Segansational's Motivation Log



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Well, it's been a rough week of no workouts. I contemplated coming back on Monday, but thought the best of it. So it'll be a full week out of the gym when I step back in tomorrow. Pain has been mostly gone. More about getting tired when in one position (sitting or standing) too long. Still feel like I need to stretch things out a bit, so tomorrow's session will be a lot of rehab motions: McGill exercises, stretching, foam rolling, probably going to incorporate some resistance band twisting motions to start to protect the core that way too.

Everything weighted tomorrow will be back supported. Probably going to do a light pump session after all the above. Again, trying to stay positive mentally.

Got all of my memorial day orders in so will post that up for fun.


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Well, it's been a rough week of no workouts. I contemplated coming back on Monday, but thought the best of it. So it'll be a full week out of the gym when I step back in tomorrow. Pain has been mostly gone. More about getting tired when in one position (sitting or standing) too long. Still feel like I need to stretch things out a bit, so tomorrow's session will be a lot of rehab motions: McGill exercises, stretching, foam rolling, probably going to incorporate some resistance band twisting motions to start to protect the core that way too.

Everything weighted tomorrow will be back supported. Probably going to do a light pump session after all the above. Again, trying to stay positive mentally.

Got all of my memorial day orders in so will post that up for fun.
Sounds like a good plan of attack. Also if you can while at work definitely do some stretching. I do a lot of the standing stiff leg bend over touch toes etc. I keep working on that every day when I first started I could barely touch. Now I can touch the ground. Also if you spend a lot of time at the desk definitely try to watch your posture and shoulder slouching!


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First workout back in a week. Back where I belong!

Stretching/warm ups:

Stretches focused on lower body
Foam rolling
Curl Ups
Cat Backs
Bird Dogs
Resistance band twists

Couldn't really target the right part of my back with the foam rolling. Just felt very tight and wound up again. I think @@akboom87 is probably right with the focus on stretching more. Cat backs were the most difficult, particularly the rounded back part. Had a little more trouble twisting to the left than the right.

Took about 32 mins to do the above.

On another random note, my FIL is giving me a punching bag he no longer wants. So I'll have access to that as another cardio style workout instead of having to always do stationary bike. Just need to find a place to hang it!

Neutral Grip Pull Ups x6,5,
Seated Machine Chest Press:
5 plates x 10
7 plates x 10
9 plates x 10
Dips 3x10

54:19, 111 cals.

Pre: 2 scoops Kraken, 4 caps Pepti-Plex
Intra: Usual concoction. Noticed I use NutraBio Super Carb, so guess I'm dosing osta. Ridiculous.

Quick Edit:
Weigh in, 178.2#
16.9% BF
Been almost 4 years since this large. And that was pandemic/baby weight. Time to turn it around!
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Now I can touch the ground.
I like to do this with an empty barbell before every squat or deadlift session. I'll let it hang with straight legs and have the weight of the empty bb bring me down lower and lower until I'm easily touching the ground and can roll it a bit

Couldn't really target the right part of my back with the foam rolling.
would a lacrosse ball help?
My wife has been getting massages lately to get a knot out of her back by her shoulder blades. it gets bad enough that I can even feel it and I'm an idiot about that kinda thing. but it causes her vertigo and when the knot is worked out she's vertigo free for weeks. maybe pro massage would help you?

Quick Edit:
Weigh in, 178.2#
16.9% BF
Been almost 4 years since this large. And that was pandemic/baby weight. Time to turn it around!
I'm the same way man. 17% is always sorta that breaking point where I like to turn the ship around to at least 14 again.


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I like to do this with an empty barbell before every squat or deadlift session. I'll let it hang with straight legs and have the weight of the empty bb bring me down lower and lower until I'm easily touching the ground and can roll it a bit

would a lacrosse ball help?
My wife has been getting massages lately to get a knot out of her back by her shoulder blades. it gets bad enough that I can even feel it and I'm an idiot about that kinda thing. but it causes her vertigo and when the knot is worked out she's vertigo free for weeks. maybe pro massage would help you?

I'm the same way man. 17% is always sorta that breaking point where I like to turn the ship around to at least 14 again.
Yeah, now that you mention it, pretty sure you've talked about the lacrosse ball before in here. Placing an order now. Sometimes it just takes me a few times hearing the same thing for it to register.

I do have another massager that can get at spots on my back that i sometimes use though.
Glad to see you getting to enjoy the gym some today
Yes! Such a difference maker to be able to get back in and just do something, even if it was mostly rehab movements and fluff.

