SufferingEd's Log



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Glad to see things are looking up for ya! I'm curious how the Vitex works out for ya. Never even heard of it till you mentioned it.

As for the DHEA, yeah, I think you can still take it. I was taking it as part of my multi's every day, but I noticed nothing, so I quit.


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Actually this is my route right now.I had a pretty good weekend. The Uro I saw on Friday gave me a scrip for 20mg Cialis and told me to take it every 72hrs. I cut it into 10mg and I am taking it every 48hrs. It really seems to be doing the trick. I am having better morning erections, I am even having some spontanoius erecetions too. I was even able to make love to my wife with no problems (other than some premature ejac, I'll have to figure something out for this).

With my wife in between jobs we are going to hold off as long as we can before I go to Crisler or Shippen (both are to far to drive). I found some more doctors that take insurance around here I am going to try first. Plus she is nervous about me going to see someone we nothing about other than internet research.

I am going to try out a few things in the mean time. I am going to take some Vitex to get my Prolactin down. I will see where my Bio-available T and my E2 is on the 5th. And I will go from there.

I also feel pretty dumb about this one--all along I thought I was having anxiety attacks off and on, turns out it may just have been some heart burn. I have been taking nexium the last 5 days and have not had any "anxiety" attacks. I may not be in as bad a shape as I thought. We will see how the next three weekes go on Vitex and Cialis.

I also learned one of the other effects of Vitex is for acne in both men and women, so this may cure my acen problem.

Question JanSz--What does zink do? I heard taking 30 to 50mg a day can help keep E2 down. True or not True?

I actually think I may be ok on the amount of Testosterone I am on now, I just need to get prolaction and E2 down and see how I feel then.

Can one take Dhea while on T replacement?
If you do a good blood test you save yourself lots of guessing.
Take enough Zinc so you are close to top range and not over it.
I am not sure if it is good idea to cut Cialis.
Actually to take Cialis more often than 72 hours.
It lowers blood pressure.
Test for Estradiol, sensitive (10-30), take Arimidex if too high.


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Taking Cialis every 72 hours or whatever regular interval will desesitize you to it and it will become less and less effective. What I did was every 7-10 days when we both had a little extra free time from work, kids, etc. take like 3 or 4 at a time and have a couple days of really GOOD sex. This method worked for me with severe, almost complete ED. Just a thought.
On a side note, Cialis caused heartburn for me and may be your heartburn problem too.


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Taking Cialis every 72 hours or whatever regular interval will desesitize you to it and it will become less and less effective. What I did was every 7-10 days when we both had a little extra free time from work, kids, etc. take like 3 or 4 at a time and have a couple days of really GOOD sex. This method worked for me with severe, almost complete ED. Just a thought.
On a side note, Cialis caused heartburn for me and may be your heartburn problem too.
Sound like very bad advice to me.
If you do that, watch you blood pressure drop wery much.

From experience I do not think taking Cialis desensitized me.


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JanSz--I just read the Cialis web site and it said it is Ok to take every 48hrs. Actualy it said some doctors will prescribe it every 48hrs, but it should not be take nore than once a day because it can lower blood pressure. About Zinc does it help lower E2, is this its purpose or does it do more.

b4544---I do not think you can become desencitezed to it, since the web siter says some doctors perscribe it every 48 to 72 hrs. Also people have been taking Viagra and Levitra for years and are having no problems and if they have high sex drives I am sure they are taking them more than once or twice a week. Plus I am not going to take it the week my wife is on her menstraul cycles, so that will be a week off, plus if I am sick or she is sick I would not take it either. I am mainley taking it to help with the head. I think I could have sex with out it (though I do think erection would not be as strong and would not last as long). So we will see what happens.


