12 weeks of ANDROHARD...JUST DO IT



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Y'all going strong on the PHs haha!
:thumbsup: I'll stick with my weaker safer AndroMass


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Y'all going strong on the PHs haha!
:thumbsup: I'll stick with my weaker safer AndroMass
Hey man it's whatever works for you :D

I just comment on my experiences and the experiences of my training buddies and people I train. I like the harsh stuff... probably why my wife's fortune teller told her that my liver was in danger.


Board Sponsor
Hey man it's whatever works for you :D

I just comment on my experiences and the experiences of my training buddies and people I train. I like the harsh stuff... probably why my wife's fortune teller told her that my liver was in danger.


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Hey man it's whatever works for you :D

I just comment on my experiences and the experiences of my training buddies and people I train. I like the harsh stuff... probably why my wife's fortune teller told her that my liver was in danger.


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Hey man it's whatever works for you :D

I just comment on my experiences and the experiences of my training buddies and people I train. I like the harsh stuff... probably why my wife's fortune teller told her that my liver was in danger.
*I see UDCA therapy in your future*


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*I see UDCA therapy in your future*
I got some TUDCA ;) 3 bottles of it.

HTS~ Do you know if taking it while off a 17aa steroid is DETRIMENTAL? I remember someone posted that they read it somewhere. Something about a healthy liver being NEGATIVELY affected by UDCA


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I got some TUDCA ;) 3 bottles of it.

HTS~ Do you know if taking it while off a 17aa steroid is DETRIMENTAL? I remember someone posted that they read it somewhere. Something about a healthy liver being NEGATIVELY affected by UDCA
I have seen nothing on that, and I use UDCA with every methyl.


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No. If you wanted a long term product for overall liver health, liver juice would be a better bet.
Any reason why?

Are the studies there? Price? etc?

Cause I have boat loads of TUDCA, but I dont like milk thistle due to its affinity to androgen receptors. I know its all about moderation but wouldn't, for liver sake, something strong like TUDCA be better? Unless it too, binds to the androgen receptor?


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Only lasted 5 days at 100 mg hdrol... Idk if it was all in my head but during days 4 and 5 I had a huge amount of lethargy... reduced to 75 mg and I will stay here for the next week and prob bump back up to 100 mg. Still dosing 6 AH per day. Feeling more solid around the ab region and feeling stronger in the gym and more dense overall. Here are some more pics found a place in my appt with good lighting compared to the crappy lighting in my room.. 3 weeks down 5 weeks to go.

Photo 1040.jpg
Photo 1041.jpg
Photo 1042.jpg


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Only lasted 5 days at 100 mg hdrol... Idk if it was all in my head but during days 4 and 5 I had a huge amount of lethargy... reduced to 75 mg and I will stay here for the next week and prob bump back up to 100 mg. Still dosing 6 AH per day. Feeling more solid around the ab region and feeling stronger in the gym and more dense overall. Here are some more pics found a place in my appt with good lighting compared to the crappy lighting in my room.. 3 weeks down 5 weeks to go.

View attachment 51904View attachment 51905View attachment 51906
Jesus, and your bulking? Looking lean man.


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Good definition bro!


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Jesus, and your bulking? Looking lean man.
Well at first I wanted to sort of cut/recomp..but I didnt like that so now I am either recomping or lean bulking lol its hard getting my diet just right to recomp Idk how people do it... and thanks! I have always been on the skinny side but I have never really had abs..could be because I never work out of my abs so I don't really have much ab muscle lol.. ive been working it in tho Ive started doing heavy weighted situps to try and grow some ab muscle ...working abs is so annoying to me I just dont enjoy it

Good definition bro!
Thanks! I'm trying to get a "harder" looking appearance I think AH is deff helping there.


bro u got some nice lookin boobies...

I'm in. Sorry I'm late Dr. Big :)


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I wanted to say a few things about my progress and what I plan to do for the next 3.5 weeks of this cycle. So after being at 100 mg of hdrol for the first 5 days being on it, dropping down to 75 for a few days, then trying 100 mg again, I have determined that 100 mg is just too much for my body to handle. Whenever I am taking 100 mg I feel like all I want to do is sit on my ass and sleep.. feel pretty good at 75 mg though so I will keep it there. I am sure the transport mechanism for androhard is helping the absorption of hdrol so at 100 mg I was getting a larger dose than if I wasnt taking the androhard...