Back at it again today!

Rehab/warm up movements:

Stretching/foam rolling
Cat backs
Bird Dogs

Neutral grip push ups, 3x10
Machine Curls, 3 plates x 3 x 10 - kept these light as my back rounds a bit during these.
Triceps pressdowns, resistance bands 3x12
TRX rows 3x10 - Kept these really slow and controlled. Because it was unsupported and at the end of my WO, felt a little twinge in my lowback if I didn't really keep things tightened.

Basically an hour long workout.

Pre: 1 scoop Ryse Sunny-D, 4 caps Pepti-Plex.
Intra: Same as usual.

Looking to start up a big natty libido @sns8778 / CEL stack coming up here:

PCT Assist
Maybe a little XPG Alpha Gel too...

And pretty soon will also start up some Incinderene +/- TTA (haven't decided) part of summer prep.
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Yeah, now that you mention it, pretty sure you've talked about the lacrosse ball before in here. Placing an order now. Sometimes it just takes me a few times hearing the same thing for it to register.

I do have another massager that can get at spots on my back that i sometimes use though.Yes! Such a difference maker to be able to get back in and just do something, even if it was mostly rehab movements and fluff.

Back at it again today!

Rehab/warm up movements:
Stretching/foam rolling
Cat backs
Bird Dogs

Neutral grip push ups, 3x10
Machine Curls, 3 plates x 3 x 10 - kept these light as my back rounds a bit during these.
Triceps pressdowns, resistance bands 3x12
TRX rows 3x10 - Kept these really slow and controlled. Because it was unsupported and at the end of my WO, felt a little twinge in my lowback if I didn't really keep things tightened.

Basically an hour long workout.

Pre: 1 scoop Ryse Sunny-D, 4 caps Pepti-Plex.
Intra: Same as usual.

Looking to start up a big natty libido @sns8778 / CEL stack coming up here:

PCT Assist
Maybe a little XPG Alpha Gel too...

And pretty soon will also start up some Incinderene +/- TTA (haven't decided) part of summer prep.
On the libido part, that's an excellent stack. Pine Pollen would be a nice add in too. We have a special on it and Tribulus-750 where the Tribulus basically comes out to be free with it.



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I sense your motivation building again!
Yes! Back with a vengeance. Did 20 mins of steady state cardio on the bike this AM!
On the libido part, that's an excellent stack. Pine Pollen would be a nice add in too. We have a special on it and Tribulus-750 where the Tribulus basically comes out to be free with it.

Good reminder on Pine Pollen. I have some on hand, but have been hesitant to use since I have seasonal allergies. But maybe I'll test it ramping up.
I was so glad to find out that you have pine pollen. It's one thing I really really liked years ago but got off of cause I didn't trust the sources. Yours I trust 100%.
What'd you experience from use?


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Yes! Back with a vengeance. Did 20 mins of steady state cardio on the bike this AM!
bookmark this experience in your brain and remember it the next time you feel beat up by injuries or are lacking motivation! it does come back ;) sometimes that little step away for a couple days lets you build the fire back up. glad to see you hitting it hard again!

What'd you experience from use?
I had run goat weed, tribulus, maca, and pine pollen quite a bit circa 2016.
libido through the roof and massive ragers that were setting a different kind of PR.
the tribulus at one point I had finally thought to be a potential contributor to panic attacks. I did a ton of research on it and found vague confirmation. lately I've brought the tribulus back in, but cautiously for that reason.

the pine pollen I was using was a powdered version off amazon. I went through a couple orders of it. It was very messy, so that was a bitch. but I feel like it was honestly great for skin, my crows feet softened, libido through the roof. I discontinued use because too many concerns were popping up over it being very poorly sourced and possibly contaminated.

I didn't realize until recently that Steve also carries pine pollen so I have his and am taking it happily because I trust his sourcing. He advertises T optimization, performance, libido, anti aging, energy, and muscle growth /recovery.

it's too hard for me to comment on the muscular aspects considering my normal stacks, but I do think it has very positive anti aging properties such as skin health and sexual function/libido.


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Yeah, now that you mention it, pretty sure you've talked about the lacrosse ball before in here. Placing an order now. Sometimes it just takes me a few times hearing the same thing for it to register.

I do have another massager that can get at spots on my back that i sometimes use though.Yes! Such a difference maker to be able to get back in and just do something, even if it was mostly rehab movements and fluff.

