10mg dbol only, please no flaming lol



New member
Ok so under my situation I have done cycle such as msten, tbol, and var with 4 andro.

Been doing reading and deciding to do a cycle which many have done as a bridge successfully.

10mg dbol in the morning pre workout only for 60 days. This is to take advantage of the anti-catabolic effect, protein synthesis, as well as reduction of cortisol. Side effects of the liver are also non existent depending on the person.

Many have done this without much if any suppression and no PCT, while keeping the gains (minimal).

Although after the 60 days I will still be doing Nolva pct for 4 weeks at 20mg.

My question is whether or not I need an AI, and how would I dose?

Ive read that individuals say if Gyno symptoms show up just use nolva until it disappears, would I still be running the 10mg or stopping and continuing when it's gone.

Please be considerate as pinning is not an option, and I do not want to put the stress on my organs with a full cycle, thank you.


  • Established
One, why is pinning not an option? Two, if you don't want to run a "full cycle" just stay natural bro. And three, I don't believe that it will cause little to no suppression. Until I see blood work proving that, it sounds a little ridiculous

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