Classic Kleen - The Road To Competition Fall 2024



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Man it’s just amazing how you can see the progress in all the photos in a short time frame. Triceps are really starting to pop! And as usual just looking massive and jacked man.
Thanks! Yeah I store a bit of fat between my delt and triceps. I am getting lean enough again it is starting to burn off and show the separation between them and my delts.

I hit up shoulders and triceps today then did 45 minutes of grueling cardio in the hot ass warehouse gym. That is going to take some getting used to. I did legs and cardio there last night. I had to swap to the treadmill at 20 minutes due to some discomfort in my feet and lower back. Them swapped to the bike for the last 15 minutes because my lower back was being aggravated. Should have apparently started on the bike today to rest the lower back a bit after legs. Anyway I am sitting here letting my emu oil muscle rub soak in so it will hopefully be fine in the morning. Anyway I was gassed at like 15 minutes into cardio day. I pushed the pace anyway until me pushing the pace probably looked pathetic on the bike. LMAO I was dying by the end. Just ran out of fuel. My tank top weighed about 3lbs when I took it off at home. Everything soaked. Made me feel like a warrior to finish this one!
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It truly is amazing seeing the improvements every couple of days. I mean you are shredded now, but you are going to be absolutely peeled by the meet, like in that 6% BF range. It really is amazing being able to notice it daily. All I can say is you’re the man, and keep up the good work.


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It truly is amazing seeing the improvements every couple of days. I mean you are shredded now, but you are going to be absolutely peeled by the meet, like in that 6% BF range. It really is amazing being able to notice it daily. All I can say is you’re the man, and keep up the good work.
Thanks GP! Giving it hell!!!

Unfortunately my cardio, well the combination of legs the day before then cardio again before recovering tweaked my lower back decently. I bathed my lower back in my muscle rub last night and slathered it on thick again this morning. Knocked back 2 aleve as well in hopes to bring inflammation back down. Going to be scheduling another whole hour with my tissue worker this weekend. We will try 30 minutes on lower back and 30 minutes on upper back. Doing whatever we can to keep the wheels on this thing. I think it will be okay. I think instead of cardio today I will take a long walk at a pace that isn't pushing me but is enough to burn some calories. It ain't perfect, but it will do for today. Other than that I plan to avoid hinge movements in my training today and only do supported work. Possibly more vertical pulling. I feel it might be a safer option with lower back tweaked. As annoying as this is, it is definitely not the worst it has been in recent months. Just inflammation causing issues but it is enough to cause some adjustment.


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Thanks GP! Giving it hell!!!

Unfortunately my cardio, well the combination of legs the day before then cardio again before recovering tweaked my lower back decently. I bathed my lower back in my muscle rub last night and slathered it on thick again this morning. Knocked back 2 aleve as well in hopes to bring inflammation back down. Going to be scheduling another whole hour with my tissue worker this weekend. We will try 30 minutes on lower back and 30 minutes on upper back. Doing whatever we can to keep the wheels on this thing. I think it will be okay. I think instead of cardio today I will take a long walk at a pace that isn't pushing me but is enough to burn some calories. It ain't perfect, but it will do for today. Other than that I plan to avoid hinge movements in my training today and only do supported work. Possibly more vertical pulling. I feel it might be a safer option with lower back tweaked. As annoying as this is, it is definitely not the worst it has been in recent months. Just inflammation causing issues but it is enough to cause some adjustment.
Yeah that sucks, but unfortunately at our age it’s a part of the game. That’s why Chiropractors, ART Therapists, & good PTs are necessary tools. As well as some of the awesome supplements we have these days.


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Yeah that sucks, but unfortunately at our age it’s a part of the game. That’s why Chiropractors, ART Therapists, & good PTs are necessary tools. As well as some of the awesome supplements we have these days.
No doubt!

My back is still unhappy, not like I expected it to heal up in a few hours or anything. I wend for a 45 minute walk during lunch, and even the walk was challenging. I kept my core tight to keep things safe and aligned better. However it was actually exhausting out there. Lots of heat, should have got a little darker, on my upper body anyway. Noticed my back / shoulder was doing some odd and uncomfortable things during my walk as well. So, I may end up pushing the session until tomorrow just to be safe. I intend to at least give it a shot though, and see what I can do. If anything will likely be a get some blood in there and get a pump but avoid getting near failure.
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Things got a bit rougher on my lower back as the day went on so I made the call and opted to not train and just lay down as much as possible and rest. I slept for a couple hours after eating once I got home then woke up ate, and watched tv until I passed out again around 10, then got out of bed this morning at about 9 so I got in about 14 hours of sleep yesterday which I realy needed. I took 800mg ibuprofen every 4 hours and my back is about 50-60% better. I am probably just going to add a few sets of light underhand rows into my arm workout today. I may only walk for cardio too, we will see. Hoping coach sees my check in before I go just in case he directs me to give the cardio a day or two.

He also mentioned last night that he wants to try to do an earlier show. So now we are looking at a few more. I already paid registration for the Johnnie O Jackson and am about 95% sure I can't get a refund. I asked if part of this was due to being worried about not having a full week to re-peak for nationals because if that is the case, I am not going to let the loss of 150 get in the way of bringing in my best package at nationals. These are the shows we have as options now.


I told him I am more confident with the last 3 because I know I still have a decent amount of fat to lose but that he was the expert and could tell me what he thought was best. That since I may have overdieted for my show and been ready way out I have no clue how fast the rest of it would come off. He lives in Austin so he may want to go with the July 13th show there, in that case I think I could pay for his ticket and he could be there without having to do a hotel fee. However we didn't plan on having him there at the Johnnie O Jackson. My preference is the Lee Labrada because it would be much easier for my family and friends to attend. However my understanding is that the Houston shows have deep classes and lots of competitors.


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Check In Update - Fasted Weight 201.4 - Pretty sure I am up due to lower intensity cardio and no weight training yesterday. I am looking nice a lot fuller though, and IMO I look leaner than my 199.2 on Wednesday.

I am getting a little better control of my back again. Also changed up my stance in the RDB a little to get rid of the imbalance in my lower back more. I think it helped tremendously. Still some issues but much better.





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Things got a bit rougher on my lower back as the day went on so I made the call and opted to not train and just lay down as much as possible and rest. I slept for a couple hours after eating once I got home then woke up ate, and watched tv until I passed out again around 10, then got out of bed this morning at about 9 so I got in about 14 hours of sleep yesterday which I realy needed. I took 800mg ibuprofen every 4 hours and my back is about 50-60% better. I am probably just going to add a few sets of light underhand rows into my arm workout today. I may only walk for cardio too, we will see. Hoping coach sees my check in before I go just in case he directs me to give the cardio a day or two.

He also mentioned last night that he wants to try to do an earlier show. So now we are looking at a few more. I already paid registration for the Johnnie O Jackson and am about 95% sure I can't get a refund. I asked if part of this was due to being worried about not having a full week to re-peak for nationals because if that is the case, I am not going to let the loss of 150 get in the way of bringing in my best package at nationals. These are the shows we have as options now.