Back at it again today!

Rehab/warm up movements:
Stretching/foam rolling
Cat backs
Bird Dogs

Neutral grip push ups, 3x10
Machine Curls, 3 plates x 3 x 10 - kept these light as my back rounds a bit during these.
Triceps pressdowns, resistance bands 3x12
TRX rows 3x10 - Kept these really slow and controlled. Because it was unsupported and at the end of my WO, felt a little twinge in my lowback if I didn't really keep things tightened.

Basically an hour long workout.

Pre: 1 scoop Ryse Sunny-D, 4 caps Pepti-Plex.
Intra: Same as usual.

Looking to start up a big natty libido @sns8778 / CEL stack coming up here:

PCT Assist
Maybe a little XPG Alpha Gel too...

And pretty soon will also start up some Incinderene +/- TTA (haven't decided) part of summer prep.
Way to get back after it!


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Took the weekend off. Bunch of random notes below:

Started the natty stack as of Friday. Traveling for work this week though, so may limit supps down to only the most essential for simplification.

Low back stiffness is still there, mostly in the mornings upon waking. But the lacrosse ball massaging is a good addition!

Something absolutely destroyed my stomach yesterday. Unsure if it's something new I've added, or just the total amount of ingredients, something I ate, possible stomach bug, etc. Occurred to me that I had finished up my Gaspari Proven Gut Health recently. Will be adding NOW Super Enzymes starting today. Doesn't have the probiotic component, but we'll see if that helps.

Also noting I woke up with a slight headache.


Warm ups/rehab work:
Stretching/foam rolling & lacrosse ball
Cat Backs
Bird Dogs
Curl Ups
Resistance band twists 2x10 per side
Resistance band rotator cuff ex, 2.5x12,12

28:30 mins to warm up appropriately.

Bench Press.
Decided to test how my low back would feel knowing there'd be a bit or a back arch component here.
95x10 - even this felt like I was "working" my body more than typical.

Kept it here this morning. Chest actually felt more "activated" than normal at this weight. Felt it in my lower back on the last set - so either form broke down, or I was arching more.

Lat Pulldowns:
4 plates x 10
5 plates x 10
6 plates x 10

Kept total weights nice and light here.

Foam rolling/lacrosse ball to finish.

56:57, 148 cals.

Pre: 1 scoop Total War Rocket Bomb.
Intra: Same as usual. This will be the end of R1 Lytes though, so will move to Ryse Hydration stick packs - also blue raspberry. Also, just noting that I plan to continue with 10g of glutamine throughout given my gut issues above.


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Started the natty stack as of Friday. Traveling for work this week though, so may limit supps down to only the most essential for simplification.
I'm finally getting better about maintaining training through travel. that last vegas trip I took was the first time I truly packed a normal collection of legit gym gear like knee sleeves, wrist wraps, normal supps etc. it was an awesome experience for me but I had a crazy amount of down time too. If you're expecting to be pretty busy that can just add one more thing to an already hectic schedule...


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I'm finally getting better about maintaining training through travel. that last vegas trip I took was the first time I truly packed a normal collection of legit gym gear like knee sleeves, wrist wraps, normal supps etc. it was an awesome experience for me but I had a crazy amount of down time too. If you're expecting to be pretty busy that can just add one more thing to an already hectic schedule...
Yeah, will be super busy. Tomorrow is questionable. Fly out east coast time early morning, land around 11 local time and head right into all day conference until almost 7 PM local time. So, maybe a late evening workout post dinner - assuming the hotel gym should be pretty good. Back at it early next AM all day, back home early Thurs. Whirlwind trip!

But I'm motivated, so let's see what I can get accomplished!


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good luck buddy! if you don't get a session in, then enjoy the rest and make the most of that down time!
It really helped me to get into the right vibe packing legit gym clothes and earbuds for my last trip. just made life at the hotel gym feel so 'normal'.


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good luck buddy! if you don't get a session in, then enjoy the rest and make the most of that down time!
It really helped me to get into the right vibe packing legit gym clothes and earbuds for my last trip. just made life at the hotel gym feel so 'normal'.
Well, didn't make it to the gym yesterday. Was a long one and honestly just needed a drink after. Kept it minimal though and rotated in some NA brew. Trying my best not to go overboard. But man, BrewDog has a nice rooftop bar with a view of the strip! Was like 107 out, but with the fan misters it was actually comfortable out. Got a burger and fries. Most "normal" meal I could find around here. Didn't want the high priced froo froo meals in here.

