Ivan Putski’s Anthems, Anecdotes, and Undeniable Truths of Garage Gym Lifting



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So here we go! I haven’t done an actual log since fall of 2014 when I logged Finaflex’s MASS 550 and Stimul8 that I got gratis from @snagencyV2.0 aka Steve Nantz(prob misspelled his last name) May he R.I.P. gone way too soon!!!
I chime in enough on everyone else’s thread, might as well do my own.

About me:
Just turned 47, 5’6” , 211lbs, 28% bf
Been lifting since winter of 1995-1998 had a child spring of 1999 took time off
Back at it April 1 2002 as an April fools joke and stuck w it until July 2004
Long hiatus until 2013-2015, hiatus again until may1 2023. Tore right tricep 4th of July weekend last summer, rehabbed and did random light weight high rep workouts for remainder of 2023. 3 times a week at best.
January 1 2024 bought RP Hypertrophy App from recommendations from @MrKleen73 and @akboom87 and started working out religiously 4 times/ wk for 8 wks then bumped to 5x/wk. Originally the religious part was “OMG This SUX why did I let myself go”. But consistency and commitment has equaled some progress. I am better w the weights than I am w my diet. That I need help on!!! I suck at meal prep.
I am a lineman for a broadband provider so always out in the elements be it hot or cold, good or bad etc. also get on-call rotation every 6 or so weeks which can result in lack of sleep. Not an excuse, just an obstacle I have to work around at times.
Currently in week 4 of a 5 week mesocycle.

Diet is this on days I work
2 scoops Casein for breakfast(late, usually 10ish)
SNS CISSUS, SNS Blood Pressure Support, Joint Support XT, Pea Relief, and Pine Pollen

2 protein bars Rule1 1/4 cup Raw Almonds late lunch 4pm

1 scoop Pump Addict at 5:30

Workout from 6-7:15ish

PWO 2 scoops iso and 1 scoop SNS CREATINE HCI

8ish real meal of chicken or beef and brown rice or sweet potato fries
SNS CISSUS, SNS Blood Pressure Support, Joint Support XT, Pea Relief, and Pine Pollen

9:30-10 munchies kick in and this is where I go wrong.

I will post this weeks workouts so far. I lift sat-wed but my workouts are title Mon-Fri. Haven’t figured out how to relabel yet on the RP app


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Sun 6.30.24

300 Epi
2 coffee
.5ml 4Andro TD
2 Pea Relief

2 scoops Casein, 1/2 cup steel oats, 2 Splenda, 1tsp cinnamon
2 Cissus, 1 Inhibit-e, 2 Joint Support XT, 3 Pine Pollen, 2 Blood Pressure Support

600 Epi
1 scoop Pump Addict
1 Scoop SNS Creatine HCI watermelon 🍉

Legs and teased chest a bit


sets of 21 w 60lb db on incline is a PR for me. I never use to rep out. Use to go 10, 8, 6. I learned how to count higher! The calf raises are me standing on a bench, holding a 25lb plate in each hand, leaning into the power rack. Making it work w what I got

having a grilled chicken wrap w 3 slices or Prov cheese for post workout meal

I’ll update dinner when it happens


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Count me in! Not sure how long you have had that app but it is a damn good one. You can learn alot about how it progresses you can uses your input so when you stop paying for it you have a solid understanding of a good hypertrophy progression, and fatigue management.


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Count me in! Not sure how long you have had that app but it is a damn good one. You can learn alot about how it progresses you can uses your input so when you stop paying for it you have a solid understanding of a good hypertrophy progression, and fatigue management.
Thank you for the input.
I have had it a few months now. I am def loving the app. You just have to be honest w Al Gorithm or he will tweak your routine in an undesirable way
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Pumps on underhand raises and tricep push downs were UNBEARABLE!!! I had to actually stop on the push downs around rep 15 on second set and shake my arms out and resume. I just yelled my way through the 3rd and final set. But WTF??? Felt like repping out calf raises and not being able to walk. This album helped!!!


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Are these in kg? 20kg in each arm for lateral raises is naughty for 24 reps wtf


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Of Polish descent living in the states. Ivan Putski was a wrestler. Former WWF Tag Team Champ w Tito Santana. He was the first Polish wrestler in the WWF.


