2 caps of Erase PreW/O... WOW!



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What else are you taking with it, erase seems to be the best when stacked with a natty t booster


ive been on 2 caps of erase per day for the past 2 weeks. first week i did 1 cap am and 1 cap in the afternoon, and this past week 2 caps PWO, after reading this thread, and have noticed absolutely nothing. i'm bumping up to 3 next week, but just wondering what the deal is, could my estrogen be TOO high? (no dry joints or anything... just... nothing at all.. if anything ive been weaker this week)
Well I personally think I might have cortisol issues, and Erase/EP both do wonders for cortisol control. That might be why myself and some of the others have seen good results. Heavy lifting can cause a cortisol spike, and it might be much worse for some of us than others.

I'm sick as a damn dog right now with what I would guess is a cold... so I don't really have any good updates.


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What else are you taking with it, erase seems to be the best when stacked with a natty t booster
i was just taking it by itself in hopes of reducing some (what i believe to be) estrogen-dependent fat; ive always had that 'soft' look, even with dieting and cardio. i can lose weight, but i mostly just lose strength (so, i assume a lot of muscle is lost even when keeping clean calories up and doing HIIT, low-intensity, etc) and continue to have that terrible 'estrogen' look, so i figured this may help.

it sucks bc ive got some daa i was saving for later, and probably couldnt have a very good run with the stack now since ive used so much of the erase AND plan on upping the dose.


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i was just taking it by itself in hopes of reducing some (what i believe to be) estrogen-dependent fat; ive always had that 'soft' look, even with dieting and cardio. i can lose weight, but i mostly just lose strength (so, i assume a lot of muscle is lost even when keeping clean calories up and doing HIIT, low-intensity, etc) and continue to have that terrible 'estrogen' look, so i figured this may help.

it sucks bc ive got some daa i was saving for later, and probably couldnt have a very good run with the stack now since ive used so much of the erase AND plan on upping the dose.
I would up the dose to 3 caps, let us know how it goes.


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Yeah bump it to 3 i actually ordered EP for the same reason, to kill estrogen and get a dry lean look, ended up stacking with daa and Abe and now I'm bloating off the daa I think that's why I'm gonna start the rest earlier then 12 days I think the daa really messes with my old gyno


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I started taking Erase Pro this morning with my stack im running DAA+Erase Pro+Anabeta Elite i was hoping the erase pro would cover that, does it?? if not what can be taken because i really like DAA but the prolactin thing has really messed it up for me.


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I started taking Erase Pro this morning with my stack im running DAA+Erase Pro+Anabeta Elite i was hoping the erase pro would cover that, does it?? if not what can be taken because i really like DAA but the prolactin thing has really messed it up for me.
look at Powerfull or IGF-2, seen guys run those with DAA. I'm not very knowledgeable on it but I believe its the L-Dopa that helps. I will be adding one of those on my stack.


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I started taking Erase Pro this morning with my stack im running DAA+Erase Pro+Anabeta Elite i was hoping the erase pro would cover that, does it?? if not what can be taken because i really like DAA but the prolactin thing has really messed it up for me.
No need to worry...prolactin effects from DAA are typically insignificant.

look at Powerfull or IGF-2, seen guys run those with DAA. I'm not very knowledgeable on it but I believe its the L-Dopa that helps. I will be adding one of those on my stack.
L-Dopa does lower prolactin yes


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No need to worry...prolactin effects from DAA are typically insignificant.

Agree with this, I usually just run powerfull for the crazy enhanced sleep & libido boost it provides.


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just started 3 caps today, 1 am and 2 PWO. im kind of nervous (as always when trying a new supp/upping the dose) as my blood pressure has increased a little since taking it at 2 caps a day, although that may having nothing to do with the erase as i recently dropped ubiquinol to start trying another blood pressure control regimen. either way, i get nervous increasing supplements if i get a reading of 140 or above, although it was back down in the 120's as of friday, so it may have just been a coincidence.

either way, ill let you guys know on performance/blood pressure as i proceeed.


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Hey guys, i'm using since 10 days erase pre-wo @2caps and i've noticed a good impact on my workout routine, just i don't have any sign of increased libido, how is possible?? I also think it's a bit lower than 10 days ago and really dunno why!!! Can someone expalin me wtf is happening??? :)


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Your libido may be lower because erase is lowering your estrogen.

