2 caps of Erase PreW/O... WOW!


Guys I just want to say sorry for starting this and then not posting any results... I work in the oil field and got called back out for a two week trip tuesday and this is the first time I've had any real down time to post. Since I've been working, I haven't been in the gym, so I've got no more results!

As soon as I get back on the 26th, I'll get back in the gym and try it again! Thanks for the advice, and I'll be checking back to see how others are doing.


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Guys I just want to say sorry for starting this and then not posting any results... I work in the oil field and got called back out for a two week trip tuesday and this is the first time I've had any real down time to post. Since I've been working, I haven't been in the gym, so I've got no more results!

As soon as I get back on the 26th, I'll get back in the gym and try it again! Thanks for the advice, and I'll be checking back to see how others are doing.
no worries man, Life happens...as you can see lots of people are already trying and tearing it up dosing Pre. a HUGE thanks for posting your results and changing my dosing schedule!


Ok so I decided to dig a bit more into if the "two doses at once will kill me" worry I had. I read earlier on here that Erase Pro has the 3 times the amount of active ingredients in it as Erase (3 caps worth).

So obviously 2 pre work out is just fine... I might even have to give 3 pre work out a try.

Does anyone know the half life of this stuff?? We've got a hard day of work tomorrow, so I'm going to dose 2 caps before work and see what happens. I've also found Erase really helps me cope with the extreme temps I work in. To put it simply, the heat just doesn't bother me as much if I take 1 cap right before heat exposure.


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One of the reps "kevinhy" stated in another thread that Erase is a suicidal AI, therefore no half life. It does its work and its gone. Ill find the post at home if no other reps post here first...I'm on my phone.

found it.....

Half life isnt important with this compound since its a suicidal aromatase inhibitor, meaning it permanently deactivates aromatase and the body must first undergo new enzyme synthesis before estrogen production may resume. This is also why it doesnt need to be "tapered" off.
from this thread...
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Ok so I decided to dig a bit more into if the "two doses at once will kill me" worry I had. I read earlier on here that Erase Pro has the 3 times the amount of active ingredients in it as Erase (3 caps worth).

So obviously 2 pre work out is just fine... I might even have to give 3 pre work out a try.

Does anyone know the half life of this stuff?? We've got a hard day of work tomorrow, so I'm going to dose 2 caps before work and see what happens. I've also found Erase really helps me cope with the extreme temps I work in. To put it simply, the heat just doesn't bother me as much if I take 1 cap right before heat exposure.
Yeah, since half life isnt an issue you could technically dose all three preworkout if it benefits you most!

One of the reps "kevinhy" stated in another thread that Erase is a suicidal AI, therefore no half life. It does its work and its gone. Ill find the post at home if no other reps post here first...I'm on my phone.

found it.....

from this thread...
Nice, thanks for hitting that so i didnt have to!


Alright, I wound up getting off a week early! They decided 16 days straight in the field was a little too long... So last week I finally experienced dry joints. I was taking 2 caps when I woke up before work, and one day while walking across the yard my hips started hurting. I knew exactly what it was, so I took a day off and thn backed down to 1 cap and my hips stopped hurting after two days.

So I got back in the gym today, took two caps, and tore it up again for the first half of my workout. Last night I tried 1-carboxy for the first time (which is AWESOME btw), and I wound up having a bit of a hang over from it. The last half of my workout kind of suffered today, and honestly I should have just taken the day off and rested.

I'm going to try it again tomorrow at 2 caps PWO and see what's up for leg day, and then I will give 3 pwo a shot on monday for my heavy chest day... I am also supplementing fish oil to combat and possible dry joints, so we'll see how it works.

As a side note: Erase does effect my libido... when I took a day off and backed it down to 1 cap there was a major increase in my libido. Still not sure if this is good or bad. Basically Erase makes me not think about sex constantly, which is good because while I'm working I might not even see a good looking woman for the entire 7 days. Not sure if it will effect my confidence with women or not, we'll see tonight.


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My Erase and DAA will be here ina few days. Gonna try 1 in the morning and 2 pre workout. How long before working out did you guys take it? I was thinking 30-45 minutes before.