Woke up early this AM as predicted, so in the hotel gym. No lie, it looks like Royal Rumble in here. Like Jan 1st ish! Too small for the number of guests. Every cardio machine taken by the time I got in, and no place to properly stretch.

10 mins, 2.75 mile bike warm up, just to get my body moving.

Legs & Shoulders Workout
Seated Leg Ext

Seated Leg Curl
50x10 - these were tough, didn't like the angle of the Leg pad (static) so I felt like I couldn't forcefully contract fully.

Seated Leg Press Machine

Low back ext, 3 sets

EZ bar upright rows

Single arm cable laterals
5x3x10 per side

Seated DB Shoulder Press

45:47, 194 cals

Pre: 1 packet CP Fuel, 1 packet Hype Reloaded.
Intra: 1 packet Ryse Hydration.
Post: Fairlife Core Power


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lol at the Royal Rumble; that is hard not to just turn around on the spot & go back to the room! Good on you for forging ahead.
Yeah, it would be hard not to do just that.


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BrewDog has a nice rooftop bar
ah yeah I remember seeing that but didn't stop in, it's very close to the Hilton where I stayed, and the topgolf ;)

BTW Nacho daddy is right around the corner from you there too depending on where you're staying and next door to that is a subway where I grabbed probably half my meals to take back to the hotel room when I was down there working last month



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lol at the Royal Rumble; that is hard not to just turn around on the spot & go back to the room! Good on you for forging ahead.
Seriously, barely any room to stand.

Yeah, it would be hard not to do just that.
Good thing I stayed, pretty much the only workout I got.

ah yeah I remember seeing that but didn't stop in, it's very close to the Hilton where I stayed, and the topgolf ;)

BTW Nacho daddy is right around the corner from you there too depending on where you're staying and next door to that is a subway where I grabbed probably half my meals to take back to the hotel room when I was down there working last month
Was up by the Wynn, so BrewDog was a drive. Made due with what was around. It was a good trip for sure, although on the flight back our plane took off and we had to land back on Vegas. Whole ordeal, but long story short - after rebooting flights, landing in another city, etc. I got home around 10 PM when originally I was supposed to land at 4:15.

Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there! Definitely sometimes feels like we're an after thought. But I take comfort in the fact that I'm providing for and making memories for my kids. That's the only real validation I need.

On the workout front, tomorrow starts a 4 week mini cut. Aiming for about 6# realistically. Any more than that will be a bonus. Will be going back to calorie tracking, dropping some cals from my morning shake, and trying to avoid the alcohol & sweets. Plus adding in some LISS cardio on off days.

Will be running a stack of:
BLR Incinderine (99% extract of paradoxine, 50 mg)
SNS TTA-500 (225 mg per cap, will dose at 3 per day)
Bucked Up LFG Burn (caffeine [300 mg] BAIBA [250 mg] + paradoxine [10 mg], in a pre-WO)
May throw in some yohimbine as well at some point.


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Stretching/warm ups:
Foam rolling / lacrosse ball
Cat backs - Today felt back to normal, back didn't feel it while doing these.
Bird Dogs x10,5,3
Resistance band twists, 2x10 per side
Rotator cuff ex, 2x12,12

Upper Body WO

Bench Press:
Still feel a little soreness on bench due to the slight arch. But all in all, things are good.

Close Grip Cable Rows:
4 plates x 12
5 plates x 10
5 plates x 10

Kept light today as this is an unbraced movement.

Machine flys:
3 plates x 3 x 10

Lat Pulldowns:
5 plates x 10
6 plates x 10
7 plates x 10

Stretching/foam rolling to cool down.

Can't trust my fitbit lately. Every time I workout it seems to pause without me realizing. Today's WO was another good "get back into it" session. Still a little gun shy on some of the weights, but all in all if I can keep up my focus, dedication, and intensity, should be able to get back on track...

54:28, 154 cals.

Pre: 1 scoop LFG Burn, 2 caps Incinderine, 1 cap TTA-500.
Will be stopping Pepti-Plex this month to give it a break, since I've been on for probably 4-5 months straight.
I have the Aussie Fruit flavor of LFG Burn and this stuff is pretty tasty. Very tropical.

Intra: 1 scoop Grunt, 1 scoop Naturalyte, 1/2 scoop Super Carb, 2 scoop Creatine HCl.
Decided to use my tub of MTS Naturalyte instead of my Ryse stick packs. The peach mango goes with the other flavored powder at the moment, plus allows me to save my stick packs for traveling.