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JanSz--I just read the Cialis web site and it said it is Ok to take every 48hrs. Actualy it said some doctors will prescribe it every 48hrs, but it should not be take nore than once a day because it can lower blood pressure. About Zinc does it help lower E2, is this its purpose or does it do more.

b4544---I do not think you can become desencitezed to it, since the web siter says some doctors perscribe it every 48 to 72 hrs. Also people have been taking Viagra and Levitra for years and are having no problems and if they have high sex drives I am sure they are taking them more than once or twice a week. Plus I am not going to take it the week my wife is on her menstraul cycles, so that will be a week off, plus if I am sick or she is sick I would not take it either. I am mainley taking it to help with the head. I think I could have sex with out it (though I do think erection would not be as strong and would not last as long). So we will see what happens.
Just be careful with using Cialis more often, either whole pill or half of it.

I am speaking from my (one time) personal experience.
I took a pill, sex did not happened in time, so when we were getting to it I took another pill. Had a sex but feel really spaced out and down the next three days. I measured my blood pressure and pulse, pressure very low, pulse very high.

Some people may not need 20mg pill.
So when you cut and use 10mg you still may have a full effect, then if you take the other half of the pill too early it is same as taking whole pill too frequently.

Cutting Cialis is awkward and newer precise even with pill cutter. I also have LiquiCia, easier to measure.
I do not use it much, my prescription plan gives me about 80% supply for the rest I use LiquiCia.


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Just be careful with using Cialis more often, either whole pill or half of it.

I am speaking from my (one time) personal experience.
I took a pill, sex did not happened in time, so when we were getting to it I took another pill. Had a sex but feel really spaced out and down the next three days. I measured my blood pressure and pulse, pressure very low, pulse very high.

Some people may not need 20mg pill.
So when you cut and use 10mg you still may have a full effect, then if you take the other half of the pill too early it is same as taking whole pill too frequently.

Cutting Cialis is awkward and newer precise even with pill cutter. I also have LiquiCia, easier to measure.
I do not use it much, my prescription plan gives me about 80% supply for the rest I use LiquiCia.
I agree it is hard to cut because of shape of pill. I am going to take the full 20mg tomorrow and wait 72hrs to see how I feel.


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20mg every 72hrs worked just fine. Had a great weekend. Just working out again is helping me feel a lot better. Now all I have to do is get my sex drive up a bit, it still seems pretty low.


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Haven't see you around ? Looks like it's going great for ya :)


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Well things are still going OK. Did not take any Cialis last week due to wifes monthly cycle. I could diffentley feel a difference. The spontanious erections went away and my morning erections where not as strong. I started back up yesterday and already feeling better. Just got a woody earlier just talking to wife. Now if I could get my sex drive up and get rid of the before sex anxiety I would be as good as new. I am taking some supplements I've listed below. Still researching some other ones. Just how many supplemnets can one take? I've heard of some people spending hundreds a month just on supplements. Also has anyone tried a generic form of Cialis? I am asking because insurance covers it but costs me 55 bucks for six 20mg. I could buy generic for 50 bucks for ten 20mg.

Multivitamen-(from what I've been reading these are worthless-what shoudl I take instead?)
Testim 1%-----10g (two 5g tubes)

Vitex-----500mg (suppose to take two a day for 6 weeks then down to one a day)
ZMA when it gets here. (i have heard you can take two before bed and one before a work out. Any thoughts).


Well things are still going OK. Did not take any Cialis last week due to wifes monthly cycle. I could diffentley feel a difference. The spontanious erections went away and my morning erections where not as strong. I started back up yesterday and already feeling better. Just got a woody earlier just talking to wife. Now if I could get my sex drive up and get rid of the before sex anxiety I would be as good as new. I am taking some supplements I've listed below. Still researching some other ones. Just how many supplemnets can one take? I've heard of some people spending hundreds a month just on supplements. Also has anyone tried a generic form of Cialis? I am asking because insurance covers it but costs me 55 bucks for six 20mg. I could buy generic for 50 bucks for ten 20mg.

Multivitamen-(from what I've been reading these are worthless-what shoudl I take instead?)
Testim 1%-----10g (two 5g tubes)

Vitex-----500mg (suppose to take two a day for 6 weeks then down to one a day)
ZMA when it gets here. (i have heard you can take two before bed and one before a work out. Any thoughts).
I'd by liquid Cialis, 50 bux will last a few months. PM if u want the site...