On non workout days I'll just space them out.


My Erase and DAA will be here ina few days. Gonna try 1 in the morning and 2 pre workout. How long before working out did you guys take it? I was thinking 30-45 minutes before.

On non workout days I'll just space them out.
Man be careful with 3... I'd try one or two on your first day. Estrogen crash is miserable, and this stuff kicks in hard and fast. This stuff is no joke. You might be fine, but I just dont feel comfortable recommending one way or another. It really all just depends on your own body chemistry, so to stay on the "safe" side, I'd personally recommend starting with one or two your first day or two.

I take mine about 30-45min PWO.


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Man be careful with 3... I'd try one or two on your first day. Estrogen crash is miserable, and this stuff kicks in hard and fast. This stuff is no joke. You might be fine, but I just dont feel comfortable recommending one way or another. It really all just depends on your own body chemistry, so to stay on the "safe" side, I'd personally recommend starting with one or two your first day or two.

I take mine about 30-45min PWO.
I took 1Erase Pro daily for 2 months and had no problems. My understanding is 1EP=3 OG Erase.


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Yeah. Went with OG Erase due to the nuraplanet sale with the DAA.

Erase and DAA are awesome. Look forward to seeing how it works for me preworkout.
Nice pick up, I know you will love this stack


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So new question, time to mind freak y'all... What about taking EP pre workout WITH Anabeta Elite? Would it be suicide? My upcoming stack with DAA


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I guess, I'm just shocked no one else running the stack has tried it. I start mine in like 2 weeks still


Well I am on day 4 of Anabeta Elite, still using Erase at 2caps PWO, and almost done with my 8 week run of Intimidate... I've got 11 days left.

In short to answer your question, I feel like ABE and ERASE play very nicely together... I am going to make a new Erase Libido post though, as it does effect me in a rather interesting way.

The ABE is pretty wild. There are not too many things I've seen that make you look different "immediately", but I keep going in the bathroom to check myself out... Like I said, it's day 4! :notworthy: The hunger started kicking in yesterday so I ate... the more I eat the better I look. I work out at 2pm every day and it's taking everything I've got not to go right now. Also it feels good to guzzle water... I can chug just fine thanks to my college days, but this just feels different in a very good bottomless pit kind of way.

All I can think about is lifting, which is a completely new feeling for me. I've never been obsessed with myself quite like this before, but the results I've seen in over the past two months have been just short of amazing. I'm the strongest I've ever been, and I feel better than when I was 18. These results are what I would have expected to see on a PH cycle, although I must admit I know next to nothing about PH cycles other than it will be a year or two of intense training before I ever consider one... Also remember, I am only able to lift half the time. I work 7 days on/off in the oil field... I'm starting to think my off time may actually be playing into my gains as every time I come back I set a new PR on at least one lift.

Although it's not recommended since I've already done an 8 week test booster cycle, I am going to run the full 30 days of ABE. That means my total cycle length of Intimidate/Erase/ABE will have run 10 weeks. I will be taking at least 4 weeks off before trying anything else, possibly 6 if I can resist.


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See that's a lot of weeks, I don't think I've taken anything as strong as ABE or EP, took OG E once but I didn't dose it right leaving it useless completely. That's why I ask about taking 1 EP with 2 ABE pre workout, but I'll try it towards the end of my run.


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Well I am on day 4 of Anabeta Elite, still using Erase at 2caps PWO, and almost done with my 8 week run of Intimidate... I've got 11 days left.

In short to answer your question, I feel like ABE and ERASE play very nicely together... I am going to make a new Erase Libido post though, as it does effect me in a rather interesting way.

The ABE is pretty wild. There are not too many things I've seen that make you look different "immediately", but I keep going in the bathroom to check myself out... Like I said, it's day 4! :notworthy: The hunger started kicking in yesterday so I ate... the more I eat the better I look. I work out at 2pm every day and it's taking everything I've got not to go right now. Also it feels good to guzzle water... I can chug just fine thanks to my college days, but this just feels different in a very good bottomless pit kind of way.