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I told him I am more confident with the last 3 because I know I still have a decent amount of fat to lose but that he was the expert and could tell me what he thought was best. That since I may have overdieted for my show and been ready way out I have no clue how fast the rest of it would come off. He lives in Austin so he may want to go with the July 13th show there, in that case I think I could pay for his ticket and he could be there without having to do a hotel fee. However we didn't plan on having him there at the Johnnie O Jackson. My preference is the Lee Labrada because it would be much easier for my family and friends to attend. However my understanding is that the Houston shows have deep classes and lots of competitors.
I’d want to put myself in the best position to succeed against the competition around me. I know the idea of a close show is great for friends and fam to attend but I’d rather travel or be inconvenienced a little more if it meant being up against lesser competitors.
You have made significant positive strides from the pics you took on vacation. Shaping up nicely, the tan helps but that drop in cals is working!!!


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I’d want to put myself in the best position to succeed against the competition around me. I know the idea of a close show is great for friends and fam to attend but I’d rather travel or be inconvenienced a little more if it meant being up against lesser competitors.
You have made significant positive strides from the pics you took on vacation. Shaping up nicely, the tan helps but that drop in cals is working!!!
Yeah. I have to be honest the fact I am going to be going to nationals anyway, I am not too worried about that specifically. The people at the Nationals will all be top notch competitors, and where I place there is what really matters. My thought is if I can't beat the top Master's over 50 guy here, I won't likely beat him 3 weeks later unless we messed up on my approach or just need a tiny bit more conditioning. That, and I went and looked at last years winner and although impressive, I think I have a better package and much better abs which when all other things are equal better abs or even calves can win a show. That being said, I let my coach know if it worked out schedule wise that would likely be my preference but I would do whatever he thinks is best. That is really what it comes down to. I have put my trust in him this far, changing my training style to his and everything just to make this work and know that I didn't make a decision going against his guidance that cost me the competition. Dude is definitely in pretty good condition but I think my legs are better, and have a lot more separation.





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Yeah. I have to be honest the fact I am going to be going to nationals anyway, I am not too worried about that specifically. The people at the Nationals will all be top notch competitors, and where I place there is what really matters. My thought is if I can't beat the top Master's over 50 guy here, I won't likely beat him 3 weeks later unless we messed up on my approach or just need a tiny bit more conditioning. That, and I went and looked at last years winner and although impressive, I think I have a better package and much better abs which when all other things are equal better abs or even calves can win a show. That being said, I let my coach know if it worked out schedule wise that would likely be my preference but I would do whatever he thinks is best. That is really what it comes down to. I have put my trust in him this far, changing my training style to his and everything just to make this work and know that I didn't make a decision going against his guidance that cost me the competition. Dude is definitely in pretty good condition but I think my legs are better, and have a lot more separation.

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I’d listen to your coach. He’s the paid professional. If he hasn’t steered you wrong yet then stay the course.
I agree the abs and calves concept. That guys vacuum looks flat w little to no separation on lower abdomen, could be the lighting but still not a good shot. Legs r not “amazing” for sure and calves look blah.


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Okay, so coach wants some time to mull things over on a show or just doig the one we have planned already. I mentioned that I still had myself above 10%BF, that although my abs are tight and looked well pronounced my back was still rather soft and undefined. He went back and looked and agreed and thinks we might need the whole time up to the Johnnie O Jackson to get that off. Just depends. So he is going to mull that over. I told him to pick whatever show he thought he could put me on stage looking badass for. I at least feel better we are on the same page regarding my back. I didn't know if we could slim it down in time to look awesome for the earlier of the early shows. I think if he changes it, it would likely be the one on the 8-9th. He said he wished there was one in Texas the week of the 17th so that is the closest date to it.

I was right about his reasoning for wanting to move shows though. He said typically the bodybuilders go on Saturday which leaves time for a full peak week but it is Thursday this time which means it is only a 4 day window which makes things harder. So now he is just trying to figure out if we can work the peak with with the show planned, or do one earlier. I think I would be fine with one a little earlier if we went in knowing I was not going to be in peak condition already. Then if I won bonus and if I didn't no sweat, it was part of qualifying for nationals. I didn't know until recently that Masters, Teens and a couple other classes only have to have competed since January 1 2023 to be qualified for nationals.


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Okay, so coach wants some time to mull things over on a show or just doig the one we have planned already. I mentioned that I still had myself above 10%BF, that although my abs are tight and looked well pronounced my back was still rather soft and undefined. He went back and looked and agreed and thinks we might need the whole time up to the Johnnie O Jackson to get that off. Just depends. So he is going to mull that over. I told him to pick whatever show he thought he could put me on stage looking badass for. I at least feel better we are on the same page regarding my back. I didn't know if we could slim it down in time to look awesome for the earlier of the early shows. I think if he changes it, it would likely be the one on the 8-9th. He said he wished there was one in Texas the week of the 17th so that is the closest date to it.

I was right about his reasoning for wanting to move shows though. He said typically the bodybuilders go on Saturday which leaves time for a full peak week but it is Thursday this time which means it is only a 4 day window which makes things harder. So now he is just trying to figure out if we can work the peak with with the show planned, or do one earlier. I think I would be fine with one a little earlier if we went in knowing I was not going to be in peak condition already. Then if I won bonus and if I didn't no sweat, it was part of qualifying for nationals. I didn't know until recently that Masters, Teens and a couple other classes only have to have competed since January 1 2023 to be qualified for nationals.
Yeah, that low back fat has to come in more. If you went against the dude you posted with the weaker legs now, he would beat you on conditioning. Not from the front necessarily, but they will see you from the back too and it all adds up. The judges’ job IS to split hairs over the details.


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Damn dude you are looking awesome!!
Thanks Benny, good to see you in here!
Yeah, that low back fat has to come in more. If you went against the dude you posted with the weaker legs now, he would beat you on conditioning. Not from the front necessarily, but they will see you from the back too and it all adds up. The judges’ job IS to split hairs over the details.
Yeah, agreed, I think I am about 8-10 lbs away from show ready or another 4-6 weeks out basically. Of course that all depends on how I respond to the Winny and other stuff once we know whether we are starting it soon or not. I have a feeling with things possibly spreading out we might have to run the Winny for 6 week total minimum. I got my other orals to complete the run today. So now I have 36 50mg tabs and 100 20mg tabs of Proviron, and 100 50mg tabs of winstrol Plus a few other designer orals I already had on hand. We have discussed possibly adding in SD the last weeks if need be for added fullness. However, there is a decent chance we will run tren at 150-200 a week the last 4-6 weeks to help with that since it will probably be a little better on the health profile. Who knows how tings may change going into it now depending on what show he picks. If the one on the 8/9-10/24 it will be a little easier to make the orals work without causing issues. If we do the one on the 3rd then we probably start looking at the winny for about 6-8 weeks. Not undoable, I did it plenty times with toxic compounds back when I was a prosteroid only guy. However just not optimal for health markers post show. Not that I expect them to be great after prep anyway.