As far as supplements i wouldnt waste the money. A multivitamin is great in my opinion. I used to spend hundreds of bux on diff supps monthly and sometimes weekly. Thank God all I use now is a multi and sometimes fish oil, vit e and vit c, but i get those for free, and really dont use em much.

personally glucosamine chondoitin and msm doesnt do anything for me but cissus is amazing. also zma doesnt seem to do a whole lot unless ur already producing a decent amount of T


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I'd by liquid Cialis, 50 bux will last a few months. PM if u want the site...

As far as supplements i wouldnt waste the money. A multivitamin is great in my opinion. I used to spend hundreds of bux on diff supps monthly and sometimes weekly. Thank God all I use now is a multi and sometimes fish oil, vit e and vit c, but i get those for free, and really dont use em much.

personally glucosamine chondoitin and msm doesnt do anything for me but cissus is amazing. also zma doesnt seem to do a whole lot unless ur already producing a decent amount of T
Add in some Maca this helps keep your hormones leveled and ups your libido and is dam good for thyroid and adrenals. I buy it by the pound and take 1 tsp full 2 x's a day. In the morning I mix it with apple sauce and at noon I mix it with yogurt. Here is a link to read about it. I don't buy it from this link. If you need to know a good price let me know.


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I'd by liquid Cialis, 50 bux will last a few months. PM if u want the site...

As far as supplements i wouldnt waste the money. A multivitamin is great in my opinion. I used to spend hundreds of bux on diff supps monthly and sometimes weekly. Thank God all I use now is a multi and sometimes fish oil, vit e and vit c, but i get those for free, and really dont use em much.

personally glucosamine chondoitin and msm doesnt do anything for me but cissus is amazing. also zma doesnt seem to do a whole lot unless ur already producing a decent amount of T
How long does the liquid Cialis last? How much do you take? I am trying the mulit for now. I seem to like it so far so we will see what happens. I have heard taking Vitamen E is better. I have heard lots of good things about ZMA, but I only got one bottle for now. I will see how it goes for 1 month then re-evaluate. Thansk for you input. I appreciate it.


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Add in some Maca this helps keep your hormones leveled and ups your libido and is dam good for thyroid and adrenals. I buy it by the pound and take 1 tsp full 2 x's a day. In the morning I mix it with apple sauce and at noon I mix it with yogurt. Here is a link to read about it. I don't buy it from this link. If you need to know a good price let me know.
I am glad to hear some one who likes maca. I have been looking at it lately. It also helps to lower prolactin. Did you notice a big difference in your sex drive when you started taking it? The Cialis is working good on giving me erections when I need them but I still am not "chasing" the wife or asking for sex. My drive could use a little boost. Where do you get your maca from.


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I am glad to hear some one who likes maca. I have been looking at it lately. It also helps to lower prolactin. Did you notice a big difference in your sex drive when you started taking it? The Cialis is working good on giving me erections when I need them but I still am not "chasing" the wife or asking for sex. My drive could use a little boost. Where do you get your maca from.
Cialis only works when there is arousal you need the catylst for it to work !! My freind had same problem ciialis stop working we looked into his neurostransmitters and he was dopamine defieincy or having receptor problems from excessive of nicotaine and stimulatant abuse for years


  • Established
Cialis only works when there is arousal you need the catylst for it to work !! My freind had same problem ciialis stop working we looked into his neurostransmitters and he was dopamine defieincy or having receptor problems from excessive of nicotaine and stimulatant abuse for years
I know. It works. Once wife starts kissing me I am ready to go. So there is no problem there. So I have a drive, its just I do not seem to be looking forward to it or thinking "I want some tonight." It just seems like I could do with out, then wife gets horny and starts kissing me and then the Cialis kicks in. Hence why I take Cialis every 72hrs. This way I am always ready. I do not smoke so no nicotine here. Maybe a little two much caffiene, couple cups of coffee in the morning and a soda or two during the day, the rest of the time its water or lemonade.