All I can think about is lifting, which is a completely new feeling for me. I've never been obsessed with myself quite like this before, but the results I've seen in over the past two months have been just short of amazing. I'm the strongest I've ever been, and I feel better than when I was 18. These results are what I would have expected to see on a PH cycle, although I must admit I know next to nothing about PH cycles other than it will be a year or two of intense training before I ever consider one... Also remember, I am only able to lift half the time. I work 7 days on/off in the oil field... I'm starting to think my off time may actually be playing into my gains as every time I come back I set a new PR on at least one lift.

Although it's not recommended since I've already done an 8 week test booster cycle, I am going to run the full 30 days of ABE. That means my total cycle length of Intimidate/Erase/ABE will have run 10 weeks. I will be taking at least 4 weeks off before trying anything else, possibly 6 if I can resist.
If the hunger is starting to set it, boy your in for a ride. For bumping cals up, i would suggest bumping carbs up (complex and simple after WO). Its a great nutrient repartitioner as well! Use it to your advantage :D


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Alright, I wound up getting off a week early! They decided 16 days straight in the field was a little too long... So last week I finally experienced dry joints. I was taking 2 caps when I woke up before work, and one day while walking across the yard my hips started hurting. I knew exactly what it was, so I took a day off and thn backed down to 1 cap and my hips stopped hurting after two days.

So I got back in the gym today, took two caps, and tore it up again for the first half of my workout. Last night I tried 1-carboxy for the first time (which is AWESOME btw), and I wound up having a bit of a hang over from it. The last half of my workout kind of suffered today, and honestly I should have just taken the day off and rested.

I'm going to try it again tomorrow at 2 caps PWO and see what's up for leg day, and then I will give 3 pwo a shot on monday for my heavy chest day... I am also supplementing fish oil to combat and possible dry joints, so we'll see how it works.

As a side note: Erase does effect my libido... when I took a day off and backed it down to 1 cap there was a major increase in my libido. Still not sure if this is good or bad. Basically Erase makes me not think about sex constantly, which is good because while I'm working I might not even see a good looking woman for the entire 7 days. Not sure if it will effect my confidence with women or not, we'll see tonight.
I am in my 3rd week of erase and my libido took a nose dive big time. Trying to find something to get my libido going again.


I am in my 3rd week of erase and my libido took a nose dive big time. Trying to find something to get my libido going again.
Just back down your dose... I'm gunna have to cut mine back again. Shoulder pain limited my workout today. :-/


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If 2 caps of OG E are crushing ur libido, I EP is gonna demolish mine, my wife is gonna be pissed. Hope the DAA and keep it up


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I did the DAA, EP and AE stack for 2 months. I did not have any libido problems, no more joint pain than usual (I have creaky knees and sciatica flare ups from time to time, but thats normal for me). I did use Orange Triad and fish oil and I am sure that helped.

I experienced great gains, weight went up about 8lbs and I was leaner (I admit I was under my normal weight before I started, so some of the gains were from just eating more. But gaining the weight back was much easier if that makes any sense). The main thing I noticed was my strength increased dramatically, I was noticably stronger almost every workout. Also my muscle hardness improved greatly. The gains, while still there, did tail off around the 7th week, so a 8 week cycle is probably the most you would want to do IMO.

Starting an OG Erase and DAA 8 week run today (Nutraplanet sale FTW). Look forward to trying it preworkout to see if I get some of the effects you guys are.


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Oh, one other thing. DAA takes about 2 weeks to start working, so a lot of people start taking it first, than a week or 2 later add the Erase, Anabeta, or whatever.