Anyway before I started this cycle I was cutting for a few weeks and then a week or so into the cycle I started to recomp and for the next 4 weeks (and probably many weeks after that) I am going to go into bulking mode again. I started to realize it was silly of me to try and reduce my body fat so much when I still want to be significantly larger in size. I have determined I should build the house before I put up the decorations on the wall... so I started a push/pull workout split that I think will maximize size gains.. two push and two pull workouts per week. I have already done the first two days of the week so far and have enjoyed those workouts. Tomorrow is second push workout of the week.

I am going to wait till the end of this cycle to post any more pictures I want to be able to hopefully see some changes from the last ones that I posted. :thumbsup:


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I wanted to say a few things about my progress and what I plan to do for the next 3.5 weeks of this cycle. So after being at 100 mg of hdrol for the first 5 days being on it, dropping down to 75 for a few days, then trying 100 mg again, I have determined that 100 mg is just too much for my body to handle. Whenever I am taking 100 mg I feel like all I want to do is sit on my ass and sleep.. feel pretty good at 75 mg though so I will keep it there. I am sure the transport mechanism for androhard is helping the absorption of hdrol so at 100 mg I was getting a larger dose than if I wasnt taking the androhard...

Anyway before I started this cycle I was cutting for a few weeks and then a week or so into the cycle I started to recomp and for the next 4 weeks (and probably many weeks after that) I am going to go into bulking mode again. I started to realize it was silly of me to try and reduce my body fat so much when I still want to be significantly larger in size. I have determined I should build the house before I put up the decorations on the wall... so I started a push/pull workout split that I think will maximize size gains.. two push and two pull workouts per week. I have already done the first two days of the week so far and have enjoyed those workouts. Tomorrow is second push workout of the week.

I am going to wait till the end of this cycle to post any more pictures I want to be able to hopefully see some changes from the last ones that I posted. :thumbsup:
You are already quite lean and may not be able to get much bigger without some fat. I want to be 220lbs @8-10% bf. So I'm bulking till I get to at least 225. Then hopefully recomp/cut on cycle. Cutting now would only make sense if you were too fat, or had some event to be lean for.


I agree. Bulk until you are a fat pile of ****!

i woulldnt consider cutting till you hit 15% bf


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You are already quite lean and may not be able to get much bigger without some fat. I want to be 220lbs @8-10% bf. So I'm bulking till I get to at least 225. Then hopefully recomp/cut on cycle. Cutting now would only make sense if you were too fat, or had some event to be lean for.
Thanks man. It feels weird tho when I start to put on fat when Im gaining it reminds me about how I dirty bulked in high school and gained a lot of fat with the muscle that I built. But I guess you cant help but put on some fat to bulk successfully! I think I want to be around 230 before I cut... might take a while for that to happen Ive been stuck around very low 200s for a while lol just gota eat more I guess..


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Thanks man. It feels weird tho when I start to put on fat when Im gaining it reminds me about how I dirty bulked in high school and gained a lot of fat with the muscle that I built. But I guess you cant help but put on some fat to bulk successfully! I think I want to be around 230 before I cut... might take a while for that to happen Ive been stuck around very low 200s for a while lol just gota eat more I guess..
Yup, gotta eat man. You and your appetite.... lol.


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Yup, gotta eat man. You and your appetite.... lol.
Yeah man! My appetite has actually been really good this whole week. I think this push/pull split is gona be really good for appetite pretty much all it is is heavy compounds makes the body WANT the food more. yeh :thumbsup:


15% is a fat pile of ****?

Jesus, I feel like I need to do some cardio now at 13ish%.
lmao nah man. I was just saying I wouldnt even CONSIDER cutting unti 15% :D

i would try to stay 10-15% all year but thats just me lol


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had a solid week of workouts this week. Liking this push/pull split for sure! I wanted to update the diet im following. Feeling good lately my appetite has been nice the past week. Upped my cals from when I was recomping. Now aiming for 4000 cals per day which I track using myfitnesspal.com. Great site. I have been aiming for 400-450 g carbs, 90 - 115 g fat, 300+ g protein. Basically these are the general guidelines I use to get my cals at 4000/day. I eat variable foods every day so thats why I allow myself some wiggle room. I feel like I am deff in growth mode now and if I feel it is stalling will increase past 4000 cals.