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I know. It works. Once wife starts kissing me I am ready to go. So there is no problem there. So I have a drive, its just I do not seem to be looking forward to it or thinking "I want some tonight." It just seems like I could do with out, then wife gets horny and starts kissing me and then the Cialis kicks in. Hence why I take Cialis every 72hrs. This way I am always ready. I do not smoke so no nicotine here. Maybe a little two much caffiene, couple cups of coffee in the morning and a soda or two during the day, the rest of the time its water or lemonade.
Are you still taking T shots ?


New member
Cialis only works when there is arousal you need the catylst for it to work !! My freind had same problem ciialis stop working we looked into his neurostransmitters and he was dopamine defieincy or having receptor problems from excessive of nicotaine and stimulatant abuse for years

How do you find out dopamine defieincy ? Was your frd able to fix it ?


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I am glad to hear some one who likes maca. I have been looking at it lately. It also helps to lower prolactin. Did you notice a big difference in your sex drive when you started taking it? The Cialis is working good on giving me erections when I need them but I still am not "chasing" the wife or asking for sex. My drive could use a little boost. Where do you get your maca from.
Yes I did it took about 4 weeks on it but I did notice this and my load got much bigger.


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OK--Someone reach through this computer screen and slap me. I am sick of this Anxiety ****! Let me set this up for you. Two weeks ago I felt really good. I took Cialis on a friday night and we had qucky sex Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning and then on Sunday night we had some nice long dirty sex. I felt pretty good all the next week. My wife started a new job and has been stressed out a bit so we have not attempted sex since. I felt good since. My drive was slowly coming back to, still not where it used to be, and as long as I was on Cialis, I was getting erections just laying in bed with wife night. One night my wife was stressed out and tired, the kids where in bed, so we took a hot bath together and I gave her a back rub, there was no intention of having sex and out of no where I got an erection. So why am I having all this performance anxiety the last three days. It is really becoming annoying. It makes me paranoid that I will not "get it up", never have sex again, ect. The last time I took Cialis was three nights ago. I woke up with the usual morning erectin, wife went to work. I had anxiety really bad, so while I was in the shower I started thinking of sex with the wife to see what happend. It took about 5 minutes but I did obtain an erection. We are planning on have sex tonight, which could be why my anxiety is bad today. I will take my Cialis later today. I will probably take it around 5 or 6, so when the kids go to bed at 8 it should be well into my system. So here's the question. Apparently my libido is working pretty good. So as long as I relax and "enjoy" my wifes company I could have all the anxiety in the world, have my heart racing like it will jump out of my chest, but with the Cialis in me everything will rise to the occasion, right?


Do you only have "performance anxiety" or do you also have anxiety in every day activities during these episodes?


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Do you only have "performance anxiety" or do you also have anxiety in every day activities during these episodes?
When I get it I actually have them all day. Not just before sex. I have pretty much been having one since Wed. Bad at times not so bad at other times. I am beginning to wonder if it is stress related, but it automatically make me think performance issues.


New member
OK--Someone reach through this computer screen and slap me. I am sick of this Anxiety ****! Let me set this up for you. Two weeks ago I felt really good. I took Cialis on a friday night and we had qucky sex Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning and then on Sunday night we had some nice long dirty sex. I felt pretty good all the next week. My wife started a new job and has been stressed out a bit so we have not attempted sex since. I felt good since. My drive was slowly coming back to, still not where it used to be, and as long as I was on Cialis, I was getting erections just laying in bed with wife night. One night my wife was stressed out and tired, the kids where in bed, so we took a hot bath together and I gave her a back rub, there was no intention of having sex and out of no where I got an erection. So why am I having all this performance anxiety the last three days. It is really becoming annoying. It makes me paranoid that I will not "get it up", never have sex again, ect. The last time I took Cialis was three nights ago. I woke up with the usual morning erectin, wife went to work. I had anxiety really bad, so while I was in the shower I started thinking of sex with the wife to see what happend. It took about 5 minutes but I did obtain an erection. We are planning on have sex tonight, which could be why my anxiety is bad today. I will take my Cialis later today. I will probably take it around 5 or 6, so when the kids go to bed at 8 it should be well into my system. So here's the question. Apparently my libido is working pretty good. So as long as I relax and "enjoy" my wifes company I could have all the anxiety in the world, have my heart racing like it will jump out of my chest, but with the Cialis in me everything will rise to the occasion, right?
Yes , you need to relax. Learn some deep bretahing techniques. I guess you have a good handle on your ED/libido problems. You just need to relax a little bit and also talk to your wife abt the anxiety. Once you get stuff off your chest you will feel a lot better.