Then again if it is a warm up show maybe we don't need to adjust the plan too much, start them a week or so out from the first show and just let them continue to do their job after the first show. Who knows but it all has my mind racing as I am sure you can tell! :)

I took tonight off of cardio, I am teetering on the edge of recovery and reinjury with how my back felt with some of my arm workout I knew pushing it with a bunch of walking or anything more intense was not the way to go. I need to let it rest enough to heal so I am not fighting it nonstop. I did end up having a great arms session though. I just had to replace some exercises that didn't feel good, or I knew would be risky to my lower back. Just not pushing this one.


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Training Dump

May 31

Modified Super Set
MyoRep Match Shoulder press - 110*13, 110*10 rp 3

MyoRep Supported rows - 145*14, 145*10 rp 4

Modified Super Set
MyoRep Match Lat Pulldown - 160*9, 160*8 rp 1, 160*6 rp 3

MyoRep Match DB Side Raises - 20*17, 20*17, 20*12 rp 5

DB Rear Delt Swings - 20*20, 25*20, 30*18

Modified Super Set 3
MyoRep Match Leg Extensions - 115*16, 115*11 rp 5, 115*10 rp 4 rp 2

MyoRep Match Leg Curls - 85*13, 85*11 rp 2, 85*10 rp 3

Modified Super Set 2 sets @ rpe 10
Assisted dip, and Assisted Chin ups

Triceps cable extension - 50*15, 50*14

Arms (Saturday)
Sunday, Jun 02, 2024 at 4:43pm

SA Triceps Rope Extension
Set 1: 25 lbs x 12 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 15 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 20 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 15 lbs x 13 @ 10 rpe

Triceps Kickback (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 20 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 20 lbs x 11 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 20 lbs x 11 @ 9 rpe

EZ Bar Skullcrusher
Set 1: 50 lbs x 15 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 14 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 50 lbs x 9 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Diamond Push Up
Set 1: 12 reps
Set 2: 8 reps
Set 3: 6 reps

Single Arm Preacher Curl
Set 1: 32.5 lbs x 10 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 35 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 35 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

EZ Bar Biceps Curl
Set 1: 40 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 40 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 40 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe


Chest & Biceps (Monday)
Tuesday, Jun 04, 2024 at 7:59am

Incline Chest Press (Machine)
"MyoRep Match"
Set 1: 100 lbs x 13 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 100 lbs x 8 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 100 lbs x 3 @ 9 rpe
Set 4: 100 lbs x 1 @ 9.5 rpe [Drop]
Set 5: 80 lbs x 5 @ 10 rpe [Drop]

Iso-Lateral Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 70 lbs x 10 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 70 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 70 lbs x 6 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Chest Fly (Machine)
Set 1: 100 lbs x 21 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 100 lbs x 21 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 100 lbs x 19 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Spider Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 30 lbs x 10 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 35 lbs x 10 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 35 lbs x 9 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Leg Extension (Machine)
Set 1: 130 lbs x 14 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 130 lbs x 13 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 130 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Seated Leg Curl (Machine)
Set 1: 100 lbs x 14 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 100 lbs x 12 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 100 lbs x 9 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Hip Adduction (Machine)
Set 1: 145 lbs x 15 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 145 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 145 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe


Shoulders & Triceps (Thurs)
Thursday, Jun 06, 2024 at 5:53pm

Shoulder Press (Machine Plates)
"MyoRep Match"
Set 1: 105 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 105 lbs x 8 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 105 lbs x 2 @ 9.5 rpe

Standing Lateral Raise
Set 1: 15 lbs x 20 @ 7.5 rpe
Set 2: 20 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 25 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe
Set 4: 15 lbs x 16 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Incline DB Rear Delt Flyes
Set 1: 25 lbs x 20 @ 7.5 rpe
Set 2: 25 lbs x 20 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 25 lbs x 20 @ 9.5 rpe

Upright Row Smith Machine
Set 1: 50 lbs x 10 @ 6 rpe
Set 2: 70 lbs x 10 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 40 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 4: 40 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Cross Cable Tricep Extension
Set 1: 22.5 lbs x 15 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 22.5 lbs x 14 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 22.5 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Seated Dip Machine
Set 1: 190 lbs x 12 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 150 lbs x 14 @ 10 rpe [Failure]


Back & Hamstrings (Friday)
Friday, Jun 07, 2024 at 9:27am

Arsenal Wide grip Pronated Chest Supported Row
Set 1: 130 lbs x 10 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 130 lbs x 10 @ 8 rpe
Set 3: 140 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe
Set 4: 140 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe

Lat Pulldown (Machine)
Set 1: 110 lbs x 10 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 130 lbs x 10 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 130 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe

Shrug (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 50 lbs x 20 @ 7.5 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 20 @ 8 rpe
Set 3: 50 lbs x 20 @ 9 rpe


Arms (Saturday)
Saturday, Jun 08, 2024 at 9:20pm

SA Triceps Rope Extension
Set 1: 20 lbs x 20 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 25 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 30 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 20 lbs x 17 @ 10 rpe

Triceps Kickback (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 20 lbs x 12 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 20 lbs x 12 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 20 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe

EZ Bar Skullcrusher
Set 1: 60 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 60 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 60 lbs x 9 @ 10 rpe

Diamond Push Up
Set 1: 13 reps
Set 2: 9 reps
Set 3: 7 reps

Single Arm Preacher Curl
Set 1: 35 lbs x 10 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 35 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 35 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe

EZ Bar Biceps Curl
Set 1: 50 lbs x 15 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 50 lbs x 15 @ 9.5 rpe


Chest & Biceps (Monday)
Tuesday, Jun 11, 2024 at 5:22pm

Incline Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 170 lbs x 9 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 170 lbs x 3 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 170 lbs x 3 @ 10 rpe
Set 4: 140 lbs x 11 @ 9.5 rpe [Drop]
Set 5: 140 lbs x 3 @ 9.5 rpe [Drop]
Set 6: 140 lbs x 3 @ 10 rpe [Drop]

Iso-Lateral Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 80 lbs x 10 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 80 lbs x 10 @ 8 rpe
Set 3: 90 lbs x 11 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 75 lbs x 3 @ 10 rpe [Drop]
Set 5: 55 lbs x 3 @ 9.5 rpe [Drop]

Bench Press (Cable)
Set 1: 65 lbs x 8 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 35 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 35 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Chest Fly (Machine)
"Bent arm pec deck"
Set 1: 100 lbs x 18 @ 10 rpe [Failure]
Set 2: 70 lbs x 21 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 70 lbs x 14 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Spider Curl (Dumbbell)
"Free motion cable curl facing away"
Set 1: 50 lbs x 10 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 10 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 50 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Bicep Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 50 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 40 lbs x 13 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 40 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe


Legs - (Tuesday)
Wednesday, Jun 12, 2024 at 7:23pm

Leg Press (Machine)
Set 1: 575 lbs x 12 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 575 lbs x 12 @ 8 rpe
Set 3: 575 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe

Hack Squat
Set 1: 135 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 135 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe

Leg Extension (Machine)
Set 1: 75 lbs x 15 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 120 lbs x 7 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 85 lbs x 7 @ 10 rpe

Romanian Deadlift (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 50 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe

Lying Leg Curl (Machine)
Set 1: 50 lbs x 20 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 40 lbs x 18 @ 10 rpe