When i first started my anabeta elite, DAA, and erase stack, my libido was really high for ~2 weeks, then on week three or four it got lower.. Now, at week 10-12 it is back full swing, maybe higher than originally


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So, i'd expect an increase in the next weeks or i've to stop it and hope to have that back as soon as possible??


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Oh..., i've read in other posts that for a libido boost just two caps are enough!! So, mb i could split the two caps in two different doses mb first one when i wake up and other one 8hrs later???


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Honestly I take my erase pre and post workout. I usually do 2 pre 1 post. My first meal of the day is my preworkout meal.
I do this because erase is supposed to decrease cortisol (correct me if im wrong someone please), and your cortisol is highest in the morning and post workout (unless you're drinking a peri-workout shake ie aminos or dextrose and isolate or something along those lines- which I cannot because i get SICK)

So I'd say you could do 1 in the AM with your first meal, and one post workout, or both pre and post. Whatever works for you man. I don't see the need to split the dose by 8 hours seeing as erase pro is just erase 3x concentrated, but you take that all at once (one pill)


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Honestly I take my erase pre and post workout. I usually do 2 pre 1 post. My first meal of the day is my preworkout meal.
I do this because erase is supposed to decrease cortisol (correct me if im wrong someone please), and your cortisol is highest in the morning and post workout (unless you're drinking a peri-workout shake ie aminos or dextrose and isolate or something along those lines- which I cannot because i get SICK)

So I'd say you could do 1 in the AM with your first meal, and one post workout, or both pre and post. Whatever works for you man. I don't see the need to split the dose by 8 hours seeing as erase pro is just erase 3x concentrated, but you take that all at once (one pill)

Agree with everything in here!


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Kk guys, i'll try as you directed hoping to have my libido back!!!


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I am taking pes anabeta with thermolife ebol and powerchews creatine. I am interested in adding erase at two caps a day one am and one pm. Ecept on ttaining days i will dose one preworkout. Also thinking of adding ostarx to the mix. Would this work or be overkill..sj


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I am taking pes anabeta with thermolife ebol and powerchews creatine. I am interested in adding erase at two caps a day one am and one pm. Ecept on ttaining days i will dose one preworkout. Also thinking of adding ostarx to the mix. Would this work or be overkill..sj
Wouldnt be overkill, however i would save the Osta for another run. Its known to be minimally/moderately suppressive so I would run it with at least some OTC PCT lined up.


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Wouldnt be overkill, however i would save the Osta for another run. Its known to be minimally/moderately suppressive so I would run it with at least some OTC PCT lined up.
Agree with Kevin


Hello, my question might be a little off topic, but I'm pretty sure I will get the answer that I want from here.. I'm running my 2nd week of my PCT bout to go on the 3rd week, and I'm taking Nolvadex/Clomid/DAA/Erase.. I have some pimples on my upper chest and some on my shoulders and a lot on my back.. What do u guys think is causing this? Is it the DAA? And what can I do to get rid of these pimples, or should I just wait and they will go away eventually when the PCT is over? Thanks a lot for your time guys..


Hello, my question might be a little off topic, but I'm pretty sure I will get the answer that I want from here.. I'm running my 2nd week of my PCT bout to go on the 3rd week, and I'm taking Nolvadex/Clomid/DAA/Erase.. I have some pimples on my upper chest and some on my shoulders and a lot on my back.. What do u guys think is causing this? Is it the DAA? And what can I do to get rid of these pimples, or should I just wait and they will go away eventually when the PCT is over? Thanks a lot for your time guys..
Man you're in PCT so your hormones are all sorts of wack, and will be that way for a while... I've yet to find a rhyme or reason for acne when I get it, and I am 25. The best thing I have found for acne is tanning, either natural or not. A little sun goes a long way.

You can also take an Epsom Salt bath. Get a couple of pounds of Epsom salts and soak in a bath for 45min to an hour. Do not rinse off. I'd do this right before bed because the magnesium will make you sleepy as hell.

Other than that, do your best to leave it alone.


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Man you're in PCT so your hormones are all sorts of wack, and will be that way for a while... I've yet to find a rhyme or reason for acne when I get it, and I am 25. The best thing I have found for acne is tanning, either natural or not. A little sun goes a long way.