Question : Are you still doing T shots ?


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Yes , you need to relax. Learn some deep bretahing techniques. I guess you have a good handle on your ED/libido problems. You just need to relax a little bit and also talk to your wife abt the anxiety. Once you get stuff off your chest you will feel a lot better.

Question : Are you still doing T shots ?
I know. Easier said than done though. I told wife I was having really bad anxiety today. I told her I wanted to have sex tonight, but I want to her get naked and I will take care of her, if something decides to rise to the occasion then cool if not then she was going to get some great oral. Seems to have helped with the anxiety a little bit, but not a whole lot. Must be something going on other than performance enxiety.


When I get it I actually have them all day. Not just before sex. I have pretty much been having one since Wed. Bad at times not so bad at other times. I am beginning to wonder if it is stress related, but it automatically make me think performance issues.
I tend to have anxiety now and again, and I never had it untill I developed low T. I know lots of people say its only associated with high E2, but personally I think its also associated with low T. I dont necessarily have performance anxiety anymore since I sat the gf down and had a huge talk with her about all this, but still a couple days a week it seems like I get anxiety aver nothing, but its there.

Can you imagine all this crap just being fixed? It seems like it will never happen, but if or when it does I will value everything so much more.


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Sorry about the anxiety ridden post Saturday.

I tend to have anxiety now and again, and I never had it untill I developed low T. I know lots of people say its only associated with high E2, but personally I think its also associated with low T. I dont necessarily have performance anxiety anymore since I sat the gf down and had a huge talk with her about all this, but still a couple days a week it seems like I get anxiety aver nothing, but its there.

Can you imagine all this crap just being fixed? It seems like it will never happen, but if or when it does I will value everything so much more.
I agree I never had anxiety until all this started. It really sucks. Sorry about the weekend post guys. Saturday morning was the worst anxiety attack I've had in a long time. Made me feel like a kid the way I was acting. My wife and I went for a walk in the afternoon and had a long talk, that carried over into dinner. It was great, she understood all along what I was going through. She even said she knows there will be times when it does not work and times it does.

I do think my T is still low and/or my E2 is high which is causing a lot of this. At least I have got things working again with Cialis. Plus I think working out and the supplements I am taking is also helping. Your right it would be so much easier if all docs understood this and followed one protocal to get us fixed.

I am not on T shots yet. My endo believes the T levels should be between 400 and 500. What a croc!!


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I agree I never had anxiety until all this started. It really sucks. Sorry about the weekend post guys. Saturday morning was the worst anxiety attack I've had in a long time. Made me feel like a kid the way I was acting. My wife and I went for a walk in the afternoon and had a long talk, that carried over into dinner. It was great, she understood all along what I was going through. She even said she knows there will be times when it does not work and times it does.

I do think my T is still low and/or my E2 is high which is causing a lot of this. At least I have got things working again with Cialis. Plus I think working out and the supplements I am taking is also helping. Your right it would be so much easier if all docs understood this and followed one protocal to get us fixed.

I am not on T shots yet. My endo believes the T levels should be between 400 and 500. What a croc!!
Just the fact that you know that low T will bring all kind of anxieties should give you some relief.

At least you have understanding wife, that is really big help.