Standing Calf Raise
Set 1: 30 reps
Set 2: 30 reps


Shoulders & Triceps (Thurs)
Thursday, Jun 13, 2024 at 7:20pm

Shoulder Press (Machine Plates)
Set 1: 110 lbs x 7 @ 10 rpe [Failure]
Set 2: 70 lbs x 7 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Standing Lateral Raise
Set 1: 50 lbs x 20 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 60 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 80 lbs x 9 @ 10 rpe
Set 4: 40 lbs x 16 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Incline DB Rear Delt Flyes
Set 1: 30 lbs x 20 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 30 lbs x 20 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 30 lbs x 14 @ 10 rpe

Upright Row (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 30 lbs x 15 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 30 lbs x 14 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 30 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe

Cross Cable Tricep Extension
Set 1: 50 lbs x 15 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 40 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe [Failure]

Triceps Dip
Set 1: 20 reps
Set 2: 14 reps


Arms (Saturday)
Saturday, Jun 15, 2024 at 8:51pm

SA Triceps Rope Extension
Set 1: 30 lbs x 20 @ 6 rpe
Set 2: 42.5 lbs x 15 @ 8 rpe
Set 3: 55 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe
Set 4: 35 lbs x 20 @ 10 rpe

Triceps Kickback (Dumbbell)
"Was a long rest between set 1 and 2"
Set 1: 20 lbs x 13 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 20 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 20 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe

Triceps Extension (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 60 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 45 lbs x 14 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 45 lbs x 9 @ 9.5 rpe

Diamond Push Up
Set 1: 13 reps
Set 2: 11 reps
Set 3: 8 reps

Single Arm Preacher Curl
Set 1: 35 lbs x 10 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 35 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 30 lbs x 7 @ 10 rpe

EZ Bar Biceps Curl
Set 1: 55 lbs x 9 @ 10 rpe
Set 2: 45 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 45 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe


Chest & Biceps (Monday)
Monday, Jun 17, 2024 at 9:55pm

Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 200 lbs x 7 @ 10 rpe [Failure]
Set 2: 160 lbs x 9 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Incline Bench Press (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 60 lbs x 10 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 60 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 60 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe
Set 4: 35 lbs x 6 @ 10 rpe [Drop]
Set 5: 25 lbs x 9 @ 10 rpe [Drop]

Chest Fly (Machine)
Set 1: 100 lbs x 21 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 100 lbs x 21 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 100 lbs x 19 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Spider Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 30 lbs x 10 @ 7.5 rpe
Set 2: 35 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 30 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Bicep Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 20 lbs x 12 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 20 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 20 lbs x 11 @ 10 rpe


Legs - (Tuesday)
Wednesday, Jun 19, 2024 at 7:44pm

Leg Press (Machine)
Set 1: 470 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 470 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 470 lbs x 9 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 730 lbs x 3 @ 9.5 rpe

Walking Lunge (Dumbbell)

Leg Extension (Machine)
Set 1: 40 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 40 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe

Romanian Deadlift (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 55 lbs x 15 @ 7.5 rpe
Set 2: 55 lbs x 15 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 55 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Lying Leg Curl (Machine)
Set 1: 60 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe
Set 2: 45 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 45 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe

Standing Calf Raise
Set 1: 26 reps
Set 2: 12 reps


Shoulders & Triceps (Thurs)
Thursday, Jun 20, 2024 at 5:54pm

Shoulder Press (Machine Plates)
Set 1: 255 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe [Failure]
Set 2: 225 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Standing Lateral Raise
Set 1: 50 lbs x 20 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 2: 60 lbs x 13 @ 10 rpe [Failure]
Set 3: 50 lbs x 9 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 30 lbs x 15 @ 10 rpe [Failure]
Set 5: 30 lbs x 5 @ 9.5 rpe [Drop]

Incline DB Rear Delt Flyes
Set 1: 20 lbs x 20 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 20 lbs x 20 @ 8 rpe
Set 3: 20 lbs x 22 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Upright Row (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 35 lbs x 15 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 35 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 35 lbs x 14 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 4: 35 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Cross Cable Tricep Extension
Set 1: 40 lbs x 15 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 50 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 50 lbs x 12 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Triceps Dip
Set 1: 20 reps
Set 2: 15 reps


Arms (Saturday)
Saturday, Jun 22, 2024 at 6:23pm

SA Triceps Rope Extension
Set 1: 40 lbs x 20 @ 7 rpe
Set 2: 40 lbs x 15 @ 7 rpe
Set 3: 50 lbs x 10 @ 8 rpe
Set 4: 40 lbs x 20 @ 10 rpe

Triceps Kickback (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 20 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 20 lbs x 13 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 15 lbs x 15 @ 9 rpe

Ez Bar OH triceps extensions
Set 1: 60 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 60 lbs x 9 @ 9.5 rpe
Set 3: 60 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe

Diamond Push Up replaced by
Arsenal Converging Chest Press (Narrow Grip) - Done folding arms more like a JM press to get a better stretch on the triceps
Set 1: 180x11 reps RPE9
Set 2: 180x9 reps RPE9.5
Set 3: 90x15 reps RPE9.5

Single Arm Preacher Curl
Set 1: 35 lbs x 10 @ 8 rpe
Set 2: 35 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 35 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe

EZ Bar Biceps Curl
Set 1: 20 lbs x 20 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 25 lbs x 12 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 25 lbs x 8

That may have been the largest training dump of all time here. LMAO.


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Proviron is very benign despite being an oral, no worse on lipids probably than mast, and the way it tanks SHBG allegedly really sets up for a powerful visual change when it precedes Winstrol.

So you could start 50mg Proviron first 8 weeks out, then Tren at 6, then Winny at 4, and keep SD to the last 2-3 weeks. I mean he’s going to coach you however is best obviously for your scenario, but that’s a very typical layering for guys who are using all those together.

Something to consider is Tren and the orals are going to probably cause acid reflux very quickly, so you should get your Pepcid Complete and tubs of Glutamine lined up, maybe some Betaine HCL with your meat meals.


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You've got that guy beat on your legs and assuming abs for sure, as that's a strong point for you even at this % BF. I'd like to see a front lat spread or a front "relaxed" just for comparison though.
Here is a recent one, I am nowhere near as conditioned as him so not as tight of course. Plus still focusing more on getting even then abs...
Plus my lower pec fat and what is left on my chest need to come off to really shine in this pose. I am doing my first posing session today at 4:30. I suspect he will tweak it from this, I may post up some screen captures later. I am going to screen record the session so I can review it anyway.

Proviron is very benign despite being an oral, no worse on lipids probably than mast, and the way it tanks SHBG allegedly really sets up for a powerful visual change when it precedes Winstrol.

So you could start 50mg Proviron first 8 weeks out, then Tren at 6, then Winny at 4, and keep SD to the last 2-3 weeks. I mean he’s going to coach you however is best obviously for your scenario, but that’s a very typical layering for guys who are using all those together.

Something to consider is Tren and the orals are going to probably cause acid reflux very quickly, so you should get your Pepcid Complete and tubs of Glutamine lined up, maybe some Betaine HCL with your meat meals.
Yeah, that is what he said about proviron too. I think we will be better able to lay out the approach once we have the first show picked. He said it would either be the one on the 9th-10th, or the one we already have me registered for. He is considering doing a soft peak for the first show so I can peak fully for the Nationals. I am not exactly sure what a soft peak entails exactly but assume it means we will fill up a little but not push for overly full, and maybe less water manipulation or something.