I've heard that Incinderene can cause some to go hypo on an empty stomach, so I plan to keep the intra-WO carbs in place for now.
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Was up by the Wynn, so BrewDog was a drive.
oh yeah that is a ways the other direction, lol.
side note, we got into the Wynn once at a crazy low price and I gotta admit it's AWESOME, I really really liked it. but that last trip I went on the Wynn was like $6k whereas that Hilton I stayed at was only like $2k for 2 people with flight.... so yeah. lol

On the workout front, tomorrow starts a 4 week mini cut.


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I've heard that Incinderene can cause some to go hypo on an empty stomach, so I plan to keep the intra-WO carbs in place for now.
You could just go buy yourself some glucose tabs to get quick bump in blood sugar if you start noticing it as well.


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You could just go buy yourself some glucose tabs to get quick bump in blood sugar if you start noticing it as well.
So far, no issues. But good call.


Foam rolling
Cat Backs
Lacrosse ball work
Bird Dogs x10,5,3

Didn't record this time on my fitbit

DB laterals x Resistance band facepulls

DB front raises x Upright EZ bar rows

TRX squats x TRX alt lunges, 3x10 for each - quads felt fried.
TRX calf raises, x12,15,15

Lacrosse ball / foam rolling to finish.

45:36, 185 cals

Plan was to do cardio yesterday, but my son was up at 6. So, a little rocky start to my mini cut, but stayed on track with food yesterday at least. Forgot to start fitbit while warming up this AM. Kept legs light and unloaded. Low back wasn't feeling great after the shoulder sets, plus just felt tight this AM. Good news was my left knee didn't give me any trouble during the workout today.

Pre: 1 scoop LFG Burn, 2 caps Incinderine
Intra: 1 scoop Grunt, 1 scoop Naturalyte, 1/2 scoop Super Carb, 2 scoops Creatine HCl


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You know if you don't want to lose ground on your cut, you can simply drop the calories you typically burn from cardio off of the daily calorie intake and still be right on target with your cut. Don't make a habit of it but it is definitely a feasible strategy for the occasional inability to do cardio due to a scheduling issue.


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You know if you don't want to lose ground on your cut, you can simply drop the calories you typically burn from cardio off of the daily calorie intake and still be right on target with your cut. Don't make a habit of it but it is definitely a feasible strategy for the occasional inability to do cardio due to a scheduling issue.
It's a good point for me to remember. Conversely, I should also remember on WO days, I may be able to increase cals a little bit to support my efforts - as long as my weekly average is met. Yesterday was a good example of a weight workout, plus went for a walk to get in some extra steps: So although my cal count was over where I wanted to be, it probably netted out OK.

This morning's WO was AM cardio, 28 mins on the bike, 154 cals give or take. Legs were feeling it initially, but got into a groove. Followed it up with a little bit of ab work - hate this, my low back didn't love it - so kept it very short (swiss ball crunches, some planks).



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It should be fine to remove some just remember it won’t be a 1:1 of removing based on what you’re done. Calorie burned equations are not great and expected changes in weight loss based on activity level don’t usually follow predictions for a variety of reasons.


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Way to get it done. I
It should be fine to remove some just remember it won’t be a 1:1 of removing based on what you’re done. Calorie burned equations are not great and expected changes in weight loss based on activity level don’t usually follow predictions for a variety of reasons.
Facts, it is just more about being a little closer to the target deficit not matching exactly what was burned. No way of knowing that info. Standardized formulas are used on most cardio equipment to estimate caloric burn, but also don't take into consideration of any fat or calories burned later in the day while the metabolism is still somewhat sped up from the exercise. I know right now I burn 650-700 calories on the elliptical in 45 minutes, so if I miss a session, it is basically one of my meals gone. However, I just don't miss it too often any more because missing a meal at this caloric level can be miserable.


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This morning's WO was AM cardio, 28 mins on the bike, 154 cals give or take. Legs were feeling it initially, but got into a groove. Followed it up with a little bit of ab work - hate this, my low back didn't love it - so kept it very short (swiss ball crunches, some planks).

Forget the Swiss ball crunches and do Stir the Pot instead - much better for the low back.


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It's a good point for me to remember. Conversely, I should also remember on WO days, I may be able to increase cals a little bit to support my efforts - as long as my weekly average is met. Yesterday was a good example of a weight workout, plus went for a walk to get in some extra steps: So although my cal count was over where I wanted to be, it probably netted out OK.