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I am not on T shots yet. My endo believes the T levels should be between 400 and 500. What a croc!!
I would have to ask that Endo what makes him think ones T levels should be between 400-500? What scientific data does he have to back up those numbers? Because that is the "middle of the road" on the range? Pretty stupid reason if you ask me. Your T levels should be what is optimal for you and no one else. The only way to know is by the way you feel.


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I would have to ask that Endo what makes him think ones T levels should be between 400-500? What scientific data does he have to back up those numbers? Because that is the "middle of the road" on the range? Pretty stupid reason if you ask me. Your T levels should be what is optimal for you and no one else. The only way to know is by the way you feel.
I agree. They quated some SOP (standard operating procedure) where the norm is 400 to 500. Yeah for just about every male between the ages of 18 and 80. They seem to think they can lump that whole age group into one. Of course if an 18yr old has 800 to 1000T and an 80yr old has 200T then yeah you would have an average of 400 to 500. When I told them I thought I should be higher they acted like I was wanting steroids. Hell I just wanted my T higher, still in normal ranges, but higher. I think I would feel much better if it was around 600 to 700. I have an appt today to see where my blood test are at. My luck they'll tell my T is 800 then I will be really confused.


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A penny for your thoughts. I guess all the anxiety must be in my head. I got some test results back today, a little surprised to say the least.

Estradiol 17
FSH <0.3
LH <0.1
Total T 939ng/dl
Freet T 239.4pg/ml

So why is my libido still low? This is all they tested for.


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A penny for your thoughts. I guess all the anxiety must be in my head. I got some test results back today, a little surprised to say the least.

Estradiol 17
FSH <0.3
LH <0.1
Total T 939ng/dl
Freet T 239.4pg/ml

So why is my libido still low? This is all they tested for.
Post ranges and what laboratory did the testing.
Is Estradiol test Ultra-sensitive?
Have you tested anything else?


Could be anything from the low T itself, low DHT, high Progesterone, or all the above...


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Post ranges and what laboratory did the testing.
Is Estradiol test Ultra-sensitive?
Have you tested anything else?
Quest Diagnostics.
I did not have anything else checked because they would not. I have a physical in a company of months and I'm sure I could talk my Doc into running a bunch of other blood work for me at that time.

Estrodial 17pg/ml ( <54pg/ml) Unknown if Untra sens or not
FSH .3 ( 1.4-18.1)
LH .1 (1.5-9.3)
Free T 239.4 (
Free T Percent 2.55 (1.00-3.10%)

Now back in Febuary my Prolactin was 16.9. I have not had it checked since. I have been taking Vitex for about 2 weeks to lower. I have noticed I do not have Premature Ejack since taking Vitex, though I've read where it can take 4 to 6 weeks to get into your system.


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Quest Diagnostics.
I did not have anything else checked because they would not. I have a physical in a company of months and I'm sure I could talk my Doc into running a bunch of other blood work for me at that time.

Estrodial 17pg/ml ( <54pg/ml) Unknown if Untra sens or not
FSH .3 ( 1.4-18.1)
LH .1 (1.5-9.3)
Free T 239.4 (
Free T Percent 2.55 (1.00-3.10%)

Now back in Febuary my Prolactin was 16.9. I have not had it checked since. I have been taking Vitex for about 2 weeks to lower. I have noticed I do not have Premature Ejack since taking Vitex, though I've read where it can take 4 to 6 weeks to get into your system.
Yor estrodial is wrong test.
You can get script for Prolactin and E2 from LEF.
Prolactin (you biggest problem), check how Vitex affects you.
Prolactin: Blood Tests
Estradiol: Blood Tests

Are you using T, what, what dose,
100mg/week (up to possibly 150mg/week) of Depo-T, shots SubQ E2D will do you good plus 250iu HCG Novarel on the same day. Depo-T 200mg/mL. They make different density in the same name.
The other day free of shots.

Are you using AI, why, do the blood test first.