Good looking out on the recommendation for having the Pepcid and other items on hand for when I start those. I definitely need to do that.

I had an hour long session today and my lower back is feeling a decent bit better now. It had improved even more this morning then after she worked on it, it loosened up more. She said I should be good for the posing and then cardio later today.
Last edited:


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Just finished up with posing practice, we worked on Qtr Turns and a few poses. He helped me with some changes he felt were needed. Said some of them won't shine as much until I am leaner but will really pop later. Main thing on all front poses was to bring my legs in just a little more. Keep the adductors touching to give the impression of fullness and thickness. He has me putting my chest out over my toes to bring in more quad and show the chest better. He wasn't to upset with the rear double biceps and didn't have much to say other than spiking my calf a little less, and standing just a little taller in the legs for it.

Training and posing condition will be 3-4 times a week minimum starting with going through all of my poses twice and holding them for 10 seconds each. Of course I have to make sure I am doing them right first. :)

Pretty happy with some of the screen caps he sent me. My screen recorder turned off on me so I didn't get it recorded so I named the files with the cues and tips he told me. :)





This is going to look good leaned out!


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The adductors closer to impress size is a great idea! Definitely seems like some good ideas and a great move on your part - it doesn’t matter how big or lean you are if the judges can’t see it well!


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The adductors closer to impress size is a great idea! Definitely seems like some good ideas and a great move on your part - it doesn’t matter how big or lean you are if the judges can’t see it well!
Agreed, so now we are in the middle of another dilemma, well more of a decision. Since we discussed my bodyfat percentage and i mentioned my worry over the fat on my back my coach revisited his projected numbers and thinks we can make the weight limit for the Classic as well. He wants me to compete in both classes if I can make it happen. He said he understands if I can't make it work financially but that he thought i have a very good chance of going pro in either category and he would like to see me double my chances. Going to discuss with the wife if we can manage the extra 500 in entry fees. I imagine we will suck it up and make it happen but have to have the wife buy into it first. Definitely looking forward to it and even more excited with Pat's response to my updated poses. He said "Wow, you look so good Bro! I think you will be my first pro!" So I am pretty stoked.

Lower back is feeling a decent bit better, not quite there yet but maybe 75%, so just a little stiff right now but not too bad otherwise. I did cardio last night on the recumbent bike to keep my lower back safer and less taxed. It was a challenge for sure maintaining heart rate on the bike but I managed.


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Well, it is official, the wife and I agreed we might as well go all in if we are going in at all. So I will be competing in both Masters Bodybuilding and Master's Classic Physique, at least for the first show. We also moved the show to the Texas Classic Super Show on Aug 9-10. Once I get my placings and rankings we can decide if I should go into both classes for the Nationals, if coach thinks I have a good shot at both we will do both, if I am a little smaller and should just stick to Classic then we will do that. Currently he thinks I have a great shot at both.

Previously he was expecting me to get on stage in the low to mid 190's, now he said hitting 187 for the Classic should not be a problem. If you look back to the beginning of this log you will see that I chose to start with Classic and thought that is where I would fit best after a couple cycles. I assumed I could just come in at the top of the weight class and have a good shot. So I am actually pretty happy with this development because it means my assessment of the situation, and what I would gain back this year was pretty spot on. It also means I will be near the top of the weight class, which is great.


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Dude is definitely in pretty good condition but I think my legs are better, and have a lot more separation.
He looks great but I do have a sneaking suspcicion that even as your conditioning improves you're going to present more mass in the calves, hammies, and glutes tbh. I love his side bicep pose, but again, I think the mass you're holding will show really well as you continue to lean up.

this pic here I think really highlights how well the pecs are rounding out and the abs getting cut in. also in your last few poses it looked to me like the biceps are looking more and more symmetrical.



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He looks great but I do have a sneaking suspcicion that even as your conditioning improves you're going to present more mass in the calves, hammies, and glutes tbh. I love his side bicep pose, but again, I think the mass you're holding will show really well as you continue to lean up.

this pic here I think really highlights how well the pecs are rounding out and the abs getting cut in. also in your last few poses it looked to me like the biceps are looking more and more symmetrical.

View attachment 243355
Agreed, this is my favorite new shot from the posing. I think it makes the most difference in presentation out of everything we did in my opinion. In 5 more lbs this is going to look night and day different.

Speaking of LBS, I woke up at 200.4 this morning, even though Proviron is not supposed to be very anabolic, I seem to be holding onto weight a little more this week. Then again it could just be I can not push cardio quite as well this week. My back is definitely healing but I sure wish it would go faster. I would like to be able to open the throttle back up a little on cardio. Trying to figure out what I am going to do for legs today. Not sure I want to try any pressing or squatting while I am right here on the edge of recovering. Contemplating some BFR work for quads, calves, and calf, then maybe some Good Girls. Then again, I think I will try to press but stay at about a 2-3RIR, and in the 15 rep range or something. I will have to feel it all out. I want to stimulate as much as possible without causing any lower back issues. I will figure it out, if anyone has any other ideas that might help me get a solid leg session in while protecting the lower back and not overstressing it by all means throw some suggestions out.

Here is my session from yesterday, I was trying to be careful, kept everything very slow and controlled, long pauses in the stretched position, just putting in work as safely as I could figure out how to do. I ended up having a great session.

Chest & Biceps - Monday, Jun 24, 2024 at 8:03pm

Incline Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 140 lbs x 12 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 2: 140 lbs x 8 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 140 lbs x 6 @ 9 rpe
Set 4: 140 lbs x 2 @ 9 rpe [RP]

Iso-Lateral Chest Press (Machine)
Set 1: 85 lbs x 10 @ 7.5 rpe
Set 2: 85 lbs x 10 @ 8.5 rpe
Set 3: 85 lbs x 7 @ 10 rpe
Set 4: 85 lbs x 3 @ 8 rpe [RP]

Chest Press (Machine)
"Neutral converging close grip machine to replace cable press due to lack of availability."
Set 1: 125 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 105 lbs x 13 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 105 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe [Failure]

Chest Fly (Dumbbell)
"Arms stayed outside shoulders for constant tension super deep stretch with 2 second pause"
Set 1: 30 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 30 lbs x 8 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 30 lbs x 6 @ 10 rpe

Spider Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 30 lbs x 10 @ 7.5 rpe
Set 2: 35 lbs x 10 @ 10 rpe
Set 3: 30 lbs x 10 @ 9.5 rpe

Bicep Curl (Dumbbell)
"One arm at a time"
Set 1: 25 lbs x 10 @ 9 rpe
Set 2: 25 lbs x 9 @ 9 rpe
Set 3: 25 lbs x 8 @ 10 rpe


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Seems like everyone’s Back is giving them issues! Looking great man, hopefully you can start getting some relief on the back and get your cardio back at it.