You can also take an Epsom Salt bath. Get a couple of pounds of Epsom salts and soak in a bath for 45min to an hour. Do not rinse off. I'd do this right before bed because the magnesium will make you sleepy as hell.

Other than that, do your best to leave it alone.
I still get it here and there, not much but when I run erase pro I get a few on my forehead. Little time out in the sun works great for me.


Went to 2 spots looking for Erase today...didnt have it. Might have to order it off web..ill look around a little more first.


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Went to 2 spots looking for Erase today...didnt have it. Might have to order it off web..ill look around a little more first.

dang, tell them to get it in stock!


Dude,thats an excellent deal...prices i have seen it for are always between $38 and as high as $54


Awesome,thnx bro!!! Ill go with prob reg Erase for now...
Whats the difference between the 2?
Erase Pro has added anti estro and anti cortisol suppressing ingredients for a better standalone. If your going natty I would def use pro over regular. When I'm in pct ill use regular erase personally... As I can play with my dosage


Erase Pro has added anti estro and anti cortisol suppressing ingredients for a better standalone. If your going natty I would def use pro over regular. When I'm in pct ill use regular erase personally... As I can play with my dosage
TY brotha


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Erase Pro has added anti estro and anti cortisol suppressing ingredients for a better standalone. If your going natty I would def use pro over regular. When I'm in pct ill use regular erase personally... As I can play with my dosage
And anti-estrogen that target testosterone secretion pathways. The all in one product!


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Dude,thats an excellent deal...prices i have seen it for are always between $38 and as high as $54
Agreed you can't beat that deal.I love erase and erase pro, have a little stash collecting here at my house.


Agreed you can't beat that deal.I love erase and erase pro, have a little stash collecting here at my house.
I have to double check but isnt the compound in erase the same as AX 3 AD???

Also id love to pic up a few bottles dont get me wrong..thing is,i see alot of stuff get hyped up..So i wonder how credible are these sources? I seem to aide often with the fewer negative reviews as i never heard anyone said a ph or juice never gave good results,but with all natural supps ,everything is mixed.Im new to supps and not big into just wasting money.I know sometimes u just have to chance stuff and thats what i been doing.... I am just weary with the supp game.


I have to double check but isnt the compound in erase the same as AX 3 AD???

Also id love to pic up a few bottles dont get me wrong..thing is,i see alot of stuff get hyped up..So i wonder how credible are these sources? I seem to aide often with the fewer negative reviews as i never heard anyone said a ph or juice never gave good results,but with all natural supps ,everything is mixed.Im new to supps and not big into just wasting money.I know sometimes u just have to chance stuff and thats what i been doing.... I am just weary with the supp game.
It all depends on what you want to do, but Erase does what it says... If you need to lower estrogen and or cortisol, it will do exactly that. I was finally convinced when I experienced "dry joints" and let me tell you, dried out hip joints are no joke... unless you've felt true joint pain before, it's an intense experience. If you over do it with Erase, you will have sides, and you too will become a believer.


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It all depends on what you want to do, but Erase does what it says... If you need to lower estrogen and or cortisol, it will do exactly that. I was finally convinced when I experienced "dry joints" and let me tell you, dried out hip joints are no joke... unless you've felt true joint pain before, it's an intense experience. If you over do it with Erase, you will have sides, and you too will become a believer.
^^^ this right here Jay888999....three caps of Erase dried me out something fierce. This stuff is no joke man! You simply can't go wrong with PES. Their products are top shelf, I recently finished an 8wk Anabeta/Erase stack w/ AlphaT2 wks 4-8 and it changed my body, flat out. People comment all the time about my waist line and how vascular I am now.


It all depends on what you want to do, but Erase does what it says... If you need to lower estrogen and or cortisol, it will do exactly that. I was finally convinced when I experienced "dry joints" and let me tell you, dried out hip joints are no joke... unless you've felt true joint pain before, it's an intense experience. If you over do it with Erase, you will have sides, and you too will become a believer.
I know this is the one supp i def want to try. I hear about the dry joints alot...im assuming fish oil and flax oil enough is not enough too help..wiuld i need some like Glucosime? Or cissus(isnt that for joints)? Lets say u r cutting what kind of gains do u expect? How do u cycle a bottle or even 2?