This morning's WO was AM cardio, 28 mins on the bike, 154 cals give or take. Legs were feeling it initially, but got into a groove. Followed it up with a little bit of ab work - hate this, my low back didn't love it - so kept it very short (swiss ball crunches, some planks).

The bike will get my legs like crazy! Good luck on the cut! How long you plan on running it?


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It should be fine to remove some just remember it won’t be a 1:1 of removing based on what you’re done. Calorie burned equations are not great and expected changes in weight loss based on activity level don’t usually follow predictions for a variety of reasons.
Fair point, goal anyways is to just do my cardio.
Forget the Swiss ball crunches and do Stir the Pot instead - much better for the low back.
Forgot about those! Thanks for the reminder.
The bike will get my legs like crazy! Good luck on the cut! How long you plan on running it?
Short duration, just 4 weeks. Just enough to not look too sloppy for a week at the lake.

BTW, I wasn't tracking during the bulk. But based on my last meal logged way back when, I was at about 2600 cals and have dropped down to roughly 1800 on average so far this week.


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Foam rolling / lacrosse ball
Cat backs
Bird Dogs x10,5,3
Resistance band twists 2x10,10
Rotator cuff ex, resistance bands 2x12,12

~18 mins

Low incline Bench:

Neutral grip pull ups x 7,6,5

Machine flys:
3 plates x 3 x 12 - increased reps this session.

Standing machine rows:
3 plates x 10
4 plates x 10,10

Decided to try a semi-braced variation today, using the chest handles to pull straight back while standing against the curl pad. Just looking for new ways to target my back without putting strain on lower back at the moment.

Foam rolling to finish.

1 hr 3 mins, 224 cals.

Pre: 1 scoop LFG Burn, 2 caps Incinderine
Intra: Same as prior.
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Quick update:

Took my OFF day yesterday, but was with kids all day at the pool. So realistically for me that's a workout! Active rest maybe?

As mentioned, cals have been coming in weekly average (minus today) at 1790, but my carb ratio is way too high IMO. That said, I've been weighing myself a out every other day and experienced a significant drop in weight off the bat. Assume a lot is bloat, water weight, and some glycogen retention in this first week - but was surprised at how fast it stripped away.* RP / Dr. Mike say to not really count until week 2 for your weight loss trajectory though, so we'll see what happens next week.

30:06, 219 cals on the bike this AM.
My HR was way up today though for some reason. Not sure why as it hasn't done this all week while on LFG Burn + Incinderine. Which btw, up until now was going to say there are no real stim effects, probably because the caffeine in LFG Burn is microencapsulated so should have a slower / longer ramp time until peak concentration.

*For context, almost all of the drop came in the first 3 days.
Starting weight: 177.6#
Current Weight: 172.8# (-4.8#)
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Quick update:

Took my OFF day yesterday, but was with kids all day at the pool. So realistically for me that's a workout! Active rest maybe?

As mentioned, cals have been coming in weekly average (minus today) at 1790, but my carb ratio is way too high IMO. That said, I've been weighing myself a out every other day and experienced a significant drop in weight off the bat. Assume a lot is bloat, water weight, and some glycogen retention in this first week - but was surprised at how fast it stripped away.* RP / Dr. Mike say to not really count until week 2 for your weight loss trajectory though, so we'll see what happens next week.

30:06, 219 cals on the bike this AM.My HR was way up today though for some reason. Not sure why as it hasn't done this all week while on LFG Burn + Incinderine. Which btw, up until now was going to say there are no real stim effects, probably because the caffeine in LFG Burn is microencapsulated so should have a slower / longer ramp time until peak concentration.

*For context, almost all of the drop came in the first 3 days.
Starting weight: 177.6#
Current Weight: 172.8# (-4.8#)
What is your carb ratio? I mean if protein is met, and minimum fats are met then the rest coming from carbs is a solid decision unless you have blood sugar woes you are worried about. Leaves a little more in the tank for good training.


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What is your carb ratio? I mean if protein is met, and minimum fats are met then the rest coming from carbs is a solid decision unless you have blood sugar woes you are worried about. Leaves a little more in the tank for good training.
Well, for this past week it was 45%, conversely my protein was low and fat high. So I need to rebalance a bit.

Had a refeed/cheat meal last night for dinner, pulled pork with long hots and fries, plus 2 beers. Wasn't really "planned", but interested to see how that affects weight / performance this week.