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The challenges just keep rolling in. I have to drive back up to Dallas tomorrow to set up another deposition at our new office so that is fun... Luckily I won't have to do anything but cardio tomorrow but still it is going to make things a little more challenging. Unfortunately how this one is scheduled, I won't really get much opportunity to get OT, which is really helpful. I am hoping we can get them to open early so I can do it Thursday morning instead of tomorrow afternoon, it will allow me to accrue more hours for the week. If I am going to be inconvenienced, I want to at least benefit from it somehow.

I also have to do a trial set up in Louisiana now the weekend before my show... UGH... Should be fun. Cutting things nice and close to the start of peak week.

I realized that although we can probably get to 187 before the nationals, I just asked coach if he thought we would have time to get me to 187 before the 10th. He said not to worry we are about to turn up the heat, to get the job done. I have a feeling I may have to go into that contest as flat as a pancake just to make weight for classic. We shall see, the challenge is definitely afoot. That leaves me 6 weeks and 3 days to drop 13.4 lbs. So will definitely be cutting things very close. Of course I do expect another whoosh here soon and hoping to see 198 by the weekend if not sooner. That will really help close the gap. I expect a drop in calories or an increase in cardio or both to get to those numbers.


Well I meant to post the above yesterday. I am on my way to Dallas again today. Luckily today is a cardio only day so I will be able to get that in.

Good News! I broke into the 198 ground overnight. I was a fasted 198.2 this morning. So happier with an 11 pound loss in the next 6 weeks than a 13lb losss in the same time! Not going to post my progress pics because they kind of suck. LOL Today was my first time doing them when I couldn't see myself on screen to try to get in good position. Plus the new positioning of my legs had me a little off this morning. Posing is definitely going to take a higher priority at 3-4 times a week at least at first. I plan to do some posing tonight at the hotel gym, or in my room. Whatever it takes to get in some practice and hopefully start to see some nice improvements. Here are a couple shots that actually came out decent.


The thigh and abs shot is so-so practicing leaning forward a bit but it gathers up my loose skin and covers up detail. I have not worked on this with coach yet, he may have me stand up more tall like I usually do, I think it looks much better. Also abs were hard to control because I was half shouting Shoot when I wanted the camera to take the picture and it kind of made them relax and fall out a bit. Still even with sticking out you can see my abs pretty well from the side in the triceps shot. Things are coming together.




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Still even with sticking out you can see my abs pretty well from the side in the triceps shot.
100% was my first thought, again it looks to me like the abs are getting sliced and diced!! really looking forward to seeing what "turning up the heat" entails for you, things are getting inspirational in here!!


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The challenges just keep rolling in. I have to drive back up to Dallas tomorrow to set up another deposition at our new office so that is fun... Luckily I won't have to do anything but cardio tomorrow but still it is going to make things a little more challenging. Unfortunately how this one is scheduled, I won't really get much opportunity to get OT, which is really helpful. I am hoping we can get them to open early so I can do it Thursday morning instead of tomorrow afternoon, it will allow me to accrue more hours for the week. If I am going to be inconvenienced, I want to at least benefit from it somehow.

I also have to do a trial set up in Louisiana now the weekend before my show... UGH... Should be fun. Cutting things nice and close to the start of peak week.

I realized that although we can probably get to 187 before the nationals, I just asked coach if he thought we would have time to get me to 187 before the 10th. He said not to worry we are about to turn up the heat, to get the job done. I have a feeling I may have to go into that contest as flat as a pancake just to make weight for classic. We shall see, the challenge is definitely afoot. That leaves me 6 weeks and 3 days to drop 13.4 lbs. So will definitely be cutting things very close. Of course I do expect another whoosh here soon and hoping to see 198 by the weekend if not sooner. That will really help close the gap. I expect a drop in calories or an increase in cardio or both to get to those numbers.


Well I meant to post the above yesterday. I am on my way to Dallas again today. Luckily today is a cardio only day so I will be able to get that in.

Good News! I broke into the 198 ground overnight. I was a fasted 198.2 this morning. So happier with an 11 pound loss in the next 6 weeks than a 13lb losss in the same time! Not going to post my progress pics because they kind of suck. LOL Today was my first time doing them when I couldn't see myself on screen to try to get in good position. Plus the new positioning of my legs had me a little off this morning. Posing is definitely going to take a higher priority at 3-4 times a week at least at first. I plan to do some posing tonight at the hotel gym, or in my room. Whatever it takes to get in some practice and hopefully start to see some nice improvements. Here are a couple shots that actually came out decent.

View attachment 243366View attachment 243367View attachment 243371View attachment 243369View attachment 243372

The thigh and abs shot is so-so practicing leaning forward a bit but it gathers up my loose skin and covers up detail. I have not worked on this with coach yet, he may have me stand up more tall like I usually do, I think it looks much better. Also abs were hard to control because I was half shouting Shoot when I wanted the camera to take the picture and it kind of made them relax and fall out a bit. Still even with sticking out you can see my abs pretty well from the side in the triceps shot. Things are coming together.
Man things are full steam ahead…..glad you and your wife was able to swing the extra fee, because obviously your coach sees he has a winner in you, and anything you can do to compete as much as possible, gets you that much closer to being a pro. That has a good ring to it “Pro”. The tweaks on your posing really has brought out your strengths even more, and I actually think once you shed that last little bit of fat, overall you have more mass than the other guy, and would beat him. Glad the back is improving, and hopefully your schedule will cooperate so your not too stressed out when it’s time.


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Don’t sweat the Louisiana work the weekend prior.

This is almost like the norm, having some important work thing very close to a contest, for many folks. Most people have real jobs in the real world, so what you see at contest happened in spite of that - if they can do it & make it work out fine, you know you can too! Personally, I used to dread stuff like that, but have actually found it helps take your mind off of the process somewhat - it can actually possibly lower your stress. I can’t tell you the number of special work projects I’ve done in the middle of a water cut over the years.


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Looking solid. Think doing both and classic physique is a good idea. Hard doing multiple classes in one show but I know you can pull it off.


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100% was my first thought, again it looks to me like the abs are getting sliced and diced!! really looking forward to seeing what "turning up the heat" entails for you, things are getting inspirational in here!!
Well, my new macros and caloric intake are for sure a big part of that. We dropped almost 300 calories, the drops were getting into the 100-120 a week for a little bit.

Meal Plan 1985 (from 2231 Calories) 167g Carb, 261g Protein, 39g Fat - first intentional drop of protein since the beginning of the cut when we dropped some flank steak off. Now were down another oz of beef and 3 oz chicken

Upcoming changes to gear:
  • Test E 100mg/EOD (350mg/wk)
  • Mast E 150mg/EOD (525mg/wk) - begin Tren A 30mg/EOD (105mg/wk) July 1 - begin caber 0.5mg E5D when tren added
  • 50mg Proviron
Man things are full steam ahead…..glad you and your wife was able to swing the extra fee, because obviously your coach sees he has a winner in you, and anything you can do to compete as much as possible, gets you that much closer to being a pro. That has a good ring to it “Pro”. The tweaks on your posing really has brought out your strengths even more, and I actually think once you shed that last little bit of fat, overall you have more mass than the other guy, and would beat him. Glad the back is improving, and hopefully your schedule will cooperate so your not too stressed out when it’s time.
Thanks, yeah, I am getting more excited by the day. I notice a little something new every day. I was kind of reassuring my coach my posing would get better yesterday, he told me to relax, I am doing fine, and that it will all come along. Hard to stay out of your own head and not start second guessing things. I want this to go so well, and of course don't want to let my coach down either. It was nice to have him reassure me, and kind of tell me not to be too hard on myself without actually saying it.
Jeez that last drop has really highlighted your abs!
Thanks, yeah the difference from the side is silly. We are getting into the area where it becomes obvious how good my abs are. I have not been training them much at all to avoid waist growth, but going to start doing 100's and vacuums to start cinching it in more. By the time this cut is done there will be close to an inch between the deepest lines in my abs, and they will stick out from the side noticeably when flexed.
Don’t sweat the Louisiana work the weekend prior.

