Search results

  1. Dmz dosing opinion?? 2 weeks in

    Curious on anyone who has run DMZ before. I have 60 caps of DMZ dosed at 20mgs each. The company and others who have taken it were taking 2 caps a day for a total of 40mgs to make it a 4 week cycle. I decided to just run 20 a day for the first week but extended it to 20mgs a day for the first...
  2. best way to deal with acne on cycle??

    aside from proper/ typical topical skincare routine, anyone have any tips on keeping acne at bay on cycle? any supplements or specific topical you use to help? on lgd/yk/ and dmz and starting to get some breakouts. thanks!
  3. dbol vs dmz

    now I know the differences of the compounds themselves. but what are the differences you may have noticed personally between the two? I have 60 caps of DMZ at 20mgs each. was curious though how it compared to DBOL? also, have a test base, and was planning on adding DMZ into my YK/LGD cycle for...
  4. what would you do??

    What would you guys do for a bulk cycle?? I’m in a debate. Pick which one you think would be best based off your result or even give me your opinion on what I should do! (With the compounds I listed) Option 1: 1-12 LGD 10mgs 4-12 s23 20-25mgs? Option 2: 1-12 Lgd 10mgs 4-12 ykll 6mgs 2x/day...
  5. PPL vs Upper lower??

    what do you prefer and why? coming from a bro kind of split ( wasn't full bro....but ill just leave It at that lol), but wanting to start a new program and was debating whether to do a ppl or upper/lower. I was leaning towards PPL 6 days a week with one of these programs attached. please give me...
  6. can pro hormones cause anxiety???

    currently been running S4 and osta for a month, GW for 3 months, and I'm on trt. I threw in hexadrone at 50mgs 2X a day last week and already love what its doing except I've noticed a HUGE jump in this normal on pro hormones? also my appetite Is insane since I started. looking to...
  7. ravenous on Hexadrone...normal??

    started hexadrone 3 days ago, 100 mgs a day split into doses, I am in a cut, but upped my calories, but holy shyt I'm an endless pit of hunger. is this normal with prohormones?? I'm also on s4, osta, and GW. hungry AF constantly since starting them! also, anyone ever take hexadrone? seems like a...
  8. Hexadrone??

    anyone ever run hexadrone?? yes I did my research before purchasing, and was going to do the last 4 weeks of my warm cycle with 50mgs of hex 2X a day (100mgs total). just wondering if anyone had any input, half life of hex? your cycle length, side effects, results, and just thoughts in general...
  9. thoughts on this cycle for a recomp/ lean bulk?

    weeks 1-12 ( osta 25mgs ED/ S4 25mgs 2X a day) weeks 4-8 (hexadrone 50mgs 2X a day) weeks 8-12 (dmz 20mgs 2X a day) ill do that or ill stack the hex/dmz for the last four weeks, or ill run them 4-8 and keep the cycle at 2 months. thoughts?? also have a test base, so no sides from suppression.
  10. DMZ/ Hexadrone dosing and half life

    now I have studied these before purchasing, but wanted to get first hand users advice as well. I have a bottle of DMZ 20mgs with 60 capsules and a bottle of hexadrone 50mgs with 60 caps as well. i have seen mixed answers regarding dosing. I've heard to run the dmz at 40mgs a day for 4 weeks, but...
  11. TRT compound much can it help/increase?

    doc is putting me on trt. I've been on it in the past but weaned off because of my age to see if I could run a serm cycle to raise again. unfortunately I have pituitary issues so my test production as well as my thyroid have to be supplemented. sucks cause I'm 22 but it is what it is. any...
  12. reintroducing dairy back into diet?

    couple years ago, I took out dairy for skin benefits and it actually worked. all forms of dairy! I've been considering reintroducing it lately though. any advice or personal experiences on how it went. I'm weighing the pros vs cons of doing so. im scared of my skin breaking out, but I also feel...
  13. your views on YK11?

    just curious on anyones personal experience or opinions on yk11. the pros and cons you see from it? sarm or a steroid? how powerful and effective it was when you ran it, and dose and cycle length? just curious, thanks!
  14. Bpc 157 and bac water storage

    How long does bac water last for in the fridge? I have a 30ml vial I use for my BPC-157 that is open, but has the rubber seal. I’ve heard you can store it 6-12 months in fridge? Also I just bought 6 vials of BPC-157 from a online deal, so just gonna store it for future use. How should I store...
  15. Rules

    Mod edit: rules
  16. Bpc-157???

    anyone ever have any positive results with this compound? I have a wrist fracture along with some tendon damage and I'm trying to speed up the healing process. the only thing is I have no clue on how to administer. i researched the product as much as I could but was hoping someone could guide me...
  17. BPC 157/ TB500??? fractured wrist

    Anyone have any good feedback or results using these peptides for bone fractures?? got a fractured scaphoid and trying to speed up the healing process so I can get back to training and just doing daily essentials asap! thanks
  18. What would you do?? (Fractured wrist mid sarm cycle)

    What would you do? I’ve had a fractured wrist for the past month that the that the doctor missed. Now I’m in a cast for the next 1 to 2 months w/ limited exercise. I’m taking Ostarine because I was bulking, but now I don’t know if I should stop taking it and save the cycle for when I can start...
  19. Savory recipes using powdered pb?? (Salads, stir fry, dressings, dips...etc)

    Wondering if anyone has any powdered peanut butter recipes, but using it more as a savory way in a meal. I’ve had an almond shallot salad dressing or a peanut curry sauce and was curious if anyone could give me some ideas to using it as a dip, sauce, or marinade...etc??? Thanks!
  20. sprained wrist / lgd cycle/ and pct?

    unfortunately recently tore and detached a tendon in my wrist (severe sprain) to the point where I can't do any type of lift requiring my right hand. they have to cast it. I'm currently 3 1/2 weeks into my lgd cycle. theres no point in me continuing since lll barely be able to lift): my question...