Got my heavy bag hung yesterday - will post up a pic soon - so looking forward to throwing down a bit!

Flying solo with the kiddos this week while my wife is traveling for work. Man does it make me appreciate what she does when she's gone! She really does manage our household between kid lunches, groceries, etc. Know I have to step it up here...

Late start this morning, so it looked like this:

Warm ups:
Lacrosse ball / foam rolling / stretching
Curl Ups x10,5,3
Bird Dogs x10,5,3
Cat Backs
Resistance band twists, 2x10 per side

~16 mins, fitbit stopped recording again. Think it's time to upgrade to Whoop or Apple Watch...

Nice and light to work on lower back / core strength. Will keep these in rotation, and likely first to ensure I don't overdue anything.

BB Squats:
135x10 - felt more winded than I should've this AM.
138x10 - threw on 3# of microweights just to make myself feel better!
Really surprised at how my cardio endurance seemingly was down during these, presumably due to lack of practice and pre-fatigue with the RDLs.

TRX calf raises 2x12

34 mins, 113 cals.

Pre: 1 scoop LFG Burn, 2 caps Incinderine. No HR issues this AM.
Intra: Same as prior, although today was my last scoop of Super Carb. Onto Versa Carb next!
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Morning cardio session:

27:40 on the stationary bike, followed by one 5 min round on the heavy bag.

That had me going pretty good since I tried to also keep my feet moving continuously. I have zero boxing training, but even just simple jab combos plus a few body shots thrown in for good measure seems to be pretty effective!

Goal is to work up to probably 3x5 mins rounds to replace the bike on some days for cardio.


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Been a tough couple of days in personal life. Nothing I really should complain about in the grand scheme of things, life is still good. But between solo parenting the front half of this week and the stress that comes with that, plus workload being high, and not getting the promotion I was up for - all and all my mental state is down. Ceel like throwing my hands up in the air. It all creeps into other aspects of my life - like my fitness goals. Feeling like deep sixing my cut, and have made some less than stellar choices with diet. This is just being real. Vacation coming up next week and coming at both a terrible and a great time!

Now that I've gotten that out, going to try to sack up again and get back to it. Pity party is over.

Foam rolling / lacrosse ball
Cat backs
Rotator cuff ex, 2x12,12

Machine Chest Press:
4 plates x 10
7 plates x 3x10

Bench Press:

Lat pulldowns:
7 plates x 3x10

54:06, 155 cals.

Pre: 1 scoop LFG Burn, 2 caps Incinderine
Intra: Same as previous.

General note:
Lower back left side was a little uncomfortable this morning.
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Sounds to me like the opposite is in order. There is one thing in your life you have control over. How you approach your personal physique goals. If anything being flustered with something out of your control like not getting a promotion, you should definitely continue the cut, and make it the best cut you have done so you give yourself something positive to take control over in your life so that can feed into the rest of your life instead of letting the negative slip into your positives.

Edit: Grammar is apparently overrated, That is one of the longest run on sentences. LMAO.


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in the grand scheme of things, life is still good.
going to try to sack up again and get back to it. Pity party is over.
I like the cut of your jib. I have to constantly remind myself of Genesis:

In place of paradise lost, man was given a cursed ground of thorns and thistles that yields it produce reluctantly, and only to those who sweat for it (Gen. 3:17-19). In Ecclesiastes, “toil” refers to all work, all human endeavors in a post-fall world.

When dad and I started our business 22 years ago I think I thought it would be easier somehow than working for someone else. I'd be more selective with who I take on as customers/clients, and just set cruise control on easy street. after about a year or two I realized that it's a grind forever. I have to sometimes remind myself that even if I win the lotto, the grind will always be a requirement and even if I somehow did collect some windfall of $$$ I'm still going to have to work at something or become a fat sack who wastes away.

Hang in there homie- the grind makes us great!


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Been a tough couple of days in personal life. Nothing I really should complain about in the grand scheme of things, life is still good. But between solo parenting the front half of this week and the stress that comes with that, plus workload being high, and not getting the promotion I was up for - all and all my mental state is down. Ceel like throwing my hands up in the air. It all creeps into other aspects of my life - like my fitness goals. Feeling like deep sixing my cut, and have made some less than stellar choices with diet. This is just being real. Vacation coming up next week and coming at both a terrible and a great time!

Now that I've gotten that out, going to try to sack up again and get back to it. Pity party is over.
I'm so sorry to hear that.