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I know this is the one supp i def want to try. I hear about the dry joints alot...im assuming fish oil and flax oil enough is not enough too help..wiuld i need some like Glucosime? Or cissus(isnt that for joints)? Lets say u r cutting what kind of gains do u expect? How do u cycle a bottle or even 2?
I've never had any issues with dry joints, although erase managed to REALLY dry out my physique, and it was great taking two pre workout. I can attest to pes products, they work. Just ran an eight week run of erase, abe, at2, and daa. I would highly suggest this to anyone looking for a natty stack that produces results with minimal sides. Hell, it would probably make for a great pct for my UN natural brothers, (don't know much about cycles or pct though, natty myself). I'd highly recommend dosing two bottles in a row because my effects became more pronounced as time went on, especially around week three and on. As far as dosing just follow the label


I've never had any issues with dry joints, although erase managed to REALLY dry out my physique, and it was great taking two pre workout. I can attest to pes products, they work. Just ran an eight week run of erase, abe, at2, and daa. I would highly suggest this to anyone looking for a natty stack that produces results with minimal sides. Hell, it would probably make for a great pct for my UN natural brothers, (don't know much about cycles or pct though, natty myself). I'd highly recommend dosing two bottles in a row because my effects became more pronounced as time went on, especially around week three and on. As far as dosing just follow the label
Thanks man..thats what i think man..I think a month supply of any all natural product is not enough..sure it take atleast 3 weeks to kick in,maybe 2..... Im tempted 2 get 2 bottles of Erase pro and stack it with atleast 2 things..Im looking into ara as well,so i have aome aruff i want to start using,probably around end of Aug...as fall and winter comes i get busy at work,loads of ot,so i plan on stacking up on some stuff..Erase and Ara are going to be what i run a couple cycles around


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I know this is the one supp i def want to try. I hear about the dry joints alot...im assuming fish oil and flax oil enough is not enough too help..wiuld i need some like Glucosime? Or cissus(isnt that for joints)? Lets say u r cutting what kind of gains do u expect? How do u cycle a bottle or even 2?
Fish Oil and Cissus only gave me minor, temporary relief. When I run Erase again, I will go no more than 2/day. Maybe even rotate 1/day and 2/day, every other day. Erase Pro tore me up.


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Fish Oil and Cissus only gave me minor, temporary relief. When I run Erase again, I will go no more than 2/day. Maybe even rotate 1/day and 2/day, every other day. Erase Pro tore me up.
I doubled my FishOil and was taking Cissus as well...still three caps tore my joints up (mainly knees which are bad enough and left shoulder which I dislocated in 07'). Not alot of pain but the creaking and cracking was horrible. Two was the sweet spot for me. We'll see how EP treats me, I may have to go EOD with it.


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Thanks man..thats what i think man..I think a month supply of any all natural product is not enough..sure it take atleast 3 weeks to kick in,maybe 2..... Im tempted 2 get 2 bottles of Erase pro and stack it with atleast 2 things..Im looking into ara as well,so i have aome aruff i want to start using,probably around end of Aug...as fall and winter comes i get busy at work,loads of ot,so i plan on stacking up on some stuff..Erase and Ara are going to be what i run a couple cycles around
Never tried ara but I've heard good things about it, definitely stack it with abe, and intimidate, eat a **** ton you and train for strength and you'll love it


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Great feedback in here, thanks guys


Fish Oil and Cissus only gave me minor, temporary relief. When I run Erase again, I will go no more than 2/day. Maybe even rotate 1/day and 2/day, every other day. Erase Pro tore me up.
Thats what i been hearing...that ppl were doing it every other day..Why does it stress your joints so hard?


Never tried ara but I've heard good things about it, definitely stack it with abe, and intimidate, eat a **** ton you and train for strength and you'll love it
Dude,i just found out about ARA and what it does,just about 2 weeks ago.Spot near me i get all my stuff from has **** load of bottles.my diet is good i eat 5-7 times a day. With ara and what it does,i am going to wait til round Nov / Dec to start ara with a clean bulk diet. I think thats my best bet. Figure id stack it with something along the lines of Erase Pro,ARA,GMS and LCLT and ofcourse a Multi vitamin.

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