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Of Polish descent living in the states. Ivan Putski was a wrestler. Former WWF Tag Team Champ w Tito Santana. He was the first Polish wrestler in the WWF.
Old school Baby! Man I was looking at your rep selection and thinking HOLY FUGGIN PUMPS!!!!! You must have been on fire for most of the session and so full of blood it hurt sounds right.


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Old school Baby! Man I was looking at your rep selection and thinking HOLY FUGGIN PUMPS!!!!! You must have been on fire for most of the session and so full of blood it hurt sounds right.
I ALWAYS lifted in the 4-6 rep range moving, for my stature, heavy weight. But after the torn tricep I came to the reality that I’m not in my 20’s or 30’s anymore, I don’t want anymore catastrophic set backs, and I had to make some changes. My bi’s are bigger than they have ever been. My shoulders Pop nice and I don’t do any pressing for shoulders. I use to hit seated military press, then seated dumbbell, and then lateral raises but only hit them once a week. I basically hit ‘em 3 times a week w lighter weight high reps and it smokes em. I was doing upright rows twice a week but that seemed to aggravate the bicep tendon at the shoulder. It’s all still a work in progress. You and AK were spot on recommending the RP App. Takes a lot of guess work out of things.


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211lbs(this was after dinner. Forgot to weigh in fasted)

Chest, ab work, teased hams and calves. Calf’s? I’m not a cow?!?!?!


Bench went up by 5lb from last week even doing a “Maitenenace routine” for chest w primary focus on shoulders, arms, and back. I’ll take that as a positive.
Here is a list of food intake. I bring a gallon of water w me to work and I use that for my protein drink and to mix my PWO so I total a gallon in fluid between the shake and pwo etc. all I drink is water, coffee, and 1 Celsius throughout the day.
2 scoops Casein
5 Rule1 Bars
2 Bubba Burgers 🍔 1 bun
2 slices of cantaloupe
2 slices of honey dew melon
1/4 cup Raw Almonds

my log is disorganized as are my thoughts


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Nice session dude. I really need to start training abs, have never done it before just relied on compound lifting to work them. But makes sense now that I’m cutting I should probably work them


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211lbs(this was after dinner. Forgot to weigh in fasted)

Chest, ab work, teased hams and calves. Calf’s? I’m not a cow?!?!?!

View attachment 243593View attachment 243594

Bench went up by 5lb from last week even doing a “Maitenenace routine” for chest w primary focus on shoulders, arms, and back. I’ll take that as a positive.
Here is a list of food intake. I bring a gallon of water w me to work and I use that for my protein drink and to mix my PWO so I total a gallon in fluid between the shake and pwo etc. all I drink is water, coffee, and 1 Celsius throughout the day.
2 scoops Casein
5 Rule1 Bars
2 Bubba Burgers 🍔 1 bun
2 slices of cantaloupe
2 slices of honey dew melon
1/4 cup Raw Almonds

my log is disorganized as are my thoughts
What you will realize with the templates is that the maintenance things still progress along the same lines, but you just start them with less frequency, and or volume right from the beginning. Then they will follow along on the same algorithm as the rest of the stuff. That way you can still make progress there while giving preference to the targeted muscle groups via more volume and frequency. If you find you are spending too much energy on it then just say it was either too much or just right workload and it will not add sets but it will try to get you to increase either a rep, weight, or both.


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Nice session dude. I really need to start training abs, have never done it before just relied on compound lifting to work them. But makes sense now that I’m cutting I should probably work them
If you have decent abs already just bringing the fat down will take care of the aesthetics. If they are more flat you will want to add some work in with weights and progress it like you would a bench press or whatever. 10-15 reps of hard work increasing resistance or volume as you go. If you just want a strong efficient core then planks, palov presses, and other bracing exercises are going to be the ticket.