This is almost like the norm, having some important work thing very close to a contest, for many folks. Most people have real jobs in the real world, so what you see at contest happened in spite of that - if they can do it & make it work out fine, you know you can too! Personally, I used to dread stuff like that, but have actually found it helps take your mind off of the process somewhat - it can actually possibly lower your stress. I can’t tell you the number of special work projects I’ve done in the middle of a water cut over the years.
Yeah, I am not stressing it too much. It will be all go that week with the set up but that is just more activity to burn fat. My only concern is sometimes those days go pretty long depending on the attorney group so getting in training on those days could be challenging. At least Lafayette is a decent size town so finding a gym should not be an issue. Otherwise as mentioned, I think it will be a good distraction.

This trip today was supposed to be a quick one but the attorney told me the deposition is likely to last half the day, and possibly into the evening. So I will definitely be getting more OT which is great, I need it to pay for everything. :) Just hope it doesn't go too long because I do still need to train today. Originally I thought I would be pulling in at home around 3, eating then going to the gym shortly after. Now I have no clue when I might be getting home but at least the attorney said her original flight is scheduled for 2:00 So I imagine they hope to be done around noon. About to check and see if they have a microwave here to heat up some food, if not then make a shake. It's cool to get paid for driving since I enjoy it, makes the last part of my day go by easy, listening to my music loud and just chilling in the car.

Tonight is shoulders, triceps and cardio but here we are at almost 2:00PM with not sign that they are almost done. So I am not sure how long this will go and if I will be home tonight in time to train. It is even possible that I will need to stay here if it is too late when they finish up. I don't think I want to be driving home from here at say 8:00-9:00PM or something. If I do I definitely will not be training today which will suck but coach told me not to trade sleep for training if I am that strapped to make a choice. So that is what it is.

I have also figured out part of what is triggering my back issues to flair up. It is the constant sitting while driving up here. It got inflamed just after I got back from my Florida trip, then after my last Dallas trip, and it started to feel rough after the drive up yesterday and is a little inflamed now. So hoping I can get a couple of weeks of no traveling.


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Yeah, I am not stressing it too much. It will be all go that week with the set up but that is just more activity to burn fat. My only concern is sometimes those days go pretty long depending on the attorney group so getting in training on those days could be challenging. At least Lafayette is a decent size town so finding a gym should not be an issue. Otherwise as mentioned, I think it will be a good distraction.
I gotchu! Big Poppa’s in Lafayette - the Bugez said it was one of the best old school bodybuilding gyms he’s ever been to!

Watch that video whenever you have time; this is one of those kid in a candyshop gyms for a true meathead.


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Nice, that gym looks fire. I didn't make it to the gym yesterday. My lower back was in pain from all the driving, then the constant up and down of building out the IT setup for the deposition and then right back into a car. I was eating ibuprofen to manage things so I wasn't in bad shape this morning. It worked somewhat, I am not aching as bad as yesterday, but I am tight and my neck and trap are tight from sitting off of one side to keep the dull pain out of my back on the drive.

Today will be a make up session for Shoulders and Triceps, then I will get into Hams and Back tomorrow pushing Arms until Sunday. Hopefully recovery will be good enough to be right back on track with chest and biceps on Monday.


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@Hyde, thanks for the gym recommendation! I will have to check this place out if convenient to where I will be.


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Nice, that gym looks fire. I didn't make it to the gym yesterday. My lower back was in pain from all the driving, then the constant up and down of building out the IT setup for the deposition and then right back into a car. I was eating ibuprofen to manage things so I wasn't in bad shape this morning. It worked somewhat, I am not aching as bad as yesterday, but I am tight and my neck and trap are tight from sitting off of one side to keep the dull pain out of my back on the drive.

Today will be a make up session for Shoulders and Triceps, then I will get into Hams and Back tomorrow pushing Arms until Sunday. Hopefully recovery will be good enough to be right back on track with chest and biceps on Monday.
Yeah, a lot of driving kills my back and neck. Hopefully everything loosens up today.


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Yeah, a lot of driving kills my back and neck. Hopefully everything loosens up today.
Hitting the ibuprofen to try to bring it back down as soon as it started to wear off the ache in my neck came back. If that continues I will likely swap my arm workout for shoulders and triceps today then hit shoulders and triceps tomorrow or Sunday. Otherwise I know some of the shoulder stuff will hit my neck / trap area that is really tight and uncomfortable right now.


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Hitting the ibuprofen to try to bring it back down as soon as it started to wear off the ache in my neck came back. If that continues I will likely swap my arm workout for shoulders and triceps today then hit shoulders and triceps tomorrow or Sunday. Otherwise I know some of the shoulder stuff will hit my neck / trap area that is really tight and uncomfortable right now.
Really focus on opening things up in your shoulder girdle & tspine before you smash your shoulders too hard, if you are feeling locked up. Better to accomplish less total work of higher quality and not get hurt than suffer lousy ROM/contractions because you are bound up.


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Really focus on opening things up in your shoulder girdle & tspine before you smash your shoulders too hard, if you are feeling locked up. Better to accomplish less total work of higher quality and not get hurt than suffer lousy ROM/contractions because you are bound up.
Great point @Hyde, any recommendations of what you would do to open up in this situation? I trust your injury prevention / warm up / activation knowledge better than my own. I have a decent warm up that works well to warm up the area but not really much for loosening it up much outside of normal stretching stuff.


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Great point @Hyde, any recommendations of what you would do to open up in this situation? I trust your injury prevention / warm up / activation knowledge better than my own. I have a decent warm up that works well to warm up the area but not really much for loosening it up much outside of normal stretching stuff.
I have a handful of drills that I like, but the simplest thing to teach to an experienced lifter who understands how to feel their body/muscles well already like you is just to grab a band ideally or cable w/ rope attachment from an elevated/overhead choke point and go into an overhead tri extension grip.

Let the band/cable pull your hands & upper arms backwards as you try to wiggle your head forwards. You can kind of pulse a lat pullover here to aid warming/loosening the lat/tri tie-in. Then eventually start doing some overhead tri extensions (keep these light, 20 rep stuff to get the shoulder girdle and tris lubed).

I also like to reach my arm straight back like a super wide pec fly, letting it distract my arm from the socket and rotate my pec away from the band/lean into the pec stretch. Follow these up with some quick light band/cable one arm chest presses to further warm the front of the shoulders.

Also do some pull aparts or Facepulls, couple easy sets of 20 focusing on trying to access max ROM from the rear delt.