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lmao nah man. I was just saying I wouldnt even CONSIDER cutting unti 15% :D

i would try to stay 10-15% all year but thats just me lol
haha, I was just messing with you.

had a solid week of workouts this week. Liking this push/pull split for sure! I wanted to update the diet im following. Feeling good lately my appetite has been nice the past week. Upped my cals from when I was recomping. Now aiming for 4000 cals per day which I track using myfitnesspal.com. Great site. I have been aiming for 400-450 g carbs, 90 - 115 g fat, 300+ g protein. Basically these are the general guidelines I use to get my cals at 4000/day. I eat variable foods every day so thats why I allow myself some wiggle room. I feel like I am deff in growth mode now and if I feel it is stalling will increase past 4000 cals.
Nice to see when you say 4000cal, you mean it. I feel there are too many guys that are like "yeah, Im eating around 5k calories". What did you eat today? 4 eggs and two chicken breasts. (head shake)


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Nice to see when you say 4000cal, you mean it. I feel there are too many guys that are like "yeah, Im eating around 5k calories". What did you eat today? 4 eggs and two chicken breasts. (head shake)
Yeah I come across those people all the time who talk to me about lifting.. when you go to a typical gym Id say most of the people lifting there have no idea how important their diet is to their progress lol. And I can never guarantee how many cals I get based on appetite so tracking is the only way...when you track your cals you cant mess up lol


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Yeah I come across those people all the time who talk to me about lifting.. when you go to a typical gym Id say most of the people lifting there have no idea how important their diet is to their progress lol. And I can never guarantee how many cals I get based on appetite so tracking is the only way...when you track your cals you cant mess up lol
I just don't have the attention span for it. Whenever I try, it only lasts like 4 days.


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you dont need to do it every day. Every couple days would be good just to make sure you are on track. and the days in between u know how much to eat based on the past day


  • RockStar
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you dont need to do it every day. Every couple days would be good just to make sure you are on track. and the days in between u know how much to eat based on the past day
I tend to just eat the same thing every day. Haha. Or have a set food list and just mix and match. Keeps things stable.


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I tend to just eat the same thing every day. Haha. Or have a set food list and just mix and match. Keeps things stable.
This is how I was when I took keto very seriously. So much "precision" to aim for, that replicating each day was easiest.


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Tried to do the same pose my hands were a little higher in todays pic tho. Here is a before and after so far but still have 2 weeks left. I think I see a difference in the upper back region? lol

This was take 6 weeks ago.
Photo 1025.jpg

This was taken today.
Photo 1064.jpg


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looking thick bro. This run is going well I seee.


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For personal reasons I would rather not discuss here I have decided I have to stop this cycle short and start pct today. I have made some good progress over the past 6 weeks. I have tightened up some and added about 7 lbs of lean mass. I am happy with this progress and even though I am sure the next two weeks would have been even more gains I have to stop it here and start pct. I was please with androhard. Though it did not remove my lethargy as much as I had hoped it did add density and aggression. My joints also hurt more than usual which I am sure was partly due to the androhard. From here on out I am going to try my best to maintain the muscle that I have built. I still have 6 weeks of androhard left so that means I have enough for another cycle so that is good. Thanks to everyone who followed.


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For personal reasons I would rather not discuss here I have decided I have to stop this cycle short and start pct today. I have made some good progress over the past 6 weeks. I have tightened up some and added about 7 lbs of lean mass. I am happy with this progress and even though I am sure the next two weeks would have been even more gains I have to stop it here and start pct. I was please with androhard. Though it did not remove my lethargy as much as I had hoped it did add density and aggression. My joints also hurt more than usual which I am sure was partly due to the androhard. From here on out I am going to try my best to maintain the muscle that I have built. I still have 6 weeks of androhard left so that means I have enough for another cycle so that is good. Thanks to everyone who followed.
Damn cool.
Hope everything is ok bro.


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Thank you for logging your run. We really appreciate it. While it sucks to see it end early, your private life is always the priority, so I hope everything is alright with you big guy.


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Good log and best of luck with the private life.


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Thanks guys I appreciate the support that is whats so great about this forum! People understand that sh1t happens.. Look on the bright side.. 2 weeks less of this cycle means I can start the next cycle 2 weeks earlier :D


Primordial Performance Rep
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Thanks guys I appreciate the support that is whats so great about this forum! People understand that sh1t happens.. Look on the bright side.. 2 weeks less of this cycle means I can start the next cycle 2 weeks earlier :D
Haha, definitely a cup half full way of looking at it.

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