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If you have decent abs already just bringing the fat down will take care of the aesthetics. If they are more flat you will want to add some work in with weights and progress it like you would a bench press or whatever. 10-15 reps of hard work increasing resistance or volume as you go. If you just want a strong efficient core then planks, palov presses, and other bracing exercises are going to be the ticket.
My ab work wasn’t done hanging. I had my upper body on the bench steadying myself by grabbing the power rack and doing leg raises. Feet start on the floor and I raise up to 45 degrees beyond parallel. I need to lean out more to see what’s lurking. Lol


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What you will realize with the templates is that the maintenance things still progress along the same lines, but you just start them with less frequency, and or volume right from the beginning. Then they will follow along on the same algorithm as the rest of the stuff. That way you can still make progress there while giving preference to the targeted muscle groups via more volume and frequency. If you find you are spending too much energy on it then just say it was either too much or just right workload and it will not add sets but it will try to get you to increase either a rep, weight, or both.
I like the steady progression. I have always had a bigger chest in proportion to arms so I figured an arm/ shoulder/back focus would be nice to try. It is one of the pre made meso cycle. I think it was named THOR MESO. Either way. I am liking it.


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My ab work wasn’t done hanging. I had my upper body on the bench steadying myself by grabbing the power rack and doing leg raises. Feet start on the floor and I raise up to 45 degrees beyond parallel. I need to lean out more to see what’s lurking. Lol
These are awesome, I just didn't recommend them because you never know what people have access too, or are willing to do. One of my favorites are knee-ups where you hang with you arms bent at a 90 degree angle then just roll your body up with your abs until your knees touch your elbows. You get a nice spinal decompression from the hang too.


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Nice session dude. I really need to start training abs, have never done it before just relied on compound lifting to work them. But makes sense now that I’m cutting I should probably work them
Thanks man! I don’t wear a belt so I figured strengthening the core can’t hurt. Plus, once I drop some fluff it will show some nice “raviolis” as Mike Isratel would say


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These are awesome, I just didn't recommend them because you never know what people have access too, or are willing to do. One of my favorites are knee-ups where you hang with you arms bent at a 90 degree angle then just roll your body up with your abs until your knees touch your elbows. You get a nice spinal decompression from the hang too.
I bet the spine feels nice. Almost like an inversion table. I was getting some lower back pops that felt good for once doing these.


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This concludes the O RIR week. Next week is a deload. This workout is the longest and toughest for me out of the 5 days. It was 92 degrees (Fahrenheit) and I was working outside for 8hrs. Cut the sleeves off the work shirt cuz “Suns out Guns out”, got a sunburn on my pasty upper arms, and was sweating the water out faster than I was putting it in.
I had zero fuel in the tank but gutted it out. 1 HEAPING SCOOP of Pump Addict later it was time to give it a go. Drank a half gallon of water during the workout and would actually stop sweating and get chills and dizziness after sets, chug more water and press on. Dehydration is real folks. It was hard to maintain a pump for the 1st half of the workout.
Ate and was exhausted and in bed by 10. Then woke up at 2:30, 3:45, and 4:30. Slept like arse. I haven’t been sleeping as well since upping my Epiandro to 1200mg. I take my last 300mg right b4 bed. Could that cause poor sleep?


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What time did you workout? If it was in the evening I would say the pre workout messing up your sleep.

solid session there man! 💪🏻💪🏻


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What time did you workout? If it was in the evening I would say the pre workout messing up your sleep.

solid session there man! 💪🏻💪🏻
I worked out after work. Shift ended at 5pm had 55 min ride home, ate two Rule 1 bars and 1/4 cup of almonds on the way so I had 50 grams of carbs and some healthy fats in me. I normally drink the PWO 20 min away from the house so it’s kicking in is I’m getting home but I forgot. Had it mixed and everything just sat in the cup holder. 🤣. Got home took 600mg EpiAndro and pounded the Pump Addict waited 20 and got after it. I wrapped up at 8. So I think you are on to something. PWO w stim after 6pm is a bad idea. I still feel like arse today. Just took my BP 118/68. So that’s not it.

Happy 4th of July BTW! How is the new addition to the fam?


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He is doing good! Monday we have his 2 week checkup already.
Happy 4th! Sitting out back this morning celebrating with a Liga Privada #9!


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Enjoy the cigar and the family. I love the “new baby” smell. I use to hold my daughter and sniff her head. Maybe it was the bay shampoo but It’s beats “new car” 10 out of 10 times


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Enjoy the cigar and the family. I love the “new baby” smell. I use to hold my daughter and sniff her head. Maybe it was the bay shampoo but It’s beats “new car” 10 out of 10 times
The cigar tastes like **** 😂 but a gift from my wife so I’m gonna enjoy it!

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