I like this stuff much more than using a PVC pipe because that feels more like forcing into positions initially while bands/cables gently pull you and you can increase tension by gradually adjusting body position/distance.


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I have a handful of drills that I like, but the simplest thing to teach to an experienced lifter who understands how to feel their body/muscles well already like you is just to grab a band ideally or cable w/ rope attachment from an elevated/overhead choke point and go into an overhead tri extension grip.

Let the band/cable pull your hands & upper arms backwards as you try to wiggle your head forwards. You can kind of pulse a lat pullover here to aid warming/loosening the lat/tri tie-in. Then eventually start doing some overhead tri extensions (keep these light, 20 rep stuff to get the shoulder girdle and tris lubed).

I also like to reach my arm straight back like a super wide pec fly, letting it distract my arm from the socket and rotate my pec away from the band/lean into the pec stretch. Follow these up with some quick light band/cable one arm chest presses to further warm the front of the shoulders.

Also do some pull aparts or Facepulls, couple easy sets of 20 focusing on trying to access max ROM from the rear delt.

I like this stuff much more than using a PVC pipe because that feels more like forcing into positions initially while bands/cables gently pull you and you can increase tension by gradually adjusting body position/distance.
Awesome thanks, I was thinking of the band work with the triceps overhead, and thought that would be a good one, so I was on the right track there. I will do this today and see how i feel after warming up. If still too tight to do without worry of increasing the issues, I will just replace the session with arms and do shoulders and triceps in a day or two.


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Awesome thanks, I was thinking of the band work with the triceps overhead, and thought that would be a good one, so I was on the right track there. I will do this today and see how i feel after warming up. If still too tight to do without worry of increasing the issues, I will just replace the session with arms and do shoulders and triceps in a day or two.
It’s important that your activity level stays high for the diet, and that you are stimulating your muscles to keep them around as well as maintain optimal connection to them for better posing, but the truth is the training is the least important part right now in your prep. Stay active, follow the diet & cardio, take your drugs, get sleep, and pose. All of those are more important than your lifting at this point.


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I agree 100%! I am so unlikely to build anything right now even if I wasn't hurt. Calories are now below 2000 and I am burning an average of 600-700 calories daily via cardio according to the elliptical. Coach actually said I could switch over to a 4 day lifting week but just add more volume to those days if recovery got too low. I think I may ask him to give me a sample of how he would want me to split that up. I think if I can just get this neck and lower back issue to get a little better I would be fine continuing with the 5 days but if I can't get tings to cool back down it will be rough. I am going to let my boss know I would really prefer not to be sent again for at least 2 weeks. Plus I know I have to go to Denver for 5 days at the end of July to move everyone back out of the temp space into the newly redecorated and rebuilt floor we have for them. So I know that will be nice and taxing but at least I won't be stuck in a car for 10-12 hours over a 24-36 hour period. I also know now that if I have to drive like that again I need to take ibuprofen proactively about an hour before the trip to keep inflammation from ever creeping up high enough to really be an issue. Like you said I am not likely to gain muscle right now so not too worried about blunting some of the inflammation from training compared to not being able to train, or more importantly get my cardio in as needed.


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Here are some shots from this mornings check in. Happy with how I look up about 1 lb to 199.4, it keeps bouncing around but ends up lower every week. I have decided at least for a week to slow down the pics, contemplating waiting and putting up a reveal / comparison once I match my previous low of 194.5. Of course the big difference there would be that in those pics I was full at close to 300g of carbs a day, and now I am just over half of that. So anything we see to compare will look vastly different once full of carbs again. :) I can definitely see my legs are improving in condition, I can see some striations and feathering coming into the vastus medialis and vastus lateralis. Definitely some posing improvement for not being able see myself posing. Going to do a 20 minute session today in the posing room will video it and maybe pop up some stills if I get some great shots. Then we can wait a week or two and have something bigger to reveal for comparison on improvement in condition and posing.





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How are your glutes coming in? Are they going to hold on longer than anything else you think? General shape is definitely looking leaned out.


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How are your glutes coming in? Are they going to hold on longer than anything else you think? General shape is definitely looking leaned out.
Upper glutes have some striations going down a little below the midpoint of the outer glute when flexed, bending over at the waist, or standing back up, lower glutes / ham tie ins have just a bit of fat that needs to come off, and the skin needs to tighten up a little. I think they will be fine for sure for nationals, and pretty decent for the first show in 6 weeks. I am definitely softer than I want to be this close to that first show but we can make a lot of headway in 6 weeks and still bring in a pretty damn impressive package. We are at the point where 1 lb lost makes a noticeable difference and 5lbs is a huge difference. If we choose to move on to compete next year I will make sure we stop the bulk a little earlier, or throw a minicut in to make sure things stay nice and tight nowhere over 15%, I feel like we could have probably started maintaining somewhere around 215, and just leaned up while building a little more muscle from there. Either way if I get pro in Classic then that will be what I compete in. I don't know that I want to push another cycle big enough to push the size to compete in Bodybuilding. I could see me competing in classic with low to moderate doses of test and masteron, at least up until prep anyway. I expect I will be at the top of the Classic weight class or pretty close to it at stage weight this year.


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Dude, your quads are looking great! Lots of musculature visible on all those front poses.
Thanks man, they have really started showing some separation while holding on to some good size.

Just finished up a Chest and Biceps workout, I will post it up later, but it was a good session. I had to push the pace so I got everything done in one hour. I did a couple sets of cable chest press I did not document because they just weren't working for me today in that gym. The cables are too close together on this functional trainer to get a good angle, and if I tried to do them seated the seat would slide back a little every time I would start to press out of the bottom. It all felt wrong and like I could injure myself so I just beat my own ass on the DB flies. Great session overall, and so far everyone who has seen me with a pump has been surprised how different my body looks with a pump. Just imagine if I had carbs in me.

We added 30mg of Tren Ace EOD starting today, as well as 200mg of P-5-P a day. Not exactly sure what to expect from 105mg of tren a week but it should be enough to turn down the muscle catabolism, and just a little more fat burning. Plus 105mg of extra anabolic activity to assist with what is going on.

Weight has been stuck at 199.2-199.4 for a few days. I could really use a whoosh right about now to show me we are still on target for hitting 187 by the show. Then will have to decide if it doesn't look like we will make it whether or not to push it until the 24rth, or only compete in the Bodybuilding class. Honestly I would assume worst case we go keto for a week leading up to the show and then just refeed me with some 5 Guys and see what I can fill back up with. Who knows, but I am sure things are going to get a lot more interesting around here. I do feel like I am still tightening up, and do think even though the Proviron does not have much anabolic effect that it is helping me store more carbs in the muscle. When I added it the drops slowed down a bit.

I will be heading to the gym later for cardio and will toss another posing session in before hand. Should also help deplete the muscles a bit before hitting the cardio.


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If you have to go keto and pull the salt, you will strip 10lbs of water just like that. Don’t sweat; as long as you are tough enough to walk the path the weight cut is already in the bag.

All of the challenge lies in your coach getting you filled but not spilled after that, which is exactly what you pay him for - his past experience landing people for contest.

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