3-6 months to get a true baseline of both Free and Total T level.

We also were the first individuals to give patients HCG alongside a cycle...at a dose of 250-500iu 2x a week. Studies prove that as little as 900iu of hcg TOTAL per week can maintain Intracellular T levels in all patients in the study.

I am prescribed HRT. Have been now for 22 years and used that and cycles on and off.

What I have found and utilized is my own protocol based on working w Metabolic Doctor and my own personal experimentation.

I do 2 pumps of AndroGel every am after a hot shower..I do 50-75mgs of Test Cyp every 4th day. I do 500iu of hcg 2x a week.

All of this is prescribed...

I consistently test out at 1000 n/dL, so I'm in range but high end. Most importantly my Free T levels are sky high due to the introduction of the test gel. Remember fast esters will improve Free T levels...this is why many guys will even use sustanon in low dose for HRT.

You can also use clomid and you can also use HCG for "HRT".

All.of these options will work well.

Monitor your RBC, CBC,WBC , hematocrit and hemoglobin...if they start to get high , donate blood. Either Red Cross or do your own.

1 grapefruit a day also will help lower hematocrit and RBC.

300mgs is a cycle. You certainly can get away with It for long term just monitor labs and organs..

Hydrate well and always monitor blood pressure.

If u guys need a BP med , checkout Bystolic at 20mgs Ed and piggy back that with losartan or Lisinopril daily.

This will lower systolic, diastolic and pulse. It also will protect the heart and best of all no libido or erection issues.

5 mgs Cialis Ed while on HRT is another miracle drug and last but not least look into a Metformin or a GDA while on HRT or cycle...it can work wonders.

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