  • Established
Yor estrodial is wrong test.
You can get script for Prolactin and E2 from LEF.
Prolactin (you biggest problem), check how Vitex affects you.
Prolactin: Blood Tests
Estradiol: Blood Tests

Are you using T, what, what dose,
100mg/week (up to possibly 150mg/week) of Depo-T, shots SubQ E2D will do you good plus 250iu HCG Novarel on the same day. Depo-T 200mg/mL. They make different density in the same name.
The other day free of shots.

Are you using AI, why, do the blood test first.
Dilima--I just read some more on Vitex and though it used to lower prolactin it was used by monks to lower their sex drive. I guess its time to discontinue the use of this. I've only been taking for three weeks, so it should be out of my system pretty quick. I guess my prolactin will stay high unless there is something else I can take to lower it?


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Dilima--I just read some more on Vitex and though it used to lower prolactin it was used by monks to lower their sex drive. I guess its time to discontinue the use of this. I've only been taking for three weeks, so it should be out of my system pretty quick. I guess my prolactin will stay high unless there is something else I can take to lower it?
Do not believe averything that is written.
Get you prolactin =3
get your BAT at top
get your E2 at 20-30
get Cialis
and if you still have ED problem we will talk to monks.
Remember monks also made Benedictine liquor, if you drink enough of that you get ED for the rest of the evening. :)


  • Established
Do not believe averything that is written.
Get you prolactin =3
get your BAT at top
get your E2 at 20-30
get Cialis
and if you still have ED problem we will talk to monks.
Remember monks also made Benedictine liquor, if you drink enough of that you get ED for the rest of the evening. :)
Yes my prolactin is still high, or was. I'm sure a supplement like Vitex would take w while to lower it. I have read more about it lowering prolcatin than lowering sex drive. How much are you taking? Have you noticed anything yet. Like I said the only thing I've noticed so far is no more premature ejaculation. As a matter of fact the last time my wife and I had sex we were both surpirsed on how much longer I was able to last. My E2 is at 17 so that is not bad. My BAT is high. So maybe I just need to get my prolactin down. Maybe this is the reason for low sex drive.


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Yes my prolactin is still high, or was. I'm sure a supplement like Vitex would take w while to lower it. I have read more about it lowering prolcatin than lowering sex drive. How much are you taking? Have you noticed anything yet. Like I said the only thing I've noticed so far is no more premature ejaculation. As a matter of fact the last time my wife and I had sex we were both surpirsed on how much longer I was able to last. My E2 is at 17 so that is not bad. My BAT is high. So maybe I just need to get my prolactin down. Maybe this is the reason for low sex drive.
My prolactin is not as bad as yours, I take 2 Vitex daily for more than a month, I think. Do not feel any difference.
My E2=27 on my oct06 and Apr07 tests. I was trying to lower it with LiquiDex, quickly lost my erectons.
Stoped Liquidex, erections are back. I work good at E=27.
possibly your E2 is too low.
I eat lots DIM, Resveratol, I3C and so on. DualAction and TMG from LEF. I do not believe that DIM lowers E2.


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So update us ED! How is getting off the Vitex working out for ya?


  • Established
So update us ED! How is getting off the Vitex working out for ya?
I have not really noticed a lot since coming off Vitex. I know my sex drive still is not as high as it use to be, but everything does seem to work when it is supposed too. I still get some anxiety but not as bad. I guess only time will tell. I took some time off the baords to. It seemed like everytime I would read something I would get anxiety wondering if that was my problem instead of just going by how I felt. It seems to have helped a lot.


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Good to hear man, good to hear. Just update as you want. There certainly isn't any pressure to keep it going.


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Well just when I thought things were getting back to normal, the s**** hits the fan. Last knight the wife wanted to have sex. So we get naked and I am having some fun with her down yonder, and my buddy fails to rise. Nothing! Not even a semi-hard woody, nothing at all. I did have some anxiety before we started, even took Cialis earlier in the day. Still nothing. What the **** is up with that. Then we go to bed and I wake up in the middle of the night and this morning with erections. I must have one hell of a mind block going on. Heck I'm getting a woody just thinking about what I did for her last night, yet last night I could not even get a semi-woody going. This is getting old.