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Oh, one other thing. DAA takes about 2 weeks to start working, so a lot of people start taking it first, than a week or 2 later add the Erase, Anabeta, or whatever.
Very good point here


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That's what I read, I'm about 15 days from starting EP and ABE...I know some ppl find it dumb or just straight up false but DAA makes my pre existent gyno flare plus I hate the bloat. I have powder DAA nutra brand and every day I consider to start it. But then ive worked so hard to bring my bf down so that "gyno" or fat or whatever the eff it is will downsize which it has a lot .only to bloat up and bring it out again


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That's what I read, I'm about 15 days from starting EP and ABE...I know some ppl find it dumb or just straight up false but DAA makes my pre existent gyno flare plus I hate the bloat. I have powder DAA nutra brand and every day I consider to start it. But then ive worked so hard to bring my bf down so that "gyno" or fat or whatever the eff it is will downsize which it has a lot .only to bloat up and bring it out again
DAA stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete the following hormones: prolactin (PRL), luteinizing hormone (LH), and growth hormone (GH).. In the testes, it is present in Leydig cells and is involved in testosterone and progesterone release.



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im sorry but in other words????? the prolactin is causing the flare ups maybe? i read something like that somewhere else on here a few weeks back researching


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It could cause the flare-ups or aggrevate it, prolactin may have a stimulatory effect on mammary tissue development, but only in the presence of high estrogen levels. So, idk if you've done DAA solo or with an AI. But from what i've read people with pre-existing gyno taking DAA always take an AI, or im guessing the general consensus is if your doing DAA, add an AI (Erase/Erase Pro). Not saying your going to get gyno on DAA. But just saying it could be the reason for the aggrevation.

*This is anecdotal and/or what i've researched*


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Agreed. And from experience, Erase (or Pro) and DAA just work well together. The sum of the benefits are well above the 2 by themselves.


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Alot of people also add Powerfull or IGF-2 to combat the prolactin related sides.


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Agreed. And from experience, Erase (or Pro) and DAA just work well together. The sum of the benefits are well above the 2 by themselves.
They are very effective together I agree.


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That's what I kind of heard that's why I stopped taking it ( took without AI) so now that I have the EP and ABE I'll be ok throwing the DAA in there I suppose. And no better time to start taking the DAA then tomm morning first thing


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And I appreciate u helping me figure this all out


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Oh that's a money stack! ABE/EP/ and DAA, you sir are going to get the case of teh hyooge! Haha good luck man, maybe do a log?


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That's what I kind of heard that's why I stopped taking it ( took without AI) so now that I have the EP and ABE I'll be ok throwing the DAA in there I suppose. And no better time to start taking the DAA then tomm morning first thing
You will LOVE this stack!


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Yeah I'm planning on doing a log eating is gonna be my biggest concern, making sure I'm eating plenty. It's actually really hard to do in a health conscious household.


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Haha just be in my shoes... I'm the only health conscious one. My roommates eat like total sh!t, five guys, taco bell, Qdoba, cereal... You name it. When I go home for the holidays, mother is baking, parents always want to go out and eat. They view me as the crazy psycho path :D haha but you gotta treat yourself every once and awhile, to keep sanity hahah!


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They view me as the crazy psycho path
People view me as the crazy psycho bath!

What can i say, I love givin some crazy girls a good washin! Natty can vouch for that.


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Hahaha washing is a good thing, putting it on hyperdrive when on erase ;). Hello ladies... Please ...Please single file!


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HAHA, well in my case I have some of those traits so don't feel bad Kevin and Bamiski. On Erase to make weight, and its making things easier but EP actually makes it harder along Anabeta.


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Tried Erase Pro pre-workout for the last week or two. Not sure if I notice any MAJOR differences from previous dosing schemes, but I do think it makes me a lot more thirsty. Stuff dries me out like crazy.


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Tried Erase Pro pre-workout for the last week or two. Not sure if I notice any MAJOR differences from previous dosing schemes, but I do think it makes me a lot more thirsty. Stuff dries me out like crazy.
I haven't noticed much difference pre workout , I am however getting super lean and dry


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ive been on 2 caps of erase per day for the past 2 weeks. first week i did 1 cap am and 1 cap in the afternoon, and this past week 2 caps PWO, after reading this thread, and have noticed absolutely nothing. i'm bumping up to 3 next week, but just wondering what the deal is, could my estrogen be TOO high? (no dry joints or anything... just... nothing at all.. if anything ive been weaker this week)

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