2 Weeks into Alpha One & Natadrol...Big Thumbs Up



As of tomorrow I will have been on Alpha One and Natadrol for 2 weeks. When I started I weighed 183 (approx) and as of 3 days ago I am up to 194 (11lbs in 10 days). Workouts have been insane and strength is definitely went up. Incline Bench has went up 10lbs with an extra 4 reps...big plus. Added 8 reps on my Deadlifts with the same weight (will add more weight to bring down the reps) To keep this short, I have been able to add more weight and reps to all exercises. The only sides I have are bad back pumps (seems to be worse the SD) and nose bleeds (only can tell when I blow my nose) so it's not like blood is pouring out of my nose lol. But I have had a cold so that might be why....
Loving it so far and the pluses outweigh the negatives


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As of tomorrow I will have been on Alpha One and Natadrol for 2 weeks. When I started I weighed 183 (approx) and as of 3 days ago I am up to 194 (11lbs in 10 days). Workouts have been insane and strength is definitely went up. Incline Bench has went up 10lbs with an extra 4 reps...big plus. Added 8 reps on my Deadlifts with the same weight (will add more weight to bring down the reps) To keep this short, I have been able to add more weight and reps to all exercises. The only sides I have are bad back pumps (seems to be worse the SD) and nose bleeds (only can tell when I blow my nose) so it's not like blood is pouring out of my nose lol. But I have had a cold so that might be why....
Loving it so far and the pluses outweigh the negatives
Your big to be 23, how tall are you and how many caps of these two are you taking? I'm only on 1 cap of alpha and 2ml or 5mg of microdrol (sd)


I'm 5'10" and I'm small lol or at least to myself I look it. That picture is actually old in my Avatar. Will update when I am done with this cycle. I take 3 caps a day of Alpha One


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I'm 5'10" and I'm small lol or at least to myself I look it. That picture is actually old in my Avatar. Will update when I am done with this cycle. I take 3 caps a day of Alpha One
Holy **** dude your taking a lot wow, I honestly couldnt imagine taking that much of it. Please keep this thread updated on how everything goes.


I weighed myself today, currently at 197lbs....14lbs in 2 weeks. The only thing I changed about my diet was increase my protein consumption. Have been keeping my carbs around 250

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