I'm one that never likes to come off as complaining myself, and when going through tough and difficult times I hate even answering honestly when people ask me how I'm doing because I hate for it to come off like I'm complaining, so I relate to where you're coming from - stress, overwhelmed, and not okay, but feeling like you should just deal with it or at least try to.

It definitely can affect us in all aspects of our life - motivation, training, diet, etc. For me, especially diet as I'm a depression eater.

I just wanted to encourage you - do the best you can do and don't be too hard on yourself for the small mishaps during times like this. Some days when life seems too much, that snack or bad meal may suck for our diet, but may be better mentally if it helps us feel better in a moment at all.

Your dedication is tremendous and inspirational - and I just wanted to encourage you to remember that even when you're not doing perfect for your standards, you're still doing better than 99% of people are when comes to sticking with diet and training.


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Sounds to me like the opposite is in order. There is one thing in your life you have control over. How you approach your personal physique goals. If anything being flustered with something out of your control like not getting a promotion, you should definitely continue the cut, and make it the best cut you have done so you give yourself something positive to take control over in your life so that can feed into the rest of your life instead of letting the negative slip into your positives.

Edit: Grammar is apparently overrated, That is one of the longest run on sentences. LMAO.
I agree. Just saying what I felt like doing. I'm not going to though!

There's plenty of commas, you're fine
Watch out, the grammar police are coming for ya!

I agree with Kleen definitely stick to your goal of cutting. If not you will be disappointed in that aspect as well. Sorry to hear things have been a little rough man. Keep your head up and keep going !! You have been keeping at it, like you said life is good
Appreciate you, man. I know I've got it great. Just little bumps in the road on this journey of life!

I like the cut of your jib. I have to constantly remind myself of Genesis:

In place of paradise lost, man was given a cursed ground of thorns and thistles that yields it produce reluctantly, and only to those who sweat for it (Gen. 3:17-19). In Ecclesiastes, “toil” refers to all work, all human endeavors in a post-fall world.

When dad and I started our business 22 years ago I think I thought it would be easier somehow than working for someone else. I'd be more selective with who I take on as customers/clients, and just set cruise control on easy street. after about a year or two I realized that it's a grind forever. I have to sometimes remind myself that even if I win the lotto, the grind will always be a requirement and even if I somehow did collect some windfall of $$$ I'm still going to have to work at something or become a fat sack who wastes away.

Hang in there homie- the grind makes us great!
Well, I'm not a religious man, but I can dig that quote. There is something inherently satisfying that which you worked hardest for when achieved.

And kudos for you as a business owner. That's a big risk, but obviously also reward if you can do it right.

I'm not sure I could ever really take it "slow" at least not while still in my semi-prime maybe when we hit retirement...

I'm so sorry to hear that.

I'm one that never likes to come off as complaining myself, and when going through tough and difficult times I hate even answering honestly when people ask me how I'm doing because I hate for it to come off like I'm complaining, so I relate to where you're coming from - stress, overwhelmed, and not okay, but feeling like you should just deal with it or at least try to.

It definitely can affect us in all aspects of our life - motivation, training, diet, etc. For me, especially diet as I'm a depression eater.

I just wanted to encourage you - do the best you can do and don't be too hard on yourself for the small mishaps during times like this. Some days when life seems too much, that snack or bad meal may suck for our diet, but may be better mentally if it helps us feel better in a moment at all.

Your dedication is tremendous and inspirational - and I just wanted to encourage you to remember that even when you're not doing perfect for your standards, you're still doing better than 99% of people are when comes to sticking with diet and training.
I truly appreciate this. Honestly, as men we weren't really raised to "share" what's in our head. Sometimes though just voicing it clears the air, then I can keep on going.

Not sure I'm inspirational by any stretch of the imagination, particularly compared to some of the other dudes in here - but thank you just the same!

This morning's session:

27 mins on the bike, 122 cals, followed by another 5 mins round of heavy bag work. That last session really gets the sweat going! Also noticed that my lats definitely also get worked during throwing punches. Liking this combo!

Also, quick mid-week weight check in, down to 170.8#. Shedding pretty fast at the moment!
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There is something inherently satisfying that which you worked hardest for when achieved.
amen to that ! I hate bucking hay, but its hard miserable work that leaves you feeling accomplished and like you earned the right to the steak dinner you fed by bucking hay last season.

down to 170.8#. Shedding pretty fast at the moment!
holy **** 😅💪

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