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I lost count how many times this has happened to me. Your mind with a little anxiety will kill your sex life. If I were you I would have jump her in her sleep:aargh:
Well just when I thought things were getting back to normal, the s**** hits the fan. Last knight the wife wanted to have sex. So we get naked and I am having some fun with her down yonder, and my buddy fails to rise. Nothing! Not even a semi-hard woody, nothing at all. I did have some anxiety before we started, even took Cialis earlier in the day. Still nothing. What the **** is up with that. Then we go to bed and I wake up in the middle of the night and this morning with erections. I must have one hell of a mind block going on. Heck I'm getting a woody just thinking about what I did for her last night, yet last night I could not even get a semi-woody going. This is getting old.


  • Established
I lost count how many times this has happened to me. Your mind with a little anxiety will kill your sex life. If I were you I would have jump her in her sleep:aargh:
I agree wholeheartedly! ED, just tell the wife to stay "lubed" up for the night. Mine simply inserts a little bit of KY before going to sleep. A couple of months or so ago I was getting excellent erections in the middle of the night, so I simply rolled the wife over on her back and went at it. She actually woke up once haivng an orgasm! Talk about a great "alarm clock"!

I still suffer with infrequent and short lived erections, so my wife stays "ready" all the time! Take advantage of it when you can!


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You have a real keeper there in your wife.:chick:
I agree wholeheartedly! ED, just tell the wife to stay "lubed" up for the night. Mine simply inserts a little bit of KY before going to sleep. A couple of months or so ago I was getting excellent erections in the middle of the night, so I simply rolled the wife over on her back and went at it. She actually woke up once haivng an orgasm! Talk about a great "alarm clock"!

I still suffer with infrequent and short lived erections, so my wife stays "ready" all the time! Take advantage of it when you can!


  • Established
lost count how many times this has happened to me. Your mind with a little anxiety will kill your sex life. If I were you I would have jump her in her sleep

agree wholeheartedly! ED, just tell the wife to stay "lubed" up for the night. Mine simply inserts a little bit of KY before going to sleep. A couple of months or so ago I was getting excellent erections in the middle of the night, so I simply rolled the wife over on her back and went at it. She actually woke up once haivng an orgasm! Talk about a great "alarm clock"!

I still suffer with infrequent and short lived erections, so my wife stays "ready" all the time! Take advantage of it when you can!

Thanks guys. My wife actually takes this better than me. She was joking about it an hour later. I was still sulking like a little kid. I know I will get back there again. I just hate it when it happens because all those ugly, nasty, thoughts like "will it happen again", "will I ever get it up again," keep popping into your head until you succsessful have sex again. Even then they still linger. Oh well, I at least I had a god run for two weeks, before this episode.


  • Established
lost count how many times this has happened to me. Your mind with a little anxiety will kill your sex life. If I were you I would have jump her in her sleep

agree wholeheartedly! ED, just tell the wife to stay "lubed" up for the night. Mine simply inserts a little bit of KY before going to sleep. A couple of months or so ago I was getting excellent erections in the middle of the night, so I simply rolled the wife over on her back and went at it. She actually woke up once haivng an orgasm! Talk about a great "alarm clock"!

I still suffer with infrequent and short lived erections, so my wife stays "ready" all the time! Take advantage of it when you can!

Thanks guys. My wife actually takes this better than me. She was joking about it an hour later. I was still sulking like a little kid. I know I will get back there again. I just hate it when it happens because all those ugly, nasty, thoughts like "will it happen again", "will I ever get it up again," keep popping into your head until you succsessful have sex again. Even then they still linger. Oh well, I at least I had a god run for two weeks, before this episode.
And you will be back to normal again bro. Ya just gotta keep working at getting everything corrected is all.


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Well Dr. Prescirbed me Cialis every other day. I am feeling much better. I have not had any more aniexty lately. I was able to have sex last night with out Cialis but it really took a while to get things going plus it had been a week since we tried anything and two weeks since we actually did anything. I think the Cialis is going to do the trick and I should not have any more problems. Everything else is workting out just fine.

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